• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보정 정보

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Design and Implementation of DGPS Interface Module using CDMA Communication Network (CDMA 통신망을 이용한 DGPS 인터페이스 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim Chang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.921-927
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    • 2006
  • The current DGPS technique is many problems that is permission of radio station using RF Wireless Modem, that is influence of geographic obstacle using radio wave, that is frequency interference, that is finiteness of frequency resources. In this paper, we are solved many elements, IM(Interface Module) replaces RF Wireless Modem, we suggest transmission technique of correction message using mobile phone, we researched Interface Module development which is linkage of DGPS receiver and mobile phone. IM can transmit correction message passing RS-232 port and modem communication control. IM of base station is initialized RS-232 port and modem to move station for correction message transmission, IM waited response mode. IM of move station is initialized RS-232 port and modem, IM requests hand shaking to base station, completed connection establishment. Users are worked Differential surveying using receiving correction message between mobile phones.

Single Tone Detection Algorithm for Improve on Auto White Balance of Mobile Phone Camera (모바일 폰 카메라의 자동백색보정 성능향상을 위한 단색영상 검출 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Kyung-Rin;Jang, Won-Woo;Kim, Joo-Hyun;Yang, Hoon-Gee;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1292-1302
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we proposed Single Tone Detection Algorithm for prevent decoloration and color distortion of single tone image in auto white balance of mobile phone camera. Conventional auto white balance which accomplish very well using complex color images, but there are some problems if input images are single tone image or included large part of single tone. If input images are singlet one, or included large part of single tone, which cause decoloration or distorted color in output images. In this paper, we proposed single tone detection algorithm using color histogram data for solve decoloration or distorted color problems. If this algorithm is applied to auto white balance, it will be improvement in auto white balance.

Implementation of Quality Evaluation, Error Filtering, Imputation for Traffic Missing Data (교통 데이터에 대한 품질 평가 및 자료 처리 기법의 구현)

  • Cheong, Su-Jeong;Song, Soo-Kyung;Lee, Min-Soo;NamGung, Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2007.10c
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2007
  • 대용량의 자료가 생산됨에 따라 데이터를 효율적으로 저장, 관리, 이용할 수 있는 데이터 웨어하우스의 역할이 중요하게 되었고, 그에 따라 자료 처리 기법의 개발은 필수 과제가 되었다. 품질 평가와 오류 판단, 결측 보정의 자료 처리 과점은 자료의 신뢰도를 판단하고 활용도를 높일 수 있는 과정으로 매우 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 우리나라의 실제 교통상황을 반영하고 평가 기준의 오차를 줄이면서 더욱 간단 명료한 평가 계산식을 도입하여 효율적인 품질평가와 오류판단, 결측 보정의 자료 처리 기법을 제안한다. 또한 오류 판단 기준에 새로운 파라미터론 도입하여 교통 연구자의 요구 사항을 반영할 수 있게 하였다. 결측 보정 과정은 여러 기법을 연구하고 기존의 결측 보정 기법에 입력 변수를 추가하여 실제 대용량의 교통 자료에 적용하였다. 그리고 교통 자료가 저장되는 데이터베이스에 직접 접근하여 결측 보정과정을 수행하도록 PL/SQL로 구현하였으며, 이를 통해 교통 연구자에게 쉽고 다양한 방법으로 결측 보정을 수행하고 그 결과를 이용하여 다양한 교통 정보를 가공할 수 있는 환경을 제공하였다.

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Calibration of a Low Grade MEMS IMU Using a High Performance Reference Sensor (고성능 기준 센서를 이용한 저급 MEMS IMU 오차보정)

  • Chang, Keun-Hyung;Chun, Se-Bum;Sung, Sang-Kyung;Lee, Eun-Sung;Jun, Hyang-Sig;Lee, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1822-1829
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    • 2008
  • Calibration of an MEMS inertial measurement unit is very important process for obtaining precise navigation performance. In this paper, one method is proposed to overcome a limitations on cost and efficiency using a relatively higher grade sensor and a rate table. The same dynamic input is applied to both the reference and the target sensors during and after calibration process, then the results are analyzed. The experimental results show that the proposed method is very effective and useful in practice.

아리랑위성 2호 발사 후 검보정

  • Lee, Dong-Han;Seo, Du-Cheon;Song, Jeong-Heon;Park, Su-Yeong;Im, Hyo-Suk
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.03a
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 2007
  • 2006년 7월 28일 발사 된 아리랑위성 2 호 검보정 작업은 발사 한 달 후인 8월 말부터 본격적으로 시작되었다. 아리랑위성 2호 검보정의 첫 단계로 위성의 상태를 판단할 수 있는 정보를 수집하여 재정리하는 작업부터 시작하였으며, 곧바로 아리랑위성 2호의 기본 설정 값들을 결정하는 작업을 마무리하였다. 이후, 복사 검보정, 공간 검보정, 기하 검보정 작업들이 순차적으로 진행되었지만, 검보정 작업을 진행하는 과정에서 발사 전에 고려하지 못 했던 요소들이 발견되었고, 위성과 사용자 간의 요구사항 정확도 차이에서 오는 문제점들이 검보정 작업 진행 중에 나타남에 따라 검보정 작업이 지연되었다. 발사 전에 계획되었던 검보정 계획에 비해 일정 지연이 있었으나, 현재는 아리랑위성 2호 영상자료를 사용할 수 있는 기본 영상 품질을 만족한 상태이며, 향후 계속해서 아리랑위성 2호 기본 사양을 넘는 영상자료의 품질을 향상시키기 위한 검보정 작업이 계획대로 진행될 예정이다.

