• Title/Summary/Keyword: 무병생존

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Result of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy, Surgery and Radiation Therapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (국소 진행성 유방암 환자에서 선행 항암화학요법의 치료결과)

  • Bae, Sun-Hyun;Park, Won;Huh, Seung-Jae;Choi, Doo-Ho;Nam, Hee-Rim;Yang, Jung-Hyun;Nam, Seok-Jin;Lee, Jeong-Eon;Im,, Young-Hyuck;Ahn, Jin-Seok;Park, Yeon-Hee
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To evaluate the result of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy in locally advanced breast cancer as well as analyze the prognostic factors affecting survival. Materials and Methods: One hundred fifty-nine patients with breast cancer were treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy between April 1995 and November 2006 at the Samsung Medical Center. Among these patients, we retrospectively reviewed 105 patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery and radiation therapy for a cure with an initial tumor size >5 cm or clinically positive lymph nodes. All patients received anthracycline based chemotherapy except for 2 patients. According to clinical tumor stage, 3 patients (3%) were cT1, 26 (25%) were cT2, 39 (37%) were T3 and 37 (35%) were T4. Initially, 98 patients (93%) showed axillary lymph node metastasis. The follow-up periods ranged from 7~142 months (median, 41 months) after the beginning of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Results: Locoregional failure free survival rate and distant metastasis free survival rate at 5 years were 82.1% and 69.9%, respectively. Disease free survival rate and overall survival rate at 5 years were 66.1% and 77.1%, respectively. The results of a univariate analysis indicate that clinical tumor stage, pathologic tumor stage, pathologic nodal stage and pathologic TNM stage were statistically significant factors for disease free survival rate and overall survival rate. Whereas, a multivariate analysis indicated that only hormone therapy was a statistically significant factor for survival. Conclusion: The current study results were comparable to other published studies for neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. Hormone therapy was a statistically significant prognostic factor. The patients with early clinical or pathologic stage had a tendency to improve their survival rate.

A Study on BRCA1/2 Mutations, Hormone Status and HER-2 Status in Korean Women with Early-onset Breast Cancer (젊은 한국인 유방암 환자에서 BRCA1/2 돌연변이와 호르몬 수용체, HER-2 상태에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Doo-Ho;Jin, So-Young;Lee, Dong-Wha;Kim, Eun-Seog;Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Women with breast cancer diagnosed at an age of 40 years or younger have a greater prevalence of germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations than the prevalence of women with breast cancer diagnosed at older ages. Several immunohistochemical characteristics have been identified in breast cancers from studies of Caucasian women with BRCA1/2 mutations having familial or early-onset breast cancers. The aim of this study is to determine whether early-onset breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers, who were not selected from a family history, could be distinguished by the use of immunohistochemical methods and could be distinguished from breast cancer in women of a similar age without a germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. We also analyzed the prognostic difference between BRCA1/2 related and BRCA1/2 non-related patients by the use of univariate and multivariate analysis. Materials and Methods: Breast cancer tissue specimens from Korean women with early-onset breast cancers were studied using a tumor tissue microarray. Immunohistochemical staining of estrogen receptor(ER), progesterone receptor(PR) and HER-2, as well as the histology and grade of these specimens, were compared. The prognostic impact of immunohistochemical and histological factors as well as the BRCA1/2 mutation status was investigated separately. Results: There were 14 cases and 16 deleterious BRCA1/2 mutations among 101 patients tested. A family history(4/14) and bilateral breast cancers(3/9) were high risk factors for BRCA1/2 mutations. BRCA1/2-associated cancers demonstrated more expression of ER-negative(19.4% versus 5.1%, p=0.038) and HER-2 negative than BRCA1/2 negative tumors, especially for tumors with BRCA1 tumors The BRCA1/2 mutation rate for patients with triple negative tumors(negative expression of ER, PR and HER-2) was 24.2%. Tumor size, nodal status, and HER-2 expression status were significantly associated with disease free survival, as determined by univariate and multivariate analysis, but the BRCA1/2 status was not a prognostic factor. Conclusion: Breast cancer that occurs in women with a germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations have recognizable immunohistochemical features, which may be useful in identifying individuals that are more likely to carry germline mutations. Although the BRCA1/2 mutation status was not a prognostic factor in Korean women with early-onset breast cancer, more cases with a longer follow-up period are needed for further study.

