• Title/Summary/Keyword: 병발질환

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2형 당뇨병 치료제의 최근동향

  • 허갑범
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2001
  • 1988년 Reaven이 인슐린저항성증후군(insulin resistance syndrome)의 개념을 처음 소개한 후 전세계적으로 관심이 증가하고 있다. 인슐린저항성증후군은 대사성증후군 (metabolic syndrome), X 증후군(syndrome X)이라고도 하며, 인슐린 저항성에 따른 고인슐린혈증, 내당능장애(impaired glucose tolerance)와 2형 당뇨병(인슐린 비의존형 당뇨병), 이상지질혈증(dyslipidemia), 고혈압 등 일련의 질환은 동일인에서 흔히 병발하고, 이들은 모두 죽상경화증(atherosclerosis)의 위험인자라는 관점에서 상호연관성을 갖는 질환군이라는 개념이다. 2형 당뇨병은 인슐린에 대한 말초조직의 저항성과 상대적으로 감소된 인슐린 분비능의 결과라고 할 수 있다. 또한 상당수의 2형 당뇨병은 비만, 특히 복부비만을 동반하고 있으며, 비만은 그 자체로 인슐린 저항성을 유발한다. 결국 인슐린 저항성이 장기간 개선되지 못하게 되면 2형 당뇨병이 유발되게 된다. 따라서 2형 당뇨병에 대한 최선의 치료는 혈당조절 뿐만 아니라 인슐린 저항성과 관련된 심혈관계 위험인자를 개선시키는 것을 목표로 해야 한다. 그 증거로 당뇨병 조절과 관련한 대규모 전향적 연구인 UKPDS(United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study)의 결과를 보면, 2형 당뇨병에서 설폰요소제(sulfonylurea)나 인슐린으로 10년동안 혈당조절을 했을 때 미세혈관 합병증은 의미있게 감소시켰으나 대혈관 합병증의 발생률은 의미있는 감소를 보이지 못하였다. 반면 대혈관 합병증이 미세혈관 합병증보다 사망에 기여하는 비율이 70배 이상이라는 사실은 당뇨병의 치료가 혈당조절에만 초점이 맞추어져서는 안 되며 심혈관계 위험인자를 개선시키는 치료가 동시에 진행되어야 한다는 점을 시사한다.시료에서 매우 드물게 관찰된다. 음극선발광(cathodoluminescence) 영상의 해석을 통해 저어콘 결정의 성장사를 유추하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 이온현미분석 점(spot)을 정하였다. U-Pb-Th 자료는 퍼스(Perth) 저어콘 스탠다드 (CZ3, 564 Ma, $^{206}$Pb/$^{238}$U=0.0914)를 사용하였다. 아래에 기술하는 연대는 모두 $^{206}$Pb/$^{238}$U 연대에 해당된다. 두 개의 화강암질 편마암 시료로부터 구한 U-Pb 저어콘 연대는 각각 812 $\pm$ 14 Ma(1006-8)와 822 $\pm$ 17 Ma(1006-9)로 분석오차 내에서 서로 일치한다. 이 결과는 춘천 및 전곡 지역의 석류석 각섬암에서 보고된 Sm-Nd 전암연대(852 $\pm$ 24 Ma 및 824 $\pm$ 143 Ma; Lee and Cho, 1995; Ree et al., 1996)와 잘 부합한다. 따라서 후기 원생대 기간 중 화성활동이 한반도에서 광범위하게 일어났음을 시사한다. 한편, 1006-9 시료에서는 예외적으로 한 개의 저어콘 입자 주변부(rim)에서 매우 얇은 과성장띠가 관찰되었으며, 두 개의 점 분석으로부터 구한 U-Pb 저어콘 연대는 약 235 Ma이다. 이 띠는 또한 변성기원의 저어콘에서 흔히 관찰되는 작은 W (<0.05) 비를 보인다. 1006-5 시료는 위 두 시료로부터 수 km 떨어진 지점에서 채집하였으나, 저어콘 연대는 상이한 기록을 보여준다. 즉 매우 작은 Th/U (<0.01) 값을 갖는 저어콘의 주변부에서 223 $\pm$ 5 Ma의 연대가 잘 정의되며, 이는 1006-9 시료에서 관찰된 결과와

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Focal Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis Associated with Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis: A Case Report (황색육아종성 담낭염과 병발된 국소성 황색육아종성 신우신염: 증례 보고)

