• Title/Summary/Keyword: 반추

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Study on the Relationship between Utilization of Nutrients in the Rumen and Rumen Microorganisms by Dietary Energy and Protein Source (에너지와 단백질(蛋白質) 공급원(供給源)에 의(依)한 반추위내(反芻胃內) 영양소(營養素) 이용성(利用性) 및 반추위미생물(反芻胃微生物)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Chee, Sul Ha;Lee, Sang Cheol;Jeong, Ha Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.188-205
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of dietary energy and protein sources on the rumen microbial population of sheep. The results obtained were summarized as the follows; 1. Ruminal pH was highest in sheep fed the diet rapidly degraded in the rumen(F-F) as a energy (barley plus beet pulp) and protein source (rapeseed meal), and lowest in the diet (F-S) of rapidly degradable energy source plus slowly degradable protein source (corn gluten meal + cotton seed meal) without affecting by postfeeding time. 2. Ruminal ammonia concentration was higher in corn (slowly degradable) for energy source and rapeseed meal (rapidly degradable) for protein source (S-F) than others, and abruptly increased at 1 hr after feeding regardless of treatments. 3. Concentration of ruminal total volatile fatty acid, acetate and propionate were highest in F-S and peaked at 1 hr after feeding firstly and formed second peak at 9hrs, respectively. 4. Digestibilities of the proximates and ADF were not affected by treatment but NDF was highest in F- F. 5. Nitrogen retention was highest in S-F and lowest in F-F and F-S. 6. Digestibility and metabolizability of energy, contents of OCP, TDN, DE and ME were not affected by treatment.

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Effects of Nitrate-rich Plant Extracts on the in vitro Ruminal Fermentation and Methane Production (질산염 화합물 함유 식물 추출물이 in vitro 반추위 발효성상과 메탄 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Shin Ja;Lee, Su Kyoung;Kim, Min Sung;Lee, Sung Sill
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of nitrate-rich plants extracts on the in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics and rumen methane production. The extracts of nitrate-rich plants, as potato, carrot, chinese cabbage, lettuce and spinach were used in this study. The ruminal fluid was collected from a cannulated Hanwoo cow fed concentrate and timothy in the ratio of 6 to 4. The 20mL of mixture, comparing McDougall's buffer and rumen fluid in the ratio 2 to 1, was dispensed anaerobically 50mL serum bottles containing 0.3g of timothy substrate and extracts of nitrogen-rich plants. The serum bottles were incubated 39℃ for 9, 12, 24, 48 hours. The pH value was decreased by increased incubation times and normal range to 6.31 to 6.96. The dry matter digestibility was significantly(p<0.05) lower in chinese cabbage than in control at 9h incubation time. Ammonia concentration was significantly(p<0.05) lower in potato, chinese cabbage, lettuce than in control and the rumen microbial growth rate was significantly(p<0.05) higher in carrot than in control at 24h incubation time. The concentrations of acetate and propionate was significantly(p<0.05) lower in treatment than in control. The concentration of butyrate was showed a different pattern depending on treatments. Total gas emissions was significantly(p<0.05) lower in chinese cabbage, lettuce, spinach than in control at 12h, 24h incubation time. Methane production was significantly(p<0.05) lower in potato, chinese cabbage, spinach than in control, carbon dioxide production was significantly(p<0.05) lower in treatment than in control. In conclusion, supplementation of the nitrate-rich plant extracts in ruminal fermentation in vitro resulted in decreasing the methane production without adversely affecting the fermentation characteristics. Particularly the chinese cabbage extract was regard as a potential candidate for reducing the methane emission in ruminants.

Isolation and Characterization of Cellulolytic Anaerobic Fungi from the Guts of the Hanwoo Cattle and the Korean Native Goat (한우 및 산양의 장내 섬유소 분해 혐기 곰팡이의 분리 및 특성 구명)

  • Kim, C.H.;Lee, S.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1019-1030
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    • 2003
  • The study was conducted to isolate and identify highly fibrolytic anaerobic fungi from the guts of a Hanwoo steer and a Korean native goat, and then investigate the characterization of cellulolytic activity of an anaerobic fungus. Twenty-one anaerobic fungal colonies were isolated in the study, in which 16 colonies were isolated from the rumen contents of the Hanwoo steer and 5 colonies from the duodenal fluids of the Korean native goat. Four anaerobic fungi were selected based on higher cellulolytic enzyme activities to identify under a optical microscope. NLRI-M003 and -T004 belong to Neocallimastix genus and NLRI-M014 belongs to Piromyces genus based on the morphology of their thallus, sporangia, rhizoid and the number of flagella. NLRI-M001 appeared to be an unknown strain of anaerobic fungi due to its different morphology from existing types of anaerobic fungi, though the morpholgoy is similar to Orpinomyces sp. Supplementation of 2% anaerobic fungal culture(NLRI-M003) in rumen-mixed microorganisms increased in vitro DM degradability of rice straw and filter paper up to 4 and 11%, respectively, compared with non-supplementation(control). CMCase and xylanase activities in in vitro culture were also higher in 2% fungal supplementation than controls in both rice straw and filter paper substrates.

