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Development of e-Learning Platform based on Linux -e-Learning Contents Design Module with ISD Model- (리눅스 기반 인터넷 원격 교육 시스템 개발 - ISD Model 지원 교육용 컨텐츠 설계 모듈 -)

  • 성평식;박춘원
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.165-183
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    • 2001
  • 지난해부터 인터넷 분야에서 가장 확실한 수익 모델을 갖춘 사업 분야로 e-Learning 분야가 손꼽히면서 많은 온라인 교육 서비스가 우후죽순처럼 등장해 이미 1,000여 개의 서비스가 각축을 벌이고 있다. 그러나 e-Learning은 무엇보다도 학습용 컨텐츠의 품질이 그 성패를 좌우한다 할 때 한국의 온라인 학습 컨텐츠의 품질은 부실하기 이를 데 없다는 게 중론이다. 이는 S/W 공학에서 S/W 품질 보장을 위해 개발 방법론이 중요한 것으로 인식되는 것과 이를 지원하기 위한 Method II등 여러 도구들이 보급되고 있는데 비해 학습 컨텐츠는 그 중요도와 개발이 복잡하고 정교함이 요구됨에도 불구하고 개발 방법론에 대한 인식과 개발방법론을 지원하기 위한 도구가 없음에 기인하는바 크다 할 수 있겠다. 아직까지 국내에서는 MacroMedia Director나 ToolBook, Authorware등 일반적인 저작 도구나 웹 기반의 컨텐츠를 제작하는 Dreamweaver등의 HTML Editor만 있으면 컨텐츠가 만들어 질 수 있는 것으로 착각하고 있는 경우가 많다. 교육 학습용 컨텐츠의 개발 주기를 살펴보면 요구 분석->교수 설계->저작->평가->배포의 단계를 거치게 되는데 이때 학습 컨텐츠의 품질은 사실 요구 분석과 교수 설계 단계에서 결정되게 되며 이 학습 컨텐츠의 품질을 결정하는 단계에서는 IT 분야 지식보다는 오히려 교육 공학적 지식이 더욱 요구된다. 그러나 현실적으로 이 단계의 절차적 복잡성과 전문성으로 인해 거의 대부분의 학습 컨텐츠들이 제대로 개발 주기를 거치지 못하고 검증되지 않은 스토리 보드에 의한 저작 단계로 바로 돌입하고 있는 것이 한국의 실정이라 하겠다. 따라서 본 프로젝트에 의해 개발 된 교수 설계 도구는 교육/학습 컨텐츠의 품질 보증을 위한 방법론인 교육 공학의 체제적 교수 설계 이론 Model (Instructional System Design Model), 특히 그 중에서도 이 분야의 사실상의 표준 이론(de facto standard)인 Dick & Carey 교수와 Gagne 교수의 인지주의 ISD Model을 기반으로 정교한 교수 설계와 코스 맵 설계를 가능하게 함으로써 학습 컨텐츠의 품질 보증 활동을 지원 할 수 있는 도구로 개발하였다. 특히 Linux 기반에서 PHP로 개발 함으로써 Platform에 구애받지 않은 사용 환경을 구현 하였으며 향후 많은 e-Learning Platform에 교수 설계 모듈로 장착 함으로써 기존의 e-Learning Platform들의 가치를 높일 수 있는 계기가 될 것으로 생각한다.

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Study on Effect of Hotel Place Marketing Using Media PPL (영상물 PPL을 이용한 Hotel 장소 마케팅 효과 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Joo;Yun, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.398-411
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the hotel business requires to secure various client bases and accompany proper marketing and advertising activities for survival and development. Media PPL has been popular as an effective method to meet these requirements. Many studies have been practiced about the effect of media PPL marketing. This study was practiced to confirm the effect of the hotel place marketing using media PPL and the involvement for character in PPL. The following 4 assumptions are established for these purposes. The first confirms the impact relation between media PPL and hotel image. The second confirms whether the involvement for characters in media PPL influences the impact relation between media PPL and hotel image. The third confirms the impact relation between hotel image and purchasing behaviors. And the last confirms whether the involvement for characters in media PPL influences the impact relation between hotel image and purchasing behaviors. In order to analyze the assumptions established for this study, A questionnaires is carried out and factor analysis, reliability analysis and regression analysis are performed with them. According to the results of these analyses, all of 4 established assumptions are partly accepted.