  • Soong Moon Cho;Ho Kyun Kim;Hye Kyung Lee;Byungmo Lee;Ki Hwan Kim;Kyoung Eun Lee;Jae-Chan Shim;Dae Hyun Hwang;Ghi Jai Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2020
  • Xanthogranulomatous inflammation is a rare inflammatory reaction, characterized by lipid-laden macrophages, known as xanthomas, in histopathologic examination. Aggressive xanthogranulomatous inflammation often manifests as local infiltration but does not affect distant organs unless combined with rare systemic diseases. We report a case of focal xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) associated with severe xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis. Focal XGP was suspected in radiologic examination that showed a cystic lesion with an infiltrative margin, which were surgically resected and confirmed in pathologic examination. To our knowledge, this is the first report of focal xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis associated with xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis. Moreover, we found peripheral hypointensity around the cystic lesion in the T2-weighted image, probably reflecting hemorrhage and fibrosis of the xanthogranulomatous inflammation.

Airway Compression or Airway Anomaly Causing Respiratory Symptoms in Infants and Children with Cardiovascular Diseases (심혈관계 질환 환아에서 동반된 기도 압박 및 기도 기형의 임상적 특성)

  • Kim, Ja-Hyeong;Lee, So-Yeon;Kim, Hyo-Bin;Koo, So-Eun;Park, Sung-Jong;Kim, Young-Hui;Park, In-Suk;Ko, Jae-Gon;Seo, Dong-Man;Hong, Soo-Jong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.7
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    • pp.737-744
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Infants and children with cardiovascular diseases often present with respiratory symptoms. However, missed or delayed evaluation for potential airway problem may complicate overall prognosis. The aim of this study is to determine the clinical characteristics of these patients and explore the cause of airway problem. Methods : We reviewed the medical records of 64 patients(M : F=33:31, mean age : $6.3{\pm}7.5$ months) whose airway problems were proven by computed tomography or bronchoscopy in perioperative periods at the Asan Medical Center from January 1997 to June 2004. Patients were divided into two groups based on the duration of ventilator care : ${\leq}7$ days(group 1 : 23 cases, M : F=10 : 13) and >7 days(group 2 : 41 cases, M : F=23 : 18). Results : The patients in group 2 significantly developed more post-operative respiratory symptoms than group 1(P<0.001) and had more airway problems including extrinsic obstruction, intrinsic anomaly, and combined problem than group 1 although not significantly different(P=0.082). Among underlying diseases, the most common diseases were vascular anomaly(26.2 percent) and aortic arch anomaly(26.2 percent) in group 1 and pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect(22.4 percent) in group 2. The most frequent respiratory symptoms were recurrent wheezing pre-operatively and failure of ventilator weaning post-operatively. The major types of airway anomaly were tracheomalacia and tracheal stenosis(in each case 18.2 percent). Nineteen patients with persistent airway problems underwent aortopexy or other vascular correction. Of the 19 patients, 13(68.4 percent) were improved, but 2 failed in weaning ventilator and 4 died of non-airway problems. Conclusion : Early evaluation and treatment for potential airway problems may affect natural or surgical prognosis in patients with cardiovascular diseases presenting with respiratory symptoms.

Human Leukocyte Antigen(HLA) Genotypes and Thyroid Autoimmunity in Korean Patients with Type 1 Diabetes (한국인 제 1형 당뇨병 환자들의 HLA 유전자형 및 자가면역성 갑상선 질환의 병발 양상)

  • Kang, So Young;Shin, Chung Ho;Yang, Sei Won;Park, Myoung Hee;Yu, Jeesuk
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.624-633
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : This study analyzed the expression of HLA-DR and DQ genotypes and anti-thyroid autoantibodies[anti-thyroid peroxidase(TPO) and anti-thyroglobulin(TG) antibodies] in Korean patients with type 1 diabetes(T1DM) to investigate the susceptible HLA alleles to T1DM in Korea and the prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies and their significance for the development of thyroid disorders. Methods : A total of 59 Korean patients with type 1 diabetes[26 males, median age 13.7 years(range 5.7-29.9 years), diabetes duration 7.6 years(-1.7-22.5 years)] were enrolled in this study, and 200 healthy Koreans without a family history of diabetes were selected as a normal control for the comparison of HLA genotypes. Seventeen patients with anti-TPO or anti-TG were followed [median duration 3.96 years(1 day-10.7 years)] with measurement of anti-TPO, anti-TG, $T_3$, $T_4$ or free $T_4$, TSH levels and physical examinations. HLA-DR and DQ genotyping were done by PCR-SSO, PCR-SSCP, PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSP methods. Results : HLA analysis showed higher frequencies of HLA-DRB1*0301, *090102 and DQB1*0201, *030302 alleles, DRB1*0301/*090102, *090102/*090102 and DQB1 *0201/*030302, *030302/*030302, *0201/ *0302 genotypes in T1DM patients compared to controls(Pc<0.05). Fifteen(25.4 percent) had anti-TPO antibody, 12(20.3 percent) had anti-TG, 17(28.8 percent) had either autoantibody and 10(16.9 percent) had both autoantibodies. No clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism developed during follow-up after the first detection of anti-thyroid autoantibody. There was no significant correlation between thyroid autoimmunity and gender, onset age of T1DM, and diabetes duration, respectively(P>0.05). Conclusion : We thought this unique HLA-DR, DQ allele distribution might be an important factor for the low incidence of T1DM in Korea. And a high prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies in these populations suggests examinations of thyroid antibodies should be performed regularly. Optimal age for the initial screening and the frequency of re-screening for associated thyroid autoimmune diseases in T1DM remains to be determined through prospective follow-up.

