• Title/Summary/Keyword: 목표 공유

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A Study on the Activation Plan of Web-based Open Source Platform using 3D Printer -Focused on Platform Toy- (3D Printer를 이용한 웹기반 오픈소스 플랫폼 제작 방안에 관한 연구 -Platform Toy를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Chang-Beom;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.341-347
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    • 2019
  • As the concept of open source extends beyond the scope of software, many companies are also introducing business models using open source concepts. This study is a study on how to create a web-based open-source platform using a 3D printer and aims to create an open-source platform modeled on the Kidults community where users are highly willing to participate. The research method established the direction of initial platform production by collecting basic data through the usability of the platform and Toy design preferences and propensity analysis through research on open source use cases by various companies and user surveys in the Kidults Community. Features unique platform Toy sources that are freely reinterpreted by the user and re-shared and sold to the platform. Research should continue to boost user motivation by activating communities within the platform.

Evaluating Computational Efficiency of Spatial Analysis in Cloud Computing Platforms (클라우드 컴퓨팅 기반 공간분석의 연산 효율성 분석)

  • CHOI, Changlock;KIM, Yelin;HONG, Seong-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2018
  • The increase of high-resolution spatial data and methodological developments in recent years has enabled a detailed analysis of individual experiences in space and over time. However, despite the increasing availability of data and technological advances, such individual-level analysis is not always possible in practice because of its computing requirements. To overcome this limitation, there has been a considerable amount of research on the use of high-performance, public cloud computing platforms for spatial analysis and simulation. The purpose of this paper is to empirically evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of spatial analysis in cloud computing platforms. We compare the computing speed for calculating the measure of spatial autocorrelation and performing geographically weighted regression analysis between a local machine and spot instances on clouds. The results indicate that there could be significant improvements in terms of computing time when the analysis is performed parallel on clouds.

A Machine Learning-based Method for Virtual Network Function Resource Demand Prediction (기계학습 기반의 가상 네트워크 기능 자원 수요 예측 방법)

  • Kim, Hee-Gon;Lee, Do-Young;Yoo, Jae-Hyung;Hong, James Won-Ki
    • KNOM Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2018
  • Network virtualization refers to a technology creating independent virtual network environment on a physical network. Network virtualization technology can share the physical network resources to reduce the cost of establishing the network for each user and enables the network administrator to dynamically change the network configuration according to the purpose. Although the network management can be handled dynamically, the management is manual, and it does not maximize the profit of network virtualization. In this paper, we propose Machine-Learning technology to allow the network to learn by itself and manage its management dynamically. The proposed approach is to dynamically allocate appropriate resources by predicting resource demand of VNF in service function chaining, which is a core and essential problem in virtual network management. Our goal is to predict the resource demand of the VNF and dynamically allocate the appropriate resources to reduce the cost of network operation while preventing service interruption.

Computation of an Equilibrium in Spectrum Markets for Cognitive Radio Networks (인지무선네트워크를 위한 스펙트럼 마켓에서 평형상태 계산)

  • Byun, Sang-Seon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.197-199
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we investigate a market equilibrium in multi-channel sharing cognitive radio networks (CRNs): it is assumed that every subchannel is orthogonally licensed to a single primary user (PU), and can be shared with multiple secondary users (SUs). We model this sharing as a spectrum market where PUs offer SUs their subchannels with limiting the interference from SUs; the SUs purchase the right to transmit over the subchannels while observing the interference limits set by the PUs and their budget constraints. The utility function of SU is defined as least achievable transmission rate, and that of PU is given by the net profit. We define a market equilibrium in the context of extended Fisher model, and show that the equilibrium is yielded by solving an optimization problem, Eisenberg-Gale convex program.

