• Title/Summary/Keyword: 모델링결과데이터

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A Study on the War Simulation and Prediction Using Bayesian Inference (베이지안 추론을 이용한 전쟁 시뮬레이션과 예측 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Lyong;Yoo, Byung Joo;Youn, Sangyoun;Bang, Sang-Ho;Jung, Jae-Woong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2021
  • A method of constructing a war simulation based on Bayesian Inference was proposed as a method of constructing heterogeneous historical war data obtained with a time difference into a single model. A method of applying a linear regression model can be considered as a method of predicting future battles by analyzing historical war results. However it is not appropriate for two heterogeneous types of historical data that reflect changes in the battlefield environment due to different times to be suitable as a single linear regression model and violation of the model's assumptions. To resolve these problems a Bayesian inference method was proposed to obtain a post-distribution by assuming the data from the previous era as a non-informative prior distribution and to infer the final posterior distribution by using it as a prior distribution to analyze the data obtained from the next era. Another advantage of the Bayesian inference method is that the results sampled by the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method can be used to infer posterior distribution or posterior predictive distribution reflecting uncertainty. In this way, it has the advantage of not only being able to utilize a variety of information rather than analyzing it with a classical linear regression model, but also continuing to update the model by reflecting additional data obtained in the future.

Applicability Analysis of the FE Analysis Method Based on the Empirical Equation for Near-field Explosions (근거리 폭발에 대한 경험식 기반 유한요소해석 방법의 적용성 분석)

  • Hyun-Seop, Shin;Sung-Wook, Kim;Jae-Heum, Moon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2022
  • The blast analysis method entails the use of an empirical equation and application of the pressure-time history curve as an explosive load. Although this method is efficient owing to its simple model and short run time, previous studies indicate that it may not be appropriate for near-field explosions. In this study, we investigated why different results were observed for the analysis method by considering an RC beam under near-field explosion conditions with the scaled distance of 0.4-1.0 as an example. On this basis, we examined the application range of the empirical analysis method by using the finite element analysis program LS-DYNA. The results indicate that the empirical analysis method based on data from far-field explosion tests underestimates the impulse. Thus, the calculated deflection of the RC beam would be smaller than the measured deflection and arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) analysis result. The ALE analysis method is more suitable for near-field explosion conditions wherein the structural responses are large.

Modeling of Dam collapse using PMF and MCE conditions (PMF 및 MCE조건을 적용한 댐 붕괴 모델링)

  • Lee, Dong Hyeok;Jun, Kye Won;Lee, Byung Dae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.368-368
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    • 2020
  • 최근 초대형화 되어 나타나고 있는 이상홍수와 지진 등에 의한 저수지 붕괴와 같은 대규모 비상상황 발생으로 하류지역 주민의 생명과 재산의 피해가 발생하고 있다. 국내의 경우 1996년 이후로 지속적으로 발생하고 있는 이상홍수로 인해 1998년에는 40개,1999년에는 5개의 소규모 저수지가 붕괴되었으며 최근 2013년과 2014년에도 저수지가 붕괴되는 상황이 발생했다. 댐붕괴의 원인은 구조물의 자연적 노화, 극심한 강우나 홍수, 지진, 제체전도, 파이핑, 침윤발생, 월류 및 파랑 등에 의한 자연적 상황 등이 요인이 될 수 있으며, 시공결함, 사고 또는 전쟁과 같은 인위적인 요인으로 발생할 수도 있다. 과거에 설계 및 시공기술이 부족하였거나 경제적인 이유로 부실하게 건설되어 있는 댐이 세계적으로 산재되어 있어 잠재적인 위험을 상당수 내재하고 있는 실정이다. 본연구는 댐의 점진적인 파괴에 의해 발생하는 유출수문곡선을 구하고 파괴의 성질을 예측 및 홍수파를 수리학적으로 추적하기위해 BREACH 모형과 DAMBRK 모형을 사용했으며 극한홍수(PMF)조건과와 최대지진발생(MCE)조건을 적용하여 원주시 관내 저수지 붕괴 모의 시나리오를 구축했다. 저수지 붕괴에 따른 유출수문곡선을 유도하기 위해서 본 연구에서는 기존의 EAP보고서 자료를 참고하여 붕괴지속시간, 붕괴부 평균폭, 붕괴부 측벽면 경사의 변화에 따라 다양한 모의를 수행함으로써 발생되는 붕괴부 유량 수문곡선을 도출하여 각각의 조건들이 붕괴파 형성에 미치는 영향에 대한 분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 저수지의 붕괴시 첨두유출량에 민감한 영향을 주는 인자는 붕괴지속시간과, 붕괴부 평균폭으로서 이들 값이 붕괴유출량 변화에 많은 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 최대지진발생(MCE)조건 해석결과 홍수류의 범람으로 인해 홍수파가 하류측으로 진행할수록 완만히 감소하며, 하천 중·상류부 인근 제내지로 홍수류의 범람이 발생하는 것으로 검토되었으며, 극한홍수(PMF)조건 해석결과 최대지진발생(MCE)조건과 같이 홍수파가 하류측으로 진행할수록 완만히 감소하는 특성을 보이며, 하천 전체 구간에서 인근제내지로 홍수류의 범람이 발생하는 것으로 검토되었다. 본 연구는 침수구역 피해규모 산정 및 비상대처계획도를 작성시 기초데이터가 되어 상황별 피해예상지역에 대해 응급행동요령, 주민대피계획비상대처계획을 수립하여 지역 주민생활에 안정을 기여하고자 한다.