The Effects of Condensed Molasses Solubles(CMS) / Molasses Mixtures on Ruminal Microbial Protein Synthesis (Condensed Molasses Solubles(CMS) / 당밀 혼합물이 반추위 미생물 단백질 합성량에 미치는 영향)

  • Yeo, J.M.;Jeong, S.G.;Kim, H.S.;Ahn, B.S.;Kim, C.H.;Shin, H.T.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2004
  • An experiment was conducted to evaluate condensed molasses solubles(CMS, a by-product from monosodium glutamate production) as a source of nitrogen for ruminant with particular reference to its effects on microbial protein synthesis. Four non-lactating dairy cows fitted with rumen cannulas were used in a 4 ${\times}$ 4 Latin square with 14-day periods. The four treatments were (1) basal diet consisting of barley straw ad libitum and 3 kg/d of rolled barley, (2) basal diet plus 200 gld molasses and 300 g/d water, (3) basal diet plus 200 g/d molasses, 100 g/d CMS and 200 g/d water, (4) basal diet plus 200 g/d molasses, 200 g/d CMS and 100 g/d water. Ruminal pH remained at high levels and showed little variation during the day between treatments. The concentration of total and individual VFA in the rumen was similar between treatments. There was no difference in the concentration of ammonia in the rumen between treatments, although the intake of nitrogen in molassesl CMS mixture treatments was higher than that of control and molasses treatment. But there was a suggestion of an increased synthesis of microbial protein with the higher level of inclusion of CMS when the allantoin/creatinine ratio was used as an index of microbial protein production(P <0.10).

The Relationship between Stress Coping, Spouse Support, Intentional Rumination and Post-traumatic Growth in Women with Hysterectomy (자궁 절제술을 경험한 여성의 스트레스 대처, 배우자지지, 의도적 반추와 외상 후 성장의 관계)

  • Chae, Yeo-Joo;Kim, Young-Ran;Lee, Ok-Suk;Kim, Bo-Ram;Ko, Young-Shim;Han, Sang-Mi;Ha, Yeong-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between stress coping, spouse support, intentional rumination, and post-traumatic growth of subjects who experienced traumatic events hysterectomy. The subjects collected from 67 women who had hysterectomy were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. As a result of this study, the post-traumatic growth of the subjects was passive coping (r=0.27, p=.026), active coping (r=0.34, p=.004), and intentional reflection (r=0.46, p<.001)), and passive coping was positively correlated with active coping (r=0.74, p<.001). Regression analysis to identify factors affecting on the post-traumatic growth of women with hysterectomy showed that intentional rumination was the significant factor(β = 0.42, p <.001). and their total explanatory power was 26% (F = 8.68, p < .001). Therefore, results of this study, in order to promote post-traumatic growth of subjects with hysterectomy, an intervention program is needed to increase the intentional rumination to effectively face the trauma they suffer.

Nutrient Utilization of Broiler Litter and Bakery By-product Ration in Sheep (육계분-제과부산물 발효 완전혼합사료(TMR)의 면양 체내에서의 영양소 이용성 평가)

  • Kwak, W.S.;Yoon, J.S.;Jung, K.K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.607-616
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding a total mixed ration(TMR) of broiler litter(BL) and bakery by-product(BB) with additional BL or rice straw incorporated at 10% of dietary DM as a roughage source on behavior pattern, nutrient intake, digestibility, digestible nutrient intake, ruminal and blood parameters, and N balance of sheep. All the treatment diets were formulated to be isoenergetic[total digestible nutrients(TDN) 66.9%]. Compared with the conventional formulated feed - rice straw feeding system(control), feeding TMR with BL(T1) or rice straw(T2) at 10% of dietary DM resulted in reduced eating, ruminating and total chewing time(P<0.05), similar DM intake, low(P<0.05) digestible DM, OM, fiber and total nutrients intake, low(P<0.05) nutrients digestibilities except EE, similar ruminal characteristics(pH, VFA concentrations and ratios, efficiency of carbohydrate fermentation, NH3-N), and favorable N digestion and retention. There were no differences in the above parameters between T1 and T2 with the exception of increased(P<0.05) eating, ruminating and total chewing time for T2. These results suggested that a TMR of BL and BB with or without rice straw may replace the conventional formulated feed and rice straw in ruminant diets successfully and furthermore feeding the TMR with rice straw made sheep behavior pattern more favorable.