Ribavirin Treatment for Efficient Cucumber mosaic virus and cnidium vein yellowing virus Elimination in Cnidium officinale in vitro Shoots (천궁에 감염된 오이모자이크바이러스와 엽맥황화바이러스 제거를 위한 리바비린 처리 효과)

  • Chanhoon An
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.50-50
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 천궁에 감염된 오이모자이크바이러스(CMV)와 천궁엽맥황화바이러스(CnVYV)의 제거를 위해 항바이러스제인 리바비린 처리 효과를 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 천궁 기내식물체의 생장점을 절취 후 항바이러스제 농도를 달리한 배지에서 생육을 유도한 후 RT-PCR 방법을 통해 바이러스 검출율을 조사하였다. 리바비린을 40 mg l-1 농도로 처리하였을 때 바이러스 검출 종 수는 1.1종으로 감소하였다. 또한 동일조건에서 CMV와 CnVYV-2의 검출율은 무처리구 대비 각각 1/5과 1/2 수준으로 감소하였다. 하지만 리바비린 처리에 따른 CnVYV-1의 검출율은 감소하지 않았다. 리바바린 처리 농도에 따른 생존율은 처리구별로 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않았으나, 40 mg l-1 리바비린 처리구에서 신초 발생 수와 신초 길이는 무처리구 대비 절반 수준으로 감소하였다. 리바비린 처리를 통해 CMV와 CnVYV-2가 미검출된 23개체를 선발하였으며, 추가적인 바이러스 검정 단계를 거쳐 무병묘 생산에 활용될 것이다.

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Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma : Correlations with Prognostic Factors and Survival (비인강암의 예후인자가 생존율에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Charn-Il;Park, Woo-Yoon;Kim, Jong-Sun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 1989
  • One hundred and ten patients with carcinoma of the nasopharynx were treated by radiation therapy in Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital between 1979 and 1985. Among these, one hundred and five patients were treated with curative intent and 5 patients with palliative aim. Excluding 16 patients who did not receive a full course of radiation therapy, the remaining 89 patients were reviewed for this analysis. Minimum follow-up period of survivors was 36 months. Forty-three percent of the patients had T4 primary lesions and $72\%$ had stage IV disease. The histology was squamous cell carcinoma in $46\%$ of the patients. undifferentiated carcinoma in $49\%$, and lymphoepithelioma in $5\%$. Total radiation dose to the primary site averaged 6,500cCY for T1, T2 lesions and 7500cCY for T3, T4 lesions. Neck node were given boost treatment to a maximum 7,500cCY depending on the extent of disease. Early primary lesion (T1, T2) and neck nodes were successfully controlled in most cases when dose of greater than 6,500cCY was delievered. Forty two patients $(47\%)$ had recurred, 16 of whom $(38\%)$ed at the primary site and $24(57\%)$ developed distant metastases. Of these. 9 patients received re-irradiation with or without chemotherapy and local control was obtained in 2 patients$(22\%)$. Actuarial overall survival and disease-free survival rate was $42\%\;and\;38\%$ at 5 years. T-stage and histologic subtype were not correlated with survival. However, N-stage was related to survival significantly (p=0.043).

