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Feasibility Study for the Reconstruction of Jangan Primary School Building (서울 장안초등학교 재건축 계획 설계 연구 요약)

  • Kim, Seung-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 1996
  • 장안초등학교는 한국전쟁 이후인 1955년에 개교된 초등학교이다. 처음에는 8학급의 가교사시설에 18학급으로 편성되어 초기부터 시설이 양적으로 부족하였다. 또한 이 지역의 학생수 증가로 거의 매년에 걸쳐 학급수의 증가와 교실증축이 함께 이루어 졌다. 현재 건물의 건립년도를 살펴보면 1965년 6월에 처음 신관 1층 부분이 건설되어 70년대와 80년대에 걸쳐 꾸준히 증축되어 왔으며, 대지 동측의 별관은 1993년 12월에 건설된 새건물로, 학교교사 건물이 30년된 건물과 최근의 건물이 함께 공존하고 있다. 철근콘크리트 건물이 구조적으로는 100년도 견딘다 하지만 실제로는 약 30년이면 콘크리트의 산성화가 가속화되면서 구조적으로 안전하지 못하다는 학설이 인정되어, 최근 30년이 경과된 학교 건축의 재건축이 사회적 문제로 대두되고 있다. 실제로는 25년이상 경과된 건물에서도 구조적인 하자가 발생하는 예 가 많아 교육부에서는 대체로 25년이상 경과된 건물에 대하여 재건축을 실시하고 있다. 장안초등학교는 20년에서 30년 경과된 건물이 많은 부분을 차지하는 관계로 재건축이 실시되는 예이다. 아직까지 사용이 가능하다고 판단되는 건물은 본관의 남측부분의 교사(1983년 증축)과 신관의 우측부분(1985년 9월 23일 증축)과 별관(1993년 12월 14일 신축)교사동을 들수 있다. 때문에 이 부분에 대하여 철거할 것인가 혹은 그대로 사용할 것인가에 대한 의견이 있어, 최종적으로 별관은 그대로 사용하는 것을 원칙으로 하고 본관 남측부분은 가장 마지막 건설시기에 철거하고 신관 우측부분은 규모가 작아 철거하기로 하였다. 학교건축은 다른 일반건물과는 달리 교육이라는 기능을 충분히 발휘할수 있는 공간구성이 필수적이라 할수 있다. 여기서 말하는 교육이란 예전의 주입식 교육이 아니라 21세기를 바라보는 정보화 세계화를 지향하는 교육으로 학생 개개인의 창의성과 자주성을 발휘시킬수 있는 교육이라는 점에 대하여 의견은 없을 것이다. 이러한 교육이란 다양한 교육방법을 전제로 하며 하나의 학년을 하나의 학습그룹으로 생각하는 것은 중요한 출발점이 될 것이다. 한 학년의 그룹을 교대상의 기본으로하여 이러한 그룹에 대하여 일제학습, 그룹학습, 팀티칭, 개별학습이 이루어 질수 있는 공간을 제공하는 점을 본 장안초등학교 기본계획에서 출발점으로 하였다. 물론 학교전체 학생을 콘트롤할 수 있는 교육방법도 존재한다. 선진 외국의 예를 살펴보면 아동의 능력별 교육을 위하여 무학년제(Non-Grade)를 도입하는 경우도 있지만 아직 우리나라에서는 학급단위가 중요시되고 있다. 이 학급단위는 교육단위이면서 생활지도 단위이기도 하다. 이러한 점을 인식하여 학교건축의 간장 기본 단위가 되는 보통교실 계획을 보통교실과 오픈스페이스를 연속시킨 유니트로 계획하여 일제학습, 그룹학습, 팀티칭, 개별학습 등이 이루어 질수 있도록 하였다. 실제로는 36학급을 계획할 경우, 한학년의 6개 학급이 하나의 공통된 공간내에 그룹핑 되는 것이 바람직하지만(제3안의 배치에서 제안하여 보았지만 북측교실, 오픈스페이스의 통로화등의 문제점이 있었다), 그 규모가 너무 커서 3개학급을 하나의 유니트로 하였다. 물론 한학년이 동일한 층에 배치시켜 서로의 관련성을 높게 하였다. 특별교실 계획은 보통교실과의 관련성과 장래 지역개방의 역할을 고려하여 계획하여야 할 것이다. 장안 초등학교의 경우는 별관을 그대로 사용 한다는 조건이 있기 때문에 기존의 편복도 형식의 교실에서는 보통교실 계획의 어려움이 있어 특별 교실동으로 고려하였다. 때문에 지역개방에 대해서는 문제점을 안고 있다. 체육관은 기준령에는 권장시설로 되어 있지만 학교시설에 필수적인 시설이라 생각한다. 체육은 국민건강에 직결되기 때문이다. 또한 체육관 건설은 실외체육 실내체육에 대응할 뿐 아니라 학교 행사등에 유용히 사용되기 때문에 더욱 필요시설이라 할수 있겠다. 또한 지역개방을 위하여 정문 혹은 후문 가까이에 배치시키는 것은 필수적이다. 별관, 체육관, 운동장, 후문측에 12학급용의 단독건물 등의 기본적인 제약조건을 고려하여 배치하자면 자연히 교실동들이 분산되는 결과를 낳게된다. 이러한 각각의 교사동을 A동을 중심으로 구름다리로 연결하여 동선의 불편함을 해소시켰다. 주차장은 후문 가까이에 약 10정도의 주차공간이 확보가능하다. 이외에는 운동장을 사용하는 방법과 체육관의 1층부분을 필로티로 하여 그곳에 20대 정도 주차시키는 방안이 있다. 주차는 많을수록 편리는 하겠지만 제한된 대지에 모두 만족 시켜주기는 불가능하다. 공공용의 주차와 소방에 필요한 동선이 요구된다. 특히 도심주차난을 생각할 때는 차라리 적극적으로 지하주차장을 계획하는 방안이 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 현재 67학급은 초대형 규모로 초등학교 규모로는 적합하지 못하다. 장래를 고려하여 48학급에서 최종적으로 36학급으로 계획하였으나 한동안은 67학급이 그대로 유지될 것으로 보인다. 신설 초등학교가 가까운 시기에 개교될 것을 기대한다.

