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Reliability Analysis on Safety Instrumented System by Using Safety Integrity Level for Fire.Explosion Prevention in the Ethyl Benzene Processes (Ethyl Benzene 공정에서 화재.폭발방지를 위하여 안전건전성수준을 이용한 안전장치시스템의 신뢰도 분석)

  • Ko, Jae-Sun;Kim, Hyo;Lee, Su-Kyoung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3 s.63
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this work is to analyze quantitatively if the safety instrumented system(SIS) like the pressure safety valves(PSV) in the processes of ethyl benzene plant have been designed relevantly to the safety integrity level because overpressure in the benzene or ethyl benzene columns causes the explosive reactions, fires and reactor explosions. The safety integrity level(SIL) 3 has been adopted as a target level of SIS based on the general data of the Probability of Failure on Demand of PSV, 1.00E41.00E3. The standard model of the reliability has been set up and then the fault tree analysis of it has been carried out to get the PFD of SIS, and the results show 8.97E-04, 5.37E-04, 5.37E-04 for benzene prefractionator column, benzene column and EB column, respectively. Thus, we conclude that the SIS is designed to fulfill the condition of SIL3, and when the partial stroke test for the control valve are carried out every sixth month, the SIS of each column is expected to increase its reliability up to 2227.

Evaluation of Steep Slopes Adjacent to Multi-use Facilities in National Parks using GIS (GIS를 활용한 국립공원 다중이용시설 인접 급경사지 평가)

  • Lee, Dong Hyeok;Jun, Kye Won;Jung, Min Jin;Park, Jun Hyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2021
  • Recently, due to climate change, the slope is increasing, and the risk of steep slope disasters such as the occurrence of slope collapse in the east coast and Busan region in 2019 and the Gokseong landslide in 2020 is increasing. Particularly, most national parks are made up of mountainous areas, and the risk of disasters on steep slopes is increasing. As the ground of the national park is aging and the weathering and jointing of the bedrock are accelerating due to climate change, the slope collapse and rockfall are increasing, and the annual number of visitors is increasing, it is necessary to manage steep slopes adjacent to multi-use facilities with many users. In this study, dangerous steep slopes that affect multi-use facilities in national parks were analyzed using GIS and verified through field surveys. As a process for extracting steep slopes adjacent to multi-use facilities in national parks, the slope was made in DEM and slopes of 34 degrees or higher were extracted. The difference between the maximum and minimum heights of the extracted slopes was used to confirm that the slopes met the standard for steep slopes, and the analysis of the slope direction was used to confirm whether it had an effect on the multi-use facilities. After that, precision aerial images and field photos were analyzed to finally identify risks at 4 sites, and field surveys were conducted. As a result of the field survey, all 4 sites were found to be steep slopes, 3 were graded D and 1 was graded C, so it was confirmed that management was required as a risk of collapse. All steep slopes extracted through GIS were found to be dangerous, so it is judged that the extraction of steep slopes through GIS would be appropriate.

Segmenting Korean Millennial Consumers of Sharing Economy Services on Social Networking: A Psychographic-based Approach (소셜 네트워크 기반 공유경제 서비스에 관한 밀레니얼스 소비자 세분화 연구: 사이코그래픽 관점에서)

  • Lee, Jae Heon;Choi, Jae Won;Kim, Ki Youn
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore consumer behavioral trends, psychological characteristics and various cognitive types of Millennial Generation consumers, primarily in their 20s, who are familiar with sharing economy services based on the emerging social networking technology. Using Q methodology, this paper theoretically defines four and interprets via a social science perspective four different types of these young consumers who are skilled at state-of-the-art ICT equipment, devices or online networking services. Sharing economy services in Korea's academic and industrial services are influenced by government policy, and related research is relatively new. This study is focused on discovering unique psychographic characteristics called 'schemata' that include personal interest, preference, attitude, and opinion. On the basis of 40 Q-sorted data samples, the analysis examined 180 collected statements from meta-studies and interviews with 35 individuals born between 1997 and 1992. As a result, four consumer groups were identifies: Type 1 'Early majority', Type 2 'Laggard', Type 3 'Opinion leader', and Type 4 'Late majority'. The results of this research can be used to explore to study in greater detail the behavior and psychological aspects of Millennial General consumers'.

