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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 로터 시스템

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The Optimum Design of Rotor Shape in Front Disk Brake System for Squeal Noise Reduction using the DOE (실험계획법을 이용한 전륜 디스크 브레이크 시스템의 로터형상 스퀼소음 저감 최적화)

  • Lee, Hyun-Young;Joe, Yong-Goo;Abu, Aminudin Bin;Lee, Jung-Youn;Oh, Jae-Eung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.236-240
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    • 2005
  • This paper deals with friction-induced vibration of disc brake system under constact friction coefficient. A linear, finite element model to represent the floating caliper disc brake system is proposed. The complex eigenvalues are used to investigate the dynamic stability and in order to verify simulations which are based on the FEM model, The comparison of experimental and analytical results shows a good agreement and the analysis indicates that mode coupling due to friction force and geometric instability is responsible fur disc brake squeal. And the Front brake system reduced the squeal noise using design of experiment method(DOE). This helped to validate the FEM model and establish confidence in the simulation results. Also they may be useful during real disk brake model.

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Design of 5kWh Flywheel Energy Storage System to Improve Dynamics (5kWh Flywheel 에너지저장장치 시스템의 동특성 향상 설계)

  • Park, Cheol-Hoon;Choi, Sang-Kyu;Ham, Sang-Yong;Lee, Sung-Whee;Yun, Dong-Won;Han, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2008
  • 5kWh FESS(Flywheel Energy Storage System) using AMB(Active Magnetic Bearing) has been under development and 1st trial system has been finished and run the operating test. Unfortunately, the test result was not satisfactory because FESS could increase the rotational speed up to 9,000 rpm only although the target rotational speed is 18,000rpm. It's because 1st bending mode frequency of flywheel shaft was too low and imbalance response was too big. To achieve the target speed, 1st bending mode and imbalance response must be improved and the whole FESS needed to be designed again. This paper presents the newly designed FESS and what has been changed from the 1st trial FESS to improve 1st bending mode and imbalance response. The experimental results to see how much 1st bending mode frequency was improved are presented, too.

Aerodynamic Noise Analysis of High Speed Wind Turbine System for Design Parameters of the Rotor Blade (고속 회전 풍력 시스템의 로터 설계 인자에 따른 공력 소음 해석 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Kim, Ho-Geon;Son, Eun-Kuk;Lee, Soo-Gab
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.521-524
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    • 2009
  • This study describes aerodynamic noise of high speed wind turbine system, which is invented as a new concept in order to reduce the torque of main shaft, for design parameters of the rotor blade. For parametric study of high speed rotor aerodynamic noise, Unsteady Vortex Lattice Method with Nonlinear Vortex Correction Method is used for analysis of wind turbine blade aerodynamic and Farassat1A and Semi-Empirical are used for low frequency noise and airfoil self noise. Parameters are chord length, twist and rotational speed for this parametric research. In the low frequency range, the change of noise is predicted the same level as each parameters varies. However, in case of broadband noise of blade, the change of rotational speed makes more variation of noise than other parameters. When the geometric angles of attack are fixed, as the rotational speed is increased by 5RPM, the noise level is increased by 4dB.

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Running Bucket Vibration Test of Steam Turbines (증기 터빈 버킷의 회전 진동 시험)

  • 박종포;신언탁;김호종
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.331-335
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    • 1998
  • A design modification was made on the 9-th stage wheel dovetail of a high-intermediate pressure (HIP) turbine rotor for a fossil power plant that necessitates the use of new long-shank buckets for the row. A bucket vibration test is necessary to verify that the new 9-th stage buckets have adequate frequency margin from a nozzle passing frequency when running at speed. A finite element analysis (FEA) has been performed using a commercial S/W to approximately estimate bucket natural frequencies, and thus to help the vibration test. A row of the new buckets has assembled on the HIP rotor for the vibration tests using dynamic balancing facilities. The tests have been done during deceleration run with air excitation. The test results are compared with the calculation using our empirical formula, and show that the modified design meets the frequency-margin requirements.

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Effect of Blade Angles on a Micro Axial-Type Turbine Operated in a Low Partial Admission Rate (부분분사 마이크로 축류형터빈에서의 익형각 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Soo-Yong;Cho, Bong-Soo;Cho, Chong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2007
  • A tested micro axial-type turbine consists of two stages and its mean radius of rotor flow passage is 8.4 mm. This turbine could be applied to a driver of micro power system, and its rotational speed in the unloaded state reaches to 100,000 RPM. The performance of this system is sensitive depending on the blade angles of the rotor and stator because it is operated in a low partial admission rate, so a performance test is conducted through measuring the specific output power and the net specific output torque with various blade angles on the nozzle, stator and rotor. The experimental results show that the net specific output torque is varied by 15% by changing the rotor blade angle, and the optimal incidence angle is about 10.3.

Development of an Automated Design System for Oil Pumps with Ellipse Lobe Profile (타원의 치형 형상을 갖는 로터 설계 자동화 시스템 개발)

  • Jung, Sung-Yuen;Han, Seung-Moo;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2009
  • An internal lobe pump is suitable for oil hydraulics of machine tools, automotive engines, compressors, constructions and other various applications. In particular, the pump is an essential machine element of an automotive engine to feed lubricant oil. The subject of this paper is the theoretical analysis of internal lobe pump whose the main components are the rotors: usually the outer one is characterized by lobes with elliptical shape, while the inner rotor profile is determined as conjugate to the other. And the integrated system which is composed of three main modules has been developed through AutoLISP under AutoCAD circumstance. It generates new lobe profile and calculates automatically the flow rate and flow rate irregularity according to the lobe profile generated. Results obtained from the analysis enable the designer and manufacturer of oil pump to be more efficient in this field.