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The Result of Combined Modality Treatment for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of Head and Neck (두경부 악성 임파종에 대한 병용치료의 결과)

  • Kim Jae Cheol;Kim Sang Bo;Ryu Samuel;Park In Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 1990
  • From April 1985 to September 1989, 26 patients with stage I and II non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of unfavorable histology localized in head and neck region were treated with combined modality (combination chemotherapy plus radiotherapy) at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology in Kyungpook National University Hospital. Of the 26 patients, 23 showed complete response and 3 partial response. Between these two groups there were no statistical differences according to the variables. Three-year survival and disease-free survival rate were $62.4{\%}$ and $65.2{\%}$, respectively. Unilateral involvement of neck node (p<0.05), radiation dose over 5000 cGy (p<0.01), and 6 or more cycles chemotherapy (p=0.06) had a favorable effect on 3-year survival rate. There were 8 recurrences including 3 partial responders, 1 local failure, 1 distant failure, 1 contiguous failure, and 2 simultaneous local and distant failure. It could be suggested that combined modality treatment might be necessary for the treatment of stage I and II Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of unfavorable histology.

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Cancer of the Hypopharynx (하인두암)

  • Seel David John;Chung Sung-Min;Park Yoon-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 1987
  • 하인두암은 거의 대부분 이상동(Pyriform Sinus) 에서 발생하며 상당한 정도 진행 시까지 별다른 증상을 나타내지 않는다. 저자들은 1966년부터 1985년까지 만 20년간 하인두에서 발생된 암환자 63명을 중심으로 임상 관찰 및 문헌고찰과 함께 발표하는바이다. 원발병소로는 전체 중 58명에서 이상동, 하인두벽(hypopharyngeal wall) 3명, Postcricoid hypopharynx 와 pharyngopalatine fold 에서 각각 1명씩의 발생빈도를 보였다. 저자들은 설저(base of tongue)암, supraglottic Ca. 및 경부 식도(cervical esophagus)암 경우는 모두 제외시켰다. 임상증상으로서는 경부 종괴(lump)가 33 예로써 가장 현저했으며 또한 첫증상으로써 연하곤란(dysphagia) 또는 sore throat를 나타낸 경우는 32 예 이었다. 그 외에 hoarseness 가 20 예, bloody sputum 4 례 및 호흡곤란 2 예의 순이었다. 내원까지의 증상기간은 대부분 $4{\sim}6$ 개월 이었다. 흡연관계는 1일 1값 이상의 중등도 흡연 경우는 전체의 58% 이었으며 흡연 사실이 있었던 경우는 전체의 88% 이었다. 연령별 발생빈도는 50대$\sim$60대에서 48명으로서 현저히 높았다. 완치 목적의 수술적 치료는 24명에서 시행하였으며 치료 거절은 16명이었다. 치료 거절하였던 환자들 중 81% 가 임상적 제 4 병기였으며 보조적 치료 요법을 실시한 환자들의 78% 에서 제 4 병기였다. 또한 완치 목적의 치료 실시 경우의 67% 에서 제 4 병기였다. 수술요법은 일반적으로 "후두 인두 적출술 및 양측 경정맥 임파군 곽청술"(laryngopharyngectomy with bilateral jugular dissection) 또는 후두 인두 적출술 및 동측의 표준 광범위 경부 곽청술(standard radical neck dissection) 과 반대측의 경정맥 임파군 곽청술을 시행하였다. 3 년 이내와 3 년 이상무병 상태(free of disease) 경우가 각각 4명씩이었다. 마지막 예후 추적 조사시까지 무병 상태였던 환자를 포함하여 예후 추적 조사기간 중 추적 실패 경우는 7명이었다. 확정된 3 년 생존율(determinate 3-year survival rate) 은 31% 이었다. 수술 사망이 1명 있었으며 재발경우는 9 명이었다. 재발부위로는 원발병소 재발이 7명, 경부 재발 1명 및 원격전이가 1명 이었으며, 저자들은 이에 대한 실패 원인을 규명코져 하였다.