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Comparative analysis of the digital circuit designing ability of ChatGPT (ChatGPT을 활용한 디지털회로 설계 능력에 대한 비교 분석)

  • Kihun Nam
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.967-971
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    • 2023
  • Recently, a variety of AI-based platform services are available, and one of them is ChatGPT that processes a large quantity of data in the natural language and generates an answer after self-learning. ChatGPT can perform various tasks including software programming in the IT sector. Particularly, it may help generate a simple program and correct errors using C Language, which is a major programming language. Accordingly, it is expected that ChatGPT is capable of effectively using Verilog HDL, which is a hardware language created in C Language. Verilog HDL synthesis, however, is to generate imperative sentences in a logical circuit form and thus it needs to be verified whether the products are executed properly. In this paper, we aim to select small-scale logical circuits for ease of experimentation and to verify the results of circuits generated by ChatGPT and human-designed circuits. As to experimental environments, Xilinx ISE 14.7 was used for module modeling, and the xc3s1000 FPGA chip was used for module embodiment. Comparative analysis was performed on the use area and processing time of FPGA to compare the performance of ChatGPT products and Verilog HDL products.

BIM Automatic Design and the Optimization of the Tunnel Blasting Patterns (터널 발파패턴 최적화를 위한 BIM 설계자동화)

  • Eunji Jo;Woojin Kim;Jaeho Jung;Sanghyuk Bang
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.461-476
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    • 2024
  • As the paradigm of urban development has recently changed to development of underground space, the road tunnels and railway tunnels are increasing to relieve traffic congestion. This technical notes is related to the development of underground spaces using NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method). Limitations of conventional 2D blasting pattern design method were analyzed, and BIM-based automatic design method was developed to overcome them. Since it was developed to facilitate modeling of all safety facilities along a alignment using coordinates and GIS data, it can overcome the limitations of the number of safety facilities that can be considered and time required for conventional design. In the conventional design, the results of borehole test blasting were used to predict the blasting impact. However, the developed technology is possible to recalculate by applying the measurement results obtained from actual tunnel blasting, enabling rapid re-evaluation of the blasting impact on all safety facilities during construction, leading economical design. As a result of applying it to GTX-A5 and 6 sites, it took about 5 minutes, which is 1/480 compared to the conventional design method. In addition, the construction cost was reduced by about 8 billion won/km and the period was reduced by about 41 days/km. It is expected to be used as technical basis for calculating the optimal blasting pattern in the BIM-based design and construction management process.

Ontology-based Course Mentoring System (온톨로지 기반의 수강지도 시스템)

