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Clinical Characeristics of Intracordal Cysts (성대낭종의 임상적 특성)

  • Hong, Ki-Hwan;Park, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Won;Kim, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 1999
  • Background and Objectives : The intracordal cysts are more increasingly diagnosed and treated due to advanced laryngeal stroboscopy and laryngeal microsurgical technique. The intracordal cysts are frequently misdiagnosed as vocal polyp or nodule The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical features of intracordal cysts. Materials and Methods : In the present series, 83 cases of the intracordal cysts treated with laryngeal microsurgery are reported. The intracordal cysts are diagnosed preoperatively with indirect laryngoscopy, laryngeal endoscopy, laryngeal stroboscopy and confirmed with laryngeal microsurgical findings and biopsies. Results : Intracordal cysts are 83 of 1900 patients treated with laryngeal microsurgery(4.4%)-ductal cysts are 56 cases and epidermoid cysts are 27 cases. Intracordal cysts are more frequent in women, forties and the frequent site is an anterior third of the true vocal cord. With the indirect laryngoscopic examination, the ductal cysts are frequently misdiagnosed as vocal polyps or nodules but the epidermoid cysts are relatively easily diagnosed. The etiologic factors of the intracordal cysts are suspected as voice abuse and upper respiratory infection. The degree of postoperative voice satisfaction is similar to that of the vocal polyps. Conclusion : Intracordal cysts are frequently misdiagnosed as polyps or nodules, therefore preoperative stroboscopic findings and laryngeal microsurgical findings is important. An ideal treatment is to enucleate the cysts avoiding rupture of cyst and injury of lamina propria of the vocal cord.

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Air Sampling and Isotope Analyses of Water Vapor and CO2 using Multi-Level Profile System (다중연직농도시스템(Multi-Level Profile System)을 이용한 수증기와 이산화탄소 시료채취 및 안정동위원소 조성 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho;Kim, Su-Jin;Cheon, Jung-Hwa;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2010
  • The multi-level $H_2O/CO_2$ profile system has been widely used to quantify the storage and advection effects on energy and mass fluxes measured by eddy covariance systems. In this study, we expanded the utility of the profile system by accommodating air sampling devices for isotope analyses of water vapor and $CO_2$. A pre-evacuated 2L glass flask was connected to the discharge of an Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA) of the profile system so that airs with known concentration of $H_2O$ and $CO_2$ can be sampled. To test the performance of this sampling system, we sampled airs from 8 levels (from 0.1 to 40 m) at the KoFlux tower of Gwangneung deciduous forest, Korea. Air samples in the 2L flask were separated into its component gases and pure $H_2O$ and $CO_2$ were extracted by using a vacuum extraction line. This novel technique successfully produced vertical profiles of ${\delta}D$ of $H_2O$ and ${\delta}^{13}C$ of $CO_2$ in a mature forest, and estimated ${\delta}D$ of evapotranspiration (${\delta}D_{ET}$) and ${\delta}^{13}C$ of $CO_2$ from ecosystem respiration (${\delta}^{13}C_{resp}$) by using Keeling plots. While technical improvement is still required in various aspects, our sampling system has two major advantages over other proposed techniques. First, it is cost effective since our system uses the existing structure of the profile system. Second, both $CO_2$ and $H_2O$ can be sampled simultaneously so that net ecosystem exchange of $H_2O$ and $CO_2$ can be partitioned at the same temporal resolution, which will improve our understanding of the coupling between water and carbon cycles in terrestrial ecosystems.

The Oogenesis of Kribensis, Pelvicachromis pulcher, Cichlidae, Teleostei (경골어류 시클리드과 크리벤시스(Pelvicachromis pulcher)의 난자형성과정)

  • Kim, Dong-Heui;Chang, Byung-Soo;Teng, Yung-Chien;Kwon, Jung-Kyun;Lee, Myeong-Seon;Lee, Gui-Young;Lee, Kyu-Jae
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2010
  • Kribensis, Pelvicachromis pulcher is a teleost belonging to Cichlidae. The oogenesis was investigated by light microscope. The ovary was located between intestine and air bladder, a yellowish and ellipsoidal shape with the major axis 20mm and the minor axis 5 mm. Cytoplasm of oogonia in early stage was basophilic and many nucleoli were located at inside of nuclear membrane. In primary oocytes, yolk vesicles were distributed only in the marginal area and egg envelope was not formed on the outside of an egg. In secondary oocytes, the egg envelope was formed and yolk vesicles in the cytoplasm were increased than the earlier stage. The basophilic substance of cytoplasm was changed to acidic. Some yolk vesicles started forming small yolk mass except the surrounding nucleus. In case of matured egg, size of egg were increased. The yolk vesicles were changed to yolk mass in accordance with development. The yolk mass contained crystal-like structures. In conclusion, the oogenesis of Pelvicachromis pulcher was summarized by the increase in cell size, the formation and the accumulation of yolk, and the decrease of basophilic substance in the cytoplasm. The oogenesis of Coreoleuciscus splendidus is similar with other teleost. But there were differences in distribution of yolk vesicle and yolk mass containing cristal-like structures.