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Studies on the Effect of some Chemical Soil Components in relation to Rice Yield in Heavy Textured Paddy Soils developed on Alluvial Terrace (홍적대지에 발달된 중점질 논토양에서 벼 수량에 미치는 수종 화학성분의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, In Soo;An, Sang Bae;Park, Chon Suh
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 1973
  • In order to study the effects of some chemical components of surface soils on the paddy yield in clayey Whadong series developed on old alluvium, NPK fertilizer experiments conducted from 1966 to 1969 were reviewed and discussed, and the results may be summarized as follows. 1. The paddy rice production of Whadong series without fertilizers varied from 156kg to 719kg per 10a. 2. The paddy yields in Whadong series were associated mainly with the contents of organic matter and available phosphorus in surface soils, but not with those of exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg and cation exchange capacity. 3. The contents of organic matter in these soils more effected in the paddy yield than those of phosphorus did. 4. In case less than 2.0% or more than 3.0% of organic matter in surface soils the effect of phosphate application was appreciable. The effect, however, was not recognized from 2.0 to 2.9% of organic matter. And the following suggestions were able to make. a. In case of less than 2.0% of organic matter, the effect was considered to be due to deficiency of available phosphorus in the soil. b. In case of more than 3.0% of organic matter, the greater effect was considered to be due to inhibition of P uptake even in higher P contents in soil. c. Consequently, correlation study of P testing in paddy soil should be limited to the soils which contains less than 2% of organic matter. d. If the contents of organic matter in paddy soils were above 3.0%, the effect of P application was considerable and considered to be due to inhibition of nutrient uptake. Accordingly, it is considered that only the increased application of P does not improve the production of paddy in such soils.

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A Study of the Construction and Change of Chugyeongwon in Donggweol (동궐(東闕) 추경원(秋景苑)의 조영과 변천에 관한 고찰)

