• Title/Summary/Keyword: 배출 규제

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Recent International Development on the Technical and Operational Measures of IMO's CO2 Emission Control From Ships (IMO의 선박기인 CO2 배출 규제 동향 및 고찰)

  • Jung, Rho-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2011
  • Since 2003, policies and practices related to the reduction of CO2 gas emission from ships has been discussing by the International Maritime Organization. The representative emission index and indicator are the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) for the new ships and EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator) during the voyage. For the CO2 emission monitoring system, the SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) is also on the table. This global preparations to reduce theCO2 emission is not except for the surface transportation. This research report elucidates the recent stream on the IMO CO2 emission from ship and detail explanation on the EEDI and EEOI.

Prediction of Downstream Water Quality following Dam Construction (댐 건설에 의한 하류 수질변화 예측)

  • Han, Kun-Yeun;Choi, Hyun-Gu;Na, Chang-Hwan;Kwon, Na-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.943-946
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    • 2010
  • 과거 시행된 수질오염물질의 농도규제 정책은 오염배출업소 증가로 인한 오염총량의 증가를 억제할 수 없어 수질개선에 한계가 나타났다. 이에 정부는 배출농도 규제방식의 수질관리로 4대강 상수원의 수질개선이 어려워 4대강 특별법 제정과 함께 목표수질기준 한도에서 유역의 오염물질 배출량을 총체적으로 관리하는 오염총량관리제도를 도입하였고, 현재 수질오염총량관리제도의 안정적 시행을 위해, 제 2단계 수질오염총량관리 대상물질 선정연구, 4대강 수계 수질오염총량관리 유황별 유달율 산정 방법 연구 등이 시행되고 있다. 이와 같은 오염총량관리를 위해서는 먼저 유역의 오염물질 발생현황과 배출 기작을 정량적으로 규명하고, 수질모델링을 실시하여 오염배출원별로 적정부하량을 할당하여야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 향후 활용도가 클 것으로 기대되는 QUALKO2 모형을 이용하여 TMDL시스템을 지원하고 낙동강의 수질을 예측 평가 하고자 한다. 대상유역으로는 영주 다목적댐이 위치하게 되는 내성천과 낙동강을 선정하였으며 모의 입력자료로는 최근 3년간의 평균수질을 비교대상인 현재 상태로 설정하고, 해당유역의 발생배출량에 따라 2014년, 2019년, 2024년의 저수지 모의를 통해 하천모의의 입력자료로 사용하였다. 수질모델 적용을 위해 내성천이 유입되는 지점에서 8km상류의 예천(환경부 측정망)지점에서부터 양산천 유입 후 3km 지점까지 범위를 설정하였으며 모델 구간은 "낙동강수계 오염총량관리 기본계획" 수립시 적용한 구간을 고려하여 구성하였다. 내성천 상류 영주댐 건설 지점에서부터 낙동강 본류로 합류되기 전의 구간과 낙동강 본류 구간을 구분하였으며, 수리학적 지형학적 특성을 고려하여 구간(reach)으로 구분하고 각 구간을 1km 간격의 요소(element)로 세분화하여 총 96여개의 구간과 482여개의 요소로 구성하였다. 영주댐이 건설되는 가정하에 낙동강 본류의 유량조건별, 영주댐의 방류량 조건에 따른 내성천과 낙동강 본류의 수질변화 양상 분석결과, 저수시 보다는 갈수시에 수질농도의 저감효과가 크게 나타났으며, 영주댐의 연평균방류보다는 최대방류시에 내성천과 낙동강 본류의 저감효과가 큰 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 영주댐 건설로 인한 flushing 효과와 낙동강 상류의 안동댐과의 연계시에 낙동강에서 저감효과가 가장 크게 나타났다.

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An Analysis of Changes in Air Pollutant Emissions Due to the Introduction of the Special Act on the Improvement of Air Quality in Port Areas -Focusing on Incheon Port (항만지역등 대기질 개선에 관한 특별법 도입에 따른 대기오염물질 배출량 변화 분석 -인천항을 중심으로 )

  • Lee, Min-Woo;Lee, Hyang-Sook;Lee, Jung-Wook
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to analyze the effect of reducing air pollutant emissions of the ship fuel oil sulfur content regulation policy, which has been gradually introduced for three years. In addition, the emission reduction effect of VSR and AMP was also analyzed. The analysis was conducted on NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, TSP, PM10, and PM2.5, which are provided by EEA, and the spatial scope of the analysis was conducted on Incheon Port, which is located in the metropolitan area of Korea and has a large ripple effect on air pollution. Three scenarios were constructed for analysis. Scenario 1: If there is no policy, Scenario 2: If only fuel oil sulfur content regulation was implemented, Scenario 3: The analysis was conducted by reflecting fuel oil sulfur content regulation, VSR, and AMP. As a result of the analysis, in the case of scenario 1, 4,801 tons, 4,932 tons, and 5,144 tons of air pollutants were emitted during the three-year period. In Scenario 2, 4,219 tons, 4,152 tons, and 3,989 tons were discharged, and in Scenario 3, 4,198 tons, 4,138 tons, and 3,973 tons were discharged. The findings of this study are anticipated to be applied as fundamental research in port air environment management and Incheon Metropolitan City air management.

