• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보험수가

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A Service System Design to Support Medical Tourism in South Korea (한국 의료관광 서비스시스템 디자인)

  • Yoon, Hee Sung;Cho, Sung Woock;Sugumaran, Vijayan
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2013
  • Healthcare costs are continuously increasing due to longer life expectancy and providing global healthcare services through medical tourism is new service growth engine for Korea. Several countries have well established programs and infrastructure dedicated to medical tourism. South Korea is attempting to become a major player in this domain by undertaking broad initiatives. The success of medical tourism is greatly impacted by easy access to two types of information, namely, medical and travel information. The National Health Insurance System in Korea collects huge amount of clinical and financial information from all hospitals. However, this information does not get used effectively in health and travel information systems to support medical tourism. This paper provide clear process map of medical tourism to understand how the patient and information process both medical and tourism fields also describe the need of customer and service provider. In this paper, we develop a medical tourism service system that will promote information exchange and service delivery.

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Development of a Resource-based Relative Value Scale and Its Conversion Factor for Advanced Nursing Practices in the National Health Insurance (중환자 전문간호행위에 대한 건강보험 상대가치 및 환산지수 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Myung-Ae;Kim, Mi-Won;Kim, Kyung-Sook;Yoo, Cheong-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.302-312
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) and its conversion factor for advanced nursing practices carried out by critical care nurse practitioners (CCNP) in intensive care units. Methods: The methodology was developed by calculating CCNP's RBRVS for 32 advanced nursing services based on CCNP's workload and time spent in the context of national health insurance. A cost analysis was performed to estimate the conversion factor of CCNP's RBRVS. The share of CCNP's contribution to fee-for-service in intensive care units was also analyzed. Results: Calculation of the RBRVS of 32 advanced nursing practices showed a range of points from 100.0 to 1,181.4 and an average of 296.1 points. The relevant conversion factor for advanced nursing practices in CCNP were estimated at 37.3-48.4 won. The contribution rate of CCNP's advanced nursing practices in the relative value scale of the national health insurance was estimated at 0.1-31.3%. Conclusion: Measuring the economic value of advanced nursing services will be a basis for esta-blishing a reimbursement system for CCNP's practices and thus encourage a social demand for advanced nurse practitioners.

A Study on The Rate of Return of Private Infrastructure Investment Project (SOC민간투자사업의 투자수익률에 관한 연구)

  • Park Young-Min;Kim Soo-Yong;Kim Ki-Young
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.5 no.6 s.22
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 2004
  • Present private infrastructure investment in SOC investment has increased up to $11\%$ compared to the year 2003 and it is expected to increase in the future. In spite of its rapid increasement we don't have definite standard or system on distinctly presented rate of return for domestic private infrastructure investment yet, and practical and scientific research is not sufficient, compared to its necessity and importance. Hence, in this study we tried to build theories systematically, which are related to rate of return of private infrastructure investment to promote SOC private infrastructure investment to last successfully and present the proper level of rate of return of private infrastructure we investment appropriate in domestic situations through diverse analysis. Therefore, to present reasonable rate of return, we used 5 methods: existing research analysis, case study, financial index analysis, analysis of investors rate of return, and analysis of rate of return in a real estate market. After comparing and analyzing these methods, Ive presented in the end the appropriate level of rate of return of private infrastructure investment, which can be applied in a domestic market.

Investigating the Promotion Methods of Korean Financial Firms' Knowledge Management in the e-Learning Environment Focusing on the Implementation of TopicMap-Based Repository Model (금융기관의 지식 관리 개선 방안 연구 - 토픽맵 개념을 활용한 학습, 지식 및 정보 객체를 연결시키는 통합 리포지토리 설계를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Hyun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.103-123
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    • 2006
  • Assuming that the knowledge creation and retrieval functions could be the most important factors for a successful knowledge management(KM) especially during the promotion stage of KM, this study suggests an e-learning application as one of best methods for producing knowledge and also the integrated knowledge repository model in which learning, knowledge. and information objects can be semantically associated through topic map-based knowledge map. The traditional KM system provides a simple directory-based knowledge map. which can not provide the semantic links between topics or objects. The proposed model can be utilized as a solution to solve the above-mentioned disadvantages of the traditional models. In order to collect the basic data for the proposed model, first, case studies utilizing interviews and surveys were conducted targeting at three Korean insurance companies' knowledge managers(or e-learning managers) and librarians. Second, the related studies and other topic map-based pilot systems were investigated.