  • Oh, Jun-young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.44-63
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    • 2019
  • This study empirically investigated the construction and aspects of change in Chugyeongwon, which is located in Donggweol (東闕). In detail, this study investigated the location of the construction and range of Chugyeongwon, the background and intention of the construction, and the affiliated system and aspects of spatial changes of it. The research results can be summarized as follows: First, Chugyeongwon has been assumed to be the space near Haminjeong (涵仁亭) or between Simindang (時敏堂) and Jinsudang (進修堂) in Changgyeonggung Palace. However, according to related historical materials, it is said that Chugyeongwon was located west of Dochongbu (都摠府) in Hyeopsangmun (協祥門) and near Sungmundang (崇文堂). Through Donggweoldohyeong (東闕圖形), evidence of the construction of Chugyeongwon can be found, which verifies such claims. According to The Plan of Changgyeonggung Palace (昌慶宮配置圖), in the form of modern measured drawing, Chugyeongwon today is the green space created in the south of Munjeongjeon (文政殿) and Sungmundang in Changgyeonggung Palace. Second, According to Donggweoldo (東闕圖), Chugyeongwon was a green space where trees grew on the ground within the walls. No artificial facilities were constructed inside. In addition, Chugyeongwon was located at a site with an altitude higher than the surroundings. Especially, the composition forms and location characteristics of Chugyeongwon are similar to those of the Palace Outer Garden located in Hanyang. Thus, based on this evidence about the form and other aspects of the operation of the Palace Outer Garden, it can be inferred that Chugyeongwon was constructed for the preservation and cultivation of the geographical features inside Donggweol. Third, in the late Joseon period, Chugyeongwon was assigned to Changdeokgung Palace or Changgyeonggung Palace in the same manner as was Donggung (東宮). Thus, it is very likely that Chugyeongwon served as a garden for the Royal Family in the Donggung area. The west boundary of Chugyeongwon, which originally consisted of walls and a side gate, was changed into the form in which the walls and colonnades were combined. Chugyeongwon has been modified due to various acts of development since the Japanese colonial era, and in the end, it has disappeared so that no trace can be found.

A Study on the Paleotopographic and Structural Analyses of Cherwon Castle in Taebong (태봉 철원도성의 고지형과 구조 분석 연구)

  • HEO, Uihaeng;YANG, Jeongseok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.38-55
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    • 2021
  • Cherwon Castle is located in Pungcheonwon, Cherwon, in the center of the Korean Peninsula. Currently, it is split across the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas. It attracts attention as a symbol of inter-Korean reconciliation and as cultural heritage that serves as data in making important policy decisions on the DMZ. Despite its importance, however, there has not been sufficient investigation and research done on Cherwon Castle. This is due to the difficulty involved in investigation and research and is caused by the site's inaccessibility. As a solution, the current investigative methods in satellite and aerial archeology can be applied to interpret and analyze the structure of Cherwon Castle and the features of its inner space zoning. Cherwon Castle was built on the five flat hills that begin in the northern mountainous hills and stretch to the southwest. The inner and outer walls were built mainly on the hilly ridges, and the palace wall was built surrounding a flat site that was created on the middle hill. For each wall, the sites of the old gates, which were erected in various directions , have been identified. They seem to have been built to fit the direction of buildings in the castle and the features of the terrain. The castle was built in a diamond shape. The old sites of the palace and related buildings and landforms related to water drainage were identified. It was verified that the roads and the gates were built to run from east to west in the palace. In the spaces of the palace and the inner castle, flat sites were created to fit different landforms, and building sites were arranged there. Moreover, the contour of a reservoir that is believed to be the old site of a pond has been found; it lies on the vertical extension of the center line that connects the palace and the inner castle. Between the inner castle and the outer castle, few vestiges of old buildings were found, although many flat sites were discovered. Structurally, Cherwon Castle is rotated about nine degrees to the northeast, forming a planar rectangle. The planar structure derives from the castle design that mimics the hilly landform, and the bending of the southwestern wall also attests to the intention of the architects to avoid the wetland. For now, it is impossible to clearly describe the functions and characters of the building sites inside the castle. However, it is believed that the inner castle was marked out for space for the palace and government offices, while the space between the outer and inner castle was reserved as the living space for ordinary people. The presence of the hilly landform diminishes the possibility that a bangri (grid) zoning system existed. For some of the landforms, orderly zoning cannot be ruled out, as flat areas are commonly seen. As surveys have yet to be conducted on the different castles, the time when the walls were built and how they were constructed cannot be known. Still, the claim to that the castle construction and the structuring of inner spaces were inspired by the surrounding landforms is quite compelling.

Distribution Patterns and Provenance of Surficial Sediments from Ieodo and Adjacent Sea (이어도와 주변 해역의 표층퇴적물 분포와 퇴적물 기원지)

