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The Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted Children at Mathematics: A Case Study (수학영재아들의 행동 특성: 사례연구)

  • Park, Sung-Ok;Kang, Yun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.459-480
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the behavioral characteristics of gifted children at Mathematics. In order to do this, we observed 4 gifted children at mathematics as participants who are participating in education program of science education center for gifted youths in some university, and we collected related materials. As a result of analyzing materials, we found the followings: First, although the gifted children are self-confident of their mathematical talent, they don't affirm easily that they have the gifted nature. Second, the gifted children have various fields of interest. Especially, they read a mount of books. Third, they are motivating for themselves and have good moral judgment.

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Development of a Writing Program Using a Mind-map Software (마인드맵 소프트웨어를 활용한 논술 프로그램 개발)

  • Seo, Mi-Kyung;Park, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2009
  • The aim of teaching writing is not to memorize a single piece of knowledge but to acquire higher thinking that could be related to other fields using learners' various reading experiences and schemata. Among several strategies or techniques to write well, it is recommended to use a mind-map technique. A mind-map software applies the mind-map technique into computer for learners to study autonomously. However, the mind-map software is not common in educational fields yet and there are only few studies on the effect of it. Therefore, this study analyzed various curricula to extract the elements of writing and developed a mind-map software program which was applied and tested. As a result, the writing program using the mind-map software was effective in promoting learners' motivation and lowering anxiety. It also improved learners' competence of writing such as understanding, analytic thinking, creativity, ability to organize, and expression.

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An Effects of Blended Novel Engineering on Improving Creative Problem-Solving Ability (블렌디드 노벨 엔지니어링이 창의적 문제해결력 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Ki-Cheon;Lee, Woo-Jin;Yoo, Jun-Hee
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2021
  • Novel Engineering(NE) is integrated learning model to figure out problems in a book and solve them with creative engineering process. NE has been performed on offline until now. We have to research blended learning projects for COVID-19 outbreak. In this paper, we are going to explore that blended NE is effective to creative problem solving ability. The results showed that blended NE is highly effective to all of four sub-elements; self conviction & independence, diffusion thinking, critical thinking and motivational element. This means that blended novel engineering class is effective to competence-centered class proposed in 2015 revised curriculum. We hope that the research is spread and settled into our school.

Perception of the Gifted Science Students' Mothers on Giftedness (과학영재를 둔 어머니들의 영재성에 대한 인식)

  • Chung, Duk-Ho;Park, Seon-Ok;Yoo, Hyo-Hyun;Park, Jeong-Ju
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.561-576
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of the mothers of science gifted in respect to giftedness compared to the "Scale for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students-R(SRBCSS-R)". For that, a survey of 18 mothers of elementary school science gifted and 32 mothers of middle school science gifted was conducted in relation to giftedness. The words and frame of this survey were analyzed using the Semantic Network Analysis. The results are as follows : The mothers of Elementary school science gifted perception were found to have a connected giftedness with reading, science, making something, etc.. On the other hand, the mothers of middle school science gifted perception were found to have a connected giftedness with problem, solving problem, mathematics, etc. in words analysis. The mothers of Elementary school science gifted have a strong connection with category on creativity, motivation, etc.. On the other hand, the mothers of middle school science gifted were more inclined towards the category on learning, motivation, etc. in frame analysis. That is to say, the mothers of science gifted are perceptive about giftedness respect to some elements as the "Scale for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students-R" on the giftedness. Therefore, a correct understanding about giftedness in respect to the mothers of science gifted is required and parent education is needed for appropriate science gifted education.

The Formal Innovation and Social Reflection of Korean Web Fiction Fantasy -Centered on 'Book Traveler' Genre (한국 웹소설 판타지의 형식적 갱신과 사회적 성찰 -책빙의물을 중심으로)

