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Pre-grouting for CHI of EPB shield TBM in difficult grounds: a case study of Daegok-Sosa railway tunnel (복합지반 EPB TBM 커터교체를 위한 그라우팅 수행 사례)

  • Kang, Sung-Wook;Chang, Jaehoon;Lee, Jae-Won;Kim, Dae-Young;Shin, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.281-302
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    • 2021
  • Railway projects have been consistently increasing in Korea. In relation to this trend, the mechanized tunneling using Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is preferably applied for mining urban areas and passing under rivers. The TBM tunneling under difficult grounds like mixed faces with high water pressure could require ground improvements for stable TBM advance or safe cutter head intervention (CHI). In this study, pre-grouting works for CHI in Daegok-Sosa railway project are presented in terms of the grouting zone design, the executions and the results, the lessons learned from the experience. It should be mentioned that the grouting from inside TBM was carried out several times and turned out to be inefficient in the project. Therefore, grouting experiences from the surface are highlighted in this study. Jet grouting was implemented on CHI points on land, while permeation grouting off shore in the Han River, which mostly allow to access the cutter head of TBM in free air with stable faces. The results of CHI works have been analyzed and the lesson learned are suggested.

A Node2Vec-Based Gene Expression Image Representation Method for Effectively Predicting Cancer Prognosis (암 예후를 효과적으로 예측하기 위한 Node2Vec 기반의 유전자 발현량 이미지 표현기법)

  • Choi, Jonghwan;Park, Sanghyun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.397-402
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    • 2019
  • Accurately predicting cancer prognosis to provide appropriate treatment strategies for patients is one of the critical challenges in bioinformatics. Many researches have suggested machine learning models to predict patients' outcomes based on their gene expression data. Gene expression data is high-dimensional numerical data containing about 17,000 genes, so traditional researches used feature selection or dimensionality reduction approaches to elevate the performance of prognostic prediction models. These approaches, however, have an issue of making it difficult for the predictive models to grasp any biological interaction between the selected genes because feature selection and model training stages are performed independently. In this paper, we propose a novel two-dimensional image formatting approach for gene expression data to achieve feature selection and prognostic prediction effectively. Node2Vec is exploited to integrate biological interaction network and gene expression data and a convolutional neural network learns the integrated two-dimensional gene expression image data and predicts cancer prognosis. We evaluated our proposed model through double cross-validation and confirmed superior prognostic prediction accuracy to traditional machine learning models based on raw gene expression data. As our proposed approach is able to improve prediction models without loss of information caused by feature selection steps, we expect this will contribute to development of personalized medicine.

Korean Morphological Analysis Method Based on BERT-Fused Transformer Model (BERT-Fused Transformer 모델에 기반한 한국어 형태소 분석 기법)

  • Lee, Changjae;Ra, Dongyul
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2022
  • Morphemes are most primitive units in a language that lose their original meaning when segmented into smaller parts. In Korean, a sentence is a sequence of eojeols (words) separated by spaces. Each eojeol comprises one or more morphemes. Korean morphological analysis (KMA) is to divide eojeols in a given Korean sentence into morpheme units. It also includes assigning appropriate part-of-speech(POS) tags to the resulting morphemes. KMA is one of the most important tasks in Korean natural language processing (NLP). Improving the performance of KMA is closely related to increasing performance of Korean NLP tasks. Recent research on KMA has begun to adopt the approach of machine translation (MT) models. MT is to convert a sequence (sentence) of units of one domain into a sequence (sentence) of units of another domain. Neural machine translation (NMT) stands for the approaches of MT that exploit neural network models. From a perspective of MT, KMA is to transform an input sequence of units belonging to the eojeol domain into a sequence of units in the morpheme domain. In this paper, we propose a deep learning model for KMA. The backbone of our model is based on the BERT-fused model which was shown to achieve high performance on NMT. The BERT-fused model utilizes Transformer, a representative model employed by NMT, and BERT which is a language representation model that has enabled a significant advance in NLP. The experimental results show that our model achieves 98.24 F1-Score.

