• Title/Summary/Keyword: 버퍼제어

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The Fuzzy Traffic Control Method for ABR Service (ABR 서비스에서 퍼지 트래픽 제어 방식)

  • Yu, Jae-Taek;Kim, Yong-U;Lee, Jin-Lee;Lee, Gwang-Hyeong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.7
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    • pp.1880-1893
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we propose the fuzzy traffic control method in ABR service for the effective use of ATM link. This method, a modified version of EPRCA which is one of rate control methods in ABR service, controls the values of the transmission rates of source by using the fuzzy traffic inference based on switch buffer size and buffer variate rate. For this method, we developed a model and algorithm of the fuzzy traffic control method and a fuzzy traffic controller, after studying fuzzy and neural networks which applied to ATM traffic control and EPRCA. For the fuzzy traffic controller, we also designed a membership function, fuzzy control rules and a max-min inferencing method. We conducted a simulation and compared the link utilization of the fuzzy traffic control method with that of the EPRCA method. The results of the simulation indicated that, compared to EPRCA, the fuzzy traffic control method improves the link utilization by 2.3% in a normal distribution model and by 2.7% in the MMPP model of the source.

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Access Control Protocol for Bursty Traffic in TDMA/TDD-based Wireless ATM Networks (TDMA/TDD 기반 무선 ATM망에서 버스트 트래픽을 위한 접속 제어 프로토콜)

  • 임인택
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.684-690
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a contention-based reservation access control algorithm and a slot allocation algorithm are proposed for non-real-time bursty traffic services in the wireless ATM networks. In order to reduce the collisions of the reservation request packets, the base station scheduler calculates the transmission probability using the number of RAS minislots and the estimated load of the reservation request packets. And it broadcasts the calculated transmission probability over the downlink control channel. Mobile terminals, which have traffic burst, select randomly a RAS minislot and transmit the reservation request packet by the received transmission probability. The reservation request packet contains the number of packets in the buffer. The slot allocation is based on the buffer status of the received reservation request packets. The base station scheduler allocates slots in proportion to the total number of slots that are requested by each terminal.

A Study on the ABR Traffic Control Mechanism using Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (동적 대역폭 할당을 이용한 ABR 트래픽 제어 방식에 관한 연구)

  • 류호용;박권철;박광채
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.24 no.12B
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    • pp.2275-2282
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    • 1999
  • In ATM networks, bandwidth allocation using available bandwidth is important to control ABR traffic efficiently. However, it is difficult to dynamically assign bandwidth on bursty traffic, because the tracking of the existing available bandwidth information uses statistical value. In this paper, we propose a output-bufferd ATM switch using Per-VC queueing scheme with timer and Controller. The controller determines whether each VC is in congestion state or not, and the timer can assign dynamically as determining the available bandwidth for the Present period by Backlogged time and total link capacity, and then transmitting the determined bandwidth to source. Instead of using statistical parameters, the proposed scheme can improve link efficiency as allocating the bandwidth of the next period, by use of measured bandwidth during the current period.

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A Study on Fuzzy Rule Functional Verification for Service ratio Prediction of Server in ATM Networks (ATM망에서 서버의 서비스율 예측을 위한 퍼지 규칙 기능 검증에 관한 연구)

  • 정동성;이용학
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2004
  • In this thesis, we created a Fuzzy rule in a Fuzzy logic that are fuzzy logic which is composed of linguistic rules and Fuzzy inference engine for effective traffic control in ATM networks. The parameters of the Fuzzy rules are adapted to minimize the given performance index in both cases. In other words, the difuzzification value controls the service rate in the server to total traffic arrival ratio and buffer occupancy ratio using fuzzy set theory for traffic connected after reasoning. Also, show experiment result about rule by MATLAB6.5 and on-line bulid-up to verify validity of created Fuzzy rule. As a result, we can verify that service ratio in server is efficiently controlled by the total traffic arrival ratio and buffer occupancy ratio.

Cell Priority Control with 2-Level Thresholds in ATM Switch Network (ATM 스위치 네트워크에서의 2-레벨 임계치를 갖는 셀우선순위 제어방식)

  • 박원기;한치문;최형진
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.479-491
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, we proposed cell priority control with 2-level thresholds, which was considered cell loss and cell delay requirement, in ATM switch with output buffer. Priority control mechanism presented in this paper improved cell loss rate for cell loss censitive cell and cell delay for delay censitive cell. In this mechanism cell loss rate and mean cell delay of cell priority control mechanism were obtained theoretically. The results show that cell loss rate and mean cell delay improvement become better by adjusting two thresholds according to QOS characteristics.

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A Variable Bit Control Algorithm Based on the Sliding Window for DMB Application (DMB 응용을 위한 슬라이딩 윈도우 구조의 가변 비트율 제어 알고리듬)

  • Yoo, Young-Il;Jung, Kyeong-Hoon;Kang, Dong-Wook;Kim, Ki-Doo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2005
  • 비트율 제어 알고리듬의 목적은 ‘비트율 제한조건을 만족하면서 화질을 일정하게 유지하는 것’이다. 그러나 통상적인 비트율 제어 알고리듬에서는 화질을 일정하게 유지시키는 것 보다는 버퍼의 오버플로우 및 언더플로우가 발생하지 않도록 비트를 분배하는 것이 주된 목적으로서 시퀀스가 진행함에 따라 불가피하게 시각적으로 바람직하지 않은 화질의 등락이 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 비트율 제어의 본질적인 목적에 부합하도록 버퍼 제한조건을 만족시키는 범위에서 화질을 가능한 한 일정하게 유지하는 방법을 제시한다. 제안방법에서는 먼저 일반적인CBR(constant bit rate) 알고리듬으로 부호화를 먼저 시작한 후, 일정 크기의 슬라이딩 윈도우 내에서 발생한 시퀀스를 분석하여 다음 단계에서 사용할 양자화 파라미터의 기준값을 결정한다. 마지막 단계에서는 다시 시퀀스의 처음으로 돌아가 얻어진 기준 양자화 파라미터를 사용하여 VBR(variable bir tate)의 부호화를 수행한다. 제안 방법은 실시간의 제한요소가 엄격하지 않은 응용분야에서 유용할 것으로 기대된다.

