• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도서관운영위원회

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A Study on the Trend of Library Services in Foreign Correctional Facilities (외국 교정시설도서관 서비스 동향에 관한 연구)

  • Hyojung Sim
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2023
  • This study increases awareness of the survey and demand for libraries in correctional facilities, which have not received much attention so far, and is necessary for improving the operation of existing research and libraries in Korea, which is conducting a current status survey of most correctional facility libraries. The contents of the service operation of the external correctional facility library were explored and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, where correctional facility libraries are relatively well operated, are practically operating social rehabilitation programs while reducing recidivism of inmates, and library associations or local governments in each country are promoting the vitalization of correctional facility libraries. It helps and organizes committees or organizations involving related experts to discuss policy support, issue checks, research, report publication, drafting and revising guide guidelines, cooperation between libraries, and reflect them in actual operation. In addition, it maintains steady support and interest through public-private cooperation, and makes good use of the linkage system with local public libraries. As a result, it contributes to reducing the recidivism of prisoners. Through this study, the following three areas were suggested for the administrative improvement direction for correctional facility library services. First, the production and distribution of guidelines or guidebooks for correctional facility libraries, second, the establishment of a specialized correctional facility library organization within the correctional headquarters or library association, and third, the strengthening of activities and the operation of law libraries in correctional facilities.

도서관학 교수법

  • Jeong, Jae-Seon
    • KLA journal
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1977
  • 도서관학에서 교과과정과 교수법을 분리해서 생각할 수 는 없다. 특히 교수법의 중요성은 누구나 공감하고 있으나 지금까지 도서관학은 자체에 알맞은 교수법이 개발되지 못한채, 전통적인 교수법을 답습해오던가 아니면 법률학, 경제학 등 다른 학문분야의 교수법을 그대로 도입해왔기 때문에, 도서관학교수법이 한계를 벗어나지 못하였던 것이다. 그리고 도서관학교수법에 관한 문헌도 좀처럼 보기드물며, 설상 있다고 하여도 대부분이 그 이론을 체계화시키지 못하고 도서관학교육운영상의 절차와 기술만을 다루고 도서관학에 적합한 교수법을 다루지 않은 것이 그 특징이라 할 수 있다. 이 책은 Josefa E. Sabor 교수가 저술한 ${method}^s$ of Teaching librarianship (Paris: Unesco, 1969)에 수록되어 있는 Curriculum을 번역한 것이다. 1976년 8월 Lausanne에서 개최된 IFLA, 총회에서 도서관학교분과위원회(Section of Library Schools)가 “도서관학교의 기준, 1976”(Standards for Library School, 1976, IFLA Journal vol.2, No.4, 1976, pp.209-223)의 “Curriculum" 조항(p.220)에서 이 책을 권장한 것만 보더라도, 이 책은 종전의 도서관학교수법을 탈피해서 실제로 도서관학에 적합한 교수법을 시사한 것이라고 볼 수 있다.

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A Study of Developing Collaboration Between Teacher Librarians and Parents to Increase Students' Ego-Resilience (학생의 자아 탄력성 신장을 위한 사서교사와 학부모의 협력 관계 활성화 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.69-86
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    • 2012
  • Collaboration between teacher librarians and parents is one of the very important elements for school library management in characteristics of learning communities and expanding its' administration. These partnerships are necessary to relieve stress and risk conditions and improve ego-resilience of students. This study analyzed cases of student guidance within the partnerships between teacher librarians and parents and then inquired into formal or informal communication channels for their partnerships through written interview with 10 teacher librarians. The results of analyses teacher librarians have appreciated the necessity of collaboration with parents, and they have experienced student guidance, career guidance, reader's advisory and balancing acts between classroom teachers and parents. It turns out that reading programs with parents are formal communication channel rather than institutional committee such as School Library Council and Parents' Library-Assisting Volunteers and Parent Association and Training in the school library are informal communication channels. The teacher librarians also provide periodic reading events and training for parents and they utilize the School Homepage and Educational Newsletters as the main ways of public relation. In order to promote students' ego-resilience through their collaboration, parents should involve in School Library Council as an essential way for formal communication. And parents' role in school library management should be expanded from offering helping hands to activities to read book, library instruction, assisting teacher librarians in the Library-Assisted Instruction and production of teaching mediums.