Analysis of Vegetation Variation after the Rehabilitation Treatment of Stream (자연형 하천 공법 적용후의 식생변화분석 - 서울시 양재천의 학여울 구간을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Joung-Yi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 1999
  • In order to confirm the effectiveness of the natural river improvement technique, the analysis of vegetation was carried out in Yangjae stream between 1996 and 1998. The results of this study showed the numbers of riparian plants had increased from 41 species to 53 species, and the dominant species had changed from annual and biannual(Humulus japonicus, Persicaria thunbergii, Persicaria hydropiper, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Echinochloa crus-galli) to perennials (Phragmites communis). The variation in biomass and biodiversity index were measured and calculated according to the rehabilitation method. Biomass were varied 302 to $828g/m^2$ and biodiversity index was varied 1.53 to 1.52 at point bar plots(A treatment plots) from 1996 to 1998. In conclusion, the natural river improvement technique which has operated in Yanjaecheon for three years has contributed to restoration of riparian plants. Additionally, subsequent study using this technique should be followed in the near future.

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Ecological Health Assessment Based on Fish Assemblages Along with Total Mercury Concentrations of Zacco platypus in Miho Stream (어류 군집을 이용한 미호천의 생태 건강성 평가 및 피라미(Zacco platypus)의 총수은 함량)

  • Lee, Jae-Hoon;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.288-297
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    • 2010
  • This study was to evaluate the ecological stream health through the Multimetric Fish Assessment Index (MFAI) along with fish fauna analysis based on the tolerance and trophic guilds at Miho stream in 2008 and 2009. Also, we analysed total mercury concentration in fish tissues to examine heavy metal contamination. Total sampled fish were 40 species and 2,557 individuals and Zacco platypus was the most dominant with 35% relative abundance. It was sampled with 11.4% RA for Korean endemic species (10 species 291 individuals) less than average RA 39.3% for the Geum river watersheds. According to the tolarance guild analysis, tolerant species was more dominant with 58.9% RA (15 species, 1,507 individuals) than sensitive species with 6.6% RA. Trophic guild analysis also suggested that omnivores were more dominant (60.5% RA) than insectivores (31.5% RA). Riffle-benthic species was also sampled with 7.7% RA. Ecological stream health based on the MFAI were averaged 25.3 (n=3) with fair-poor condition in 2008 and also 26.3 (n=3) with fair condition in 2009, just slightly increased than 2008. Qualitative habitat evaluation index was averaged 134 (n=3) with fair condition but most of sites had sediment accumulation that reflected substrate degradations proceeding. From the result of total mercury accumulation in fish tissues, kidney and liver tissues showed the highest but the lowest for gill tissues. Overall mercury concentration were not exceed the national standards by Korean Federation of Drug and Administration (KFDA). Consequently, our result could correspond with the characteristics of Miho stream where point sources such industrial complexes and wastewater treatment plant widely distributed around the stream along the gradient of up and downstream.

Interannual and Seasonal Variations of Water Quality in Terms of Size Dimension on Multi-Purpose Korean Dam Reservoirs Along with the Characteristics of Longitudinal Gradients (우리나라 다목적댐 인공호들의 규모에 따른 연별.계절별 수질변이 및 상.하류간 종적구배 특성)