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Effects of Grit and Conscientiousness on Academic Performance : The Mediation Effects of Self-Determination Motivation (그릿과 성실성이 학업 수행에 미치는 영향: 자기결정성 동기의 매개효과)

  • Hong, Minsung;Lee, Suran
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2019
  • Grit, defined as "perseverance and passion for long-term goals", is a known personality trait that successfully predicts high performance in various fields. In spite of extant evidence of the effectiveness of grit, research has not yet clarified the relationship between grit and conscientiousness, a highly correlated personality trait. In this study(N = 355), we examined the effect of grit and conscientiousness on academic achievement, mediated by self-determination motivation. As a result, grit and conscientiousness both predicted academic performance, and intrinsic motivation mediated these relationships. However, conscientiousness no longer related with motivation and academic achievement when grit was controlled for, whereas grit maintained its relationship with motivation and achievement even when conscientiousness was controlled. This result indicates that although the two psychological concepts overlap to some extent, grit has a unique motivational and behavioral effect that distinguishes it from conscientiousness. The present study expands the current understanding of grit with its comparison between grit and conscientiousness. We suggest future research ought refine the grit scale to establish its discriminant validity.

Direction of Designer-makers Business Activation through Strategic Design Support Policy-Focusing on 'Young man's Creative Work & Startup Support Project' (전략적 디자인 지원정책을 통한 디자이너-메이커스 비즈니스 활성화 방향 -청년 창의인력 취·창업지원사업을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Jun-Hong;Jeon, Young-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2019
  • This study discusses the core contents and implications of the design support policy of government in the creation of the designer-makers' business ecosystem through the analysis of 'Young man's Creative Work & Startup Support Project'. This case, which aims to cultivate a design brand based on maker technology and to create jobs for young people, suggests the role of government as a creative culture creator so that designer-makers are able to create creative activities in a more free and creative atmosphere. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the importance of efficient integration and reorganization of similar maker support policies implemented by each government department, the necessity of a roadmap for realizing this, and the support for quality improvement. As a result, the design support policy of government for the designer-makers' business activation should evolve into the qualitative development of intellectual property based on a mature shared culture and the discovery of a new production paradigm model of the manufacturing industry based on the open manufacturers beyond the economic and numerical goals of creating new jobs.

A Study on the Operation of Intensive Coursework Engineering Education to Cultivate the Ability to Enter the Engineering Field in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명 시대 공학 분야의 진입 능력 함양을 위한 집중 이수제 공학 교육 운영에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Eun-Young;Yoon, Seok-Beom
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.243-249
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    • 2021
  • It has been determined the 6 core competencies of our university students. Among them, it was judged that the student's convergence thinking ability and self-development ability were insufficient. To enforce the two insufficient abilities, an engineering-related major collage course was newly established in the form of an intensive coursework. The course was conducted as a shared curriculum between division/departments. For each of the first and second semesters in the 2020, 54 students from two completion groups (Department of Electrical and Electronic Control Engineering; 26, Optical Engineering; 28) were the subjects of the survey, the survey results of 20 common questions were comprehensively analyzed. As the result, more than 75% of the respondents were positive about free online learning at any time and place. And if additional interactive activities and team teaching method are reinforced during recorded audio and video contents learning material, It is confirmed that the attempted intensive course can maximize the learning effect.

Study on establishment of a governance for agricultural NPS pollution management (농업비점오염 관리를 위한 참여단위 거버넌스 구축 연구)