  • Yu, In-Hyeok
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.77-102
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    • 2020
  • This article analyzes 'book traveler' stories as a new sub-genre of Korean fantasy web fiction. Formal innovation is revealed as the major motivation of Korean fantasy web fiction's narratives. Furthermore, the imagination of social resistance was presented as the formal devices of the genre. These theses were performed during the analysis of the two characteristics of the genre. In this genre, the main character is the writer or reader of fantasy stories. He moves into a novel he is describing or reading. The original novel, which was entered by the main character, is a space characterized by the custom of a typical fantasy genre. Therefore, the main character actually experiences cliché, typical genre devices and plots. The most important action for the main character here is to 'bend' the custom of the original. Therefore, this genre is in the form of the main motive being the refraction of typology. Meanwhile, the main character is not the central character of the original, but a secondary figure. The central character of the original book is usually from the ruling class, which monopolizes the good resources of society. At this time, the genre creates a subversive situation in which the social underdog goes beyond the social power through plots that overwhelm the central figure. It converts the reader's social desire into a genre device. To summarize, the latest trend in Korean web novel fantasy has captured scenes of renewed Korean genre literature practices. It sensitively reflects the social context of the contemporaries and the reader's desire. Thus, the Korean web novel fantasy has reflected both its internal conditions and its social context.

The Effects of Thesis-writing Activity based Project method on the Ability of Girl's Middle School Student's Self Directed Learning and Learning Attitude (프로젝트 학습에 기반한 논문쓰기 활동이 여중생의 자기주도학습 능력과 학습태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1458-1464
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study were to identify the effect of thesis-writing activity based project method on the ability of girl's middle school student's self directed learning(SDL) and learning attitude. To achieve above study purpose, the subject of this study were selected 60 from second-grade students of reading club(thesis-writing activities participants 30, non-participants 30), applied a program based project method to experimental group, to carry out a pre-post examined targeting two-group with early making a SDL ability and learning attitude inventory, and the results of the data were analyzed by t-test using the SPSS(Ver. 18). The results were as follows: In the aspect of SDL ability development by thesis-writing activity, the student participant showed somewhat significant differences compared to the non-participants. First, a openess, inner-motivation, autonomy, self-conception of SDL ability was significantly higher than those non-participants. Second, confidence, success expert, attention, effectiveness, affection of learning attitude was significantly higher than those non-participants. These results represent that various programs, which can develop SDL ability and learning attitude, can be provided for youth when they join any thesis-writing activity based project method in general and those programs are also very effective in developing SDL ability and learning attitude of juveniles. Furthermore, It is suggested that thesis-writing activity based project method are a necessary element at the school education fields.

The Study on Compilation Consciousness and Aspect of Personage Adoption of "Ilsayusa" (『일사유사(逸士遺事)』의 편찬 의식과 인물 수록 양상)

  • Cho, Jihyoung
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.70
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    • pp.495-524
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the literary theory of Jang Jiyeon and his compilation consciousness of the historical biography, and based on this, the study examined the aspect and characteristic of the personage adoption of "Ilsayusa". To figure out the characteristic of "Ilsayusa", this study attempted to investigate the Jang Jiyeon's cognition on epic literature first. Jang Jiyeon had interest in the historical biography in his early days. But he clearly expressed the negative position about the novels which had been handed down from old times, mentioning about their harmful effect, even though they were in a big popularity. The good readings he thought was supposed to be helpful for person's work, study, personality and even the custom, so it is thought that the compilation of "Ilsayusa" was planned as a part of a usefulness to help readers' actual lives by summarizing Jang Jiyeon's philosophy as the form of a historical biography of personages who had actually existed. The direct motivation and the awareness of the problem to compile "Ilsayusa" could be confirmed by the postscript he left. Pointing that Joseon's policy of appointing persons of ability resulted in the loss of the nation, Jang Jiyeon paid attention to the classical scholars from low class, people from under middle class and the local figures in Hamgyeongdo and Pyeongando in the process of compiling "Ilsayusa". Along with this, a kind of a sense of duty that the old heritage must be examined by descendents was manifested as the compilation of "Ilsayusa". Through this, Jang Jiyeon tried to show the good model to the readers of "Ilsayusa" what the way of living would be for raising their volition and keeping the fundamentals. The tendency and characteristic of compiling personages in "Ilsayusa" could be sorted in a few ways as written below. First, it includes all kinds of all actually existed episodes while he was collecting various historical biographies published before. Second, it includes the new kinds of personages paying particular attention to figures of middle class and commoners. Third, it compiled the female figures in a great volume and described new model of woman. Fourth, for areas, it has episodes of all areas in the nation including Pyeongando and Hamgyeongdo. Thinking about all the discussion above, we could estimate that "Ilsayusa" is the definitive edition of these kinds of books which inherited all performances of the biographical literature in better way, which had been accomplished in 19th century.