• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보험수가

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치과의료 전산화 정보기술과 서비스의 변혁

  • An, Jeong-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.36 no.10 s.353
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    • pp.691-696
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    • 1998
  • 지난 4월 제47차 정기대의원총회에서 정보통신위원회 신설에 대한 승인으로 치협 내에 정보통신위원회가 신설됐으며 서울지부에서도 정보통신부가 설립돼 이제는 치과계도 바야흐로 정보화 시대로 접어들게 됐다. 보건복지부와 의료보험연합회 역시 EDI 방식인 통신을 이용한 의료보험 청구를 적극 권장하고 있어 의료계에서도 컴퓨터를 활용하는 분야가 점차 확대될 전망이다. 개원가에서는 의료보험청구 외에도 덴탈 비전이나 디지털 엑스레이를 네트워크화 하여 활용하고 있으며 대학의 치과병원이나 종합병원 치과에서는 OCS(order communication system)와 PACS(picture archiving & communication system))를 중심으로 전산화 작업을 추진하고 있다. 컴퓨터 없이는 생활할 수 없는 현실 앞에서 치과계에는 전산화가 어느 정도 이루어졌는지 살펴보고 단국치대 교정과 김창환 레지던트의 글을 통해 교정분야에서 컴퓨터가 어떻게 활용되고 있는지에 대해 알아본다.

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A Study on the Residue Risk Analysis and Insurance Estimation toward Cyber-Intrusion in Information System (정보시스템에서 사이버 침해에 따른 잔여위험분석 및 보험산정 연구)

  • Kim, In-Jung;Chung, Yoon-Jung;Park, Joong-Gil;Won, Dong-Ho
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.1241-1244
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    • 2005
  • 중요 정보시스템에 대한 위험분석 프로세스는 자산 식별을 통해 위협, 취약성을 분석하고 이에 보호대책을 수립한다. 하지만 모든 보호대책을 적용하기에는 비용 대 효과면에서 불가능한 경우가 발생한다. 따라서, 잔여위험에 대한 분석을 통해 해결할 수 없는 위험에 대해서는 보험을 통하여 보호대책을 세워야 한다. 본 논문에서는 위험분석을 통해 계산된 피해 산정으로 사이버침해에 따른 보험 수준을 산정하는 방안을 제안하고자 한다.

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A Study on Space Insurance of Foreign nation's Law (외국의 우주보험 관련법 연구)

  • Cho, Hong-Je
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.271-297
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    • 2011
  • Recently, risk of space accident possibility increased in according to commercial space activity and space debris. It failed launch satellite second times in South Korea. Therefore was discussed on liability and insurance issue. Generally, discuss of space insurance be divided two type. Firstly, space insurance relevant to launching satellite and in-orbit. Satellite Launch Insurance and In-Orbit Insurance by the Satellite Operator Secondly, space insurance relevant to Third Party Liability. The former is to protect owner of satellite and operator. The latter is to liable and indemnify owner of satellite and operator's liability. US, UK, France, Russia, South Korea forced to buy space insurance following to domestic law. This is a brief overview of risk allocation and insurance practices in the commercial space transportation industry today. We begin with traditional space transportation, i.e., commercial satellite launches. This is a mature industry with known players. Industry practices have developed and legislation has been adopted in the U.S. and other countries over the past decades to address liability and insurance issues. The primary focus here is on U.S. law, but the discussion of industry practice applies more generally. We then move on to a more exotic form of space transportation: Commercial human space flight. Several private companies are now signing up space tourists for commercial suborbital human space flight, advertised to become available in the near future. The United States amended its launch legislation in 2004 to promote commercial human space flight. But questions remain as to how this new industry will respond to the risk allocation regime established by the U.S. legislation, which leaves both the space flight operator and space tourist exposed to risk and potential liability. As a general proposition, state statutes and contractual waivers alone cannot be relied upon to provide adequate liability protection, and insurance will be required. Federally mandated contractual waivers by space flight participants or liability caps would be helpful to complement insurance solutions. Eventually, as the industry matures, such practices could be extended to an international legal regime. For all the issues mentioned above, I have studied the existing international treaties and several country's domestic law to the space by referring U.S's Commercial Space Launch Amendment Act of 2004 and concluded that uniform legal regime to govern these insurance issues should be established domestically and internationally in the future.

