• Title/Summary/Keyword: 변경 영향 분석

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Study on Design Change of a Pipe Affected by Liquid Droplet Impingement Erosion (액적충돌침식 영향 배관의 설계변경에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Kyeong-Mo;Lee, Chan-Gyu;Bhang, Keug-Jin;Yim, Young-Sig
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.1097-1103
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    • 2011
  • Liquid droplet impingement erosion (LDIE) is caused by the impact of high-velocity droplets entrained in steam or air on metal. The degradation caused by the LDIE has been experienced in steam turbine internals and high-velocity airplane components (particularly canopies). Recently, LDIE has also been observed in the pipelines of nuclear plants. LDIE among the pipelines occurs when two-phase steam experiences a high pressure drop (e.g., across an orifice in a line to the condenser). In 2011, a nuclear power plant in Korea experienced a steam leak caused by LDIE in a pipe through which a two-phase fluid was flowing. This paper describes a study on the design change of a pipe affected by LDIE in order to mitigate the damage. The design change has been reviewed in terms of fluid dynamics by using the FLUENT code.

Improvement of computer keyboard design through behavioral analysis (Focused on the characteristics of Korean Alphabet and its use) (사용행태 분석에 의한 컴퓨터 키보드 디자인 개선 -한글의 특성 및 사용행태를 중심으로-)

  • 변재형
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2002
  • Researches of Hangul automation have been focused mainly on the set of character system. But, practical problem of using the Korean standard keyboard system of two sets is increment of errors and fatigue due to frequent use of shift keys. The author formulate a hypothesis as follows to solve the problem. 'Changing location and design of shift keys can reduce errors in typing Korean by avoiding interferences with other keys when pressing shift keys.' This study verify the hypothesis by the analysis of experiments using improved keyboard prototypes which have changed layout and design of shift keys. On the result, change of shift key location causes confusion to experienced user. But, while keeping its location, removing other keys at the bottom row and magnifying size of shift keys decrease errors in typing by avoiding interferences. And, the efficiency of typing in Korean is increased, too, because there is not any influence on typing speed. This study focuses on layout and design of shift keys only, but further study for entire layout of keyboard including alternative location of other function keys is needed to improve general usability.

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중국의 자동차산업 정책 동향과 타이어산업에의 시사점

  • Lee, Hang-Gu
    • The tire
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    • s.229
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2006
  • 근래 중국정부는 자동차산업을 수시로 변경하고 있다. 또한 외국인 투자에 대한 차별적 정책도 연이어 발표함으로써 중국 진출 국내기업의 각별한 주의가 요망된다. 아직까지 자동차와 관련 산업에 대한 특별조치는 발표되지 않았지만 자동차산업이 중국정부의 전략 육성 산업이라는 점에서 중국 정부의 정책 동향을 예의 주시할 필요가 있다. 중국 정부가 자국 자동차산업의 육성을 위해서는 선진 자동차업체의 희생도 불가피하다고 보고 있기 때문이다. 본 고에서는 지난 7월 중국 정부가 발표한 11차 5개년 계획중 자동차산업 관련 조항과 근래 발표된 중국 정부의 자동차산업정책을 분석해 본 후 이들 정책이 타이어산업에 미칠 영향에 대해 평가해 보기로 한다.

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Network Performance Evaluation of Mobile IP Protocol (Mobile IP 프로토콜에 의한 네트워크 성능평가)

  • 김용탁;이종민;김태석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.622-627
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    • 2002
  • 인터넷의 빠른 보급으로 인터넷 사용은 차츰 사람들의 일상 생활에 뿌리를 내리기 시작했다. 인터넷에 대한 서비스도 장소와 시간에 관계없이 연결해서 사용할 수 있도록 사용자들의 요구가 점점 늘어가고 있는 추세이다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 IETF에서는 Mobile IP 프로토콜을 제안하여, 이동으로 인한 IP주소의 변경 없이도 인터넷에 연결하여 사용할 수 있도록 한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 Mobile IP 프로토콜을 적용하였을 때 네트워크에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 성능 척도로는 네트워크 지연시간과 단위시간당 처리율을 사용한다.

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A Study on the Korean Text-to-Speech Conversion Using the Formant Synthesizer(I) (포만트 합성방식에 의한 한국어 문자/음성 변환에 관한 연구 (I))

  • 김민년
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1995.06a
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 1995
  • 음소단위의 포만트 합성방식을 이용하여 한국어의 규칙합성에 대해 시험하였다. 포만트 합성방식으로는 Klatt가 제안한 직/병렬 합성기를 수정하여 사용하였으며, 운율 정보를 나타내는 피치값의 제어는 Fujisaki 모델을 이용하였다. 합성에 사용되는 각 파라미터들이 합성음의 음질 및 파형에 미치는 영향을 분석할 수 있도록 합성 파라미터와 음성파형 및 스펙트로그램을 화면에 나타내고 마우스를 이용하여 파라미터 값을 사용자가 적절히 변경한 후 합성할 수 있는 포만트 방식의 합성 Tool을 개발하였으며, 이를 이용하여 한국어 문자/음성변환 시스템을 지속적으로 연구하고자 한다.