Key Parameters and Research Review on Counterflow Jet Study in USA for Drag Reduction of a High-speed Vehicle (초고속 비행체 항력감소를 위한 미국의 분사 제트 연구 동향과 핵심 변수)

  • Kim, Jihong;Kang, Seungwon;Lee, Jaecheong;Huh, Hwanil
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2016
  • Various studies have been conducted for drag reduction of a high-speed vehicle by injecting counterflow jet from its nose cone. In this study, in order to obtain baseline data and key parameters for drag reduction method, the counterflow jet study of the USA is reviewed and summarized. The nose cone shapes of each study are hemisphere cylinder, truncated cone, and reentry capsule, and their test conditions are summarized accordingly. Key parameters for drag reduction are jet mach number, mass flow rate, and pressure ratio. Even though drag reduction effects show various results according to given test conditions, it is found that the drag reduction effect reaches up to 40~50%.

A Study on the Sustainable Growth Strategy of the City Gas Industry through Customer Satisfaction Management (고객만족경영을 통한 도시가스산업의 지속가능한 성장방안에 관한 연구)

  • Tak, Song-Su;Choi, Koung-Seok;Park, Gi-Dong;Ryou, Ok-Hyun;Lee, Su-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.11 no.2 s.35
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2007
  • Despite the importance of customer satisfaction corresponding to the phenomenal development of the gas industries, supplier-centered management still prevails in the city gas industry due to the monopolistic market environment. However, customer's demands for diverse and higher services are ever growing in the midst of the development and the accelerated competition of the service industries. In this context, customer satisfaction management may be the best style of management for establishing a short, mid and long-term foundation of growth. This paper derives directions for improving customer satisfaction management in such 3 areas as systematic, technological and service improvement from the environmental changes as well as from the customer needs. Based on the survey and comparative analysis of customer satisfaction, we also suggest 5 growth strategies to maintain sustainable development of the gas industry in the midst of competitive environment between city gas companies and among diversified energy businesses and to protect rights of the city gas consumers.

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An Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Forecasting a Dominant Design of the Next Generation TV Display Technology: A Conjoint Analysis (TV용 차세대 디스플레이의 지배적 디자인 예측을 위한 소비자 선호속성 분석 : 컨조인트 분석의 활용)

  • Lee, Min Woo;Ji, Ilyong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.663-675
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    • 2019
  • During the last decade, the dominant design of display has been LCD, and it has been led by Korean manufacturers. However, their leading positions has been recently threatened by Chinese manufacturers, Korean manufacturers are endeavoring to move toward next generation display technologies. They embarked on standards battle to win dominant design especially in the next generation display market for TVs by launching new technologies such as Quantum-dot display and OLED. While there are a number of factors of dominant design, it is expected that the technical attributes of the technology itself may be the most significant factor. For this reason, this research scrutinizes consumer preferences for technical attributes, and attempts to provide implications for standards battle in the display (for the TVs) sector. For this purpose, we employed a conjoint analysis for the preferences of potential consumers. The results show that potential consumers prefer displays with higher resolution, natural color, and durabillity.

Power Conversion System for Electric Power Take-off of Agricultural Electric Vehicle (농업용 전기차량의 전기식 동력인출장치용 전력변환시스템)

  • Kwak, Bongwoo;Kim, Jonghoon
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.994-1002
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose the development of a power conversion system for electric power take-off (e-PTO) of agricultural electric vehicles. Most e-PTOs use commercial power $220V_{AC}$. A bidirectional power conversion system having a two-stage structure consisting of a DC-DC converter and a DC-AC inverter for supplying a high output voltage using a low battery voltage of an agricultural electric vehicle is suitable. we propose a power conversion system consisting of the one-stage dual active bridge (DAB) converter and the two-stage bidirectional full bridge inverter. In addition, we propose a soft start algorithm for reducing the inrush current generated by the link capacitor charging during the initial operation. A 3kW prototype system and its corresponding algorithms have been implemented to verify its effectiveness through experiments.

A Study on the Stabilization of Generating Negative Voltage for IT Equipments using Microcontroller (마이크로컨트롤러를 이용한 IT 기기용 마이너스 전압 생성의 안정화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Chang
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the function of starting the negative voltage used in the IT equipment when it is generated and the method of controlling it using a microcontroller for the function to detect the overload and respond to it are presented. To do this, the limitations of the existing negative voltage generation circuit and the problems that occur during overload were analyzed, and a circuit that detects and controls the overload condition without a separate current sensing circuit was presented. In order to confirm the effect of the proposed method, an experiment was conducted by configuring an experimental circuit. As a result of the experiment, compared to the existing negative voltage generation circuit, which falls into a latch-up state when overloaded and enters a dangerous state, the proposed circuit detects this, stop the operation of the circuit, and informs the user of such an abnormal state to take action. have. In addition, since the starting point of the circuit is determined according to the system state, the experimental result was confirmed that the starting time was significantly shortened by about 23% compared to the time switch method.

