• Title/Summary/Keyword: 망원경

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  • 이동규;김상준;박준성;한원용
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2002
  • Optical observations of Geostationary and Molynia orbit spin-stabilized satellites over the Korean peninsula have been carried out at the Kyung Hee University Observatory with a 30 inch telescope. We have observed 5 spin-stabilized satellites, and obtained 0spin periods, which can be used for deducing a design for each bus model. Verifications of spin periods of 3 known satellites from manufacturer, and observations of 2 unknown satellites were made. The difference between known spin periods and observed spin periods is 0.06sec on the average and the difference of those spin rates is 3.3rpm on the average. Those results indicate that spin periods and spin rates of observed geostationary spin-stabilized satellites are within operating limits. Spin rates of unknown satellites, Fengyun 2B and Molynia 1-87 are 89.3rpm, 78.4rpm earh. It is suggested that the research of spin stabilized satellites can be used for the determinations of standard light sources for short period celestial objects and helpful for the constructions of satellite databases with photometric and/or spectroscopic satellite observations.


  • 정장해;이용삼;임조령;양감징
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.123-145
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    • 1993
  • UBVRi photometry of Algol was carried out from December of 1988 to March of 1991 at Chungbuk National University Observatory and a total of 3465 observations in U, B, V, R, I were obtained. Three times of primary minimum light of JDH el 2447898.0938, JEH el 2448265.1205 and JDH el 2448288.0598, and two secondary minimum light of JDH el 2447808.1014 and JDH el 2448275.146 were determined from our observations. We analyzed simultaneously the UBVRI light curves of the Algol system with the Wilson-Devinney method for the determination of the photometric parameters. Indivisual masses for the 3 components of Algol are derived as $m_1$=3.36, $m_2$=0.76, $m_3$=1.6 in solar mass and radii as $R_1$=2.97, $R_2$=0.76 in solar radinus using i=$82.{\circ}47$, q=0.227, $r_1$=0.2102, $r_2$=0.2512 of our solution and some parameters of the spectroscopic solution of Hill et al. (1971). Our results is simiar to those reported by Kim (1989). The temperature of Algol C, $T_3$=8800 was obtained by means of fitting $l_1$, $l_2$, and $l_3$ of five colors to Planckian curve, and $R_3$=$1.6R_\odot$ is derived from its result. It is believed that its semidetached configuration of Algol A and B is the consequence of case B mass transfer. According to its location in a mass-radius diagram. Algol b may have evolved significantly in its Hburnning phase.

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  • Lee, Jae-Woo;Kim, Chun-Hwey;Han, Won-yong;Jin, Ho;Oh, Kyu-Dong
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2003
  • We performed CCD photometric observations of the W-type contact binary AB And for 10 nights from November 1995 to December 1999 using the 61-cm reflector and BVR filters at Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory. From our observations, the seasonal light curves of AB And for 1995, 1996 and 1999 were completed and 8 new times of minimum light were determined. Newly obtained light curves show that strong light variations occurred in AB And during the past five years. We adopted the 1996 light curves as reference ones and obtained the photometric solutions of them with contact mode in the Wilson-Devinney binary code. Assuming such light variations were produced by the existence of a star spot (or star spots) in the analysis, we derived the system parameters and analyzed the 1995 and 1999 light curves by adjusting only the spot parameters. As the results, we interpreted that those light variations are produced by the simultaneous existence of a hot spot and a cool spot on the secondary. We could infer that the hot spot on the secondary is produced due to mass exchange between the components suggested by Lee (1999).

The interaction between tool affordance and the sense of agency in the Extrastriate Body Area (선조외 신체 영역에서 도구 행동유도성과 행위 주체감의 상호작용)