A Study on the Calculation Method of Load standard for ZEB activation (ZEB 활성화를 위한 부하기준 산정 방법 연구)

  • Lee, Hangju;Kim, Insoo
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2017
  • In Korea, the zero energy building was designated as the 7 new industries in the Ministry of Land and the 8 new industries in the Ministry of Industry. In order to maximize the insulation performance of the building envelope, improve the efficiency of building equipment, We are aiming. It is necessary to analyze the energy requirements of the buildings (cooling, heating, hot water supply, lighting, ventilation) of buildings with energy efficiency level of 1++ which is equivalent to the zero energy building certification system in Korea, It is aimed to be used as basic data for the advancement of energy building certification system. Zero Energy Building certification is estimated to be 61 buildings by 2017, and the approximate reference value and the first energy requirement for each of the five loads are calculated considering passive and active aspects. It is difficult to say that it is a clear standard because there is a small sample of data for calculating the load standard. However, it is necessary to interpret various methods in order to upgrade the Zero Energy Building certification standard in the future.

A Study on the Application of Micro-Credentials for Vocational Competency Development Training Teachers and Instructors (직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 자격연계형 마이크로 크리덴셜 적용 방안)

  • Miseok Yang;Ohyoung Kwon;Woocheol Kim
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to examine the remuneration curriculum of vocational ability development training teachers and instructors and to examine ways to apply micro credentials. To this end, the current status of the remuneration curriculum of vocational ability development training instructors and instructors at K University's Competency Education Development Institute, the characteristics of micro credentials, and the possibility of linking the remuneration curriculum to micro credentials are as follows. First, most of the recognition of digital certificates was positive for digital certificates such as digital credit, digital badge issuance, and recognition of the recognized qualification process of maintenance education when completing the training course. In addition, as a method of applying micro credentials to conservative education, various cases were proposed to benefit from conservative education, systematization and grading of the qualification process, and credit of the qualification process. Second, as an institutional supplement to enhance the utilization of conservative education using micro credentials, the need to expand NCS-based major conservative education, provide efficient learning contents and learning methods, and set minimum completion time. In addition, the most common response as a way to improve the understanding of teachers and instructors in vocational ability development training was the micro credential promotion plan. Third, in the role of conservative education institutions and vocational ability development training instructors and instructors, conservative education institutions mention maintaining educational quality the most, and active participation was the role of vocational ability development training instructors. Through this study, it is expected to establish a vocational training environment that can enhance expertise and provide a practical portfolio of practical competency history by linking the remuneration curriculum of vocational competency development training instructors and micro credentials.

The spatial distribution characteristics of Automatic Weather Stations in the mountainous area over South Korea (우리나라 산악기상관측망의 공간분포 특성)

  • Yoon, Sukhee;Jang, Keunchang;Won, Myoungsoo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics and spatial changes of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) in mountainous areas with altitude more than 200 meters in South Korea. In order to analyze the spatial distribution patterns, spatial analysis was performed on 203 Automatic Mountain Meteorology Observation Station (AMOS) points from 2012 to 2016 by Euclidean distance analysis, nearest neighbor index analysis, and Kernel density analysis methods. As a result, change of the average distance between 2012 and 2016 decreased up to 16.4km. The nearest neighbor index was 0.666632 to 0.811237, and the result of Z-score test was -4.372239 to -5.145115(P<0.01). The spatial distributions of AMOSs through Kernel density analysis were analyzed to cover 129,719ha/a station in 2012 and 50,914ha/a station in 2016. The result of a comparison between 2012 and 2016 on the spatial distribution has decreased about 169,399ha per a station for the past 5 years. Therefore it needs to be considered the mountainous regions with low density when selecting the site of AMOS.