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A Study on Awareness of the Dental Health Insurance Coverage (치과 건강보험에 관한 인식 조사)

  • Han, Ji-Hyoung;Kim, Yoon-Sin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examine people's awareness of health insurance in a bid to help improve the management of dental health insurance coverage. The subjects in this study were 1,036 people who included experts in that field and medical consumers. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. In regard to the demographic characteristics of the expert group including gender and age, the female experts outnumbered the males, as the former accounted for 84.7 percent. And the experts in their 20s made up the largest age group, followed by the 30-39 age group and those in their 40s. As to the demographic characteristics of the medical consumers, the rates of the men and women stood at 49.8 percent and 50.2 percent respectively, which were similar. By age, the largest number of the medical consumers were in their 20s, followed by in their 30s and in their 40s. 2. Concerning opinions on the procurement of finance for health insurance, many respondents in both groups agreed that the health insurance coverage should be enlarged by securing more finance, and that items involved in the coverage should be prioritized again. Regarding a means of securing financial resources, the experts placed the most emphasis on extended budgetary support from the government, followed by establishing a social security system and budget compilation by local governments. The medical consumers attached the most importance to extended budgetary backing from the government, followed by budget compilation by local governments and determining contribution according to income level. 3. As for general view of the dental health insurance, the experts believed that the amounts of copayment and self-payment by the insured were appropriate(2.47), and they found the number of benefitted items to be proper(2.29) as well. The medical consumers thought that the benefit percentage of the dental health insurance in the overall health insurance budget was appropriate(2.26), and they also considered the number of benefitted items adequate(2.16). But this group didn't give a lot of marks to the appropriateness of those things. 4. As to perception about the dental health insurance, both groups took a similar view of it. Specifically, they felt the strong need for a dental health insurance system. In terms of satisfaction level, both groups were dissatisfied with it, and there was a strong tendency for them to be discontented with the health insurance coverage.

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Productivity, Efficiency and Restructuring in Korean Life Insurance Industry (한국생명보험산업의 생산성, 효율성과 구조조정)

  • Kim, Jae-Pil;Jung, Kun-Oh;Lee, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1337-1347
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    • 2006
  • From the 1990s, Korean Life insurance industry has been experienced an profound impact from various exterior factors. In this study, productivity change in Korean Life insurance industry was measured by the Malmquist productivity change index. Analysis was made based on the balanced panel data from 1990 to 2003 collected from 8 lift insurance firms and 1993 to 1997 from 20 firms. The results show that survived firms' productivity change was higher than other firms.