Effects of Rumen Protected Choline on In vitro Ruminal Fermentation and Milk Production and Its Composition in Lactating Cows (반추위 보호 Choline이 In vitro 반추위 발효특성과 착유우의 유생산 및 유조성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Byung-Ki;Kim, Byong-Wan;Jang, Hyun-Yong;Shin, Jong-Suh
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.255-264
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of rumen protected choline on in vitro ruminal fermentation and milk production and its composition in Holstein cows. Experiments were done with three treatment groups, basal diet without any supplement (T1), basal diet+23g/d of mixture of choline and wheat shorts (T2) and basal diet + 25.56 g/d of rumen protected choline (T3). The in vitro ruminal pH and ammonia concentrations were similar for three treatments during all incubation periods except for the in vitro ruminal pH on 3 hr incubation and ammonia concentrations on 9 hr incubation. No significant difference was found in the concentrations of acetate and total-VFA. The propionate and butyrate concentrations were not affected by the rumen protected choline except on 6 hr incubation on which the propionate and butyrate concentrations were intermediate (8.98 mg/dl) and least (3.22 mg/dl), respectively. Higher milk yield and milk fat and lactose were resulted in the rumen protected choline. However, the rumen protected choline did not affect the milk protein, solids not fat, total solids, MUN, somatic cell count. It is concluded that the rumen protected choline can be effective materials to improve the milk production, milk fat and lactose without little change on in vitro ruminal fermentation.

Diversity Census of Fungi in the Ruminal Microbiome: A meta-analysis (반추위 곰팡이 다양성 조사 : 메타분석)

  • Song, Jaeyong;Jeong, Jin Young;Kim, Minseok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.466-472
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    • 2017
  • This study was designed to examine the diversity census of fungi in rumen microbiome via meta-analysis of fungal 28S rDNA sequences. Both terms, "rumen" and "ruminal," were searched to retrieve the sequences of rumen fungi. As of September 2016, these sequences (n=165) of ruminal origin were retrieved from the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP; http://rdp.cme.msu.edu), an archive of all 28S rDNA sequences and were assigned to the phyla Ascomycota, Neocallimastigomycota, and Basidiomycota, which accounted for 109, 48, and 8 of the 165 sequences, respectively. Ascomycota sequences were assigned to the genera Pseudonectria, Magnaporthe, Alternaria, Cochliobolus, Cladosporium, and Davidiella, including fungal plant pathogens or mycotoxigenic species. Moreover, Basidiomycota sequences were assigned to the genera Thanatephorus and Cryptococcus, including fungal plant pathogens. Furthermore, Neocallimastigomycota sequences were assigned to the genera Cyllamyces, Neocallimastix, Anaeromyces, Caecomyces, Orpinomyces, and Piromyces, which may degrade the major structural carbohydrates of the ingested plant material. This study provided a collective view of the rumen fungal diversity using a meta-analysis of 28S rDNA sequences. The present results will provide a direction for further studies on ruminal fungi and be applicable to the development of new analytic tools.

Effects of Supplementation of Vitamin A on Fermentation Pattern in the Rumen and Cellulose Degradability Ruminococcus flavefaciens (비타민 A 급여가 반추위내의 발효성상 및 Ruminococcus flavefaciens의 섬유소 분해율에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Jong-Ho;Kim, Bo-Ra
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.379-386
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was tofind out the effects of supplementation of vitamin A to the diets of high or low amounts of concentrates for ruminants. In the first experiment, ruminal fermentation patterns with the data of pH, VFA production and cellulose disappearance rates in the rumen in vitro were investigated. In the second experiment, enzyme activities, gas production and dry matter degradabilities using cellulolytic bacteria, Ruminococcus flavefaciens were investigated. Ruminal pH was higher in low amounts of concentrates than in high amounts of concentrates as expected, however, no significant differences were found. Cellulose disappearance rates improved in vitamin A addition particularly in early incubation time (before 24h) and also the production of volatile fatty acids increased in vitamin A addition. These trends were more evident in diets containing high amounts of concentrates than in low amounts of concentrates and it may indicate that vitamin A is more required in the diets of high amounts of concentrates. In the second experiment, gas production, enzyme activities and dry matter degradabilities using cellulolytic bacteria, Ruminococcus flavefaciens were not different between vitamin A added and non-added diets. Ruminococcus flavefaciens may not require additional vitamin A for its own growth.

Evaluations of Nutrient Compositions and In Situ Ruminal Disappearance Rates of Roughage Sources Commonly Used in Korea (국내 이용 주요 조사료원의 영양소 함량 및 반추위 In situ 소실율 평가)

  • Na, Young Jun;Lee, Kyung Won;Hong, Kyung Hee;Lim, Jong Soo;Kim, Myeong Hwa;Kim, Kyeong Hoon;Lee, Sang Rak
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2013
  • This study is conducted to estimate the nutrient compositions and in-situ ruminal disappearancerates of roughage sources which are commonly used in South Korea. Twelve types of roughage sources are being selected based on surveys from more than 50 farms, and 12 samples from various farms and companies are collected and analyzed for their nutritive components and minerals. Two Hanwoo steers (BW $526{\pm}14$ kg) with ruminal cannula are used to investigate in situ ruminal degradability. Five roughage sources, timothy hay, alfalfa pellet, rice straw, klein grass hay and tall fescue straw, are all selected from 12 roughage sources above for further experiments. Overall, the nutrient components and minerals from the 12 roughage sources have shown low values when comparing with standard tables of feed compositions in Korea. In situ dry matter disappearance rate is recorded as high in order of klein grass, timothy, alfalfa pellet, tall fescue and rice straw. In situ crude protein disappearance rate is high in order of alfalfa pellet, klein grass, timothy, tall fescue and rice straw.