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A Study on geometric correction using GCP (지상기준점을 이용한 TIN기반 기하보정방법에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Ji-Hun;Jeong, Soo;Kim, Kyoung-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.3 s.21
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2002
  • The mainly used technique to rectify satellite images with distortion is to develop a mathematical relationship between the pixel coordinates on the image and the corresponding points on the ground. By defining the relationship between two coordinate systems, a polynomial model is designed and various linear transformations are used. These GCP based geometric correction has performed overall plane to plane mapping. In the overall plane mapping, overall structure of a scene is considered, but local variation is discarded. The highly variant height of region is resampled with distortion in the rectified image. To solve this problem, this paper proposed the TIN-based rectification on a satellite image. The TIN based rectification is good to correct local distortion, but insufficient to reflect overall structure of one scene. So, this paper shows the experimental result and the analysis of each rectification model. It also describes the relationship GCP distribution and rectification model. We can choose a geometric correction model as the structural characteristic of a satellite image and the acquired GCP distribution.

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A Study on RSS correction method based ToA for Distance Estimation in Sensor node (센서 노드의 거리 정확도 측정을 위한 ToA기반 RSS보정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Han Hyun Jin;Jo O Hyoung;Lee Hyun Wook;Kwon Tae Wook
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1207-1210
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    • 2008
  • 무선 센서 네트워크는 고정 인프라 없이 센서 노드만으로 정보를 수집하는 네트워크로서 센서들의 위치정보 식별은 매우 중요하다. 센서 노드간 거리 측정은 신호의 도착시간차(Time of Arrival: ToA), 신호세기(Received Signal Strength: RSS), 신호각도(Angle of Arrival: AoA)에 기반을 둔 방법 등이 있다. 무선 센서 네트워크에 배치되어 있는 각 센서 노드간 정확한 거리 식별을 위해 기존의 거리 측정 방법을 보완하여 거리 오차를 줄이는 ToA기반의 RSS보정 방법을 제안한다. 구체적으로 초음파를 통한 거리측정 값에 맵(RF-MAP)을 통해 보정한 RSS값을 가중치로 보정하여 기존의 거리 측정 방법보다 측정오차를 줄였다. 실험을 통해 제안한 방법은 기존 ToA보다 실내(5m×7m)에서 평균 0.1cm, 실외(10m×10m) 평균 0.6cm 측정 오차를 줄일 수 있음을 확인 할 수 있었다.

Accuracy Analysis of Absolute Positioning by GNSS (GNSS에 의한 절대측위의 정확도 해석)

  • Lee, Yong Chang
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.2601-2610
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    • 2013
  • The main limiting factors of Precise Point Positioning(PPP) accuracy are errors in broadcast satellite orbits, clock errors, and the others, which are receiver-dependent errors(ionospheric, tropospheric refraction, multipath, and tides, etc.). Therefore, to facilitate high precision PPP, precise orbits/clocks corrections, the receiver-dependent errors corrections have to apply to multi frequency GNSS measurements for an ionosphere free combination and integer ambiguity resolution in real-time. Currently, there are many Analysis Centers, which offer the precise corrections stream computed in real-time using the global or regional GNSS tracking network. The goles of this research considered performances of the real-time static PPP with using RTCM corrections from NTRIP casters. For this, the corrections streams of Analysis Centers received via NTRIP does apply to GNSS data of check points individually, as well as jointly, in accordance with various session lengths. After that, have compared the PPP results from the corrections streams with each other, and with Standard Point Positioning(SPP) results.

Development of MATLAB GUI-based Software for Performance Analysis of RNSS Navigation Message and WAD-RNSS Correction (지역 위성항법시스템 항법메시지 및 광역 보정정보 성능 분석을 위한 MATLAB GUI 기반 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Jaeuk Park;Bu-Gyeom Kim;Changdon Kee;Donguk Kim
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.510-518
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    • 2023
  • This paper introduces a MATLAB graphical user interface (GUI) based software for performance analysis of navigation message and wide area differential correction of regional navigation satellite system (RNSS). This software was developed to analyze satellite orbit/clock-related performance of navigation message and wide area differential correction simulating RNSS for regions near Korea based on different distributions of monitor and reference stations. As a result of software operation, navigation message and wide area differential correction are given as output in MATLAB file format. From the analysis of output, it was confirmed that valid navigation message and wide area differential correction could be generated from the results about statistical feature of orbit and clock prediction errors, cm-level fitting errors for navigation message parameters, and 81.9% enhancement in range error for wide area differential correction.

Development of MATLAB GUI Based Software for Generating Multi-GNSS Network RTK MAC Correction (MATLAB GUI 기반 다중 위성군 Network RTK MAC 보정정보 생성 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Bu-Gyeom Kim;Changdon Kee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.412-417
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, multi-GNSS network RTK MAC correction generation software developed based on MATLAB GUI is introduced. The software was developed as a post-processing software based on simulation data to evaluate the feasibility of an algorithm for generating correction for multi-GNSS including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. As a result of software operation, network RTK correction for each system of multi-GNSS is output in MATLAB file format. In this paper, to evaluate the performance of the developed software, the residual error was analyzed after applying the correction generated through the software to the user. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that effective network RTK correction could be generated by confirming that the residual errors of users were maintained at 10 cm or less.