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A Study on Forest Insurance (산림보험(山林保險)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Tai Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 1972
  • 1. Objective of the Study The objective of the study was to make fundamental suggestions for drawing a forest insurance system applicable in Korea by investigating forest insurance systems undertaken in foreign countries, analyzing the forest hazards occurred in entire forests of Korea in the past, and hearing the opinions of people engaged in forestry. 2. Methods of the Study First, reference studies on insurance at large as well as on forest insurance were intensively made to draw the characteristics of forest insurance practiced in main forestry countries, Second, the investigations of forest hazards in Korea for the past ten years were made with the help of the Office of Forestry. Third, the questionnaires concerning forest insurance were prepared and delivered at random to 533 personnel who are working at different administrative offices of forestry, forest stations, forest cooperatives, colleges and universities, research institutes, and fire insurance companies. Fourth, fifty three representative forest owners in the area of three forest types (coniferous, hardwood, and mixed forest), a representative region in Kyonggi Province out of fourteen collective forest development programs in Korea, were directly interviewed with the writer. 3. Results of the Study The rate of response to the questionnaire was 74.40% as shown in the table 3, and the results of the questionaire were as follows: (% in the parenthes shows the rates of response; shortages in amount to 100% were due to the facts of excluding the rates of response of minor respondents). 1) Necessity of forest insurance The respondents expressed their opinions that forest insurance must be undertaken to assure forest financing (5.65%); for receiving the reimbursement of replanting costs in case of damages done (35.87%); and to protect silvicultural investments (46.74%). 2) Law of forest insurance Few respondents showed their views in favor of applying the general insurance regulations to forest insurance practice (9.35%), but the majority of respondents were in favor of passing a special forest insurance law in the light of forest characteristics (88.26%). 3) Sorts of institutes to undertake forest insurance A few respondents believed that insurance companies at large could take care of forest insurance (17.42%); forest owner's mutual associations would manage the forest insurance more effectively (23.53%); but the more than half of the respondents were in favor of establishing public or national forest insurance institutes (56.18%). 4) Kinds of risks to be undertaken in forest insurance It would be desirable that the risks to be undertaken in forest insurance be limited: To forest fire hazards only (23.38%); to forest fire hazards plus damages made by weather (14.32%); to forest fire hazards, weather damages, and insect damages (60.68%). 5) Objectives to be insured It was responded that the objectives to be included in forest insurance should be limited: (1) To artificial coniferous forest only (13.47%); (2) to both coniferous and broad-leaved artificial forests (23.74%); (3) but the more than half of the respondents showed their desire that all the forests regardless of species and the methods of establishment should be insured (61.64%). 6) Range of risks in age of trees to be included in forest insurance The opinions of the respondents showed that it might be enough to insure the trees less than ten years of age (15.23%); but it would be more desirous of taking up forest trees under twenty years of age (32.95%); nevertheless, a large number of respondents were in favor of underwriting all the forest trees less than fourty years of age (46.37%). 7) Term of a forest insurance contract Quite a few respondents favored a contract made on one year basis (31.74%), but the more than half of the respondents favored the contract made on five year bases (58.68%). 8) Limitation in a forest insurance contract The respondents indicated that it would be desirable in a forest insurance contract to exclude forests less than five hectars (20.78%), but more than half of the respondents expressed their opinions that forests above a minimum volume or number of trees per unit area should be included in a forest insurance contract regardless of the area of forest lands (63.77%). 9) Methods of contract Some responded that it would be good to let the forest owners choose their forests in making a forest insurance contract (32.13%); others inclined to think that it would be desirable to include all the forests that owners hold whenerver they decide to make a forest insurance contract (33.48%); the rest responded in favor of forcing the owners to buy insurance policy if they own the forests that were established with subsidy or own highly vauable growing stock (31.92%) 10) Rate of premium The responses were divided into three categories: (1) The rate of primium is to be decided according to the regional degree of risks(27.72%); (2) to be decided by taking consideration both regional degree of risks and insurable values(31.59%); (3) and to be decided according to the rate of risks for the entire country and the insurable values (39.55%). 11) Payment of Premium Although a few respondents wished to make a payment of premium at once for a short term forest insurance contract, and an annual payment for a long term contract (13.80%); the majority of the respondents wished to pay the premium annually regardless of the term of contract, by employing a high rate of premium on a short term contract, but a low rate on a long term contract (83.71%). 12) Institutes in charge of forest insurance business A few respondents showed their desire that forest insurance be taken care of at the government forest administrative offices (18.75%); others at insurance companies (35.76%); but the rest, the largest number of the respondents, favored forest associations in the county. They also wanted to pay a certain rate of premium to the forest associations that issue the insurance (44.22%). 13) Limitation on indemnity for damages done In limitation on indemnity for damages done, the respondents showed a quite different views. Some desired compesation to cover replanting costs when young stands suffered damages and to be paid at the rate of eighty percent to the losses received when matured timber stands suffered damages(29.70%); others desired to receive compensation of the actual total loss valued at present market prices (31.07%); but the rest responded in favor of compensation at the present value figured out by applying a certain rate of prolongation factors to the establishment costs(36.99%). 14) Raising of funds for forest insurance A few respondents hoped to raise the fund for forest insurance by setting aside certain amount of money from the indemnity paid (15.65%); others wished to raise the fund by levying new forest land taxes(33.79%); but the rest expressed their hope to raise the fund by reserving certain amount of money from the surplus money that was saved due to the non-risks (44.81%). 15) Causes of fires The main causes of forest fires 6gured out by the respondents experience turned out to be (1) an accidental fire, (2) cigarettes, (3) shifting cultivation. The reponses were coincided with the forest fire analysis made by the Office of Forestry. 16) Fire prevention The respondents suggested that the most important and practical three kinds of forest fire prevention measures would be (1) providing a fire-break, (2) keeping passers-by out during the drought seasons, (3) enlightenment through mass communication systems. 4. Suggestions The writer wishes to present some suggestions that seemed helpful in drawing up a forest insurance system by reviewing the findings in the questionaire analysis and the results of investigations on forest insurance undertaken in foreign countries. 1) A forest insurance system designed to compensate the loss figured out on the basis of replanting cost when young forest stands suffered damages, and to strengthen credit rating by relieving of risks of damages, must be put in practice as soon as possible with the enactment of a specifically drawn forest insurance law. And the committee of forest insurance should be organized to make a full study of forest insurance system. 2) Two kinds of forest insurance organizations furnishing forest insurance, publicly-owned insurance organizations and privately-owned, are desirable in order to handle forest risks properly. The privately-owned forest insurance organizations should take up forest fire insurance only, and the publicly-owned ought to write insurance for forest fires and insect damages. 3) The privately-owned organizations furnishing forest insurance are desired to take up all the forest stands older than twenty years; whereas, the publicly-owned should sell forest insurance on artificially planted stands younger than twenty years with emphasis on compensating replanting costs of forest stands when they suffer damages. 4) Small forest stands, less than one hectare holding volume or stocked at smaller than standard per unit area are not to be included in a forest insurance writing, and the minimum term of insuring should not be longer than one year in the privately-owned forest insurance organizations although insuring period could be extended more than one year; whereas, consecutive five year term of insurance periods should be set as a mimimum period of insuring forest in the publicly-owned forest insurance organizations. 5) The forest owners should be free in selecting their forests in insuring; whereas, forest owners of the stands that were established with subsidy should be required to insure their forests at publicly-owned forest insurance organizations. 6) Annual insurance premiums for both publicly-owned and privately-owned forest insurance organizations ought to be figured out in proportion to the amount of insurance in accordance with the degree of risks which are grouped into three categories on the basis of the rate of risks throughout the country. 7) Annual premium should be paid at the beginning of forest insurance contract, but reduction must be made if the insuring periods extend longer than a minimum period of forest insurance set by the law. 8) The compensation for damages, the reimbursement, should be figured out on the basis of the ratio between the amount of insurance and insurable value. In the publicly-owned forest insurance system, the standard amount of insurance should be set on the basis of establishment costs in order to prevent over-compensation. 9) Forest insurance business is to be taken care of at the window of insurance com pnies when forest owners buy the privately-owned forest insurance, but the business of writing the publicly-owned forest insurance should be done through the forest cooperatives and certain portions of the premium be reimbursed to the forest cooperatives. 10) Forest insurance funds ought to be reserved by levying a property tax on forest lands. 11) In order to prevent forest damages, the forest owners should be required to report forest hazards immediately to the forest insurance organizations and the latter should bear the responsibility of taking preventive measures.

