• 제목/요약/키워드: 마찰 충돌

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Bursoscopic Finding in Primary Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder (견관절 일차성 유착성 관절낭염 환자의 견봉하 관절경 소견)

  • Nam, Ki-Young;Moon, Young-Lae;Kim, Dong-Hui
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To evaluate the bursoscopic findings of refractory primary adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder and to determine the clinical correlation. Materials and Methods: Arthroscopic capsular release was performed in 21 refractory adhesive capsulitis patients who had not responded to conservative treatment. The VAS for pain, range of motion, UCLA score was checked before and after surgery, and at the last follow up. Results: Bursitis, mild friction and impingement on coracoacromial ligament, as well as adhesion were observed. The function and pain improved earlier than after simple acromiohumeral joint capsular release. Conclusion: Subacromial bursoscopy helps rule out a hidden secondary frozen shoulder or secondary changes with primary adhesion. In addition, it has the advantage of being both a treatment and procedure for making a prognosis.

Turbulent Heat Transfer and Friction in Four-Wall Convergent/Divergent Square Channels with One Ribbed Wall (한면에 리브가 설치된 4벽면 수축/확대 채널의 난류 열전달과 유체마찰)

  • Ahn, Soo Whan;Lee, Myung Sung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.39 no.10
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    • pp.773-778
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    • 2015
  • The local heat transfer and pressure drop of developed turbulent flows in convergent/divergent channels with square axial cross-sectional areas were experimentally investigated to improve the channel design, such as a gas turbine cooling system. Square convergent/divergent channels with one ribbed wall were manufactured with a fixed rib height e of 10 mm and a ratio of rib spacing p to height e of 10. The measurement was conducted for Reynolds numbers from 15,000 to 89,000. Convergent, divergent, and straight channels with ratios $D_{ho}/D_{hi}$ of 0.75, 1.33, and 1.0, respectively, are considered. Of the three channel types, the ribbed divergent channel was found to produce the best thermal performance under identical flow rate, pumping power, and pressure loss conditions.

A Study on Comparison of Improved Floor Field Model and Other Evacuation Models (개선된 Floor Field Model과 다른 피난시뮬레이션 모델의 비교 연구)

  • Nam, Hyunwoo;Kwak, Suyeong;Jun, Chulmin
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we propose an improved Floor Field Model(FFM) that considers the physical characteristics of pedestrians, i.e., body size, shape, and posture. Also we analyse limits of FFM and features of improved model compared with existing evacuation simulation models. FFM is a typical microscopic pedestrian model using CA, but it does not reflect the physical characteristics of pedestrians. Because of this, FFM is difficult to modeling phenomena such as collision, friction between pedestrians. As a result, FFM calculates a very short evacuation time when compared with the other models. We performed a computational experiment to compare improved model with other models such as FFM, Simulex, Pathfinder in an actual campus building. We carried out a comparison of evacuation aspect according to the change in number of evacuees. Also we compared evacuation aspect by exit. Finally, we confirmed that improved model reflects physical phenomena which were not reflected in FFM. Especially, experimental results were very similar to the Simulex.

Convolutional neural network based traffic sound classification robust to environmental noise (합성곱 신경망 기반 환경잡음에 강인한 교통 소음 분류 모델)

  • Lee, Jaejun;Kim, Wansoo;Lee, Kyogu
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.469-474
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    • 2018
  • As urban population increases, research on urban environmental noise is getting more attention. In this study, we classify the abnormal noise occurring in traffic situation by using a deep learning algorithm which shows high performance in recent environmental noise classification studies. Specifically, we classify the four classes of tire skidding sounds, car crash sounds, car horn sounds, and normal sounds using convolutional neural networks. In addition, we add three environmental noises, including rain, wind and crowd noises, to our training data so that the classification model is more robust in real traffic situation with environmental noises. Experimental results show that the proposed traffic sound classification model achieves better performance than the existing algorithms, particularly under harsh conditions with environmental noises.

