• Title/Summary/Keyword: 무병생존

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Radiotherapy Results of the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in the Head and Neck (두경부에 국한된 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma의 방사선치료 성적)

  • Kim Jung Soo;Kim Il Han;Ha Sung Whan;Park Charn Il;Suh Eun Hee;Ahn Geung Hwan;Bang Yung Jue;Kim Noe Kyeong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 1985
  • This is a retrospective analysis of 54 patients with stage I or II Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma involving the head and neck region treated with curative radiotherapy in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital during the period of February 1979 through September 1982. The minimum follow-up period was 24 months. The review of histologic slides was available in 36 cases. Waldeyer's ring was the most common extranodal sites $(40\%)$. $41\%$ of patients were in the stage 1 and $59\%$ in the stage II by Ann Arbor classification. Of the 44 patients who responded after radiotherapy, 24 patients$(54.4\%)$subsequently relapsed. Regional recurrence rate was $29\%$, distant metastasis was $54\%$ and simultaneous regional recurrence and distant metastasis was $17\%$. The survival rate and disease free survival at 2 years were $57\%\;and\;45\%$ respectively. Those patients with a large primary lesion (over 6cm in diameter), multiple conglomerated, extranodal site and diffuse ceil type, experienced a high rate of distant metastasis. Therefore it seems desirable to study the use of adjuvant chemotherapy in those patients with a high probability of distant metastasis.

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Results of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Carcinoma (유방종양에서 술후방사선치료의 결과)

  • Kim Ju Ree;Kang Seung Hee;Yang Kwang Mo;Suh Hyun Suk
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 1992
  • Between December 1983 and December 1989, twenty-five breast carcinoma patients were treated with surgical resection and postoperative radiotherapy at Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital. Twenty-three of 25 were evaluable and there were 7 patients with stage II ,14 patients with stage III, and 2 patients with stage IV. Twenty-one patients were treated with modified radical mastectomy and the remained 2 patients with simple mastectomy. The follow-up period ranged from 2 to 8 years. The local control rate was $83\%$ for the entire group. The local control rates for each stage were $100\%$(6/6) for stage II, $73\%$(11/15) for stage III, and $100\%$(2/2) for stage IV. The number of metastatic axillary nodes was a good predictor of locoregional cotrol. It was $100\%$ for the patients with 0-3 metastatic nodes and $72\%$ for more than 4 nodes, respectively. The 5-year overall survival rate for the entire group was $59\%$, and the disease-free survival rate was $32\%$, The 5-year survival rates for each stage II, III and IV was $83\%$, $59\%$ and $50\%$, respectively. The distant metastasis occured in 10 out of 23 patients and the most common site was bone. The results indicate that postoperative radiotherapy continues to play an important role in the primary.

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Combined Surgery and Radiotherapy in the Stage I and II Primary Gastrointestinal Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas (I, II기 원발성 위장관 임파종의 수술후 방사선 치료)

  • Chai Kyoo Yung;Kim Il Han;Ha Sung Whan;Park Charn Il;Choe Kuk Jin;Kim Jin Pok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 1987
  • Thirty eight patients with stage I and II primary gastrointestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were treated in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital between 1979 and 1984. There were 6 systemic disseminations during radiotherapy, and the overall failure rate were $31\%$ in the cases with tumor bulk less than 5cm in diameter before radiotherapy and $75\%$ in the cases with tumor bulk greater than 5cm in diameter (p <0,05). The overall 5 year survival rate were $69.2\%$ in 28 patients who completed radiotherpay and $72\%$ in 24 patients with tumor bulk less than 5cm in diameter (small or no tumor bulk). The 5 year disease free survival rate were $71\%$ in cases with tumor bulk less than 5cm in diameter and $25\%$ in cases with tumor bulk greater than 5cm in diameter (p<0.01). But the intitial stage was not related with treatment result in all cases or subgroups of cases. Thus the cases with small or no tumor bulk were shown to be curable with combined surgery and postoperative radiotherapy, but for the control of the cases with large tumor bulk that had a guarded prognosis combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy should be tried.