A Study on the Operation of the Cooperative Repository Libraries Based on the Analysis of the Preservation Library at the Chungcheongnam-do Public Library (충청남도 공공도서관 보존서고 분석에 기초한 공동보존자료관 운영에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Seung-Jin;Noh, Younghee;Kang, Eun Yeong;Kim, Jeong-Taek;Kwak, Woojung
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.191-212
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a study on the cooperative system of the Chungnam Library's joint preservation data center and a plan for the construction of the use service was proposed based on the analysis of the current status of the preservation library of the Chungcheongnam-do public library. In order to establish a cooperative plan for the joint preservation archive and to promote the provision of services, the current state of the collection of 62 public libraries in Chungnam-do and the status of the preservation archives that are operating separately were identified. As a result of the study, it was found that all matters related to the operation of the joint preservation archive should be made through agreements or consultations between the participants, and the operation of the joint preservation archive should also be made under a systematic cooperation system between the participants. To this end, it is necessary to establish a cooperative system for the Chungnam Library Joint Preservation Archives, and to form and operate the Joint Preservation Archives Steering Committee, a consultative body (cooperation network). In addition, all matters related to the operation of the Joint Preservation Archive, such as transfer criteria, must be regulated and implemented through consultation with the Joint Preservation Archive Steering Committee.

A Study on the Collection Development Policy of Electronic Materials of Special Libraries (전문도서관의 전자자료 장서개발정책에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.29-49
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest formulation of collection development policies of electronic materials for special libraries related to economy and society. First, according to the basic directions and aims of special libraries, the written collection development policies should be codified. Second, the electronic materials selection committee or collection development committee should be formed at the organization level. Third, the special libraries should make advantageous contracts of purchase based on the cooperations between libraries through the formation of a consortium. Fourth, librarians in charge of collection development need to have substantial work abilities to cope with their role and expertism in the electronic environment. Fifth, to activate electronic materials, the strategy for budget increases should be made.

도서관 발전정책 수립에 바라는 바

  • Korean Library Association
    • KLA journal
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    • v.43 no.2 s.333
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    • pp.2-19
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    • 2002
  • 도서관정책을 총괄하고 있는 문화관광부는 2월 5일 「도서관 발전 종합계획」수립계획(안)을 발표하고 금년 상반기 중 관계부처와의 협의를 거쳐 동 계획을 확정할 예정이라고 밝혔다. 이러한 계획이 수립되면 도서관 육성과 진흥에 대한 도서관계, 시민단체, 언론 등의 여망을 기반으로 각 부문에서 산발적으로 추진되어 온 도서관 진흥 정책을 종합하여 관계부처간 협력을 통해 효과적으로 추진해 나가는 계기가 될 것으로 기대된다. 그 동안 문화관광부는 1991년부터 지난해까지 도서관 건립지원에 769억원, 공공도서관의 콘텐츠 확충에 228억원(1995~2001)을 투입하는 등 도서관 육성 및 진흥을 위해 지속적으로 지원해 왔으며, 그 결과 1991년 267관이던 공공도서관이 2001년에 485관(건립중 포함)으로 2배 가까이 증가하였다. 이처럼 절대 부족한 도서관의 확충과 함께 지식정보화시대 도서관을 지식정보유통의 핵심기관으로 확성화시키고자 2000년부터 관계부처와의 역할 분담을 통해 공공 및 학교도서관 정보화기반 조성 및 도서관 소장자료의 디지털화(콘텐츠 확충) 등 '도서관정보화 종합계획'을 추진하고 있다. 계획수립은 한국문화정책개발원이 주도하여 도서관계 전문인사와 공동연구로 추진하고 자문위원단을 구성하여 계획의 기본방향 및 내용에 대한 각계의 의견을 수렴하게 되며, 문화관광부, 국립중앙도서관, 한국도서관협회 등이 지원기관으로 참여하여 정부정책으로 연계되어 그 활용성을 높이는데 주력할 계획이다. 이번 계획에서는 기본적으로 국립중앙도서관 및 공공도서관의 발전방안을 중심으로 학교 및 대학 도서관 부분에 대해서는 관계부처간 효과적인 정책협의체계 구축을 통한 정책적 지원부분에 초점을 두고 정보화 시대에 부응하는 도서관의 역할과 기능 재정립, 도서관 관종 간의 협력 프로그램 개발을 통한 도서관 운영활성화 등 도서관의 조직ㆍ기능ㆍ인력ㆍ프로그램 등의 측면에서 현황분석을 통한 문제점 도출과 개선방안을 마련, 궁극적으로는 도서관및독서진흥법 개정 등 도서관발전의 법ㆍ제도적 지원 토대를 마련할 방침이다. 한편 도서관정보화 부문에 대해서는 2003년부터 2단계 도서관정보화사업 추진을 위해 관계부처와 협력하여 현재 민간 컨설팅업체를 통해 추진중인「도서관 정보화전략계획(ISP)」을 종합계획에 반영할 계획이다. 또한 교육인적자원부를 중심으로 정부 6개 부처가 '학교도서관 활성화대책 기획단'을 구성하고 학교 및 대학도서관 발전 계획을 수립 중에 있다. 그리고 대통령자문 교육인적자원정책위원회에서 4월 3일 '도서관 정보인프라 활성화 방안'을 대통령에게 보고한 바 있다. 우리 「도서관문화」에서는 도서관 및 관련 부문의 각계 인사들에게 정부 「도서관 발전 종합계획」등 계획 수립에 바라는 바를 알아보았다.

