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Overlay Multicast Network for IPTV Service using Bandwidth Adaptive Distributed Streaming Scheme (대역폭 적응형 분산 스트리밍 기법을 이용한 IPTV 서비스용 오버레이 멀티캐스트 네트워크)

  • Park, Eun-Yong;Liu, Jing;Han, Sun-Young;Kim, Chin-Chol;Kang, Sang-Ug
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.1141-1153
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    • 2010
  • This paper introduces ONLIS(Overlay Multicast Network for Live IPTV Service), a novel overlay multicast network optimized to deliver live broadcast IPTV stream. We analyzed IPTV reference model of ITU-T IPTV standardization group in terms of network and stream delivery from the source networks to the customer networks. Based on the analysis, we divide IPTV reference model into 3 networks; source network, core network and access network, ION(Infrastructure-based Overlay Multicast Network) is employed for the source and core networks and PON(P2P-based Overlay Multicast Network) is applied to the access networks. ION provides an efficient, reliable and stable stream distribution with very negligible delay while PON provides bandwidth efficient and cost effective streaming with a little tolerable delay. The most important challenge in live P2P streaming is to reduce end-to-end delay without sacrificing stream quality. Actually, there is always a trade-off between delay & stream quality in conventional live P2P streaming system. To solve this problem, we propose two approaches. Firstly, we propose DSPT(Distributed Streaming P2P Tree) which takes advantage of combinational overlay multicasting. In DSPT, a peer doesn't fully rely on SP(Supplying Peer) to get the live stream, but it cooperates with its local ANR(Access Network Relay) to reduce delay and improve stream quality. When RP detects bandwidth drop in SP, it immediately switches the connection from SP to ANR and continues to receive stream without any packet loss. DSPT uses distributed P2P streaming technique to let the peer share the stream to the extent of its available bandwidth. This means, if RP can't receive the whole stream from SP due to lack of SP's uploading bandwidth, then it receives only partial stream from SP and the rest from the ANR. The proposed distributed P2P streaming improves P2P networking efficiency.

A Study of Textured Image Segmentation using Phase Information (페이즈 정보를 이용한 텍스처 영상 분할 연구)

  • Oh, Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2011
  • Finding a new set of features representing textured images is one of the most important studies in textured image analysis. This is because it is impossible to construct a perfect set of features representing every textured image, and it is inevitable to choose some relevant features which are efficient to on-going image processing jobs. This paper intends to find relevant features which are efficient to textured image segmentation. In this regards, this paper presents a different method for the segmentation of textured images based on the Gabor filter. Gabor filter is known to be a very efficient and effective tool which represents human visual system for texture analysis. Filtering a real-valued input image by the Gabor filter results in complex-valued output data defined in the spatial frequency domain. This complex value, as usual, gives the module and the phase. This paper focused its attention on the phase information, rather than the module information. In fact, the module information is considered very useful at region analysis in texture, while the phase information was considered almost of no use. But this paper shows that the phase information can also be fully useful and effective at region analysis in texture, once a good method introduced. We now propose "phase derivated method", which is an efficient and effective way to compute the useful phase information directly from the filtered value. This new method reduces effectively computing burden and widen applicable textured images.

RGB Channel Selection Technique for Efficient Image Segmentation (효율적인 이미지 분할을 위한 RGB 채널 선택 기법)

  • 김현종;박영배
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.1332-1344
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    • 2004
  • Upon development of information super-highway and multimedia-related technoiogies in recent years, more efficient technologies to transmit, store and retrieve the multimedia data are required. Among such technologies, firstly, it is common that the semantic-based image retrieval is annotated separately in order to give certain meanings to the image data and the low-level property information that include information about color, texture, and shape Despite the fact that the semantic-based information retrieval has been made by utilizing such vocabulary dictionary as the key words that given, however it brings about a problem that has not yet freed from the limit of the existing keyword-based text information retrieval. The second problem is that it reveals a decreased retrieval performance in the content-based image retrieval system, and is difficult to separate the object from the image that has complex background, and also is difficult to extract an area due to excessive division of those regions. Further, it is difficult to separate the objects from the image that possesses multiple objects in complex scene. To solve the problems, in this paper, I established a content-based retrieval system that can be processed in 5 different steps. The most critical process of those 5 steps is that among RGB images, the one that has the largest and the smallest background are to be extracted. Particularly. I propose the method that extracts the subject as well as the background by using an Image, which has the largest background. Also, to solve the second problem, I propose the method in which multiple objects are separated using RGB channel selection techniques having optimized the excessive division of area by utilizing Watermerge's threshold value with the object separation using the method of RGB channels separation. The tests proved that the methods proposed by me were superior to the existing methods in terms of retrieval performances insomuch as to replace those methods that developed for the purpose of retrieving those complex objects that used to be difficult to retrieve up until now.