Study on the Risk Management of the CERs Investment - Regarding Registration Risks and Price Change Risk in Investing Primary CERs - (탄소배출권 투자와 위험관리방안 연구 - 일차배출권(Primary CER) 투자 시 등록위험 및 가격변동 위험을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang Seok;Kim, Yun Soung;Jeon, Eui Chan
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.115-131
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    • 2011
  • Out of all the possible actions that can be taken to respond to greenhouse gas reduction, including development of greenhouse gas reduction technology, infrastructure, actions to improve energy saving and efficiency, and offset with carbon emission reductions (CERs), this study shall focus on the investment on CERs. This study will take a look at risks involved with investing in CERs such as UN registration refusal risk and CERs price fluctuation, and will design risk management model which shall be verified. The goal of this paper is to provide optimized CERs investment strategies for different types of investors, such as general trading companies seeking for investment opportunities and financial companies with plans for green products development and investment by preparation for carbon market. It is expected that the global competitiveness of domestic financial companies shall be improved by taking actions on carbon market instead of previous passive response to climate change and that Korea, the number two Carbon Emissions supplier and number one derivatives market in terms of volume, shall be able to lead the worldwide carbon market.

Leaching Characteristics of Unregulated Heavy Metals in Specified Wastes (지정폐기물 중 미규제 중금속류의 용출 특성)

  • Jeon, Tae-Wan;Shin, Sun-Kyoung;Lee, Jeong-Ah;Kim, Hyoung-Seop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.213-217
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this research is to investigate the leaching characteristics of unregulated heavy metals such as Ni, Zn, Ba, Be, Sb, Se, V in specified waste. 108 waste samples which were taken from the representative facilities emitting hazardous substances, were analyzed. The rate of leaching of heavy metal was measured using an official test method. From the results, wastewater treatment sludge and dust contained much Ni, and Zn was detected in all samples. Dust and waste catalyst producted from petroleum-refining process tended to reveal V in high concentration. Ba, Be, Sb, Se showed low concentration, but require additional analyses of waste generated at different industries.

Characteristic Analysis of Regulated Pollutants Emitted from Passenger Cars according to Fuel Additives (연료첨가제 주입에 따른 승용차의 규제물질 배출특성 분석)

  • Jung, Sungwoon;Son, Jihwan;Hong, Heekyoung;Sung, Kijae;Kim, Jeongsoo;Kim, Jounghwa
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2015
  • This paper was designed to investigate emission characteristics of regulated pollutants (CO, HC, NOx and PM) from 134 diesel and gasoline passenger cars based on emission standards according to fuel additives. The experiments using chassis dynamometer were conducted under NEDC and CVS-75 modes. Comparison for fuel additive management and test between Korea, USA, EU and Japan, Korea was more strict than others. The fuel additives of this study was satisfied within fuel manufacturing standards. For with/without fuel additives according to diesel emission standards, NOx of EURO 4 and EURO 5 showed a relatively similar tendency. In the case of PM reduction rate, EURO 5 was over 20% increased than EURO 4. In the case of standard deviation/average ratio for gasoline vehicles, variation interval was big for LEV 23.3~58% and ULEV 31.6~56.4%. Following the imposition of stricter regulations (EURO 5 and ULEV), difference rate for standard deviation was big. Especially, in the case of diesel vehicles, difference rate for NOx 68% and PM 48% was most big. The results of present study will be of assistance in completing the legislative process and will provide basic data to set up emission standards for fuel additives in Korea.