Concurrent Chemoradiation for Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer (절제 불가능한 췌장암의 동시항암화학방사선요법)

  • Kim, Yong-Bae;Seong, Jin-Sil;Song, Si-Young;Park, Seung-Woo;Suh, Chang-Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.328-333
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : To analyze the treatment results of concurrent chemoradiation with oral 5-FU plus Gemcitabine or Paclitaxel for unresectable pancreatic cancer. Materials & Methods : The patients, who were diagnosed by imaging modalities or by explo-laparotomy, were treated with concurrent chemoradiation. Radiotherapy was delivered to primary tumor and regional lymph nodes, and the total dose was 45 Gy. Patients received Gemcitabine $1,000\;mg/m^2$ or Paclitaxel $50\;mg/m^2$ weekly and oral 5-FU daily The total number of cycles of chemotherapy ranged from 1 to 39 (median, 11 cycles). The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 36 months, Survival was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results : Fifty-four patients between Jan. 1999 to Nov. 2001 were included in this study. Forty-two patients who completed the planned treatment were included in this analysis. The patients' age ranged from 37 to 73 years (median, 50 years) and the male to female ratio was 30:12. Treatment was interrupted for 12 patients due to: disease progression for 6 $(50\%)$, poor performance status for 4 $(33.3\%)$, intercurrent disease for 1 $(8.3\%)$, and refusal for 1 $(8.3\%)$. Response evaluation was possible for 40 patients. One patient gained complete remission and 24 patients gained partial remission, hence the response rate was $59\%$. The survival rates were $46.7\%\;and\;17.0\%$ at 1 year and 2 years, respectively with a median survival time of 12 months. Patients treated with Paclitaxel showed superior outcomes compared to those patients treated with Gemcitabine, in terms of both response rate and survival rate although this difference was not statistically significant. Grade III or IV hematologic toxicity was shown in 8 patients $(19\%)$, while grade III or IV non-hematologic toxicity was shown in 5 patients $(12\%)$. Conclusion : Concurrent chemoradiation with oral 5-FU and Gemcitabine or Paclitaxel improves both the response rate and survival rate in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer. A prospective study should be investigated in order to improve both the patient selection and the treatment outcome as well as to reduce the toxicity.

Comparison of Clinical Characteristics and Polysomnographic Features between Manifest and Latent REM Sleep Behavior Disorders (발현성 렘수면 행동장애와 잠재성 렘수면 행동장애의 임상적 특성 및 수면다원검사 소견 비교)

  • Kim, Seog-Ju;Lee, Yu-Jin;Kim, Eui-Joong;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2004
  • Objective: The purpose of this paper is to study the possible differences in clinical and polysomnographic findings, depending on the presence or absence of subjective complaints of abnormal sleep behavior, in patients with RWA on polysomnography. Method: We reviewed patient records and polysomnographic data of patients referred to the Sleep Laboratory at Seoul National University Hospital from June 1996 through October 2002. We defined the manifest RBD group (n=32) as patients having both complaints of abnormal sleep behavior and RWA on polysomnography. The latent RBD group (n=20) consisted of patients who exhibited RWA on polysomnography but did not complain of abnormal sleep behavior. The clinical characteristics and polysomnographic findings between the two groups were compared and analyzed. Results: Fifty-two subjects had RWA, as detected by polysomnography (42 males and 10 females, mean age of $55.1{\pm}19.1\;years$). Subjects in the manifest RBD group were significantly older than those in the latent RBD group ($61.59{\pm}13.5$ vs. $44.70{\pm}2.76\;years$, independent t-test, p<0.01). More subjects in the manifest RBD group exhibited abnormal REM behavior on polysomnography than did subjects in the latent RBD group (81.3 vs. 50.0%, Fisher's exact test, p<0.05). No significant differences between the groups were found in the prevalence of brain disorders and primary sleep disorders, gender proportion, and sleep architecture. Conclusion: No difference in sleep architecture was found between the manifest and the latent RBD groups. Only age and the presence of abnormal sleep behavior on polysomnography differentiated the two groups. We suggest that RWA on polysomnography without complaints of abnormal sleep behavior may be early manifestation of manifest RBD. Attention to RWA on polysomnography is necessary to help prevent full-blown RBD from developing.