터빈계통의 축정렬 (I) : 원리와 방법

  • Hwang, Cheol-Ho;Kim, Jeong-Tae;Lee, Hyun;Lee, Byeong-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1992.10a
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 1992
  • 축정렬이 불량한 경우 축진동이 과도하게 발생하여 출력이 감소하고 소음이 발생하며, 심한 경우 회전체의 파손과 같은 손실을 입을 수 있다. 특히 축 정렬불량으로 인한 진동은 교정이 안되는 것이 특징이므로 근본적으로 진동 을 해결하기 위해서는 축 정렬을 다시 시행해야 한다. 그러나 터빈은 다른 기계 구조물과 달리 분해 점검에 많은 시간과 경비가 요구되므로 축 정렬시 정확한 작업이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 터빈계통의 축정렬을 수행하는 절차 와 방법에 대해서 검토하였다. 이를 위해 축정렬이 입력데이터로 쓰일 수 있 는 상태측정방법중 커플링 원주와 커플링 면 측정방법이 설명되었으며, 측정 값으로부터 축정렬을 수행하기 위해, 베어링의 이동량 계산과정과 쉼 가감량 의 계산방법을 기술하였다. 축정렬의 원리와 방법의 적용과정을 실제로 알아 보기 위해 평택화력 1,2호기에 대한 축정렬이 수행되었다. 1,2호기는 고압터 빈, 2단계의 저압터빈 및 발전기로 구성되어 있는 다축 시스템으로서, 제작 사측에서 요구하는 정렬 기준값을 감안하여 축정렬에 필요한 베어링 조정량 을 계산하였다. 계산과정은 기준로터로 지정된 저압터빈에서부터 축정렬상태 도를 작성하여 가면서 단계적으로 설명되었으며, 최종적으로 쉼의 가감량까 지를 보여줌으로서 축정렬과정을 완료하였다.

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Rotordynamics of a Centrifuge Rotor-Bearing System for 100,000 rpm Operation (100,000 rpm 운전용 원심분리기 로터-베어링 시스템의 회전체동역학 해석)

  • 이안성;김영철;박종권
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.450-456
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    • 1998
  • A rotordynamic analysis is performed with a centrifuge rotor-bearing system for the raing speed of 100,000 rpm. The system is composed of a centrifuge rotor(or simply the rotor), flexible shaft, motor rotor and shaft, and two support rolling element bearings of the motor shaft. Design goals are to achieve wide separation margins of critical speeds and favorable unbalance responses of the rotor at the associated critical speeds. The latter requirements are especially important as the system crosses multiple numbers of critical speeds and as the system may not have enough separaton margins around the rating speed. As the system adopts an extra-flexible shaft, it is shown that the rotor has satisfactory small unbalance responses over higher criticals while having an unsatisfactory large one at the first critical. To supress this a bumper ring or guide bearing needs to be installed at a suitable location of the flexible shaft. It is also shown that even with the flexible shaft the dynamics of the motor must be incoporated into the full system model to accurately identify the fourth critical speed, which is close to the rating speed, and higher ones. The analysis is based on the finite element method.

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Development of the Multi-Gear Train Devices of Synchro System for the Guns of a Warship which Considered the Noise/Vibration (소음/진동을 고려한 함포용 Synchro System의 다단 기어 구동장치 개발)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Woo;Hur, Nam-Soo;Kim, In-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.1057-1067
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    • 2010
  • Vibration and noise analysis as well as strength of gear teeth, gear profile design are considered in order to develop the multi-gear train devices of synchro system for the guns of a warship. A new approach to the critical speed calculation of practical industrial multi-mesh geared system is presented. A transfer matrix model based on Hibner's branch method is developed and the natural properties of the branched rotor system are calculated with using the λ-matrix formulation. A Campbell diagram, in which the excitation sources caused by the mass unbalance of the rotors and the transmitted errors of the gearing are considered, shows that, at theoperating speed, there are not the critical speed.

Multi-Objective Optimum Shape Design of Rotor-Bearing System with Dynamic Constraints Using Immune-Genetic Algorithm (면역.유전 알고리듬을 이용한 로터 베어링시스템의 다목적 형상최적설계)

  • Choe, Byeong-Geun;Yang, Bo-Seok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.7 s.178
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    • pp.1661-1672
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    • 2000
  • An immune system has powerful abilities such as memory, recognition and learning how to respond to invading antigens, and has been applied to many engineering algorithms in recent year. In this pap er, the combined optimization algorithm (Immune- Genetic Algorithm: IGA) is proposed for multi-optimization problems by introducing the capability of the immune system that controls the proliferation of clones to the genetic algorithm. The optimizing ability of the proposed combined algorithm is identified by comparing the result of optimization with simple genetic algorithm for two dimensional multi-peak function which have many local optimums. Also the new combined algorithm is applied to minimize the total weight of the shaft and the transmitted forces at the bearings. The inner diameter oil the shaft and the bearing stiffness are chosen as the design variables. The dynamic characteristics are determined by applying the generalized FEM. The results show that the combined algorithm and reduce both the weight of the shaft and the transmitted forces at the bearing with dynamic conatriants.