A Study on the Development of a Platform for the Prevention of Digital Sexual Crimes in the Virtual-Reality Metaverse (가상현실 메타버스 디지털 성범죄 예방을 위한 플랫폼 구축 제안 연구)

  • Jae-Won, Hwang;Jung-Heum, Park;Sang-Jin, Lee
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1157-1166
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    • 2022
  • With the advent of the non-face-to-face era, a new type of digital sexual crime with avatars is emerging on the Metaverse virtual reality platform. Due to the lack of clearly established in legal and regulatory systems, it is challenging to punish offenders and acquire digital proof for sexual crimes using these avatars. This research aims to suggest a service and technological solution is development platform that may assist crime prevention and the collection of digital evidence, with a particular emphasis on digital sex crimes that occur in the metaverse, a virtual reality realm. This study explores the reasons behind the difficulty of legal application in the metaverse and then determines the types of digital sex crimes that may occur in the metaverse. In addition, it is suggested what service components the metaverse should contain from the stage of construction and design, can be utilized what element of metaverse in order to prevent illegal activity of avatars.

A Comparison of Quality Assurance Systems in International Students' Education: Australia, Canada, the Netherlands's Cases (외국인 유학생 교육기관 인증제 국제 비교 연구)

  • Byoun, Su-Youn;Byun, Ki-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this case study is to examine and compare the basic characteristics of quality assurance systems of the 3 leading countries in international higher education: Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands. The comparative analysis of the three cases demonstrates that, taking a more commercial stance on the international education service market, quality assurance systems of the 3 countries aim at facilitating effective promotion of student recruitment and enhancing their national brand image as advanced knowledge society. Consequently, rules and regulations of their systems are concerned primarily with strengthening institutional capacities to educate international students effectively, and, ultimately, improving their learning experiences in the host countries. Compared to these foreign cases, the newly-adopted quality assurance system in Korea places too much emphasis on internationalization process itself, thereby neglecting evaluation of educational capabilities of higher education institutions. Further implications for improvement of the Korean International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS) are discussed.

Optimal Instream Flow Reduction during Drought through Benefit Analysis (하천유지용수 편익을 고려한 가뭄 시 하천유지용수 최적 감량 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Hyeonggyun;Lee, Jaeyeon;Kim, Beomjin;Lee, Seungyub
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.504-504
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    • 2022
  • 국내 금강유역의 경우 충남 서부와 북부지역을 중심으로 강수량 부족과 가뭄이 빈번히 발생하는 것으로 보고되며, '14년에도 강수량이 부족하였고, '15년에는 제한급수에 돌입하는 등 가뭄 피해가 최대 3년에 걸쳐 다년 발생하였다. 가뭄 발생 시 댐은 가뭄 대응단계별 용수공급조정기준에 따라 생공용수 여유량, 하천유지용수, 농업용수, 생공용수 순으로 감량 후 운영된다. 이중 하천유지용수는 수 생태계 및 하천과 관련이 있는 다양한 자연 자원의 보호와 보전을 위해 하천에 남아 흘러야 하는 물로 정의되며, 환경 및 생태계에 관한 중요성이 커짐에 따라 가뭄 시에도 하천이 유수의 정상적인 기능과 상태 유지를 위해 필요한 용수이다. 용수공급조정 기준은 지금까지 총 5차례 개정되었으며, 가장 최근인 '19년에는 가뭄 주의단계시 하천유지 용수 감량기준을 기존 하천유지용수 "100% 감량"에서 "최대 100% 감량"으로 개정되었다. 이를 통해 다양한 의사결정이 가능해졌지만, 한편으로는 구체적인 기준이 제시되지 않아 이해당사자 간 상호 협의를 통해 감량(주로 50%)하는 실정이다. 이러한 상호 협의의 과정은 다양한 이해당사자들의 의사를 반영할 수 있는 과정이긴 하지만 수자원의 부족은 직접적으로 주민들에게 심각한 피해로 이어지기에 보다 정교하고 합리적인 기준의 설정이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 의사결정 과정에 활용할 수 있는 하천유지용수 최적 감량 방안을 제시한다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 방안은 각 이해당사자의 향후 체계적인 의사결정을 위해 근거를 제공하는 것이 목표이다. 이를 위해, 하천유지용수의 공급에 따른 편익과 가뭄 위험도 간의 관계를 규명하고, 관계에 따른 하천유지용수 감량 정도에 따른 피해를 추정한다.

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