The Marine Tourism Co-Development of the South-North Korea and Policy Support Devices (남북한 공동 해양관광개발의 방향과 정책지원 방안)

  • Sin, Dong-Ju
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.87-106
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    • 2010
  • North Korea is hoping get more international aids and cooperations with facing serious difficulties in the domestic economies, but it is expected to be hard to induce foreign direct investments due to the lots of existing negative factors in the credibility, profitability, bad images, and so on. On the other hand, in South Korea, the demands of the places and facilities for the leisure & tourism have been skyrocketed with the fast economic growth during the last three decades, especially in marine tourism As the Korea peninsula is surrounded with sea in three sides, North and South Korea must utilize these area qualitatively and quantitatively for advance of entire cooperation. The cooperation through sea has some restraint factors. They may occur unexpected conflict and need enormous infrastructure investment for the further cooperation. In the other side, it has some advantages such as, it can avoid direct contact between both people for North government. Even though inter-Korean relationship is facing temporary cooling time recently, The marine tourism co-development of the South-North Korea is a potential and important factor for enhancement of the reconciliation and cooperation. Furthermore, it can achieve unification of two Koreas. This study reviews many factors and suggests marine policy Support devices for The marine tourism co-development between South-North Korea.

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A Study on the Misconceptions of High School Students on Magma and Plate Tectonics (마그마와 판구조론에 대한 고등학생들의 오개념)

  • Choi, Seong-Cheol;Ahn, Kun Sang
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study were to identify the misconceptions that students have on the magma and plate tectonics and to present the implications in developing textbooks as well as related curriculum of high school textbooks. Data were collected through questionnaire, consisting of some questions, short essays, and descriptive drawings, developed by the research team. A total of 140 high school students(9th graders) responded to those questionnaires and were interviewed for further information. It was reported that participants displayed various misconceptions related to magma and plate tectonics. The identified misconceptions are as follows: For the definition of magma, the 31% of participants misunderstood magma as lava. In respect to the generative mechanism of magma at subduction zone, over 90% of students responded that it is generated by frictional heat. The source of misconceptions were identified as a result from textbooks and related reference-books. For the concept of plates, 87% of students conceived 'crust or a lower part of the plates' as 'plates'. Most participants hold the right concept of oceanic ridge, whereas, 66% of them considered 'rift valley' as either 'divergence of continental plates' or 'converging boundary'. 63% of them defined 'collision boundary of continental plate' as either 'subduction zone' or 'diverging boundary'. For the definitions of the trench and Benioff zone, 86% of students responded them as the place of subduction or differing density between two converging plates. The students' misconceptions were resulted from the errors and insufficient explanation, inappropriate figures, and data presented in textbooks, reference-books, lecture, and web sites. The results of this study are implied to contribute the improvement of students' misconceptions.