하계 전기, 전자연합학술회의 및 산학협동 심포지엄 초록

  • 대한전기학회
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 1978
  • (차례) 1.산학협동심포지업 (1)우리나라에서의 연구개발과 산학협동 (2)산학협동과 산업계의 역할 (3)산학협동의 현황과 진로 2.학술회의A (1)전력게통의 계층구조와 협조원리에 관한 연구 (2)2중층괴상회전자 유도전동기의 이론해석 (3)초고주파가열장치에 사용하는 철공진변압기의 해석적 설계 (4)한국전기기시험연구소 대전력단락 시험설비설계 (5)직류전동기제어를 위한 Thyristor Chopper정류회로에 관한 연구 (6)선로의 개폐정보를 포함하는 전력계통의 상태추정 (7)단일신경세포에 대한 ITEM 신호 특성 3.학술회의B (1)MMM-1 Computer System의 설계 및 제작 (2)Adaptive Delta Modulation System의 성능비교 연구 (3)6GHZ FMD마이크로파 무선전송장치의 개발 (4)적선도에 의한 회로망함수의 결정 (5)동맥혈압의 해석과 그의 전기적 유사모델 (6)피부감각의 정보전달 특성에 관하여 (7)선형직접회로의 공정설계 및 그 특성 조성 (8)DH L.D의 전기적포화현상에 관한 이론적 해석 (9)Potocoupler를 이용한 Isolator 4.학술회의C (1)Al-Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$ -Al박막구조의 전기적 특성 (2)이종금속에 샌드위치된 고분자물질의 단락전조 (3)유전체가 일부체워진 직 6면체의 캐비티의 다중모오드 해석 (4)반도체 가스 검지소자의 제조 및 그의 전기적 특성 (5)실리콘 산화공정에 대한 실험적 고찰 (6)진공증착법에 의한 InSb 박막제도에서 열처리효과 (7)(Ba$_{1}$-xBix) Tio$_{3}$ PTC thermistor의 첨가량의 최적건안 (8)금속박막증착시 두께조절 5.특별강연회 (1)일본에 있어서의 절력계통공학연구 (2)Linear Motor의 최근개발동향량도 높았다. valine과 leucine 및 aspartic acid, glycine과 glutamic acid, leucine과 aspartic acid 간에는 고도의 정상관, glycine과 serine, valine과 phenylalanine, threonine과 proline, phenylalanine과 arginine, methionine과 glutamic acid, histidine과 lysine 간에는 유의 정상관, 그리고 isoleucine과 lysine 간에는 유의한 부상관이 있었다. 4. lysine 함량은 단백질 함량과 정산곤, isoleucine 함량은 단빅질 함량과 부상관을 보였으며, alanine, valine, leucine 함량은 지방함량과 각각 유의한 정산관을 보였다. 5. 대두 단백질은 7.5% acrylamide gel 전기영동에 의해 품종에 따라 12~16개의 구성분으로 분리되었으며, 이들중 주구성분들은 상대이동도가 0.06(a), 0.14(b). 0.24(d) 이었고, 구성분 b의 함량이 품종간에 가장 변이가 컸으며, 구성분 b는 그밖의 주요 구성분들의 함량과 부의 상관이 있었고, 구성분 a는 단백질 함량과 정상관이 있었다. 6. 종실단백질 구성분들의 조합 특성 면에서 공시 86품종은 11개 유형군으로 분류되었으며, 우리나라와 일본품종은 미국품종에 비해 단백질구성분 조성이 훨씬 다양하였다. 7. 이동도가 매우 빠른 단백질 구성분 o(Rm 0.77) p(Rm 0.81)를 모두 갖고 있는 품종은 3품종, 모두 갖고 있지 않은 품종은 1품종이었고, 나머지 82품종은 o나 p중 한 구성분을 갖고 있었으며 그 분포율은 30 : 65 이었는데 미국계 품종은 우리나라 품종에 비해 구성분 o를 간고 있는 비율이 현저히 적었다. 8. 대두 종실은 개화후 22일까지 완만히, 그 이후 20~30일간 급속히

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Mineral Processing Characteristics of Titanium Ore Mineral from Myeon-San Layer in Domestic Taebaek Area (국내 태백지역 면산층 타이타늄 광석의 기초 선광 연구)