  • Han, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Ji-Yeoun;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.319-337
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    • 2010
  • Major objective of this study was to determine interannual and seasonal water quality along with characteristics of longitudinal gradients along the reservoir axis of the riverine zone (Rz)-to-lacustrine zone (Lz). Water quality dataset of five years during 2003~2007 used here were obtained from Ministry of Environment, Korea and ten physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed in the study. Similarity analysis, based on moropho-hydrological variables of reservoir surface area, watershed area, total inflow, and outflow, showed that the reservoirs were categorized as three groups of large-dam reservoirs (Chungju Reservoir, Daecheong Reservoir and Soyang Reservoir), mid-size reservoirs (Andong Reservoir, Yongdam Reservoir, Juam Reservoir and Hapcheon Reservoir), and small-size reservoirs (Hoengseong Reservoir and Buan Reservoir). According to the data comparison of high-flow year (2003) vs. lowflow year (2005), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, biological oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids (SS), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll-a (CHL) and electrical conductivity (EC) declined along the longitudinal axis of Rz to Lz and water transparency, based on Secchi depth (SD), increased along the axis. These results indicate that transparency was a function of Values of pH, DO, SS, SD, and EC at each site were greater in the low-flow year (2005) than the high-flow year (2003), whereas values of BOD, COD, TN, TP and CHL were greater in the high-flow year (2003). When values of TN, TP, CHL and SD in nine reservoirs were compared in the three zones of Rz, Tz, and Lz, values of TN, TP and CHL declined along longitudinal gradients and SD showed the opposite due to the sedimentation processes from the water column. Values of TN were not statistically correlated with TP values. The empirical linear models of TP-CHL and CHL-SD showed significant (p<0.05, $R^2$>0.04). In the mid-size reservoirs, the variation of CHL was explained ($R^2$=0.2401, p<0.0001, n=239) by the variation of TP. The affinities in the correlation analysis of mid-size reservoirs were greater in the CHL-SD model than any other empirical models, and the CHL-SD model had an inverse relations. In the meantime, water quality variations was evidently greater in Daecheong Reservoir than two reservoirs of Andong Reservoir and Hoengseong Reservoir as a result of large differences of water quality by long distance among Rz, Tz and Lz.

Synthesis of Methanol from Carbon Dioxide (I). Study on Cu / ZnO Catalyst System (이산화탄소에 의한 메탄올 합성 (제 1 보). Cu / ZnO 촉매계 연구)

  • Sung Yun Cho;Ki Won Jun;Dae Chul Park;Kyu Wan Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.558-567
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    • 1989
  • The synthesis of methanol from carbon dioxide and hydrogen was studied for various compositions of Cu/ZnO catalyst system. Effect of the composition ratio of CuO and ZnO on the catalytic activity in the above reaction and the relationship between the activity and the characteristics of the catalysts were explained from the result of surface area measurements, SEM, XRD, and XPS. The major products of the reaction were methanol and carbon monoxide. The selectivity to methanol increased with increase of the copper oxide content in the catalyst up to CuO: ZnO = 30:70 weight ratio, and decreased rapidly when the content is above 70%. SEM and BET measurements, indicate that this point corresponds to the increasing point of the catalyst crystallite size and the decreasing point of the surface area. As to the Cu/Cu + Zn atomic ratio, the surface concentration of copper measured by XPS decreased remarkably when the copper oxide content in catalyst was higher than 50%. All the unreduced catalysts had almost same binding energy of Cu(2P3) level, but the binding energy for $Cu(2P^3)$ level of reduced catalysts was lowered than that of calcined catalysts. The surface copper species which was in the maximum amount when the CuO:ZnO composition in the catalyst was 30:70, existed as zero valent copper. This result agreed with the experimental result that the highest rate of methanol formation was observed when the CuO content in the catalyst was 30%. It was postulated that these reduced catalysts performed with a relatively strong basicity because the formation rate of acetone was higher than that of propylene in isopropanol decomposition as measured in a pulse type reactor.

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The Geochemical Characteristics and Environmental Factors on the Marine Shellfish Farm in Namhae-po Tidal Flat of Taean (태안 남해포 갯벌 패류양식해역의 환경특성)

  • Choi, Yoon Seok;Park, Kwang Jae;Yoon, Sang Pil;Chung, Sang Ok;An, Kyoung Ho;Song, Jae Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2013
  • To assess the effect of environmental factors on the sustainability of cultured production shellfish, we investigated the habitat characteristics of tidal flat (Namhae-po in Taean). We measured the physiochemical parameters (temperature, salanity, pH, dissolved oxygen and nutrients) and the geochemical characteristics (chemical oxygen demand, ignition loss, C/N ratio and C/S ratio). Surface sediments were collected from several site of tidal flat to examine the geochemical characteristics of both the benthic environment and heavy metal pollution. The grain size for research area of tidal flat were similar at the ratio of silt and clay in comparison with the other site of it. The C/N ratio was more than 5.0, reflecting the range arising from the mix of marine organism and organic matter. The C/S ratio (about 2.8) showed that survey area had anoxic or sub-anoxic bottom conditions. The enrichment factor (Ef) and index of accumulation rate (Igeo) of the metals showed that those research areas can be classified as heavily polluted, heavily to moderately polluted, or more or less unpolluted, respectively. Adult surf clam (Mactra veneriformis) density was highest at St. 2 (middle part of the Namhae-po), on the other hand, surf clam spat density was highest at St. 3 (lower part of the Namhae-po). Heavy rain, terrigenous suspended clay with fresh water from neighboring agricultural land, and severe high air temperature during summer could be thought as detrimental causes of spat and adult mortality in Namhae-po tidal flat. We suggested that the growth of shellfish in the tidal flat was effected by the various environmental conditions, so an improvement in the cultured method was needed.