A Study on Determinants of IT Shared Services Adoption: Focus on Korean Financial Institutions (IT쉐어드서비스 도입에 관한 영향요인 연구: 국내 금융기관을 중심으로)

  • Keum, Chang-Keun;Yi, Seon-Gyu
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.21-45
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    • 2008
  • Over the years a lot of organizations or enterprises are spending the majority of their IT budgets on IT resources procurement and maintenance. IT resources are typically duplicated in each Region, Division, and/or Business Unit. The biggest sources of cost savings come directly from the reduction in maintenance cost and the elimination of duplicated resources. Global corporations are investing heavily in shared services implementations in order to stay competitive in an industry environment. A number of financial services firms have turned to IT shared services to reduce the level of IT asset and infrastructure redundancies. Recently, Korean financial services industry is moving to diversification(bank, securities, insurance, etc.) and consolidation(M&A, strategic alliance, etc.), and wants the elimination of duplicated IT resources. This research is intended to find out and demonstrate the factors having a significant effect on adoption of IT shared services center in finance services industry.

The Effect of Experience of Abuse on Life Satisfaction of the elderly in Long-term Care Facilities (노인요양 시설내 학대경험이 이용 노인의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Jin-Hee;Jung, Mee-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.591-599
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    • 2017
  • With the introduction of long-term care insurance, the number of long-term care facilities and the elderly using it is increasing. Nevertheless, there was a lack of concern and research on elderly abuse and how to affect the life of the elderly in long-term care facilities. The study analyzed the data collected from 278 senior citizens of 44 long-term care facilities in two regions. The analysis was conducted to analyze the relationship among elderly abuse, service quality, service satisfaction and life satisfaction. An analysis showed that some of the elderly experienced elderly abuse, especially sexual abuse. The experience of abuse affect the perception of the service quality, service satisfaction and life satisfaction of the elderly. The elderly experienced abuse was undervalued in service quality, service satisfaction and life satisfaction. Based on these findings, the implications to prevent elderly abuse of long-term care facilities are suggested.

Taiwan Security Industry and Its Current Development of Education (대만 민간경비의 현황과 발전전망(臺灣保安産業與敎育發展現況))

  • 왕계원
    • 한국경호경비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.63-82
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    • 2008
  • 지난 10여 년 동안 대만사회의 가장 큰 변화 중 하나는 '개인 경비', 혹은 '개인 경호' 사업이 크게 발달했다는 것이다. 민간의 역량과 과학화된 설비로써 재산보호와 신변보호를 하고자 하는 개인 경비에는 여러 방식이 있다. 예를 들어 개인안전 경비(즉, 수행경호), 현금운송 경비, 주거경비, 상공업경비(여기에는 공장지대의 안전한 보호와 백화점, 금융기관, 보석상점 및 편의점 등의 경비가 포함됨), 그리고 각종 경비장치의 설치 등이 있다. 천징훼이(陳靜慧, 2006)는 대만의 경비 산업 경영형태에 대해 아래와 같이 분석하였다. 그의 주장에 따르면, 대만의 경비 산업은 일반 업무 위주로 하고 있으며, 여기에는 시스템 경비, 상근 경비, 현금 경비, 신변 경비가 있다고 밝혔다. 이 일반 업무는 일본, 미국, 독일의 형태와 유사하다. 그러나 미국과 독일의 경비회사들은 특수한 업무를 담당하고 있다. 미국의 경우 무장경비 현금수송, 신용조사 업무, 보험조사 업무, 거짓말 탐지 업무를 수행한다. 독일의 특수 업무에는 군대설비 경비, 교통지휘 및 질서 유지, 신속 고발 경비, 그리고 교도소 경비가 있다. 량신쩐(梁心禎, 2006)은 대만의 경비 산업 발전의 흐름에 대해 다음 세 단계로 구분했다. 제1단계는 1978년부터 1987년까지로 이 시기 대만은 일본 경비 사업 발전의 영향을 수용했기 때문에 일본의 경비사업 관리방식과 시스템 설비를 받아들여 점차 대만 방식의 경비 형태로 발전시켜 나갔다. 초기 발전단계의 경영방식은 주로 외국 기술과의 협력을 통한 시스템 경비가 주를 이루었다. 제2단계는 1988년부터 1997년까지인데, 이 시기에 이르러 경비 사업은 비인기 사업에서 인기 사업으로 시장이 확대되었고, 해외업체와의 활발한 기술 교류, 새로운 브랜드 개발과 경비 경영 방식의 혁신, 그리고 상근 경비와 수행경호와 같은 경비 관련 항목의 확장을 이루었다. 또한 이 시기에 수많은 경비회사들이 세워져 새로운 경쟁시대로 돌입하였다. 제3단계는 1998년부터 현재까지로 이전의 전통적인 건물경비 방식에서 경비와 부동산 관리 서비스를 함께하는 방식으로 경영 형태가 바뀌었고 전반적인 서비스 품질을 중시하기 시작하였다. 따라서 경비 사업자는 아파트 및 빌딩관리 보호 회사를 설립하여 이를 공동 경영하였으며, 전문적이고 종합적인 단계로 들어섰다. 대만 경비 교육제도의 설립과 제도화된 면허증 시스템 구축은 아직 초보적인 단계로써 여전히 이 두 방면의 발전을 강화시켜야 하는데, 교육과 심사를 시행하여 경비원의 소질을 향상시켜야 할 것이다. 경비사업자는 과학기술적인 통제 시스템을 받아들여 인건비를 낮추고 서비스의 범위와 품질을 향상시켜야 한다. 또한 각 지방의 노동조합은 정부가 법령을 개정하여 경비원의 자격제한과 업무를 보장해주도록 건의해야만 경호원의 대우와 이미지가 개선될 수 있다. 아울러 국제학술교류의 확대와 경비 관련 산업에 대한 토론회와 전시회를 자주 개최하여 새로운 지식을 습득해야 한다.

