• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문서 영상

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An Empirical Study for Model Development Concerning Advance Directive (사전의료지시서(Advance Directives) 모형 개발을 위한 실증 연구)

  • Hong, Seongae
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1197-1211
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    • 2010
  • This research was concucted to present a model of advance directives(AD) when a patient, who is in consciousness, shows a preference for an end of life care as an act of preparing for an uncertain situation that may arise in the forseeable future. The subjects of the research are 383 doctors/nurese and adults, who live in six cities and provinces, to investigate the status of AD, attitude regarding a meaningless life-prolonging treatment, and moreover, an understanding of and a preference for AD. The research was done by the well-structured questionnaire. Also, SPSS 14.0 is used to analyse the collected data, focused on frequency analysis, avearage and standard deviation, X2 test. As the results of the study, the most of the surveyed doctors/nurese knew DNR orders and AD and a few of them used DNR orders and AD practically. Also, the result shows that there is a negative conception of meaningless life-prolonging treatment among the responents, in addition, most of them agreed upon the idea of introducing AD to Korea, filling it out and making it legally effective. As a method of making AD out, the respondents wanted to use a form that mixed living will with an Power of Attorney in a document. Also, considering the appropriate time, respondents prefered when they are diagnosed with terminal illness. At the moment, the introductory model for AD, which is suitable for the Korean culture and current situation is presented based on the result of this research. In the future, other researches should deal with specific measures that can lead to a social consensus to adopt AD in Korea.

The Effect of Deodeok Contents on the Quality of Deodeok Wine (더덕 함량이 더덕 침출주의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Dong-Jin;Choi, Shin-Yang
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.414-418
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    • 2007
  • The physicochemical characteristics and sensory properties of Deodeok wine, formed by leaching of Deodeok at room temperature for 180 days, were investigated over the following range of Deodeok levels: 10, 15 and 20% (all w/v). The higher the level of Deodeok, the greater were the final values of total sugars, reducing sugars, total polyphenols, and crude saponins. The Hunter's b-value (yellowness) of Deodeok wine varied markedly with Deodeok levels, and yellowness was highest in Deodeok wine containing 20% (w/v) Deodeok. Non-volatile compounds, that form the basis of the liquor tax law, were 0.64, 1.38 and 2.11% (all w/v), respectively, at day 160. Of these values, that of 2.11% (w/v), the level of non-volatile compounds in Deodeok wine containing 20% (w/v) Deodeok, was in accord with the liquor tax law (that requires this figure to be 2.0%). Sensory evaluation showed that Deodeok wine containing 20% (w/v) Deodeok was superior to the other wines tested.

Value and Prosect of individual diary as research materials : Based on the "The 12th May Diaries Collection" (개인 일기의 연구 자료로서의 가치와 전망 "5월12일 일기컬렉션"을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hyo Jin;Yim, Jin Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.46
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    • pp.95-152
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    • 2015
  • "Archives of Everyday Life" refers to an organization or facility which collects, appraises, selects and preserves the document from the memory of individuals, groups, or a society through categorizing and classifying lives and cultures of ordinary people. The document includes materials such as diaries, autobiography, letters, and notes. It also covers any digital files or hypertext like posts from blogs and online communities, or photos uploaded on Social Network Services. Many research fields including the Records Management Studies has continuously claimed the necessity of collection and preservation of ordinary people's records on daily life produced every moment. Especially diary is a written record reflecting the facts experienced by an individual and his self-examination. Its originality, individuality and uniqueness are considered truly valuable as a document regardless of the era. Lately many diaries have been discovered and presented to the historical research communities, and diverse researchers in human and social studies have embarked more in-depth research on diaries, their authors, and social background of the time. Furthermore, researchers from linguistics, educational studies, and psychology analyze linguistic behaviors, status of cultural assimilation, and emotional or psychological changes of an author. In this study, we are conducting a metastudy from various research on diaries in order to reaffirm the value of "The 12th May Diaries Collection" as everyday life archives. "The 12th May Diaries Collection" consists of diaries produced and donated directly by citizens on the 12th May every year. It was only 2013 when Digital Archiving Institute in Univ. of Myungji organized the first "Annual call for the 12th May". Now more than 2,000 items were collected including hand writing diaries, digital documents, photos, audio and video files, etc. The age of participants also varies from children to senior citizens. In this study, quantitative analysis will be made on the diaries collected as well as more profound discoveries on the detailed contents of each item. It is not difficult to see stories about family and friends, school life, concerns over career path, daily life and feelings of citizens ranging all different generations, regions, and professions. Based on keyword and descriptors of each item, more comprehensive examination will be further made. Additionally this study will also provide suggestions to examine future research opportunities of these diaries for different fields such as linguistics, educational studies, historical studies or humanities considering diverse formats and contents of diaries. Finally this study will also discuss necessary tasks and challenges for "the 12th May Diaries Collection" to be continuously collected and preserved as Everyday Life Archives.