  • Jang, Jeong Ryeol;Um, Han Yong;Park, Hyeong Min;Jo, Young Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.29-29
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    • 2016
  • 새만금호의 목표수질 달성과 지속가능한 관리를 위해서는 비점오염 관리의 필요성이 강조되고 있다. 특히, 새만금호 상류 유역은 농경지 비율이 38%로서 높아 농업활동에서 유래하는 농업 비점오염원의 효과적인 관리가 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 농업비점오염 저감기술의 개발하는 물리적 기술적 접근만이 아니라 농업인과 지역주민의 참여와 함께 행정적인 지원을 포함하는 사회 경제 문화적 접근을 포함하는 통합적인 접근 즉, 거버넌스가 요구된다. 이러한 거버넌스를 새만금유역의 농업비점 관리에 적용하려는 노력의 일환으로 "새만금유역 농업비점오염관리 거버넌스구축 사업모델 개발"에 대한 연구를 2015년부터 2016년까지 2년간 추진하게 되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 농업비점오염 관리를 위한 거버넌스 구축과 운영에 필요한 요소들을 도출하고 각각의 요소별 추진 프로세스를 개발하고 최종적으로 이를 상호 연계하여 운영하는 기법을 개발하는 것이다. 농업비점오염관리 거버넌스 구축의 접근 방향으로는 신규구축형과 기존정책사업연계형으로 접근하는 것이 바람직 할 것으로 판단된다. 거버넌스 시스템은 참여단위와 행정단위, 그리고 이것을 연계 지원하는 '중간지원조직'의 다층적 거버넌스 구조로 제안하였다. 참여단위 거버넌스는 공동체단위와 개별 농가단위의 참여 프로그램으로 설계하였다. 특히, 참여단위 거버넌스의 지속성을 유지하기 위해서 커뮤니티비즈니스 육성이 필요할 것으로 나타났다. 1차년도(2015년)에는 신규구축형을 중심으로 진행을 위하여 전라북도 부안군 백산면 용계리를 연구대상 지구로 선정하였다. 참여단위 거버넌스 구축을 위하여 연구대상 지구에서 우리 마을과 물 이야기, 우리마을회의 등 통하여 주민이 생각하는 지역의 역사와 문화 등 잠재자원을 발굴하였고, 이를 바탕으로 침체된 마을 공동체를 마을길을 연결하여 다시 활성화 하고, 물이 흐르는 마을도랑으로 가꾸고, 단절된 이웃간 마음을 연결하기 위한 "마을길-물길-마음길 연결" 커뮤니티 비즈니스 프로젝터를 도출하였다. 이러한 거버넌스구축 프로그램의 정보의 공유와 확산을 위하여 커뮤니티 비즈니스 안내판을 설치하고, 마을소식지(청파)를 제작배부하고 거버넌스구축 과정을 담은 마을영상다큐 제작을 진행하였다. 2차년도에는 커뮤니티 비즈니스 심화과정을 운영하고자 한다. 본 연구의 결과는 앞으로 농촌지역의 비점오염관리를 위한 거버넌스구축 등 정책 및 제도개선에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

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Novelty Detection on Web-server Log Dataset (웹서버 로그 데이터의 이상상태 탐지 기법)

  • Lee, Hwaseong;Kim, Ki Su
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.1311-1319
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    • 2019
  • Currently, the web environment is a commonly used area for sharing information and conducting business. It is becoming an attack point for external hacking targeting on personal information leakage or system failure. Conventional signature-based detection is used in cyber threat but signature-based detection has a limitation that it is difficult to detect the pattern when it is changed like polymorphism. In particular, injection attack is known to the most critical security risks based on web vulnerabilities and various variants are possible at any time. In this paper, we propose a novelty detection technique to detect abnormal state that deviates from the normal state on web-server log dataset(WSLD). The proposed method is a machine learning-based technique to detect a minor anomalous data that tends to be different from a large number of normal data after replacing strings in web-server log dataset with vectors using machine learning-based embedding algorithm.

Transaction Model Suggestion by using Two Enforcements with a Blockchain based on a Service Platform (서비스 플랫폼 기반 이중강화적용 블록체인 응용 거래모델 제안)

  • Lee, Kwan Mok;Kim, Yong Hwan;Bae, Ki Tae
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2020
  • A blockchain is a technology in which all nodes participating in a distributed network manage each transaction's contents without a central server managing the transaction, which is a record of the transaction. The block containing the transaction record of a specific period is connected to the blockchain by referring to the hash value for the previous block, and the chain with the new block added is shared with all nodes again. Transactions using existing certificates will pass through FinTech, and in the near future, applications using blockchains are expected to emerge. In this study, we analyze the problems of the existing model, and propose a transaction model that applies the blockchain to come. Among various applications, this study develops a trading model targeting the energy sales market among the topics that will lead the fourth industrial revolution. As a result of analyzing the proposed model, it was possible to be sure of the possibility of a safer energy sales transaction than the existing method.