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A Study on Information Service Status and Librarians' Perceptions on Promoting Services in Special Libraries (전문도서관의 정보서비스 현황과 서비스 활성화를 위한 사서의 인식연구)

  • Lee, Myeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.157-179
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the current state and librarian's perception of information services in order to maximize their expertise and role of each policy field and promote continuous development of information services. The researcher surveyed 22 government-funded research institute librarians on their perception of service planning stage, investigation and provision stage, evaluation stage, system operation, required capacities for librarians, role expansion and change, and job difficulties. The questionnaire was consisted of 7 domains, 12 items, and 61 questions, and in-depth interviews were conducted for qualitative analysis. The findings of the study discovered newly required tasks in libraries such as introducing research information management tools, operating an advisory committee, and conducting publications-related tasks. Suggestions were made to encourage standardized manuals for modules based on job tasks, Continuing education to expand the role of subject librarians, and utilization of social media in information services.

Effects of Organizational Communication Satisfaction of Teacher Librarians on Informational and Educational Services in School Libraries (사서교사의 조직 커뮤니케이션 만족도가 학교도서관의 정보·교육봉사에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of organizational communication satisfaction of teacher librarians on the informational and educational service and to draw implications for improvement of the school libraries' educational role. According to the results of the analysis, teacher librarians have preferred informal communication by conversation and face-to-face talk with superiors or co-workers and horizontal communication during their performance. Characteristics of teacher librarians, such as career, gender and school levels, have influential effect on user education, libraryassisted instruction, reading and information literacy instruction. The more teacher librarians felt satisfaction of the informal communication, the more textbook-related reference lists are offered. Horizontal communication have a positive influence on information literacy instruction. However, teacher librarians should utilize cooperative statements, committees and councils and actively participate in those horizontal communication methods to share the vision and aims of school libraries with the larger school community. Teacher librarians also should put more efforts into developing their leadership role and marketing strategies in order to overcome the weaknesses of informal communication.

A Study on the Development of Library Management Indicators Reflecting Korean-Sustainable Development Goals (국가지속가능발전목표를 반영한 도서관 운영지표 개발에 관한 연구*)

  • Kyungjae Bae;Ok Nam Park;Jin Ho Park;Dahee Chung;Tae-Kyung Kim;Ji Hei Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.333-358
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    • 2024
  • To promote libraries as "Libraries for All," it is essential to assess the current state of regional library infrastructures and explore policy support strategies for their improvement. This study develops the 'Library Vitality Index' as a metric to evaluate libraries' capabilities as sustainable infrastructures. The index assesses various aspects, including libraries' environmental responsiveness, accessible design, level of digital transformation, and capacity to provide universal cultural services. The research involved a comprehensive review of domestic and international cases, Delphi surveys, and expert group interviews to derive the final set of indicators. These indicators were weighted based on their importance using AHP analysis. The final index consists of three components: regional library activation (300 points), individual library capacity (470 points), and feedback systems (30 points), with a total of 800 points. The index includes 108 items, divided into 14 for regional library activation, 88 for individual library capacity, and 6 for feedback systems.

A Study on Development of Collecting Historical Manuscripts Management System in the National Institute of Korean History (수집사료 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구: 국사편찬위원회를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, So-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.371-387
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    • 2009
  • National Institute of Korean History(NIKH) is the major collecting organization of manuscripts, records for historical research and develops a Collecting Manuscripts Management System. Manuscripts description conforms to records management system, such as provenance information and hierarchical catalog records and business process observes library management system because it is not the public records. Goal system is integrated system containing both. This study proposes development of Collecting Historical Manuscripts Management System in the NIKH and the aspects to achieve successful system operation.