  • Yang-soo Kim;Fausto Moscoso-Pinto;Jun-hyung Seo;Kye-hong Cho;Jin-sang Cho;Seong-Ho Lee;Hyung-seok Kim
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 2023
  • Titanium's importance as a mineral resource is increasing, but the Korean industry depends on imports. Ilmenite is the principal titanium ore. However, research and development from raw materials have not been investigated yet in detail. Hence, measures to secure a stable titanium supply chain are urgently needed. Accordingly, through beneficiation technology, we evaluated the possibility of technological application for the efficient recovery of valuable minerals. As a result of the experiments, we confirmed that mineral particles existed as fine particles due to weathering, making recovery through classification difficult. Consequently, applying beneficiation technologies, i.e., specific gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation, makes it possible to recover valuable minerals such as hematite and rutile. However, there are limitations in increasing the quality and yield of TiO2 due to the mineralogical characteristic of the hematite and rutile contained in titanium ore. Hametite is combined with rutile even at fine particles. Therefore, it is essential to develop mineral processing routes, to recover iron, vanadium, and rare earth elements as resources. On that account, we used grinding technology that improves group separation between constituent minerals and magnetic separation technology that utilizes the difference in magnetic sensitivity between fine mineral particles. The development of beneficiation technology that can secure the economic feasibility of valuable materials after reforming iron oxide and titanium oxide components is necessary.

Edge to Edge Model and Delay Performance Evaluation for Autonomous Driving (자율 주행을 위한 Edge to Edge 모델 및 지연 성능 평가)

  • Cho, Moon Ki;Bae, Kyoung Yul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.191-207
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    • 2021
  • Up to this day, mobile communications have evolved rapidly over the decades, mainly focusing on speed-up to meet the growing data demands of 2G to 5G. And with the start of the 5G era, efforts are being made to provide such various services to customers, as IoT, V2X, robots, artificial intelligence, augmented virtual reality, and smart cities, which are expected to change the environment of our lives and industries as a whole. In a bid to provide those services, on top of high speed data, reduced latency and reliability are critical for real-time services. Thus, 5G has paved the way for service delivery through maximum speed of 20Gbps, a delay of 1ms, and a connecting device of 106/㎢ In particular, in intelligent traffic control systems and services using various vehicle-based Vehicle to X (V2X), such as traffic control, in addition to high-speed data speed, reduction of delay and reliability for real-time services are very important. 5G communication uses high frequencies of 3.5Ghz and 28Ghz. These high-frequency waves can go with high-speed thanks to their straightness while their short wavelength and small diffraction angle limit their reach to distance and prevent them from penetrating walls, causing restrictions on their use indoors. Therefore, under existing networks it's difficult to overcome these constraints. The underlying centralized SDN also has a limited capability in offering delay-sensitive services because communication with many nodes creates overload in its processing. Basically, SDN, which means a structure that separates signals from the control plane from packets in the data plane, requires control of the delay-related tree structure available in the event of an emergency during autonomous driving. In these scenarios, the network architecture that handles in-vehicle information is a major variable of delay. Since SDNs in general centralized structures are difficult to meet the desired delay level, studies on the optimal size of SDNs for information processing should be conducted. Thus, SDNs need to be separated on a certain scale and construct a new type of network, which can efficiently respond to dynamically changing traffic and provide high-quality, flexible services. Moreover, the structure of these networks is closely related to ultra-low latency, high confidence, and hyper-connectivity and should be based on a new form of split SDN rather than an existing centralized SDN structure, even in the case of the worst condition. And in these SDN structural networks, where automobiles pass through small 5G cells very quickly, the information change cycle, round trip delay (RTD), and the data processing time of SDN are highly correlated with the delay. Of these, RDT is not a significant factor because it has sufficient speed and less than 1 ms of delay, but the information change cycle and data processing time of SDN are factors that greatly affect the delay. Especially, in an emergency of self-driving environment linked to an ITS(Intelligent Traffic System) that requires low latency and high reliability, information should be transmitted and processed very quickly. That is a case in point where delay plays a very sensitive role. In this paper, we study the SDN architecture in emergencies during autonomous driving and conduct analysis through simulation of the correlation with the cell layer in which the vehicle should request relevant information according to the information flow. For simulation: As the Data Rate of 5G is high enough, we can assume the information for neighbor vehicle support to the car without errors. Furthermore, we assumed 5G small cells within 50 ~ 250 m in cell radius, and the maximum speed of the vehicle was considered as a 30km ~ 200 km/hour in order to examine the network architecture to minimize the delay.