  • Kim, Hyojeong;Park, Jeongho;Yi, Do-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.49-69
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    • 2013
  • While we interact with other people or objects, the brain continuously updates our own body schema to recognize the agent of observed actions. The Extrastriate Body Area (EBA) provides an initial interface for the sense of agency by integrating visual inputs of body parts with internal signals related to self-generated body movements. Less is known, however, about how the functional use of tools contributes to such processes. Here, we investigated whether tool-specific affordance would differentially affect the neural responses in the EBA depending on the agency of imaginary actions. In each trial we presented a picture of an object in a rectangular frame. Objects were either the tools typically brought towards the body (body tools; e.g., telescope, earphones) or away from the body (world tools; e.g., pen, dice; Rueschemeyer, Pfeiffer, & Bekkering, 2010). Depending on the color of the frame, participants imagined either themselves or the other person using the tool (self vs. other conditions). These four types of trials were randomly intermixed with blank trials. As results, independently localized right EBA regions of interest showed greater activation when participants imagined themselves using body tools than using world tools whereas no such differential activations were found when they imagined the other person using the tools. The postscan test revealed no significant difference in vividness of imagery between the self and other conditions. Our results suggest that the EBA incorporates functional affordance of tools into the body schema in order to enhance the sense of agency and to guide our own actions.

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A Motor-Driven Focusing Mechanism for Small Satellite (소형위성용 모터 구동형 포커싱 메커니즘)

  • Jung, Jinwon;Choi, Junwoo;Lee, Dongkyu;Hwang, Jaehyuck;Kim, Byungkyu
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2018
  • The working principle of a satellite camera involves a focusing mechanism for controlling the focus of the optical system, which is essential for proper functioning. However, research on focusing mechanisms of satellite optical systems in Korea is in the beginning stage and developed technology is limited to a thermal control type. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a motor-driven focusing mechanism applicable to small satellite optical systems. The proposed mechanism is designed to generate z-axis displacement in the secondary mirror by a motor. In addition, three flexure hinges have been installed on the supporter for application of preload on the mechanism resulting in minimization of the alignment error arising due to manufacturing tolerance and assembly tolerance within the mechanism. After fabrication of the mechanism, the alignment errors (de-space, de-center, and tilt) were measured with LVDT sensors and laser displacement meters. Conclusively, the proposed focusing mechanism could achieve proper alignment degree, which can be applicable to small satellite optical system.

CCD Photometry of a δ Scuti Variable HR 2707 (=21 Mon) (δ Scuti형 변광성 HR 2707(=21 Mon)의 CCD 측광)

  • Lee, Ho;Kim, Seung-Lee;Cho, Sung-Il;Park, Hong-Suh
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.670-676
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    • 2006
  • We present a B and V band time-series CCD photometry of ${\delta}$ Scuti type variable star HR 2707. The observation was carried out for 45 nights between November 13, 2001 and February 20, 2002 with a 40 cm telescope equipped with a 1K CCD camera at the Korea National University of Education Optical Astronomy Observatory. Through the time-series CCD photometry we obtained 3011 V band and 6562 B band CCD frames. In some of these data, the V band data obtained for seven nights in January of 2002, had been used as a part of a multi-site campaign by Lopez de Coca et al. (2003). To detect pulsational frequencies, we used Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT) and linear least square method. We have detected eight resonable pulsational frequencies and compare to previous studies we determine $f_1,\;f_2,\;f_3,\;f_4,\;f_5$ of Lopez do Coca et al. (2003) and $f_4$ for derived from this study are real pulsational frequencies of HR 2707.

Spectroscopy of Local Starburst Galaxies (가까운 폭발적 항성생성은하의 분광 관측)

  • Lee, Cheolhui;Shim, Hyunjin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.209-221
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    • 2017
  • We investigate the star formation rate, stellar mass, and gas-phase metallicity of local starburst galaxies with different star formation time scales based on their optical spectra. The observation is made using the longslit spectrograph attached to the 4K CCD on the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory 1.8m telescope, targeting 21 Wolf-Rayet galaxies as young starbursts and 13 UV excess galaxies as slightly older starbursts. A Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich diagram analysis shows that 50% of the observed targets are pure star-forming galaxies while only 15% are classified as Active Galactic Nuclei. Fraction of galaxies that reside in composite region is higher in UV excess galaxies than in Wolf-Rayet galaxies, suggesting that the AGN development requires extra time after the onset of the star formation. Most of the observed starburst galaxies have stellar masses of $10^{9-11}M_{\odot}$ and stellar formation rates of $0.01-100M_{\odot}yr^{-1}$, and their star formation rates are consistent with that of the SDSS star forming main sequence galaxies of similar stellar mass. There is no significant difference between Wolf-Rayet galaxies and UV excess galaxies in terms of the stellar mass and star formation rate. We also see a mass-metallicity relation for local starbursts with slightly lower metallicity for a given stellar mass, which implies the existence of a strong feedback activity due to the star formation in these galaxies.

