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Study on Effect of Hotel Place Marketing Using Media PPL  

Lee, Jong-Joo (백석문화대학교 관광학부)
Yun, Ji-Hyun (백석대학교 관광학부)
Publication Information
Recently, the hotel business requires to secure various client bases and accompany proper marketing and advertising activities for survival and development. Media PPL has been popular as an effective method to meet these requirements. Many studies have been practiced about the effect of media PPL marketing. This study was practiced to confirm the effect of the hotel place marketing using media PPL and the involvement for character in PPL. The following 4 assumptions are established for these purposes. The first confirms the impact relation between media PPL and hotel image. The second confirms whether the involvement for characters in media PPL influences the impact relation between media PPL and hotel image. The third confirms the impact relation between hotel image and purchasing behaviors. And the last confirms whether the involvement for characters in media PPL influences the impact relation between hotel image and purchasing behaviors. In order to analyze the assumptions established for this study, A questionnaires is carried out and factor analysis, reliability analysis and regression analysis are performed with them. According to the results of these analyses, all of 4 established assumptions are partly accepted.
Media PPL; Hotel Image; Place Marketing; Involvement of Character; Purchasing Behaviors;
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  • Reference
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