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Alopecia : An unexpected effect of orthodontic treatment (교정치료시 병발된 탈모증)

  • Davidovitch, Ze'ev;Lee, Young-Jun;Chung, Kyu-Rhim;Park, Young-Guk;Matkovic, Velimir
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.29 no.6 s.77
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    • pp.663-672
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    • 1999
  • A case is described, where an adolescent boy developed alopecia areata and alopecia totalis during the course of routine orthodontic treatment for the resolution of a dentoalveolar Class II division 1 malocclusion. The orthodontic treatment lasted 22 months, with a successful outcome. However, within eight months of the onset of treatment the patient lost all his hair Exhaustive medical tests and differential diagnosis determined that the etiolgy of the patient's alopecia was psychological stress evoked by the orthodontic treatment. Numerous reports suggest that psychological stress can cause alopecia by affecting the immune system. Therefore, it appears reasonable to assume that in the case of this patient, alopecia had resulted from stress effects on the immune system, leading to autoimmune disease-like conditions in tissues surrounding the scalp hair follicles. The alopecia condition was successfully reversed by daily oral and topical applications of vitamin D. It is concluded that the immune system plays a pivotal role in tissue remodeling around the teeth and elsewhere in the body, and that any conditions capable of affecting this system may cause unfavorable outcomes, such as alopecia.

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A Case of Bronchiectasis with Elevated Serum CA 125 Level (혈중 CA 125 수치가 지속적으로 상승되었던 기관지확장증 1예)

  • Shin, Bong Chul;Koo, Tae Hyoung;Kim, Sang Ock;Ter, Hsing Chien;Um, Soo Jung;Lee, Soo-Keol;Son, Choon Hee;Kim, Ki Nam;Lee, Ki-Nam;Roh, Mee Sook;Choi, Pil Jo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.66 no.6
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    • pp.467-470
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    • 2009
  • Serum CA 125 is the most useful marker for monitoring patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. However, it can be elevated above normal level in a variety of conditions other than ovarian cancer such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammation disease, and other malignant or nonmalignant disorders, including pulmonary diseases. Recently, we experienced a case of bronchiectasis in which the serum CA 125 level was elevated, changing with the patient's condition. There was no evidence of underlying malignant disease on positron emission tomography or on gynecologic examination, including transvaginal ultrasonography. During follow-up for 14 months, we could not find any clue of malignant disease that could have been the cause of the elevated levels of serum CA 125. Elevated serum CA 125 level should be interpreted carefully according to the patient's clinical condition. In addition, our case suggests that CA 125 may be used as a surrogate marker for acute inflammatory status for chronic pulmonary diseases.

Pulmonary tuberculosis misdiagnosed as lung Metastasis in childhood cancer patients (소아암 환자에서 암의 전이로 오인된 폐결핵)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jae;Kim, Dong-Whan;Lee, Kang-Min;Park, Kyung-Duk;Lee, Jun-Ah;Cho, Soo-Yeon;Kook, Yoon-Hoh;Kim, Hee-Youn;Kim, Dong-Ho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.904-909
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : The differential diagnosis for a pulmonary nodule is intriguing in cancer patients. Metastasis might be a preferential diagnosis, and yet possibilities of other medical conditions still exist. Pulmonary tuberculosis should be enlisted in the differential diagnosis for a pulmonary nodule in cancer patients in Korea. This study was aimed at analyzing the incidence and clinical features of pulmonary tuberculosis that were misdiagnosed as pulmonary metastasis during radiologic follow-up in pediatric cancer patients. Methods : We retrospectively studied 422 cancer patients less than 18 years old in the Korea Cancer Center Hospital from January 2001 to June 2007. We collected episodes of lung metastasis of primary tumor and tuberculosis during treatment or follow-up, and analyzed medical records. Results : There were 5 cases of tuberculosis confirmed after surgery which were initially regarded as cancer. Two patients had respiratory symptoms such as cough and sputum but the other 3 patients did not. One patient had a family history of tuberculosis. Acid-fast M. tuberculosis was found in one case upon tissue specimen analysis. Two cases were Mantoux positive and the sputum examination was negative in all cases. The polymerase chain reaction for tuberculosis on a pathologic specimen was used to differentiate M. tuberculosis from non-tuberculosis mycobacterium (NTM). It was positive in one case. Lung lesions in one case showed a concurrence of tuberculosis along with lung metastasis. One of these patients died after cancer recurrence. Conclusion : It is necessary to consider the possibility of tuberculosis when a lung mass is newly detected during treatment or follow-up in patients with childhood cancer.