The Applicable Laws to International Intellectual Property License Contracts under the Rome I Regulation (국제 지식재산권 라이센스 계약 분쟁의 준거법 결정 원칙으로서 로마I 규정의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Hwa-Kyung
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.44
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    • pp.487-538
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    • 2013
  • It is the most critical issue in recent international intellectual property licence disputes to decide the applicable laws to the license contracts. As Korea and the European Union(EU) reached free trade agreement(FTA), and the EU-Korea FTA entered into force on July 1, 2011, the FTA has boosted social, economic, cultural exchanges between the two. As a result of the increased transactions in those sectors, legal disputes are also expected to grow. This situation calls for extensive research and understanding of the choice of law principles applicable to international intellectual property license contracts in the EU. To decide the laws applicable to issues arising from international intellectual property license contracts disputes, the characterization of those issues is necessary for the purpose of applying private international law principles to them. In terms of characterization, intellectual property license contracts fall within contractual matters. In the EU, the primary rule of choice of law principles in contractual obligations is the Rome I Regulation. Because the choice of law rules, such as private international law principles, the Rome Convention(1980), and the Rome I Regulation, differ in the time of application, it is essential to clarify the time factor of related contracts. For example, the Rome I Regulation applies to contracts which were concluded as from December 17, 2009. Although party autonomy in international contracts disputes is generally allowed, if there is no choice of law agreement between the parties to the contracts, the objective test rule of private international law doctrine could be the best option. Following this doctrine, the Rome I Regulation Article 4, Paragraph 1 provides the governing law rules based on the types of contracts, but there is no room for intellectual property license contracts. After all, as the rule for governing law of those contracts, the Rome I Regulation Article 4, Paragraph 2 should be applied and if there are countries which are more closely connected to the contracts under the Rome I Regulation Article 4, Paragraph 3, the laws of those countries become the governing laws of the contracts. Nevertheless, if it is not possible to decide the applicable laws to the license contracts, the Rome I Regulation Article 4, Paragraph 4 should be applied in the last resort and the laws of the countries which are the most closely connected to the contracts govern the license contracts. Therefore, this research on the laws applicable to intellectual property license contracts under the Rome I Regulation suggests more systematic and effective solutions for future disputes in which Korea and the EU countries play the significant role as the connecting factors in the conflict of laws rules. Moreover, it helps to establish comprehensive and theoretical understanding of applying the Korean Private International Law to multifarious choice-of-law cases.

Evaluating the Applicability of Activated Carbon-added Fiberboard Filters Fabricated with Lignocellulosic Fiber for the Reduction Equipment of Particulate Matter (리그노셀룰로오스 섬유 기반 활성탄-첨가 섬유판 필터의 미세먼지 저감장치용 적용가능성 평가)

  • Yang, In;So, Jae min;Hwang, Jeong Woo;Choi, Joon weon;Lee, Young-kyu;Choi, Wonsil;Oh, Seung Won;Moon, Myoung cheol
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.548-556
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the applicability of lignocellulosic fiber and coconut shell activated carbon (CSA) for the production of a particulate matter (PM)-reducing air-filter as raw materials to solve the environmental problems of non-woven fabrics. CSA had a good potential to use as a raw material of air-filter for reducing volatile organic compounds as well as noxious metals, and reduction capability of the CSA was 5 times higher than that of wood fiber. Natural adhesives formulated with proteinaceous wastes mostly were applied successfully to fabricate air-filters with the shape of fiberboard. The air-filter fabricated with the minimum target density of 200 kg/m3 and the maximum CSA-content of 40 wt% in fiberboard had a good manageable strength. However, the fiberboard filters was required to make vent-holes for improving an air-permeability of the filters. Size of the CSA particles was adjusted to greater than 2 mesh with the consideration of strength and formability of the fiberboard. Three-layers fiberboard that only wood fiber and the mixture of wood fiber and CSA were formed in the surface and middle layers, respectively, was determined to the optimal condition for the production of air-filters. In addition, traditional Korean paper handmade from mulberry trees (TKP) showed a good PM-reducing property as an air-filter. It is concluded that air-filtering set composed of fiberboard with vent-holes and TKP instead of conventional air-filters made with non-woven fabrics can be used as a filter for reducing the concentrations of PM, VOC and noxious metals existed in indoor and outdoor spaces.

Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents (지상파 UHD 콘텐츠 전송 스케줄러 설계 및 구현)

  • Paik, Jong-Ho;Seo, Minjae;Yu, Kyung-A
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.118-131
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    • 2019
  • In order to provide 8K UHD contents of terrestrial broadcasting with a large capacity, the terrestrial broadcasting system has various problems such as limited bandwidth and so on. To solve these problems, UHD contents transmission technology has been actively studied, and an 8K UHD broadcasting system using terrestrial broadcasting network and communication network has been proposed. The proposed technique is to solve the limited bandwidth problem of terrestrial broadcasting network by segmenting 8K UHD contents and transmitting them to heterogeneous networks through hierarchical separation. Through the terrestrial broadcasting network, the base layer corresponding to FHD and the additional enhancement layer data for 4K UHD are transmitted, and the additional enhancement layer data corresponding to 8K UHD is transmitted through the communication network. When 8K UHD contents are provided in such a way, user can receive up to 4K UHD broadcasting by terrestrial channels, and also can receive up to 8K UHD additional communication networks. However, in order to transmit the 4K UHD contents within the allocated bit rate of the domestic terrestrial UHD broadcasting, the compression rate is increased, so a certain level of image deterioration occurs inevitably. Due to the nature of UHD contents, video quality should be considered as a top priority over other factors, so that video quality should be guaranteed even within a limited bit rate. This requires packet scheduling of content generators in the broadcasting system. Since the multiplexer sends out the packets received from the content generator in order, it is very important to make the transmission time and the transmission rate of the process from the content generator to the multiplexer constant and accurate. Therefore, we propose a variable transmission scheduler between the content generator and the multiplexer to guarantee the image quality of a certain level of UHD contents in this paper.

Rehabilitation with orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment in patient with severe occlusal disharmony: A case report (심한 교합 부조화를 보이는 환자에서 악교정수술 및 교정치료를 동반한 구강회복: 증례 보고)

  • Jung-Jin Lee;Kwang-Yeob Song;Seung-Geun Ahn;Ju-Mi Park;Jae-Min Seo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.204-214
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    • 2023
  • The occlusal treatment including prosthetic treatment should be considered when the pathologic symptom was observed with the excessive discrepancy between the centric relation occlusion (CRO) and the maximum intercuspal position (MIP). Through careful diagnosis, the malocclusion and interarch relationship can be analyzed, and occlusal adjustment, restorative treatment, orthodontic therapy, or orthognathic surgery can be performed depending on the degree of disharmony. The patient in this case report complained the unstable occlusion and loss of masticatory function that had been occurring for several years. At the time of the visit, the patient showed severe occlusal disharmony, with only the upper right second molar contacting the lower jaw at the maximum intercuspal position. Based on the analysis of the occlusion, it was difficult to solve the problem with just occlusal adjustment or restorative treatment. In addition, the patient had the skeletal class II malocclusion between the upper and lower jaws. Therefore, for resolving the severe skeletal class II malocclusion, pre- and post-orthodontic treatment, bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy (BSSRO) was performed. After that, the occlusal adjustment was performed for stable occlusion, and the missing teeth area was restored with dental implants. During the follow-up period, a periodic follow-up visits and additional occlusal adjustments were performed to achieve a stable centric occlusion and harmonious anterior and lateral guidance. As a result, the final prosthodontic treatment was completed, and the patient's masticatory function was restored.