Geology and Soils of Chojeong-Miwon Area (초정-미원지역의 지질과 토양에 관한 연구)

  • 나기창
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2000
  • Chojeong area is mainly composed of the Ogcheon Group which consists of regionally metamorphosed, age-unknown sedimentary rocks. In the northwestern parts, the Group is intruded by the Jurassic Daebo granite and Cretaceous felsic and mafic dykes. The lowermost, Midongsan Formation which consists of milky white impure quartzite, crops out along the anticline axes with N40E trend. Ungyori quartzite Formation is intercalated with quartzite and slate. Miwon Formation is most widely exposed in the area and consists mainly of phyllitic sandy rocks with a thin crystalline limestone bed. Hwajeonri Formation is divided into two parts, pelitic lower and calcareous upper parts, composed with phyllite and slate. Changri and Hwanggangri Formations are typical members of Ogcheon Group, the former bearing coally graphite seams consists mainly of black slate and phyllite with intercalated greenish grey phyllite, the latter is pebble bearing phyllite formation of which matrix and pebbles are variable in compositions and size. Biotite granite, porphyritic granite and two mica granite belong to Jurassic so-called Dabo granite. They intruded the Ogcheon Group forming vast contact metarnophic zone. Quartz porphyry, mafic dyke and felsite intruded along the marginal zone of porphyritic granite batholith and fracture of NS trend. Main structural lineaments in Ogcheon Group shows N25-45E, NS and N30-45W trends. The N25-45E trends are mainly from general ductile deformation during regional metamorphism, showing isoclinal folding, Fl foliations and lithological erosional characters. Some of these trends are due to normal faults. The NS and N30-45W trends represent brittle deformation including faults and joints. In the area of granitic batholith, NS to N30- 45 trends are from the direction of dykes. In the soils of the area, average contents of heavy metal elements such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn are 0.2, 50.6, 35.5, 27.9, and 93.4 ppm respectively, which are not higher than the average values of natural soils, under the tolerable level. Enrichment Index does not show any heavy metal pollution in the area. Average depths of weathering(5m vs. 2m), porosities(43.94 vs. 51.80), densities(l.29 vs. 1.15), and permeabilities(2.52 vs. 8.07) are comparable in granite areas and in the phyllite areas of Ogcheon Group.

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Vegetation on Basic, Alkaloid, Arid Land of the Whole Area of Baicheng City, Jilin Province, China (중국(中國) 길림성(吉林省) 백성시(白城市) 일대의 염성(鹽性), 알칼리성 건조지(乾操地) 식생(植生)에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Young-Hee;Wang, Bai-Cheng;Jin, Ying-Hua;Choe, Chang-Young;Xuan, Yong-Nan;Song, Dong-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2009
  • Every spring, Korea is always plagued by sandy dust from the western region of China and Mongolia. Yellow sand is causing an environmental problem to Japan and far into the American continent, let alone Korea. At present, the western region of China is going under desertification at a great speed due to climatic change and humans' damaging activities. To cope with this, each country including China is considering ecological restoration of deserts through planting. Accordingly, this research conducted a vegetation survey on Baicheng district which is a representative dry land of western China to obtain a basic data for ecological restoration of a desert. The survey revealed that Setaria viridis which invaded an arid land made a succession into Setaria viridis-Cannabis sativa var. fruderalis community together with Artemisia mongolica-Setaria viridis community due to the increase in salt concentration and alkalization subsequent to dryness. It was also found out that there finally formed Artemisia mongolica community on a flat intense in harsh wind and dryness with the continuous worsening of environmental conditions. There appeared a different type of vegetation on hilly districts where sporadic shade could come into being because the air humidity could be available relatively there. Frequently, typically appearing at the whole survey area, the Tributlus terrestris community was found to make succession into Tribulus terrestris-Cleisrogenes squarrosa community due to the aggravation of soil environment. In addition, with the worsening of the environment at hilly districts, there formed Clesirogenes squarrosa community resistant to dryness, salinity in soil and strong alkalinity. Further, there appeared higher plant life totalling to 62 taxa comprising 58 species and 4 varieties with 27 families and 49 genuses at the whole survey area. Among these, Compositae plants excellent in resistance to environment was surveyed the most, accounting for 27%.