An Optimal Operation of Community Energy System Considering Greenhouse Gas Emission Using PSO Algorithm (PSO 알고리즘을 이용한 온실가스배출량에 따른 구역전기사업자의 최적 운영에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Yul;Bae, In-Su;Kim, Jin-O
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.498-499
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    • 2008
  • 신재생에너지의 개발, 정부의 규제 완화와 환경적 이유로 인해 배전계통에서 분산전원은 점차 증가하는 추세이다. 최근 분산전원을 소유한 구역전기사업자가 전력시장의 새로운 시장 참여자로서 대두되고 있다. 분산전원을 소유한 구역전기사업자는 최대 이윤을 얻기 위해서 매 시간마다 발전량을 변화시켜야 한다. 본 논문에서는 배전계통에 연계된 분산전원의 최적 운영에 대해서 소개할 것이다. 이 때, 최적화의 목적은 구역전기사업자 이윤의 최대화이며, 국제적 환경규제에 따른 온실가스배출량을 고려하여 발전비용을 산출한다. 산출기법으로 Particle Swarm Optimization 알고리즘을 이용한다.

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제품$\cdot$포장재의 생산자가 재활용 의무

  • 한국골판지포장공업협동조합
    • Corrugated packaging logistics
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    • no.47 s.10
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    • pp.53-56
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    • 2003
  • 자원의절약과재활용촉진에관한법률이 2002년 2월 4일부로 전면 개정됨에 따라 동 법률과 관련하여 지난 2002년 12월 10일 시행령이 국무회의를 통과, 1월1일부터 시행될 예정인 생산자책임재활용제도(EPR, Extended Producer Responsibility)가 시행될 예정입니다. 동 EPR제도의 시행과 함께, 2003년 1월 1일부터는 재활용가능자원 $\ulcorner$분리배출표시제도$\lrcorner$가 시행되며, 7월 1일부터는 $\ulcorner$1회용합성수지 용기 규제확대$\lrcorner$가 시행되는 등 재활용 의무대상 포장재(골판지포장재는 대상이 아님)에 대한 다각적인 규제조치가 예상되는바, 생산자가 재활용의무를 직접 수행해야 하는 사회적 제도가 강화되어 포장재에 대한 재활용율을 높이는 한편 궁극적으로 분리배출표시제의 의무적용대상이 아닌 골판지 및 지류 포장재에 대한 관심과 수요가 증가될 전망입니다.

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The correlation among the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emission, energy consumption and economic growth for the 6 specific regions in Korea by using Panel approaches:By Testing of the EKC(Environmental Kuznets Curve) (패널분석을 이용한 6대 권역별 대기오염물질에 대한 환경규제와 경제성장 간의 상호관계분석: EKC(환경쿠즈네츠곡선)가설을 중심으로)

  • Park, Chuhwan
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.59-86
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    • 2013
  • We analyzed the correlation among the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emission, energy consumption and economic growth for the 6 specific regions in Korea by using Panel approaches with the test of the EKC hypothesis. We also analyzed the effects of environmental regulation on GHG and economic growth. The results show that by testing of the EKC (Environmental Kuznets Curve) hypothesis model,the effects of the environmental regulation and the structure of industries on GHC emission have a significant result on the regional analysis for SOx. For the NOx and TSP, only TK region passed the turning point of the EKC among the 6 specific regions. And, for the Co, the Central, Honam and the PUKN region passed the turning point of the EKC. This is because GHG emissions by the environment regulation had a weak path effect and also regional industry structures had a weak relation with regional GHG emissions.

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PFA 라이닝 밸브의 헬륨누설 측정 및 비산배출 평가

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Lee, Won-Seop;Lee, Jong-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.121.2-121.2
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    • 2016
  • PFA 라이닝 밸브 (PFA Lined Valve)는 고온 (~120oC) 고압 (~10 bar)에서 강한 부식성을 갖은 화학물질 (염산, 황산, 질산 등)을 이송시킬 수 있도록 내식성, 비점착성, 내열성 향상을 위한 불소계 수지 PFA (Perfluoroalkoxy)가 밸브 내면부에 가공되어 있으며, 고순도 화학약품 및 반도체 LCD 석유화학 제철 제약 분야 등의 제조공정에서 사용되고 있다. 미국 EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)에서는 석유화학 플랜트에서 발생되는 비산배출 (fugitive emission)의 대부분인 60% 정도가 밸브에서 발생된다고 보고하고 있으며, 근래 빈번한 불산 노출사고 내용을 매스컴에서 접할 수 있는 것처럼 PFA 라이닝 밸브가 설치되는 산업현장에서는 미소 누설에도 치명적인 인명피해 사고가 발생하기 때문에 국제규격에 따른 PFA 라이닝 밸브의 기밀누설에 관한 규제 및 관리가 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 가압진공법을 이용하여 PFA 라이닝 볼밸브의 비산배출 측정하였으며, 작동횟수/온도변화에 따른 PFA 라이닝 볼밸브의 비산배출 특성을 고찰하였다.

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