• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디자이너

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Design-Art: Focusing on the Concept-Forming Process of Design-Art (디자인아트: 개념 형성 과정을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Hyun-Dae;Kim, So-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.178-186
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    • 2012
  • This study examined the concept-forming process of Design-Art and based on it, drew the significance of Design-Art. Design-Art is generated by the policy cultivating star artists and star designers so as to pioneer new art-market in 1990s in the foundation of anti-area formed by Postmodernism in 1960s. It started to be vitalized while designers were born as author. At the same time, because of the information's popularity by internet's propagation, users started to manufacture and propagate contents volunteerly. Meanwhile, designers accepted artistic value so as to guarantee independent position, so the area of Design-Art became more strengthened. Therefore, Design-Art means 'design as an art' and Design-Artist obtained general meaning, 'designer as an author'. In 2000s, it secured variety because of the acceptance of existing art galleries' Design-Art works and forming of new Design-Art market such as Design-Art fair, and vitalization of the market played its own roles with the movement to create new-concept of design in design ecology. Based on the contents, this paper analyzed Design-Art works by Design-Artists working actively in actual field and examined the possibility of future development of Design-Art.

A study on the 3D simulation system improvement through comparing visual images between the real garment and the 3D garment simulation of women's Jacket (여성 재킷의 실제착의와 가상착의 비교를 통한 3D 가상착의 시스템 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Kwak, Younsin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to propose improvements for 3D garment simulation system by comparison with the difference between real garment and 3D garment simulation of women's jacket. The process of the study was to take pictures on the standard sized subject wearing the jacket of basic size, to get a avatar from body sizes of the subject, and to obtain images of 3D garment simulation on the avatar. The appearance evaluation was resulted by the method of a questionnaire survey after presenting the images to 24 members of patterner and 22 members of designer. On that appearance evaluation by designer group, perform comparative analysis of differences between the real garment and the 3D garment simulation of women's jacket. On that appearance evaluation by patterner group, perform comparative analysis of differences between the real garment and the 3D garment simulation of women's jacket. There were the differences on 4 areas: 1 questions of the side, 1 questions on the back, 7 questions on the sleeve, and 1 questions on the collar, and the results showed that the 3D garment simulation was preferable on each question.

Type in Motion as a Visual Storytelling (Visual Storytelling으로서의 Type in Motion에 관한 연구)

  • 박효신
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2000
  • The form or interpretation of today's communication design lies in content development and storytelling to the designer. However, the understanding as well as exteriment of the mechanisms behind content creation remain an obscure concept. Particularly given the rapid development of digital technology, since the 1980s typography has been quickly transforming itself from its static state to the more dynamic'Type in Motion'. following this came the need for solid research in'Type in Motion'as the best means of presenting story content and form The previous passage has studied the effectiveness of'Type in Motion'in presenting this kind of content. Type in Motion has allowed vast developments in the methods of story presentation. It is Due that today's digital technology has given many benefits to the designer, but on the other hand, it has required a more diverse understanding of digital design. furthermore, even the designers in digital typography lack the understanding and research in'Type in Motion'not only as a mode of visual language but also of verbal language. Given this point· in hand, the entire interpretation and interrelation of story and'Type in Motion'can be considered essential, given their shaping of effective digital typography.

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