The Study on the Grazing Rate of Protozooplankton tin the Microbial Food Web of Inchon Coastal Waters (仁川 沿岸 미세 생물 먹이망 내에서 浮游 原생動物의 포식율에 관한 연구)

  • 최중기;김시균
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.458-466
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    • 1995
  • To clarify the role of protozooplankton in the microbial food web of Inchon coastal ecosystem, the grazing capacities and growth rates of heterotrophic flagellated (HFL) and ciliates were investigated. We measured the growth rates of bacteria, HFL, autotrophic flagellated (AFL) and ciliates using reverse flow (RF) filter set and obtained the clearance rates and ingestion rates of HFL and dilates by fluorescent labelled bacteria (FLB) method and isolation culture method from natural seawater of Inchon coastal area. The standing crops of bacteria, HFL, AFL and ciliates in this study area were 0.7∼1.5${\times}$10/SUP 6/ cells$.$ml/SUP -1/ 1,680∼2,180 cells$.$ml/SUP -1/, 1,090∼2,180 cells$.$ml, and 3,600∼5,700 cells$.$l/SUP -1/, respectively. The mean growth rates of bacteria, HFL, AFL and ciliates were 0.039 h/SUP -1/, 0.032∼0.033h/SUP -1/, 0.015∼ 0.025h/SUP -1/and 0.021h/SUP -1/, respectively. The growth rates of protozooplankton of Inchon coastal waters were relatively low. Mean grazing rate of HFL, AFL and ciliates were0.039 h/SUP -1/, 0.032∼0.033h/SUP -1/,0.015∼ 0.025h/SUP -1/and 0.021h/SUP -1/, respectively. The growth rates of protozooplankton of Inchon coastal waters were relatively low. Mean grazing rate of HFL on bacteria was 0.055h/SUP -1/. Mean grazing rates of ciliates on HFL was relatively high of 0.057 h/SUP -1/, while the grazing rate of ciliates on AFL was low of 0.019h/SUP -1/. The clearance rates and ingestion rates of HFL on bacteria were 3.6∼61.8nl$.$HFL$.$h/SUP -1/ and 6∼52 BAC. HFL$.$h/SUP -1/ respectively. FLB grazing experiment showed low values, while natural bacteria experiment showed high value meaning high grazing pressure on total bacteria. The clearance rates and ingestion rates of Tintinnopsis sp., dominant ciliates in Inchon coastal waters, were 3.2∼4.6 ul$.$CIL/SUP -1/$.$h/SUP -1/ and 5∼6 cells$.$CIL/SUP -1/$.$h/SUP -1/ respectively, showing higher values in the high tide than low tide. The ingestion rates of ciliates implies that ciliate took up 17∼20% of total nanoflagellates of Inchon coastal waters.

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More-than-human Geographies of Nature: Toward a Careful Political Ecology (새로운 정치생태학을 위한 비인간지리학의 인간-자연 연구)

  • Choi, Myung-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.613-632
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    • 2016
  • The recent diagnosis of the Anthropocene challenges public understanding of nature as a pure and singular entity removed from society, as the diagnosis confirms the earth-changing force of humans. In geography, the nature-society divide has been critically interrogated long before the diagnosis of the Anthropocene, developing several ways of theorizing nature-society relations. This paper introduces a new frontier for such theoretical endeavors: more-than-human geography. Inspired by the material and performative turn in geography and the social sciences around the 2000s, more-than-human geographers have sought to re-engage with the livingness of the world in the study of nature-society relations. Drawing on actor-network theory, non-representational theory (NRT) and vitalism, they have developed innovative ways of thinking about and relating to nature through the key concepts of 'nonhuman agency' and 'affect'. While more-than-human geography has been extensively debated and developed in recent Euro-American scholarship on cultural and economic geography, it has so far received limited attention in Korean geographical studies on nature. This paper aims to address this gap by discussing the key concepts and seminal work of more-than-human geography. I first outline four theoretical strands through which nature-society relations are perceived in geography. I then offer an overview of more-than-human geography, discussing its theoretical foundations and considering ontologies, epistemologies, politics and ethics associated with nature-society relations. Then, I compare more-than-human geography with political ecology, which is the mainstream critical approach in contemporary environmental social sciences. I would argue that more-than-human geography further challenges and develops political ecology through its heightened attention to the affective capacity of nonhumans and the methodological ethos of doing a careful political ecology. I conclude by reflecting on the implications of more-than-human geography for Korean studies on nature-society relations.