Astronomical Observation Environment Study focusing on Night Sky Brightness Variation under Light Pollution (광해에 따른 밤하늘의 밝기 변화를 중심으로 본 천문 관측 환경)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee;Choe, Seung-Urn;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Woo, Hong-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.344-353
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    • 2009
  • By measuring the brightness of night sky, we have investigated light pollution around the observatory in the College of Education, Seoul National University. As a result of measuring the extinction coefficient and photometric constants by standardization, in January 28, 2009, the extinction coefficient found to be $k_B$=0.359 and photometric constant was $C_B$=4.397. In March 27, 2009, extinction coefficients were $k_B$=0.896 and $k_V$=0.725, and photometric constants were $C_B$=6.235 and $C_V$=6.027. Brightness of the night sky was measured from east, west, south, and north each by altitude of $20^{\circ}$, $40^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, $75^{\circ}$ and $90^{\circ}$. Data reduction and analysis was based on IRAF. Seeings for the each day of observation were 5.1 and 5.7 arcseconds in January 28 and March 27, respectively. Night sky spanned the magnitude range of $16{\leq}m_V$, $m_B{\leq}18$ We found that the brightness of night sky located at downtown was twice to four times brighter. On these observational conditions, limiting magnitude within 40cm-telescope becomes 11-13 magnitudes. Compared with Jan 28 and Mar 27, night sky brightness of January is 1 magnitude fainter than that of March in B filter.


  • Kim, Ho-Il;Lee, Chung-Uk;Lee, Jae-Woo;Sohn, Mi-Rim
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 2005
  • We performed a new high-resolution spectroscopy of AG Vir for 4 nights from 25 March 2004 using the BOES (Bohyunsan Optical Echelle Spectrograph) attached to the 1.8-m reflector at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, and obtained a total of 59 spectra where all orbital phases are covered. To get the radial velocities of the binary system, both method of the CCF (Cross-Co..elation Function)and the BF (Broadening Function) were applied to the analysis of all the observed spectra. From these, the CCF could calculate the radial velocities of the primary star alone, while the BF could determine those of the primary and the secondary components. New absolute dimensions were deduced with the combination of our spectroscopic orbital elements ($K_1=90.5km/s$$K_2=258.8$) and the photometric solutions of Bell, Rainger, & Hilditch (1990): $A_1,=1.99M_\bigodot,\;M_2=0.62M_\bigodot,\;R_1=2.21R_\bigodot,\;R_2=1.36R_\bigodot,\;L_1=13.17L_\bigodot,\;and\;L_2=3.47L_\bigodot$. Our absolute parameters are larger and brighter than those derived from Bell, Rainger, & Hilditch (1990). We re-analyzed all the previous radial-velocity curves of AG Vir and, as a result, can see that its system velocity scatters largely up to ${\pm}8km/s$. However, we, at present, cannot determine this as the light-time effect due to the third body, which was suggested as a cause of the orbital period changes by Qian (2001).


  • Lee, Dae-Hee;Pak, Soo-Jong;Yuk, In-Soo;Nam, Uk-Won;Jin, Ho;Lee, Sung-Ho;Han, Jeong-Yeol;Yang, Hyung-Suk;Kim, Dong-Lak;Kim, Geon-Hee;Park, Seong-Je;Kim, Byung-Hyuk;Jeong, Han
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.473-482
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    • 2005
  • Many technical challenges are being tried for a large space infrared telescope, which is one of the major objectives of the Strategic Technology Road Map (STRM) of KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute), As one of these challenges, KASI and KBSI (Korea Basic Science Institute) have started a cooperation project for developing a space infrared cryogenic system with KIMM (Korea Institute of Machinery as Materials) and i3system co. In this paper, we generate optical requirements for the Protomodel of Space Infrared Cryogenic System (PSICS), and design a single lens optical system with a bandpass of $3.8\~4.8{\mu}m$, a field of view of $15^{\circ}\times12^{\circ}$, and an angular resolution of $0.047^{\circ}$, to develop a further complex optical system.