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Case Report on the Five-year Survival of a Patient with Rectal Cancer Treated with Integrative Medicine After Resection and Chemoradiation Therapy (수술 및 항암 방사선 표준 치료 이후의 한양방 통합치료를 통해 5년 무병생존에 도달한 3기 직장암 환자 1례에 대한 보고)

  • Beom-Jin Jeong;Jisoo Kim;Yu-jin Jung;Kyung-Dug Park;Yoona Oh;Sunhwi Bang
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.578-584
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This is a five-year survival and complete response (CR) report on rectal cancer treated with western medicine and Korean traditional medicine. Method: A 25-year-old woman diagnosed with rectal cancer visited ⃝⃝ Korean traditional medicine hospital after neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiation therapy, chemotherapy, and low anterior resection with regional lymph node dissection. She was treated with Korean traditional medicine, including acupuncture, abdominal moxibustion, wild ginseng pharmacopuncture, and herbal medicine, which was based on integrated medicine therapy (IMT), from January 2018 to February 2022. The tumor size was measured by scanning with computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, and positron-emission tomography/CT. Adverse events were evaluated using laboratory conclusion and National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 5.0. Result: During four years of treatment, IMT maintained safety. The patient finally reached five-year survival without any recurrence or complication (CR) on March 11, 2022. Conclusion: We suggest that an integrative approach including Korean traditional medicine can be a meaningful treatment option for rectal cancer. Further studies should be performed to establish the proper treatment protocol of integrative medicine for rectal cancer.

Radiotherapy in Small Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix (자궁경부 소세포암종의 방사선치료)

  • Chung Eun Ji;Lee Yong Hee;Kim Gwi Eon;Suh Chang Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.369-377
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : This study was Performed to identify the histopathologic feature by the reevaluation of the Pathologic specimen of the cervical tumors and to evaluate the clinical findings and the treatment results of the patients with small cell carcinoma of the cervix treated by radiotherapy. Materials and Methods : 2890 patients with cervical carcinoma received radiotherapy at the Department of Radiation Oncology. Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine between October 1981 and April 1995. Of the 2890 patients in this data base, sixty were found to have small cell carcinomas $(2.08\%)$. Among them thirty six patients were transferred from other hospitals. the biopsy specimens of those Patients were not available. So we could review the slides of the other twenty four patients who were diagnosed at our hospital. Twenty four patients with small cell carcinoma of the cervix were analyzed retrospectively based on the assessment of H & E staining and other four immunohistochemical stains for neuroendocrine differentiation (neuron specific enolase, chromogranin. synaptophysin and Grimelius stain). And we also evaluate the Patients and tumor characteristics. response to radiation. patterns of failures, 5 year overall and disease free survival rates. Results : Thirteen tumors were neuroendocrine carcinomas(13/24 = $54.2\%$) and eleven tumors were squamous carcinomas, small cell type (11/24 = $47.8\%$) based on the assessment of H & E staining and other four neuroendocrine marker studies. So we classified the Patients two groups as neuroendocrine carcinoma and small cell type of squamous carcinoma, Among the 13 neuroendocrine carcinomas, five were well to moderately differentiated tumors and the other eight were Poorly differentiated or undifferentiated ones. The median age was 54 years old (range 23-79 years). Eight Patients had FIGO stage IB disease, 12 had stage 11, 3 had stage III and one had stage IV disease, Pelvic lymph node metastases were found in five Patients $(20.8\%)$. three of them were diagnosed by surgical histologic examination and the other two were diagnosed by CT scan. There was no difference between two histopathologic groups in terms of patients and tumor characteristics. response to radiation. 5 year overall and disease free survival rates. However the distant metastases rate was higher in neuroendocrine carcinoma Patients (6/13:$46.2\%$) than in small cell type of squamous carcinoma Patients (2/11:$18.2\%$), but there was no statistically significant difference because of the small number of patients (P>0.05). Conclusion : More than half of the small cell carcinoma of the cervix patients were neuroendocrine carcinoma (13/24 : $54.1\%$) by reevaluation of the biopsy specimen of the cervical tumors. The tendency of distant metastases of the neurolndocrine carcinoma was greater than those of the small cell type of squamous carcinoma $(46.2\%\;vs.\;18.2\%)$. But there were no differences in the patients and tumor characteristics and other clinical treatment results in both groups. These data suggest that radical local treatment such as radiotherapy or radical surgery combined with combination systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy might provide these patients with the best chance for cure.