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An Efficient TCP Buffer Tuning Algorithm based on Packet Loss Ratio(TBT-PLR) (패킷 손실률에 기반한 효율적인 TCP Buffer Tuning 알고리즘)

  • Yoo Gi-Chul;Kim Dong-kyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.12C no.1 s.97
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2005
  • Tho existing TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) is known to be unsuitable for a network with the characteristics of high RDP(Bandwidth-Delay Product) because of the fixed small or large buffer size at the TCP sender and receiver. Thus, some trial cases of adjusting the buffer sizes automatically with respect to network condition have been proposed to improve the end-to-end TCP throughput. ATBT(Automatic TCP fluffer Tuning) attempts to assure the buffer size of TCP sender according to its current congestion window size but the ATBT assumes that the buffer size of TCP receiver is maximum value that operating system defines. In DRS(Dynamic Right Sizing), by estimating the TCP arrival data of two times the amount TCP data received previously, the TCP receiver simply reserves the buffer size for the next arrival, accordingly. However, we do not need to reserve exactly two times of buffer size because of the possibility of TCP segment loss. We propose an efficient TCP buffer tuning technique(called TBT-PLR: TCP buffer tuning algorithm based on packet loss ratio) since we adopt the ATBT mechanism and the TBT-PLR mechanism for the TCP sender and the TCP receiver, respectively. For the purpose of testing the actual TCP performance, we implemented our TBT-PLR by modifying the linux kernel version 2.4.18 and evaluated the TCP performance by comparing TBT-PLR with the TCP schemes of the fixed buffer size. As a result, more balanced usage among TCP connections was obtained.

Performance Analysis of ATM Switch with Priority Control Mechanisms (우선순위제어기능을 가진 ATM스위치의 성능 분석)

  • 장재신;신병철;박권철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1190-1200
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    • 1993
  • In this work, the performance of both delay sensitive traffics and loss sensitive traffics of the output buffered ATM switch with priority control mechanisms has been evaluated. We choose the partial buffer sharing mechanism as the loss priority control mechanism and the HOL(Head Of Line) priority control mechanism as the time priority control mechanism. We model loss sensitive traffics with Poisson process and delay sensitive traffics with MMPP. With loss priority control, it is confirmed that loss probability of loss sensitive traffice decreases when the loss priority control mechanism is chosen. With time priority control, it has also been confirmed that mean cell delay of delay sensitive traffics decreases when the HOL priority control mechanism is used. From this analysis, It has been confirmed that the requirements of QOS for both loss sensitive and delay sensitive traffics can be satisfied in the ATM switch by combining both the loss priority control mechanism and the HOL priority control mechanism.

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An Efficient Buffer Management Algorithm for GFR Service (GFR 서비스를 위한 효율적 버퍼관리 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Nam-Hee;Cho, Hae-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.339-343
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a cell scheduling scheme which can improve the fairness and the goodput through the traffic control in GFR service. For the evaluation of the proposed scheme, we compare the proposed scheme with the existing scheme in the fairness and the goodput. Simulation results show that proposed scheme can improve the fairness and goodput comparing with the existing buffer management scheme.

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The Efficient IP Paging Provisioning Scheme Based on DNS (DNS를 이용한 효율적인 IP 페이징 제공 방안)

  • 김기일;서정현;김상하
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10c
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    • pp.256-258
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    • 2001
  • 이동 환경에서의 서비스가 대중화 되면서 문제가 되고 있는 것이 바로 이동 호스트의 전력 제어 문제이다. 이동 호스트는 충분한 전력을 얻기 힘들기 때문에 데이터 전송을 받지 않는 경우에는 최소한의 정보만을 교환하는 상태로의 전의가 필수적이다. 현재 IETF의 Seamoby Working Group에서 논의되고 있는 IP 페이징 프로토콜의 경우에는 요구사항과 논리적인 구조만이 정의되어 있다. 현재 정의되어 있는 구조의 문제점은 유휴 (formant) 모드에 있는 이동 호스트에 데이터를 전송하기 위해서는 Dormant Monitoring Agent(DMA)로 전송된 데이터에 대하여 버퍼링이 수행되어야만 한다. 버퍼링의 목적은 이동 호스트의 유휴 모드에서 활성 (active) 모드로 전의 되는 시간 동안의 데이터의 손실을 방지하기 위함이다. 따라서, 하나의 DMA해서 관리해야 하는 이동 호스트가 많은 경우에는 대회의 양이 문제가 된다. 즉, 확장성 문제점이 존재하게 된다. 본 논문은 이러한 문제점을 줄이기 위하여 Domain Name Server(DNS)를 이용한 IP 페이징 제공 방안을 제안한다. 본 메커니즘은 송신자가 DNS에 호스트의 IP주소를 얻고자 하는 경우 IP 페이징 프로토콜을 먼저 이동 호스트의 페이징 에이전트에 전송함으로써 미리 이동 호스트를 활성 모드로 변경하게 함으로써 이전 메커니즘에서 적용되어야 하는 버퍼의 크기를 줄일 수 있는 메커니즘이다.

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