  • Oh, Kyeong-Jin;Yoon, Ui-Nyoung;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2014
  • Course guidance is a mentoring process which is performed before students register for coming classes. The course guidance plays a very important role to students in checking degree audits of students and mentoring classes which will be taken in coming semester. Also, it is intimately involved with a graduation assessment or a completion of ABEEK certification. Currently, course guidance is manually performed by some advisers at most of universities in Korea because they have no electronic systems for the course guidance. By the lack of the systems, the advisers should analyze each degree audit of students and curriculum information of their own departments. This process often causes the human error during the course guidance process due to the complexity of the process. The electronic system thus is essential to avoid the human error for the course guidance. If the relation data model-based system is applied to the mentoring process, then the problems in manual way can be solved. However, the relational data model-based systems have some limitations. Curriculums of a department and certification systems can be changed depending on a new policy of a university or surrounding environments. If the curriculums and the systems are changed, a scheme of the existing system should be changed in accordance with the variations. It is also not sufficient to provide semantic search due to the difficulty of extracting semantic relationships between subjects. In this paper, we model a course mentoring ontology based on the analysis of a curriculum of computer science department, a structure of degree audit, and ABEEK certification. Ontology-based course guidance system is also proposed to overcome the limitation of the existing methods and to provide the effectiveness of course mentoring process for both of advisors and students. In the proposed system, all data of the system consists of ontology instances. To create ontology instances, ontology population module is developed by using JENA framework which is for building semantic web and linked data applications. In the ontology population module, the mapping rules to connect parts of degree audit to certain parts of course mentoring ontology are designed. All ontology instances are generated based on degree audits of students who participate in course mentoring test. The generated instances are saved to JENA TDB as a triple repository after an inference process using JENA inference engine. A user interface for course guidance is implemented by using Java and JENA framework. Once a advisor or a student input student's information such as student name and student number at an information request form in user interface, the proposed system provides mentoring results based on a degree audit of current student and rules to check scores for each part of a curriculum such as special cultural subject, major subject, and MSC subject containing math and basic science. Recall and precision are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The recall is used to check that the proposed system retrieves all relevant subjects. The precision is used to check whether the retrieved subjects are relevant to the mentoring results. An officer of computer science department attends the verification on the results derived from the proposed system. Experimental results using real data of the participating students show that the proposed course guidance system based on course mentoring ontology provides correct course mentoring results to students at all times. Advisors can also reduce their time cost to analyze a degree audit of corresponding student and to calculate each score for the each part. As a result, the proposed system based on ontology techniques solves the difficulty of mentoring methods in manual way and the proposed system derive correct mentoring results as human conduct.

Water Digital Twin for High-tech Electronics Industrial Wastewater Treatment System (II): e-ASM Calibration, Effluent Prediction, Process selection, and Design (첨단 전자산업 폐수처리시설의 Water Digital Twin(II): e-ASM 모델 보정, 수질 예측, 공정 선택과 설계)

  • Heo, SungKu;Jeong, Chanhyeok;Lee, Nahui;Shim, Yerim;Woo, TaeYong;Kim, JeongIn;Yoo, ChangKyoo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2022
  • In this study, an electronics industrial wastewater activated sludge model (e-ASM) to be used as a Water Digital Twin was calibrated based on real high-tech electronics industrial wastewater treatment measurements from lab-scale and pilot-scale reactors, and examined for its treatment performance, effluent quality prediction, and optimal process selection. For specialized modeling of a high-tech electronics industrial wastewater treatment system, the kinetic parameters of the e-ASM were identified by a sensitivity analysis and calibrated by the multiple response surface method (MRS). The calibrated e-ASM showed a high compatibility of more than 90% with the experimental data from the lab-scale and pilot-scale processes. Four electronics industrial wastewater treatment processes-MLE, A2/O, 4-stage MLE-MBR, and Bardenpo-MBR-were implemented with the proposed Water Digital Twin to compare their removal efficiencies according to various electronics industrial wastewater characteristics. Bardenpo-MBR stably removed more than 90% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and showed the highest nitrogen removal efficiency. Furthermore, a high concentration of 1,800 mg L-1 T MAH influent could be 98% removed when the HRT of the Bardenpho-MBR process was more than 3 days. Hence, it is expected that the e-ASM in this study can be used as a Water Digital Twin platform with high compatibility in a variety of situations, including plant optimization, Water AI, and the selection of best available technology (BAT) for a sustainable high-tech electronics industry.

Landscape Object Classification and Attribute Information System for Standardizing Landscape BIM Library (조경 BIM 라이브러리 표준화를 위한 조경객체 및 속성정보 분류체계)

  • Kim, Bok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2023
  • Since the Korean government has decided to apply the policy of BIM (Building Information Modeling) to the entire construction industry, it has experienced a positive trend in adoption and utilization. BIM can reduce workloads by building model objects into libraries that conform to standards and enable consistent quality, data integrity, and compatibility. In the domestic architecture, civil engineering, and the overseas landscape architecture sectors, many BIM library standardization studies have been conducted, and guidelines have been established based on them. Currently, basic research and attempts to introduce BIM are being made in Korean landscape architecture field, but the diffusion has been delayed due to difficulties in application. This can be addressed by enhancing the efficiency of BIM work using standardized libraries. Therefore, this study aims to provide a starting point for discussions and present a classification system for objects and attribute information that can be referred to when creating landscape libraries in practice. The standardization of landscape BIM library was explored from two directions: object classification and attribute information items. First, the Korean construction information classification system, product inventory classification system, landscape design and construction standards, and BIM object classification of the NLA (Norwegian Association of Landscape Architects) were referred to classify landscape objects. As a result, the objects were divided into 12 subcategories, including 'trees', 'shrubs', 'ground cover and others', 'outdoor installation', 'outdoor lighting facility', 'stairs and ramp', 'outdoor wall', 'outdoor structure', 'pavement', 'curb', 'irrigation', and 'drainage' under five major categories: 'landscape plant', 'landscape facility', 'landscape structure', 'landscape pavement', and 'irrigation and drainage'. Next, the attribute information for the objects was extracted and structured. To do this, the common attribute information items of the KBIMS (Korean BIM Standard) were included, and the object attribute information items that vary according to the type of objects were included by referring to the PDT (Product Data Template) of the LI (UK Landscape Institute). As a result, the common attributes included information on 'identification', 'distribution', 'classification', and 'manufacture and supply' information, while the object attributes included information on 'naming', 'specifications', 'installation or construction', 'performance', 'sustainability', and 'operations and maintenance'. The significance of this study lies in establishing the foundation for the introduction of landscape BIM through the standardization of library objects, which will enhance the efficiency of modeling tasks and improve the data consistency of BIM models across various disciplines in the construction industry.