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A Proposal for an Adjustment of Fee for Medical Insurance Service in the Field of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (흉부외과 영역의 의료보험 진료수가 조정을 위한 제언)

  • Sun, Kyung;Kim, Hyoung-Mook
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.438-444
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    • 1992
  • We analysed 7,180 annual cases of surgical treatment performed by Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of 6 major institutes in Seoul Korea, All cases were applied to 101 of 140 coded items applicable to the field of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, in the book of "Standard Price List for Medical Service" which was notified by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, and of them, applied field specific items were 70 of 93 applicables. The most frequently applied items were those associated to ECC[extracorporeal circulation] 1,510 cases, and then item of closed thoracostomy 751 cases was next. Except the items associated to ECC, the coded item of the highest "Total cost[fee x total applied numbers]" was mitral valve replacement 182,356,570 won[534,770 won x 341 cases]. 140 items were arranged in "Total cost" order, and then categorized into 5 groups. Medical insurance fees of each group were modified by different grades without changes in sum of total fees. Fees of Group 1, the highest group in "Total cost" were pulled up, on the other hand, Group 4, the lowest group, were pulled down, Group 5, composed of overlapping items with other fields, were not changed. The result of adjustment by grouping showed 21.2% increment effect[535,749,105 won] in real income. And we found that new coded items for modern high technological procedures should be added to "Standard Price List for Medical Service “Standard Price List for Medical Service".

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The Effect on Firm's Effort to Correct Discrimination against Fixed-term Workers of Articles Regarding Prohibition or Correction of Discrimination in the Fixed-term Worker Protection Law (차별시정에 관한 법률이 기업들의 차별시정 노력에 미친 영향)

  • Choi, Hyung-Jai
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.81-117
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    • 2011
  • This study examined how firms responded to the articles regarding the prohibition or correction of discrimination against fixed-term workers in the 'fixed-term worker protection law', which has been effective since July of 2007 in Korea. Data used cone from the Korean Workplace Survey, and a difference-in-differences method was employed for the identification of the causal effect, noting that the 'discrimination prohibition law' has been applied to firms over stages based on their sizes. The empirical results show no strong evidence that the law played a positive role in reducing differentials between permanent workers and fixed-term workers in the areas of wage and various employee benefits, including the provision of severance pay, annual leave, and 4 major social insurances for fixed-term workers. A more thorough future analysis on the causes of the insignificant impact of the law in some employee welfare benefits, along with supplemental policies, is needed to have the law achieve the desired goal of removing discrimination at the workplace.

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An Optimal Design of a Pedestrian Safety System Using a Design Scenario (설계방법론을 이용한 보행자 보호 시스템의 최적설계)

  • Yun, Yong Won;Park, Gyung Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1019-1027
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    • 2014
  • Vehicle-into-pedestrian traffic accidents show a very high mortality rate compared to their frequency of occurrence. Throughout the world, governments and insurance companies tend to establish and implement new safety standards for pedestrian protection. In order to improve the performance of pedestrian protection, the Korean government has evaluated the pedestrian safety of vehicles under the Korea New Car Assessment Program (K-NCAP) since 2007. The pedestrian protection performance has improved gradually, but it remains insufficient. A pedestrian protection system consisting of a hood lift system and a pedestrian airbag can be a solution to pedestrian safety. A pedestrian airbag design procedure based on a newly defined design scenario is introduced to reduce the head injury criterion of pedestrians. The proposed design scenario is discussed from a practical viewpoint and applied to manufacture pedestrian protection systems.