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A Study on the phosphating properties for Advenced High strength steel (초고강도강의 인산염 처리 특성 연구)

  • Jeong, Hyeon-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.41-42
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    • 2014
  • 현대 산업에서 철은 매우 중요한 재료이다. 다양한 산업적 요구에 맞게 제철산업에서도 다양한 성질의 강을 개발하고 생산하고 있다. 강의 주요 물성으로는 인장강도, 항복강도, 연신율 등이 있으며 이러한 물성들을 향상시키거나 변경하는데 다양한 첨가원소와 제조 공법들이 적용되어진다. 본 연구에서는 그 중 합금 원소를 첨가하여 강도를 높이는 초고강 강에 대해서 화성처리 특성을 연구하고 그에 영향을 미치는 인자에 대해서 분석하였다. 그리고 화성처리 공정을 개발하여 초고강도강의 인산염특성을 향상 시켰다.

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Focus - FTA 관련 육계산업 현안 및 건의 사항

  • 한국계육협회
    • Monthly Korean Chicken
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2014
  • 최근 한 호주 및 한 캐나다, 한 뉴질랜드 등 축산강국인 영연방 3개국과의 FTA가 추진되고 있으며, 주로 축산품목을 중심으로 개방이 확대됨에 따라 축산업의 큰 피해가 예상되고 있다. 이에 정부에서는 영연방 3국 FTA가 농축산 분야에 미질 영향에 대한 분석을 진행하고 있으며, 생산자단체 등과의 워크숍을 통해 대책을 마련 중에 있다. 이와 관련 본회에서는 육계산업의 실효성 있는 대책마련을 위해 다음과 같은 사향을 정부에 건의했다(본고의 내용은 본회 건의사항으로 추후 변경될 수 있으며 정부에서 마련 중인 대책안과는 무관함).

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Study of Performance and Knock Characteristics with Compression Ratio Change in HCNG Engine (HCNG 엔진에서 압축비 변경에 따른 성능 및 노킹 특성 연구)

  • Lim, Gi Hun;Lee, Sung Won;Park, Cheol Woong;Choi, Young;Kim, Chang Gi
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 2013
  • Hydrogen-compressed natural gas (HCNG) blend has attracted attention as a fuel that can reduce $CO_2$ emissions because it has low carbon content and burns efficiently. An increase in the compression ratio of HCNG engines was considered as one of the methods to improve their efficiency and reduce $CO_2$ emissions. However, a high combustion rate and flame temperature cause abnormal combustion such as pre-ignition or knocks, which in turn can cause damage to the engine components and decrease the engine power. In this study, the performance and knock characteristics with a change in the compression ratio of an HCNG engine were analyzed. The combustion characteristics of HCNG fuel were evaluated as a function of the excess air ratio using a conventional CNG engine. The effects of the compression ratio on the engine performance were evaluated through the same experimental procedures.

The TVOC management level evaluation of adhesive product following to simultaneous revision of indoor air quality testing methods and standards (실내공기질 공정시험방법과 기준의 동시 개정에 따른 접착제 제품의 TVOC 관리수준 평가)

  • Yoo, Ji-Ho;Park, Joon-Man;Kim, Man-Goo
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2010
  • The Ministry of Environment simultaneously revised testing methods and emission standards of adhesives product on the "Law of indoor air quality management" for the effective management of the building materials releasing pollutants in great quantities. Accordingly, it is impossible to compare original standards with revised standards directly. The influences of each factor of the revised testing methods of adhesive product on the emission rate of pollutants are reviewed through comparing with the original testing method. Through this study, revised pollutant emission control standards were assessed. With the result that it is found that emission rate of adhesives product is weakened two and half times by changing test period and the emission rate resulting from changing drying time has little difference. As a result of comparing TVOC emission standards with the original testing method considering the modification of testing methods, it is found that the emission standard through this revision is strengthened about 2.1 times more than that of present testing method.

The Effect of Aggressive Order Intake on Defect of Construction Companies - Empirical Analysis Using Financial Approach - (공격적인 수주행위가 건설기업의 하자발생에 미치는 영향 - 재무적 접근을 이용한 실증분석 -)

  • Park, Hong-Jo;An, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2021
  • This study empirically verified whether aggressive order intake affect occurrence of defects of Korean construction companies. In order to compensate for the shortage of construction costs due to aggressive low-cost orders of contractors, self-response measures such as design changes are followed, and construction defects may be induced in this process. It aims to verify relevance between aggressive order intake and defect in construction empirically using financial accounting data. As a result, it was confirmed that an abnormal increase in order volume and a deterioration in profitability such as operating margin due to aggressive order taking behavior leads to a decrease in construction quality and occurrence of defects. In addition, it was also confirmed that low construction ability and intentional changes in construction design or contract conditions after construction commences were a direct causes of defects. The results of this study can serve as an opportunity to come up with measures to prevent defects by confirming the relationship between defects in construction and deterioration of profitability due to aggressive low-cost order takings.