• Title/Summary/Keyword: 로드킬

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Selection Method for Installation of Reduction Facilities to Prevention of Roe Deer(Capreouls pygargus) Road-kill in Jeju Island (제주도 노루 로드킬 방지를 위한 저감시설 대상지 선정방안 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Ji;Jang, Rae-ik;Yoo, Young-jae;Lee, Jun-Won;Song, Eui-Geun;Oh, Hong-Shik;Sung, Hyun-Chan;Kim, Do-kyung;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2023
  • The fragmentation of habitats resulting from human activities leads to the isolation of wildlife and it also causes wildlife-vehicle collisions (i.e. Road-kill). In that sense, it is important to predict potential habitats of specific wildlife that causes wildlife-vehicle collisions by considering geographic, environmental and transportation variables. Road-kill, especially by large mammals, threatens human safety as well as financial losses. Therefore, we conducted this study on roe deer (Capreolus pygargus tianschanicus), a large mammal that causes frequently Road-kill in Jeju Island. So, to predict potential wildlife habitats by considering geographic, environmental, and transportation variables for a specific species this study was conducted to identify high-priority restoration sites with both characteristics of potential habitats and road-kill hotspot. we identified high-priority restoration sites that is likely to be potential habitats, and also identified the known location of a Road-kill records. For this purpose, first, we defined the environmental variables and collect the occurrence records of roe deer. After that, the potential habitat map was generated by using Random Forest model. Second, to analyze roadkill hotspots, a kernel density estimation was used to generate a hotspot map. Third, to define high-priority restoration sites, each map was normalized and overlaid. As a result, three northern regions roads and two southern regions roads of Jeju Island were defined as high-priority restoration sites. Regarding Random Forest modeling, in the case of environmental variables, The importace was found to be a lot in the order of distance from the Oreum, elevation, distance from forest edge(outside) and distance from waterbody. The AUC(Area under the curve) value, which means discrimination capacity, was found to be 0.973 and support the statistical accuracy of prediction result. As a result of predicting the habitat of C. pygargus, it was found to be mainly distributed in forests, agricultural lands, and grasslands, indicating that it supported the results of previous studies.

The Tresnds of Artiodactyla Researches in Korea, China and Japan using Text-mining and Co-occurrence Analysis of Words (텍스트마이닝과 동시출현단어분석을 이용한 한국, 중국, 일본의 우제목 연구 동향 분석)

  • Lee, Byeong-Ju;Kim, Baek-Jun;Lee, Jae Min;Eo, Soo Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2019
  • Artiodactyla, which is an even-toed mammal, widely inhabits worldwide. In recent years, wild Artiodactyla species have attracted public attention due to the rapid increase of crop damage and road-kill caused by wild Artiodactyla such as water deer and wild boar and the decrease of some species such as long-tailed goral and musk deer. In spite of such public attention, however, there have been few studies on Artiodactyla in Korea, and no studies have focused on the trend analysis of Artiodactyla, making it difficult to understand actual problems. Many recent studies on trend used text-mining and co-occurrence analysis to increase objectivity in the classification of research subjects by extracting keywords appearing in literature and quantifying relevance between words. In this study, we analyzed texts from research articles of three countries (Korea, China, and Japan) through text-mining and co-occurrence analysis and compared the research subjects in each country. We extracted 199 words from 665 articles related to Artiodactyla of three countries through text-mining. Three word-clusters were formed as a result of co-occurrence analysis on extracted words. We determined that cluster1 was related to "habitat condition and ecology", cluster2 was related to "disease" and cluster3 was related to "conservation genetics and molecular ecology". The results of comparing the rates of occurrence of each word clusters in each country showed that they were relatively even in China and Japan whereas Korea had a prevailing rate (69%) of cluster2 related to "disease". In the regression analysis on the number of words per year in each cluster, the number of words in both China and Japan increased evenly by year in each cluster while the rate of increase of cluster2 was five times more than the other clusters in Korea. The results indicate that Korean researches on Artiodactyla tended to focus on diseases more than those in China and Japan, and few researchers considered other subjects including habitat characteristics, behavior and molecular ecology. In order to control the damage caused by Artiodactyla and to establish a reasonable policy for the protection of endangered species, it is necessary to accumulate basic ecological data by conducting researches on wild Artiodactyla more.