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c-BN 박막의 박리현상에 미치는 공정인자의 영향

  • 이성훈;변응선;이건환;이구현;이응직;이상로
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.148-148
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    • 1999
  • 다이아몬드에 버금가는 높은 경도뿐만 아니라 높은 화학적 안정성 및 열전도성 등 우수한 물리화학적 특성을 가진 입방정 질화붕소(cubic Boron Nitride)는 마찰.마모, 전자, 광학 등의 여러 분야에서의 산업적 응용이 크게 기대되는 자료이다. 특히 탄화물형성원소에 대해 안정하여 철계금속의 가공을 위한 공구재료로의 응용 또한 기대되는 재료이다. 특히 탄화물형성원소에 대해 안정하여 철계금속의 가공을 위한 공구재료로의 응용 또한 크게 기대된다. 이 때문에 각종의 PVD, CVD 공정을 이용하여 c-BN 박막의 합성에 대한 연구가 광범위하게 진행되어 많은 성공사례들이 보고되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 c-BN 박막의 유용성에도 불구하고 아직 실제적인 응용이 이루어지지 못한 것은 증착직후 급격한 박리현상을 보이는 c-BN 박막의 밀착력문제때문이다. 본 연구에서는 평행자기장을 부가한 ME-ARE(Magnetically Enhanced Activated Reactive Evaporation)법을 이용하여 c-BN 박막을 합성하고, 합성된 c-BN 박막의 밀착력에 미치는 공정인자의 영향을 규명하여, 급격한 박리현상을 보이는 c-BN 박막의 밀착력 향상을 위한 최적 공정을 도출하고자 하였다. BN 박막 합성은 전자총에 의해 증발된 보론과 (질소+아르곤) 플라즈마의 활성화반응증착(activated reactive evaporation)에 의해 이루어졌다. 기존의 ARE장치와 달리 열음극(hot cathode)과 양극(anode)사이에 평행자기장을 부여하여 플라즈마를 증대시켜 반응효율을 높혔다. 합성실험용 모재로는 p-type으로 도핑된 (100) Si웨이퍼를 30$\times$40 mm크기로 절단 후, 100%로 희석된 완충불산용액에 10분간 침적하여 표면의 산화층을 제거한후 사용하였다. c-BN 박막을 얻기 위한 주요공정변수는 기판바이어스 전압, discharge 전류, Ar/N가스유량비이었다. 증착공정 인자들을 변화시켜 다양한 조건에서 c-BN 박막의 합성하여 밀착력 변화를 조사하였다. 합성된 박막의 결정성 분석을 FTIR을 이용하였으며, Bn 박막의 상 및 미세구조관찰을 위해 투과전자현미경(TEM;Philips EM400T) 분석을 병행하였고, 박막의 기계적 물성 평가를 위해 미소경도를 측정하였다. 증착된 c-BN 박막은 3~10 GPa의 큰 잔류응력으로 인해 증착직후 급격한 박리현상을 보였다. 이의 개선을 위해 증착중 기판바이어스 제어 및 후열처리를 통해 밀착력을 수~수백배 향상시킬 수 있었다. c-BN 박막의 합성을 위해서는 증착중인 박막표면으로 큰 에너지를 갖는 이온의 충돌이 필요하기 때문에 기판 바이어스가 요구되는데, c-BN의 합성단계를 핵생성 단계와 성장 단계로 구분하여 인가한 기판바이어스를 달리하였다. 이 결과 그림 1에서 나타낸 것처럼 c-BN 박막의 핵생성에 필요한 기판바이어스의 50% 정도만을 인가하였을 때 잔류응력은 크게 경감되었으며, 밀착력이 크게 향상되었다.

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A CFD Study of Oil Spill Velocity from Hole in the Hull of Oil Tanker (유조선 선체 파공에 따른 원유 유출 유속의 CFD 연구)

  • Choi, Dooyoung;Lee, Jungseop;Paik, Joongcheol
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.71-71
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    • 2018
  • Sea pollution accidents have been occurred due to the increase of marine ship traffic. Oil spill from the hull hole induced by tanker collision results in the huge sea pollution. Proper and prompt reaction on such oil spill disaster is needed to minimize the damage. Thru-hull emergency wood plug is typically used to manually close small holes, while it is required to develop some mechanical devices for closing large holes in the hull due to huge fluid pressure. Accurate estimation of oil discharge and velocity from such holes are important to develop proper device to control hull hole damage. High resolution CFD modeling investigation on the configurations of hull hole of 7.5 m initial depth and 30 cm diameter, which was observed in the oil spill accident of the Hebei Sprit off the west coast of Korea in 2007, has been carried out to compute the oil spill velocity distribution in terms of flow depth. Friction loss due to the viscous flow and the discharge coefficient of crude oil with specific gravity SG = 0.85 and viscosity of $4-12cP(mPa{\cdot}s)$ at the temperature of $20^{\circ}C-100^{\circ}C$ are presented in terms of Reynolds number based on the results of high-resolution CFD modeling.

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