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Rainfall image DB construction for rainfall intensity estimation from CCTV videos: focusing on experimental data in a climatic environment chamber (CCTV 영상 기반 강우강도 산정을 위한 실환경 실험 자료 중심 적정 강우 이미지 DB 구축 방법론 개발)

  • Byun, Jongyun;Jun, Changhyun;Kim, Hyeon-Joon;Lee, Jae Joon;Park, Hunil;Lee, Jinwook
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.403-417
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    • 2023
  • In this research, a methodology was developed for constructing an appropriate rainfall image database for estimating rainfall intensity based on CCTV video. The database was constructed in the Large-Scale Climate Environment Chamber of the Korea Conformity Laboratories, which can control variables with high irregularity and variability in real environments. 1,728 scenarios were designed under five different experimental conditions. 36 scenarios and a total of 97,200 frames were selected. Rain streaks were extracted using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm by calculating the difference between each image and the background. To prevent overfitting, data with pixel values greater than set threshold, compared to the average pixel value for each image, were selected. The area with maximum pixel variability was determined by shifting with every 10 pixels and set as a representative area (180×180) for the original image. After re-transforming to 120×120 size as an input data for convolutional neural networks model, image augmentation was progressed under unified shooting conditions. 92% of the data showed within the 10% absolute range of PBIAS. It is clear that the final results in this study have the potential to enhance the accuracy and efficacy of existing real-world CCTV systems with transfer learning.

Analyzing animation techniques used in webtoons and their potential issues (웹툰 연출의 애니메이션 기법활용과 문제점 분석)

  • Kim, Yu-mi
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.46
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2017
  • With the media's shift into the digital era in the 2000s, comic book publishers attempted a transition into the new medium by establishing a distribution structure using internet networks. But that effort shied from escaping the parallel-page reading structure of traditional comics. On the other hand, webtoons are showing divers changes by redesigning the structure of traditional sequential art media; they tend to separate and allot spaces according to the vertical scroll reading method of the internet browser and include animations, sound effects and background music. This trend is also in accordance with the preferences of modern readers. Modern society has complicated social structures with the development of various media; the public is therefore exposed to different stimuli and shows characteristics of differentiated perceptions. In other words, webtoons display more relevant and entertaining characteristics by inserting sounds and using moving texts and characters in specific frames, while traditional comics require an appreciation of withdrawal and immersion like other published media. Motions in webtoons are partially applied for dramatic tension or to create an effective expression of action. For example, hand-drawn animation is adopted to express motions by dividing motion images into many layers. Sounds are also utilized, such as background music with episode-related lyrics, melodies, ambient sounds and motion-related sound effects. In addition, webtoons provide readers with new amusement by giving tactile stimuli via the vibration of a smart phone. As stated above, the vertical direction, time-based nature of animation motions and tactile stimuli used in webtoons are differentiated from published comics. However, webtoons' utilization of innovative techniques hasn't yet reached its full potential. In addition to the fact that the software used for webtoon effects is operationally complex, this is a transitional phenomenon since there is still a lack of technical understanding of animation and sound application amongst the general public. For example, a sound might be programmed to play when a specific frame scrolls into view on the monitor, but the frame may be scrolled faster or slower than the author intended; in this case, sound can end before or after a reader sees the whole image. The motion of each frame is also programmed to start in a similar fashion. Therefore, a reader's scroll speed is related to the motion's speed. For this reason, motions might miss the intended timing and be unnatural because they are played out of context. Also, finished sound effects can disturb the concentration of readers. These problems come from a shortage of continuity; to solve these, naturally activated consecutive sounds or animations, like the simple rotation of joints when a character moves, is required.