A Study on the Evaluation and Maintenance for Alternative Habitats of the Narrow-mouth Frog (Kaloula borealis) - A Case Study on the Alternative Habitats of Kaloula borealis at the University of Seoul - (맹꽁이 대체서식지 조성 평가 및 유지관리 방안 연구 - 서울시립대학교 맹꽁이 대체서식지를 사례로 -)

  • Park, Seok-Cheol;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Min-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.76-87
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of and to derive future maintenance-management measures of the constructed alternative habitat for the Kaloula borealis at the University of Seoul, examining the period between 2015-2017. The research was constructed in 2014 and in a $191m^2$ area. The performance evaluation was divided into maintaining the habitat of the target species, maintaining the population and reproduction rates of the target species, maintaining the habitat of the wild species, the resilience of natural ecosystems, and the harmony with the surrounding environment. In terms of maintaining the habitat of the target species, soil collected from the existing habitat of the Kaloula borealis and was the depth was increased to 30cm in the alternative habitat. An artificial water supply was required every year during the supporting the spawning and hatching of other amphibians along with the Kaloula borealis. The sources of water of the alternative habitat were both rain and tap water, as it cannot be maintained naturally. Additionally, the Kaloula borealis thrived because it inhabited the research site and the average temperature was $26.2^{\circ}C$ from April-June, which is when the Kaloula borealis spawns. In terms of maintaining the population and reproduction rates of the Kaloula borealis, they were evaluated to have stable rates of reproduction. In terms of maintaining the habitat of the wild species, studies on vegetation and the structure of the characteristics of prey or predators will be needed. Also, alien species, such as Humulus japonicus and Bidens frondosa needed to be removed to maintain the wetland ecosystem of the wild species. In the assessment of the resilience of the natural ecosystems, the mud was monitored, noting the changes in the depth of water, with steps taken to reduce the leakage of water. The mud collected from the Haneul Pond wetland, which is located around the research site was piled up. Also, partial mowing management and the inducement of a natural vegetation colony was required for vegetation management. It was also necessary to create porous spaces, such as old trees and tree branches to create a habitat with hiding places and feeding and spawning places for small organisms. In terms of the harmony with the surrounding environment, the following threat factors needed to be managed: amphibian roadkill by vehicles and pedestrians and artificial draining due to nearby user access. Based on the monitoring results, alternative habitat management measures presented the promoting various waterside structures, in which amphibians can spawn and hide in, managing the water environment consistently, managing the vegetation, focused on the habitat of the wild species, and managing the surrounding environment for the habitat. The creation of an alternative habitat should be managed through monitoring, reflecting the characteristics of the changes in the site. Also continuing efforts are also needed to improve the habitat of the target species.

Prediction Study on Major Movement Paths of Otters in the Ansim-wetland Using EN-Simulator (EN-Simulator를 활용한 안심습지 일원 수달의 주요 이동경로 예측 연구)

  • Shin, Gee-Hoon;Seo, Bo-Yong;Rho, Paikho;Kim, Ji-Young;Han, Sung-Yong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we performed a Random Walker analysis to predict the Major Movement Paths of otters. The scope of the research was a simulation analysis with a radius of 7.5 km set as the final range centered on the Ansim-wetland in Daegu City, and a field survey was used to verify the model. The number of virtual otters was set to 1,000, the number of moving steps was set to 1,000 steps per grid, and simulations were performed on a total of 841 grids. As a result of the analysis, an average of 147.6 objects arrived at the boundary point under the condition of an interval of 50 m. As a result of the simulation verification, 8 points (13.1%) were found in the area where the movement probability was very high, and 9 points (14.8%) were found in the area where the movement probability was high. On the other hand, in areas with low movement paths probabilities, there were 8 points (13.1%) in low areas and 4 points (6.6%) in very low areas. Simulation verification results In areas with high otter values, the actual otter format probability was particularly high. In addition, as a result of investigating the correlation with the otter appearance point according to the unit area of the evaluation star of the movement probability, it seems that 6.8 traces were found per unit area in the area where the movement probability is the highest. In areas where the probability of movement is low, analysis was performed at 0.1 points. On the side where otters use the major movement paths of the river area, the normal level was exceeded, and as a result, in the area, 23 (63.9%), many form traces were found, along the major movement paths of the simulation. It turned out that the actual otter inhabits. The EN-Simulator analysis can predict how spatial properties affect the likelihood of major movement paths selection, and the analytical values are used to utilize additional habitats within the major movement paths. It is judged that it can be used as basic data such as to grasp the danger area of road kill in advance and prevent it.