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Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Advanced Stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (진행된 병기의 비인강암에서의 선행보조 항암화학요법과 방사선치료)

  • Hong Semie;Wu Hong-Gyun;Park Charn II
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.275-280
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To assess the feasibility and the toxicity of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the treatment of patients with locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods and Materials : We analyzed 77 previously untreated and histologically confirmed advanced stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy at the Seoul National University Hospital between 1984 and 1996. The stage distribution was as follows : AJCC stage III-2, stage IV-75. Sixty-six patients received infusion of 5-FU (1000 mg/m$^2$, on Day 1$\~$5) and cisplatin (100 mg/m$^2$, on Day 1), eleven patients received infusion of 5-FU (1000 mg/m$^2$, on Day 1 $\~$5) and carboplatin (300 mg/m$^2$, on Day 1) as neoadjuvant chemotherapy Prior to radiation therapy. The median follow-up for surviving patients was 44 months. Results : The overall chemotherapy response rates were 87$\%$. The toxicities of chemotherapy were mild. Only 3 patients experienced Grade 3 toxicities (1 for cytopenia, 2 for nause/vomiting). The degree of radiation induced mucositis was not severe, and ten patients developed Grade 2 mucositis. The 5-year overall survival rates were 68$\%$ and the 5-year disease free survival rates were 65$\%$. The 5-year freedom from distant metastasis rates were 82$\%$ and 5-year locoregional control rates were 75$\%$. Conclusion : This single institution experience suggests that neoadjuvant chemotherapy improves overall survival and disease free survival for patients with advanced stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma without increase of toxicity.

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The Production, Distribution, and Utilization of Rice in Japan (일본의 쌀 생산, 유통 및 이용 현용)

  • Inouchi, Naoyoshi
    • Food preservation and processing industry
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2002
  • 일본은 기후적으로도 쌀의 생산에 적합하며 쌀은 일본의 주곡이다. 1893년 국립농업연구소가 설치된 이래로 쌀은 품질과 단보당 생산량이 꾸준히 개선되어와 116의 노동시간으로 생산량은 2.5배의 증가를 가져왔다. 이러한 진전은 재배방법의 개선, 비료, 농약, 재배기술, 기계화, 관개배수, 농지개량 등의 요인들로 볼 수 있다. 현재 일본에서 생산되고 있는 주요 쌀 품종으로는 코시히카리($35.5\%$), 히토메보레($9.7\%$), 히노히카리($9.0\%$), 아키다코마치($8.5\%$), 키라라($4.8\%$) 등 10여 품종이며 최근에는 형질전환 품종의 연구와 함께 생물공학적 연구 ,생리, 품질, 곤충과 잡초, 토양, 식품가공 등 기본적인 연구에 심혈을 기울이고 있다. 새로운 형태의 쌀 품종으로는 냉동조리쌀밥, 초밥, 레토르트룡 쌀 등 가공용으로 적합하도록 하기 위하여 아밀로오즈의 함량을 $5-15\%$로 낮춘 쌀이나 카레, 필라프, 튀김 쌀 등의 용도에 적합하도록 아밀로오스의 함량을 $30\%$이상으로 높인 쌀뿐만 아니라 곡립의 크기와 길이 등을 변형시킨 쌀, 유색미, 향미, 단백질 함량 조절 쌀, 거대 배아미, lipoxygenase 활성을 없앤 쌀, 단맛나는 쌀 등이 연구, 생산되고 있다. 일본에서의 쌀이용은 먼저 가공용 쌀을 들 수 있다. 밥, 청주, 스낵, 쌀가루, 미소발효 등 다양하게 이용이 되고 있으며 parboiled rice와 이의 색과 향을 개선한 converted rice, 현미를 이용한 가공쌀, 쌀빵, 현미가루, 세척미, 쌀국수, 쌀스낵, 당과, 죽, 쌀은 채소아 함께하는 타키코미고한, 초밥, 냉동쌀밥, 무균포장밥, 건조밥, 즉석밥 등 매우 다양하다.는 일, 쌀 재배구조 조정과 함께 높은 미질을 가지는 품종육종, 기계화를 비롯한 경작기술의 발달, 쌀과 부산물 가공기술의 개발연구, 특정기능을 함유하는 유전공학적 기술의 적용, 토지와 도시화 그리고 식량순환에 시스템의 개혁 등 과학기술을 고양하는 일 등을 들 수 있다.하는데 도움이 되리라 생각된다.=0.002)가 통계적으로 유의한 인자였다. 결론 : 본 기관에서 시행되어진 근침윤성 방광암에 대한 방광보존치료법은 기존의 근치적 방광절제술에 비하여 대등한 치료성적을 내는 동시에 $63\%$에서 장기보존이 가능하였다. 따라서 본 치료법이 방광암의 치료에 적극적으로 적용되어야 할 것으로 생각하며 향후 여러 기관이 참여하는 활발한 연구를 통해 한국인에게 가장 적절한 치료법을 개발해야 될 것으로 생각한다. B2+3, C1, C2+3군에서 수술달독군과 방사선치료 추가군의 골반종양제어율은 각각 $79\%$$75\%$ (p=0.88), $100\%$$100\%,\;44\%$$68\%$ (p=0.01)이었다. 전체 환자를 대상으로 다요인 분석을 시행한 결과 생존율과 무병생존율에 병기만이 유의하였고 두 치료 군에서도 역시 병기가 유의한 인자로 나타났다. 전체환자에서 골반종양제어율에 유의한 예후인자로 다요인분석을 시행한 결과 병기와 수술방법이 유의하였다. 수술단독군에서는 병기만이 유의하였고 방사선치료 추가군에서는 수술방법만이 유의하여 복부회음절제술군의 골반종양재발률이 높았다. 결론 : 본 후향적 연구에서 수술 후 보조적 방사선치료를 시행하여 수술단독군에 비해 병기 C2+3군에서 골반종양제어율이 향상되었음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 병기 B2이상의 모든 환자에서 골반종양제어율 뿐만 아니라 생존율의 향상을 가져오기