Facters Affecting Recurrence after Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery for the Treatment of Spontaneous Pneumothotax (자연기흉에 대한 비디오흉강경수술후 재발에 영향을 미치는 요인들)

  • 이송암;김광택;이일현;백만종;최영호;이인성;김형묵;김학제
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.448-455
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    • 1999
  • Background: Recent developments in techniques of video-assisted thoracic surgery(VATS) and endoscopic equipment has expanded the application of video-assisted surgical procedures in the field of thoracic surgery. Especially, it will probably become the treatment of choice of spontaneous pneumothorax(SP). There is, however, a high recurrence rate, high cost, and paucity of long-term results. We report the results of postoperative follow-up and analyze perioperative parameters affected to recurrence, retrospectively. Material and Method: From march 1992 to march 1997, 276 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax underwent 292 VATS procedures. Conversion to open thoracotomy was necessitated in eight patients, and this patients excluded from the study. Result: The sex distribution was 249 males and 31 females. The mean age was 28.1 12.2 years(range, 15 to 69 years). Primary SP was 237cases(83.5%) and secondary SP was 47cases(16.5%). The major underlying lung diseases associated with secondary SP were tuberculosis 27cases(57.4%) and emphysema 8cases (38.3%). Operative indications included Ipsilateral recurrence 123(43.9%), persistent air-leak 53(18.9%), x-ray visible bleb 40(14.3%), tension 30(10.7%), contralateral recurrence 21(7.5%), uncomplicated first episode 8(2.9%), bilateral 3(1.1%), complicated episode 2(0.7%). Blebs were visualized in 247cases(87%) and 244cases(85.9%) performed stapled blebectomy. Early postoperative complications occurred in 33 cases(11.6%): 16 prolonged air-leak more than 5 days(four of them were required a second operation and found missed blebs); 5 bleeding; 5 empyema; 2 atelectasis; 1 wound infection. No deaths occured. The mean operative time was 52.8 23.1 minutes(range, 20 to 165 minutes). The mean d ration of chest tube drainage was 5.0 4.5 days(range, 2 to 37 days). The mean duration ofhospital stay was 8.2 5.5 days (range, 3 to 43days). At a mean follow-up 22.3 18.4 months(range, 1 to 65 months), 12 patients(4.2%) were lost to follow-up. There were 24 recurrences and seven patients underwent second operation and 6 patients(85.7%) were found the missed blebs. 12 perioperative parameters(age, sex, site, underlying disease, extent of collapse, operative indication, size of bleb, number of bleb, location of bleb, bleb management, pleural procedure, prolonged postoperative air-leak) were analyzed statistically to identify significant predictors of recurrence. The significant predictors of recurrence was the underlying disease[17.0%(8/47): 6.8%(16/237), p=0.038], prolonged postoperative air-leakage[37.5%(6/16): 6.7%(18/268), p=0.001], and pleural procedure [11.4%(19/167): 4.3%(5/117), p=0.034]. Blebectomy has less recurrence rate then non-blebectomy [8.2%(20/244) : 10.0%(4/40), p>0. 5]. However, this difference was not statistically significant(p=0.758). Conclusion: We conclude that it is important that we shoud careful finding of bleb during VATS due to reducing of recurrnece, and cases of no bleb identified and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax were indicated of pleurodectomy. VATS is a valid alternative to open procedure for the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax with less pain, shorter hospital stay, more rapid return to work, high patient acceptance, less scar and exellent cosmetics. But, there is high recurrence rate and high cost, and than it is necessary to evaluate of long-term results for recurrence and to observate carefully during VATS.

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