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Insurance Coverage of Property Damage in Petrochemical Industry (석유화학공업 재물손해의 보험대책)

  • 이기형
    • Journal of the KSME
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.845-858
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    • 1994
  • 1988년 이전에는 한국의 석유화학공장은 다른 나라에 비하여 관리상태나 손해상황이 양호한 공 장으로 여겨져 거의 안전도조사(underwriting survey)가 실시되지 않았으나 1989년 이후부터 보험사고가 급격히 증가, 보험금 지급이 많아져 위험조사를 실시한 후 보험을 인수하게 되었다. 일반적으로 석유화학공업의 내용연수는 15년에서 20년으로 보고 있으며 미국, 일본 등 선진국 에서도 건설한지 20년을 전후해서 사고가 다발한다는 점은 국내 석유화학공장의 안전성 확보대 책에서 중요한 점을 시사한다. 석유화학공업의 안전성 확보대책으로서 해외재보험자가 요구하고 있는 "경영전반적인 위험관리"를 도입 추진하여야 할 것으로 사료된다. 여기에는 사전적 손해 방지대책을 포함하는 위험통제는 기본적으로 이루어져야 하며 사후적 대책인 위험재무도 경영 효율이 극대화되도록 하여야 한다. 그러나 최근 들어 국내공장의 사고빈발로 해외재보험자들이 재물손해의 자기부담금액(deductible)인상(business interuption)의 Time Excess연장(7일에서3 0일) 등의 보험조건을 강화하고 있다. 따라서 외국의 사고 경험에 비추어 국내 플랜트의 내용연 수가 거의 다 되어서 사고발생위험이 잠재하고 있고 석유화학공업의 특성상 사고빈도는 낮으나 손해규모가 대규모이고 국가경제에 기여하는 비율이 타산업에 비해 월등히 크다는 점 등에서 안전대책에 대한 경영자의 관심제고를 밑바탕으로 한 위험관리의 정착화, 안전기준 등의 국제 수준으로 향상 및 전문기술인력 확보를 통하여 사고발생 억제에 대하여 소홀히 해서는 안된다고 사료된다.안된다고 사료된다.작 원리 및 제조방법에 대하여 기술한다. 2차원 그래픽의 기능만으로도 충분한 역할을 수행할 수 있지만, 그 다음 단계인 기본설계나 상세설계와의 자료 공유를 생각하면, 3차원 그래 픽이 필요하다. 다만, 3차원 그래픽 기능을 추가하기 위해 많은 노력이 요구되는데, 현재 PHIG S와 x-window가 결합되어 PEX라는 라이브러리로 개발되고 있으므로 차후의 연구에 포함될 수 있을 것이며, 이 글에서는 간단한 2차원 그래픽 기능만을 이용하였다. 앞으로 PEX의 기능을 적 절히 구사하면, 좋은 효과를 볼 수 있을 것이다. 279cm 되게 하고 선축은 팬톰의 27번 절편과 28번 절편의 접변과 최대 전단면의 교차선과 일치시켜 양방향에서 15분씩 조사하여 전단면에서 선량을 측정하였다. 팬톰내 선축상 중앙점의 선량을 기준으로 다른 부위의 선량을 비교하였다. 두경부와 복부, 폐의 하반에서 선량의 차이는 $\pm$ 10% 이내였고, 폐의 상반과 어깨와 골반 부위에서 선량은 10%이상 저선량을 보였다. 특히 어깨부위에는 30%이상 저선량을 보였다. 이로부터 서울대병원과 유사한 조건에서 코발트로 전신조사하는 경우에는 폐나 두경부에 대응하는 조직보상체를 이용하기보다는 어깨부위에 선량을 추가하는 것이 바람직할 것이라고 생각한다.alpha$ 부분공간들의 합공간 역시 on-semistrbtifiable over $\alpha$ 하다. 6. 폐연속 net-cevering 함수에 의하여 cn-semistratifiable over $\alpha$ 성질이 보존된다. 보잘것이 없었고, 현재에도