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Radiation Therapy in Malignant Tumors of the Parotid Gland (이하선 악성종양에 대한 방사선 치료의 효과)

  • Kim, Won-Dong;Park, Charn-Il;Kim, Kwang-Hyun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 1994
  • A retrospective analysis was performed on 55 patients with malignant parotid tumor who were treated with radiation therapy between March, 1979 and July, 1989. Of these patients, 8 patients received radiation therapy(RT) alone and 47 patients were treated with combined operation and radiation therapy(OP + RT). The follow-up period of the survivors ranged from 1 to 129 months with a median of 48 months. The common histologic types were mucoepidermoid carcinoma (25 cases), malignant mixed tumor(12 cases), adenoid cystic carcinoma(6 cases). The 5 and 10 year local control rate were 69.8% and 65.7% in all patients. In OP+RT group, prognostic factors related to local control were histologic grade, tumor size, lymph node metastasis. Resection of facial nerve did not affect the local control rate significantly(p=0.129). Distant metastasis developed in 23.6% of patients, mostly to the lung. Actuarial overall survival rate was 72.2% at 10 years and formed plateau after 5 years. Disease-free (NED) survival rate was 49.4% at 10 years and was better achieved in OP+RT group and low grade lesions. Based on our result, a well planned postoperative RT following parotidectomy is highly efficacious in controlling malignant tumors of the parotid gland and preservation of facial nerve.

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A Comparison of Clinical Outcomes for Breast-conserving Treatment and Mastectomy for Early Breast Cancer (조기 유방암에서 유방보존치료와 유방절제술 치료성적 비교)

  • Noh, Jae-Myoung;Park, Won;Huh, Seung-Jae;Choi, Doo-Ho;Yang, Jung-Hyun;Nam, Seok-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Han;Im, Young-Hyuck;Ahn, Jin-Seok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To compare the treatment outcomes and to analyze prognostic factors between the use of a breast-conserving treatment(BCT) and a mastectomy for early stage breast cancer. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 1,200 patients with pathological stage T1-2N0 breast cancer who received surgery between September 1994 and December 2002 at Samsung Medical Center. We compared the patient characteristics and treatment outcomes between the two treatment groups. Results: Among the 1,174 eligible patients, 601(51.2%) patients received a BCT and the remaining 573(48.8%) patients received a mastectomy. The mastectomy group of patients had significantly more cases with a larger tumor size, multicentricity, extensive intraductal component, and estrogen- and progester-one-receptor negativity. The ten-year overall survival rates(OS) of the BCT and mastectomy groups were 91.96% and 91.01%, respectively(p=0.1274). The ten-year disease-free survival rates(DFS) were 80.48% for the BCT group of patients and 84.95% for the mastectomy group of patients, respectively(p=0.8795). Conclusion: Our study shows some differences in patient characteristics between the two treatment groups. However, these differences did not result in significant survival differences.