Analyzing Different Contexts for Energy Terms through Text Mining of Online Science News Articles (온라인 과학 기사 텍스트 마이닝을 통해 분석한 에너지 용어 사용의 맥락)

  • Oh, Chi Yeong;Kang, Nam-Hwa
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.292-303
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    • 2021
  • This study identifies the terms frequently used together with energy in online science news articles and topics of the news reports to find out how the term energy is used in everyday life and to draw implications for science curriculum and instruction about energy. A total of 2,171 online news articles in science category published by 11 major newspaper companies in Korea for one year from March 1, 2018 were selected by using energy as a search term. As a result of natural language processing, a total of 51,224 sentences consisting of 507,901 words were compiled for analysis. Using the R program, term frequency analysis, semantic network analysis, and structural topic modeling were performed. The results show that the terms with exceptionally high frequencies were technology, research, and development, which reflected the characteristics of news articles that report new findings. On the other hand, terms used more than once per two articles were industry-related terms (industry, product, system, production, market) and terms that were sufficiently expected as energy-related terms such as 'electricity' and 'environment.' Meanwhile, 'sun', 'heat', 'temperature', and 'power generation', which are frequently used in energy-related science classes, also appeared as terms belonging to the highest frequency. From a network analysis, two clusters were found including terms related to industry and technology and terms related to basic science and research. From the analysis of terms paired with energy, it was also found that terms related to the use of energy such as 'energy efficiency,' 'energy saving,' and 'energy consumption' were the most frequently used. Out of 16 topics found, four contexts of energy were drawn including 'high-tech industry,' 'industry,' 'basic science,' and 'environment and health.' The results suggest that the introduction of the concept of energy degradation as a starting point for energy classes can be effective. It also shows the need to introduce high-tech industries or the context of environment and health into energy learning.

Development of Plant BIM Library according to Object Geometry and Attribute Information Guidelines (객체 형상 및 속성정보 지침에 따른 수목 BIM 라이브러리 개발)

  • Kim, Bok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2024
  • While the government policy to fully adopt BIM in the construction sector is being implemented, the construction and utilization of landscape BIM models are facing challenges due to problems such as limitations in BIM authoring tools, difficulties in modeling natural materials, and a shortage in BIM content including libraries. In particular, plants, fundamental design elements in the field of landscape architecture, must be included in BIM models, yet they are often omitted during the modeling process, or necessary information is not included, which further compromises the quality of the BIM data. This study aimed to contribute to the construction and utilization of landscape BIM models by developing a plant library that complies with BIM standards and is applicable to the landscape industry. The plant library of trees and shrubs was developed in Revit by modeling 3D shapes and collecting attribute items. The geometric information is simplified to express the unique characteristics of each plant species at LOD200, LOD300, and LOD350 levels. The attribute information includes properties on plant species identification, such as species name, specifications, and quantity estimation, as well as ecological attributes and environmental performance information, totaling 24 items. The names of the files were given so that the hierarchy of an object in the landscape field could be revealed and the object name could classify the plant itself. Its usability was examined by building a landscape BIM model of an apartment complex. The result showed that the plant library facilitated the construction process of the landscape BIM model. It was also confirmed that the library was properly operated in the basic utilization of the BIM model, such as 2D documentation, quantity takeoff, and design review. However, the library lacked ground cover, and had limitations in those variables such as the environmental performance of plants because various databases for some materials have not yet been established. Further efforts are needed to develop BIM modeling tools, techniques, and various databases for natural materials. Moreover, entities and systems responsible for creating, managing, distributing, and disseminating BIM libraries must be established.