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Treatment Result of Postoperative Radiotherapy of Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix (자궁경부암의 수술후 방사선 치료성적)

  • Park Charn Il;Kim Jung Soo;Kim Il Han;Ha Sung Whan;Lee Hyo Pyo;Shin Myon Woo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 1985
  • The early carcinoma of the uterine cervix may be treated by either radical surgery or radical radiotherapy according to the patient's characteristics, and the survival is high with either treatment. But, because of the size of the lesion, metastasis to lymph nodes, and vascular space invasion by tumor have all been shown to influence recurrence and survival, postoperative radiotherapy may be considered as their histopathologic finding after radical surgery. However, there are still debates on the increasing survival rates with postoperative radiotherapy. Two hundreds and three patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix who were treated with postoperative radiotherapy from February 1979 to September 1982 in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Seoul National University were analyzed and following results were obtained. 3-year actuarial survival rate and 3-year disease free sruvival rate were $83.4\%\;and\;73.4\%$ respectively and 3-year actuarial survival rates by stages were $90.7\%$ for IB, $69.6\%$ for IIA, and $85.2\%$ for IIB. 3-year disease free survival rates by stage IB, IIA, IIB were $79.8\%,\;07.8\%,\;68.3\%$ respectively. The overall failure rate was $25.1\%(51/203)$; local recurrence rate was $8.4\%$, distant metastasis rate was $14.3\%$ and simultaneous local recurrence and distant metastasis was $2.4\%$. Failure rates by stages were $19.8\%$ (18/19) for IB, $29.1\%$ (16/55) for IIA and $29.8\%$ (17/57) for IIB. The overall acute complication rate was $57.6\%$; tolerable cases was $50.2\%$ and severe cases was $7.4\%$. Late complication rate was $7.9\%$ and the major late complication were intestinal obstruction. aggravated urinary symptom, radiation cystitis in order of frequency.

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Comparison of Results according to the Treatment Method in Maxillary Sinus Carcinoma (상악동암의 치료 방법에 따른 성적 비교)

  • Chung Woong Ki;Jo Jae Sik;Ahn Sung Ja;Nam Taek Keun;Nah Byung Sik;Park Seung Jin
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 1995
  • Purpose : A retrospective analysis was performed to investigate the proper management of maxillary sinus carcinoma. Materials and Methods : Authors analysed 33 patients of squamous cell carcinoma of maxillary sinus treated at Chonnam University Hospital from January 1986 to December 1992. There were 24 men and 9 women with median age of 55 years. According to AJCC TNM system of 1988, a patient of T2, 10 patients of T3 and 22 patients of T4 were availalbe, respectively. Cervical lymph node metastases was observed in 5 patients(N 1;4/33, N2b; 1/33). Patients were classified as 3 groups according to management method. The first group, named as 'FAR' (16 patients), was consisted or preoperative intra-arterial chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil(5-FU;mean of total dosage;3078mg) through the superficial temporal artery with concurrent radiation(mean dose delivered:3433cGy, daily 180-200cGy) and vitamin A(50,000 IU daily), and followed by total maxillectomy and postoperative radiation therapy(mean dose;2351cGy). The second group, named as 'SR'(7 patients), was consisted of total maxillectomy followed by postoperative radiation therapy(mean dose 5920 cGy). The third group, named as 'R'(6 patients), was treated with radiation alone(mean dose;7164cGy). Kaplan-Meier product limit method was used for survival analysis and Mantel-Cox test was performed for significance of survival difference between two groups. Results : Local recurrence free survival rate in the end of 2 year was $100\%$, $50\%$ and $0\%$ in FAR, SR and R group, respectively. Disease free survival rate in 2 years was $88.9\%$, $28.0\%$ and $0\%$ in FAR, SR and R group, respectively. Overall survival rate in 2 years was $88.9\%$, $40\%$ and $50\%$ in FAR, SR and R group, respectively. There were statistically significant difference between FAR and SR or FAR and R group in their local recurrence free, disease free and overall survial rates. But difference of each survival rate between SR and R group was not significant. Conclusion : In this study FAR group revealed better results than SR or R group. In the future prospective randomized study is in need.

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