Result of Postoperative Radiotherapy of the Rectal Cancer (직장암의 수술후 방사선치료 성적)

  • Cho, Moon-June;Ha, Sung-Whan;Park, Charn-Il;Choe, Kuk-Jin;Kim, Jin-Pok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 1986
  • To assess the effect of postoperative radiotherapy on tumor recurrence and patient survival, 133 patients who received adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy for adenocarcinoma of the rectum were retrospectively analyzed. Sixty-one percent of the patients were in stage $C_2$ by Astler-Coller staging system. A significant statistical difference was noticed in failure rates for lymph node negative vs lymph node positive patients; $26\%(9/35)\;vs\;50\%(49/98)$. The incidence of local failure was found to be strongly dependent on the pathologic stages; with $9\%(3/35)$ of recurrence in stage B and $21\%(21/98)$ in stage C. Distant metastasis has occurred in $29\%(38/133)$ of the patients; $2\%(7/35)$ in stage B and $32\%(31/98)$ in stage C. The actuarial survival at 3 years for patients in stage $B_2$, stage $C_1$, and stage $C_2$were $78\%,\;47\%,\;and\;38\%$, respectively. In conclusion, the postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy for rectal carcinoma appears to reduce local recurrence significantly.

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Combining ex vitro thermotherapy with shoot-tip grafting for elimination of virus from potted apple plants (기외 열처리와 경정접목을 이용한 사과 폿트묘에서의 바이러스 제거)

  • Chun, Jae An;Gwon, Jiyeong;Lee, Seon Gi
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.222-229
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    • 2022
  • Apples are the most grown fruit crops in the fruit industry of Korea. However, virus or viroid infection such as apple mosaic virus (ApMV), apple stem grooving capillovirus (ASGV), apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) causes fruit yield reduction and poor fruit quality. Therefore, in this study, we examined to established an efficient virus-free system to eliminate the most infected ASGV virus in domestic apple orchard. We investigated that the shoot growth rate and the virus removal rate in ASGV infected potted apples that were treated with heat treatment in a growth chamber (constant temperature/humidity device) maintained at 36℃, 38℃ and 40℃ for 4 weeks. Here we found that the shoot growth rate was the highest in the heat treatment group (36℃) and the virus was removed in the middle and top of the shoot but not in the bottom. The virus was did not removed in the 38℃ and 40℃ heat treatment group in all section of shoots, and the heat treatment group (40℃) died after 4 weeks of heat treatment without growth of shoots. We performed in vivo shoot-tip grafting using the shoot-tip of potted apple heat-treated at 36 ℃, and we also investigated the viability and virus removal rate, which showed 94% viability and 20% virus removal rate. Collectively, our results suggest that it would be possible to produce the virus-free apple plants through heat treatment and shoot-tip grafting.

Postoperative Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (비소세포성 폐암의 수술 후 방사선치료)

  • Chun, Ha-Chung;Lee, Myung-Za
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.113-117
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To evaluate effect of postoperative radiotherapy on survival and local control for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Materials and Methods : Ninety two NSCLC patients with N1or N2 involvement who were treated with postoperative radiotherapy following surgery with curative intent from May 1987 to October 1999 were retrospectively analyzed. Age of the patients was ranged from 32 to 78 years. According to TNM Stage, 35 patients had Stage II and 57 had Stage III disease. There were 49 patients with N1 involvement and 43 patients with N2 involvement. Fifty six patients were noted to have $T1\~2$ tumors and 36 patients to have $T3\~4$ tumors. Delivered total dose was ranged from 40 to 60 Gy. Majority of patients received 50 Gy or 50.4 Gy. Follow-up period was ranged from 9 month to 7 years with median follow-up of 26 months. Results : Overall survival rates at 3 and 5 years for entire group of patients were $46\%\;and\;38\%$, respectively. Corresponding disease free survival rates were $44\%\;and\;36\%$. There was significant difference in survival between patients with Stage II and Stage III disease ($50\%\;vs\;28\%$ at 5-year). Five year survival rates for N1 and N2 patients were $52\%\;and\;20\%$, respectively (p<0.05). These were $40\%\;and\;34\%$ for patients with $T1\~2$ tumors and $T3\~4$ tumors. There were documented local relapses in $13\%$ of the patients. For patients with N1 and N2 Stage, local relapse rates were $8\%\;and\;18\%$, respectively. Conclusion : Our study confirms that postoperative radiotherapy for patients with non-small cell lung cancer improves local control. However, influence of postoperative radiotherapy on long-term survival is less clear. More effective systemic treatment to prevent distant metastasis should be investigated in future study to improve long-term survival.

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