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The Effect of Long-Term Care Insurance on Labor Supply (노인장기요양보험제도의 노동공급효과 분석 - 부양가구원과 여성가구원을 중심으로-)

  • Kwon, Hyunjung;Ko, Jiyoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.279-299
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the impact of Long-Term Care Insurance(LTCI) on family caregivers(especially focused on female household members) labor supply in South Korea. When public care and informal care are substitutes, LTCI will change allocation of time of family caregivers to spend more time to paid work. The impact of LTCI on labor supply depends on each country's institutional level of public care services. If public care can not substitute for informal care, labor supply of family caregivers will not rise significantly. The conclusions of vigorous empirical study from western countries' are incompatible and problem of endogeneity in terms of methodology has been raised consistently. The dataset of this study are used the third and ninth waves of Korea Welfare Panel. As a result, the introduction of LTCI had no effect on labor supply of household members. Robust findings suggest the positive effects of caregiving on labor market outcomes in simple comparison t-test, but not in fixed-effect regression. Compared with western countries, South Korea's public care services can be interpreted as a supplement to only part that remained at the level does not substitute informal care. These findings may suggest that if LTCI become much more prevalent in the future, senior citizens and family members will be able to choose the LTCI arrangement that best suits their needs.

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Fit of the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers using zero-inflated negative binomial regression (영과잉 음이항회귀 모형을 이용한 보험설계사들의 이직횟수 적합)

  • Chun, Heuiju
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.1087-1097
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to find the best model to fit the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers of life insurance companies using count data regression models such as poisson regression, negative binomial regression, zero-inflated poisson regression, or zero-inflated negative binomial regression. Out of the four models, zero-inflated negative binomial model has been selected based on AIC and SBC criteria, which is due to over-dispersion and high proportion of zero-counts. The significant factors to affect insurance solicitor's turnover found to be a work period in current company, a total work period as financial planner, an affiliated corporation, and channel management satisfaction. We also have found that as the job satisfaction or the channel management satisfaction gets lower as channel management satisfaction, the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers increases. In addition, the total work period as financial planner has positive relationship with the number of insurance solicitor's turnovers, but the work period in current company has negative relationship with it.

The Strategies for the Sustainable Management of Insurance Companies (보험회사의 지속가능경영 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Se-Chang;Seon, Hwan-Kyu
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2011
  • This paper measures and analyzes the performance of insurance companies in Korea in respect to sustainable development and suggest strategic implications based on the analysis. The correlation, regression, ANOVA, and t-test are employed. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, it shows tat social index is important in the life insurance industry; however, the environmental index, is important in the non-life insurance industry. Second, the result gained by regressing the size and financial soundness on the performance of sustainable development demonstrates that the size variable is statistically significant. It suggests that size is a necessary condition for sustainable development. Finally, ANOVA shows that the small and medium sized companies have a significantly poor performance compared to the large companies concerning the social index and reputation index in the life insurance industry. The small and medium sized companies in the non-life insurance industry exhibit a significantly poor performance compared to the large companies in respect to all the indexes, except for the social index. Therefore, the small and medium sized companies make every endeavor in the poor indexes to improve performance.