Proposal Methodology for Disaster Risk Analysis by Region Using RFM Model (RFM 모형을 활용한 지역별 재해 위험도 분석 방법론 제안)

  • Kim, TaeJin;Kim, SungSoo;Jeon, DaHee;Park, SangHyun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.493-504
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose an analytical methodology for selecting the priority of preventive projects in the course of carrying out disaster prevention projects that improve disaster-hazardous areas. Method: Data analysis was performed using RFM model which can divide data grade and perform target marketing based on Recency, Frequency, and Monetary. Result: The top 10% of the area with high RFM value was mainly in the East Sea and the South Sea coast, and the number of damage in private facilities was high. Conclusion: In this study, we used the RFM model to select the priority of disaster risk and to implement the regional disaster risk using GIS. These results are expected to be used as basic data for selecting priority project sites for disaster prevention projects and as basic data in the decision-making process for disaster prevention projects.

A Study on Wine Selection Attributes by Western Food Menu - Based on Western Cooking Methods - (서양요리 메뉴에 따른 와인 선택속성에 관한 연구 - 서양조리방법을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Jin-Woo
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2012
  • As the living standards are improving, the interest in wine is getting higher and its consumption is increasing. Accordingly, this study is designed to find out how wine is selected depending on cooking methods when a customer selects wine by Western menu. For the purpose of this study, the customers who have used Western restaurants in hotels in Seoul area were selected for the survey from November 1 to November 30, 2011, and 177 copies of the questionnaire were used for analysis. As a result of analysis regarding the difference in satisfaction with wine selection by sex, women were analyzed to have a higher intention than men. In the satisfaction of customers by age, the older people responded to generally have a higher degree of satisfaction. In the satisfaction of customers by monthly income, the ones who earn more than 11 million won a month were identified to have a higher degree of satisfaction than those who earn 3 million won a month.

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A study about the application of GSIS on Airport site selection (공항입지선정(空港立地選定)에 있어서 GSIS의 활용(活用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jeong, Seung-Hyeon;Lim, Seoung-Hyeon;Kim, Tea-Geun;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.1 s.9
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 1997
  • Recently, with the demand for airservice increasing and localization accelerating, airport construction is booming. However, in the case of an unsuitable airport site selection, it might cause a reduction in airport service and a decrease in airport demand. Thus, it is necessary to construct a representative airport and choose a suitable site selection method for economical and efficient airports in order to make the utmost use of airport functions. In this study, GSIS was used to select the airport site and applied to case study areas. GSIS could present a new method for efficient and scientific analysis in airport site selection including various factors over an extensive area. The use of both, the paired comparison method and the delphi method, could improve the objectivity of analysis results in the process considering the relative weight grade of data and priority order of analysis factors, used in airport site selection.

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Analysis of Computational Thinking Level Through the Scratch Project Analyzation (스크래치 프로젝트 분석을 통한 컴퓨팅사고력 수준 분석)

  • Park, SunJu
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 2018
  • As SW education has become essential since 2018 due to the revised curriculum in 2015, researches on SW education are actively being carried out. In order to understand the level of pre-service teachers' computational thinking level, we analyzed a correlation of CT element scores with each year and each grade based on the calculated Scratch project by years using the analysis tool Dr. Scratch, which was targeted for 325 students in K National University of Education who passed the scratch course from 2016 to 2018. The result indicated that there is a positive correlation between all the CT related factors and both the year and the grade. Conclusionally, it is crucial to have students undergo revising process by using an automated evaluation tool such as Dr. Scratch and cultivate ability to create and utilize required materials. Furthermore, it is necessary to educate students to utilize logical thinking elements such as complex conditions and logic operations.