An Improved Online Algorithm to Minimize Total Error of the Imprecise Tasks with 0/1 Constraint (0/1 제약조건을 갖는 부정확한 태스크들의 총오류를 최소화시키기 위한 개선된 온라인 알고리즘)

  • Song, Gi-Hyeon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 2007
  • The imprecise real-time system provides flexibility in scheduling time-critical tasks. Most scheduling problems of satisfying both 0/1 constraint and timing constraints, while the total error is minimized, are NP-complete when the optional tasks have arbitrary processing times. Liu suggested a reasonable strategy of scheduling tasks with the 0/1 constraint on uniprocessors for minimizing the total error. Song et at suggested a reasonable strategy of scheduling tasks with the 0/1 constraint on multiprocessors for minimizing the total error. But, these algorithms are all off-line algorithms. In the online scheduling, the NORA algorithm can find a schedule with the minimum total error for the imprecise online task system. In NORA algorithm, EDF strategy is adopted in the optional scheduling. On the other hand, for the task system with 0/1 constraint, EDF_Scheduling may not be optimal in the sense that the total error is minimized. Furthermore, when the optional tasks are scheduled in the ascending order of their required processing times, NORA algorithm which EDF strategy is adopted may not produce minimum total error. Therefore, in this paper, an online algorithm is proposed to minimize total error for the imprecise task system with 0/1 constraint. Then, to compare the performance between the proposed algorithm and NORA algorithm, a series of experiments are performed. As a conseqence of the performance comparison between two algorithms, it has been concluded that the proposed algorithm can produce similar total error to NORA algorithm when the optional tasks are scheduled in the random order of their required processing times but, the proposed algorithm can produce less total error than NORA algorithm especially when the optional tasks are scheduled in the ascending order of their required processing times.

Probability-based Pre-fetching Method for Multi-level Abstracted Data in Web GIS (웹 지리정보시스템에서 다단계 추상화 데이터의 확률기반 프리페칭 기법)

  • 황병연;박연원;김유성
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.261-274
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    • 2003
  • The effective probability-based tile pre-fetching algorithm and the collaborative cache replacement algorithm are able to reduce the response time for user's requests by transferring tiles which will be used in advance and determining tiles which should be removed from the restrictive cache space of a client based on the future access probabilities in Web GISs(Geographical Information Systems). The Web GISs have multi-level abstracted data for the quick response time when zoom-in and zoom-out queries are requested. But, the previous pre-fetching algorithm is applied on only two-dimensional pre-fetching space, and doesn't consider expanded pre-fetching space for multi-level abstracted data in Web GISs. In this thesis, a probability-based pre-fetching algorithm for multi-level abstracted in Web GISs was proposed. This algorithm expanded the previous two-dimensional pre-fetching space into three-dimensional one for pre-fetching tiles of the upper levels or lower levels. Moreover, we evaluated the effect of the proposed pre-fetching algorithm by using a simulation method. Through the experimental results, the response time for user requests was improved 1.8%∼21.6% on the average. Consequently, in Web GISs with multi-level abstracted data, the proposed pre-fetching algorithm and the collaborative cache replacement algorithm can reduce the response time for user requests substantially.

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The Effects of Formative Assessment Using Mobile Applications on Interest and Self-Directedness in Science Instruction (모바일을 활용한 형성평가가 과학수업의 흥미성과 자기주도성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwak, Hyoungsuk;Shin, Youngjoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates the effects of formative assessment utilizing mobile applications on interest and self-directedness in science instruction. The study subjects are two 6th grade classes from H elementary school located in Incheon, and the experimental group and the comparative group are composed of 21 students, respectively. The students from the experimental group have been taught with mobile devices while the comparative group has been taught in methods consistent with the current teaching standards. For the sake of research, the results of the method applied to the mobile device focus group have been edited using Google Drive Forms, entered as QR codes and stored in order for them to later be utilized for teaching and learning process. In the process, the teacher has provided the students with feedback based on their answers. The students of comparative group are to solve the same formative assessment in paper. As a result, the teacher of the mobile device focus group has been able to go through twenty-nine questions on formative assessment in the teaching and learning process, confirm the correct answers five times and provide feedback twenty-five times for additional explanation. In the inquiry about interest, the mobile device group scored 4.64 points and the standard one scored just 1.99 points (p<0.01). Fifteen students answered in the interview that and the major reason why they scored high has been because it was fun to study with mobile devices. When it comes to self-directedness over the process of teaching and learning, the mobile device focus group has answered positively but the standard group has scored relatively low (p<0.01).