  • Chang, Tae Soo;Jeong, Jong Ok;Lee, Eunil;Byun, Do-Seong;Lee, HwaYoung;Son, Chang Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.588-598
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    • 2020
  • The seafloor geology of Ieodo, a submerged volcanic island, has been poorly understood, although this place has gained considerable attention for ocean and climate studies. The main purpose of the study is to understand and elucidate types, distribution patterns and provenance of the surficial sediments in and around the Ieodo area. For this purpose, 25 seafloor sediments were collected using a box-corer, these having been analyzed for grain sizes. XRD (X-ray Diffraction) analysis of fine-grained sediments was conducted for characterizing clay minerals. The peak of Ieodo exists in the northern region, while in the southern area, shore platforms occur. The extensive platform in the south results from severe erosion by strong waves. However, the northern peak still survived from differential weathering. Grain size analyses indicated that gravels and gravelly sands with skeletons and shells were distributed predominantly on the volcanic apron and shore platform. Muddy sediments were found along the Ieodo and the adjacent deeper seafloor. Based on the analysis of clay mineral composition, illites were the most abundant in fine muds, followed by chlorites and kaolinites. The ratio plots of clay minerals for the provenance discrimination suggested that the Ieodo muds were likely to be derived from the Yangtze River (Changjiang River). As a consequence, gravels and gravelly sands with bioclastics may be supplied from the Ieodo volcanic apron by erosion processes. Wave activities might play a major role in transportation and sedimentation. In contrast, fine muds were assumed to be derived from the inflow of the Yangtze River, particularly in summer. Deposition in the Ieodo area is, therefore, probably controlled by the inflow from the Changjiang Dilute Water and summer typhoons from the south.

Initial Evaluation using Geochemical Data to infer Tectonic Setting of Mt. Baekdu/Changbaishan Volcano (백두산 화산의 지체구조 추론을 위한 지구화학적 데이터를 이용한 기초 평가)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Chang, Cheolwoo;Pan, Bo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.128-139
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to investigate the tectonic setting of the volcanic edifice at Mt. Baekdu by analyzing petrochemical characteristics of Holocene felsic volcanic rocks distributed in the Baekdusan stratovolcano edifice and summit of the Cheonji caldera rim, as well as Pleistocene mafic rocks of the Gaema lava plateau and Changbaishan shield volcano edifice. During the early eruption phases, mafic eruption materials, with composition ranging from alkali basalt to trachybasalt, or from subalkaline (tholeiitic) basalt to basaltic andesite formed the Gaema lava plateau and Changbaishan shield volcanic edifice, whereas the Baekdusan stratovolcano edifice and Holocene tephra deposits near the summit of the Cheonji caldera comprises trachytic and rhyolitic compositions. Analysis results revealed bimodal compositions with a lack of 54-62 SiO2, between the felsic and mafic volcanic rocks. This suggested that magmatic processes occurred at the locations of extensional tectonic settings in the crust. Mafic volcanic rocks were plotted in the field of within-plate volcanic zones or between within-plate alkaline and tholeiite zones on the tectonic discrimination diagram, and it was in good agreement with the results of the TAS diagram. Felsic volcanic rocks were plotted in the field of within-plate granite tectonic settings on discrimination diagrams of granitic rocks. None of the results were plotted in the field of arc islands or continental margin arcs. The primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram did not show negative (-) anomalies of Nb and Ti, which are distinctive characteristics of subduction-related volcanic rocks, but exhibited similar patterns of ocean island basalt. Trace element compositions showed no evidence of, magmatic processes related to subduction zones, indicating that the magmatic processes forming the Baekdusan volcanic field occurred in an intraplate environment. The distribution of shallow earthquakes in this region supports the results. The volcanic rocks of the Baekdusan volcanic field are interpreted as the result of intraplate volcanism originating from the upwelling of mantle material during the Cenozoic era.

The Study on the Concept of Earthly Immortality of Daesoonjinrihoe, Yeoju Headquarters (대순진리회의 지상신선 세계관 연구- 여주본부도장을 중심으로 -)

  • Min, Byeong-sam
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.35-77
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    • 2016
  • All humans are subject to death, and this creates a motivation to construct theories regarding divine immorality (神仙思想) in order to satisfy the human desire (慾望) for eternal life (長生) and the avoidance of death(不死). In the concept of Earthly immortality (地上神仙) from Daesoonjinrihoe (大巡眞理會), devotees do not carry out their work in a deep mountain ranges far removed from human society. Instead, they cultivate themselves in Dao from within the human society (自身修道), chant incantation to benefit others, aspire towards immortal status (神仙), and promote harmony between divine beings and humans (神人調和) all without ever leaving human society. In the Yeoju Headquarters of Daesoonjinrihoe, members created a new place called a "Dojang (道場 temple complex)" to live as immortal humans in the here and now while they chant incantations (呪文) as an act of participation in the Immortal Realm of the Later World (後天仙境). Some key religious and fengshui (geomancy) oriented symbols used within the Yeoju Headquarters of Daesoonjinrihoe appear as follows: first, Cheonggye Tower (靑溪塔) represents faith in traditional astrology (星宿神仰) and reverence for the God of the Nine Heavens (九天上帝). Second, Daesoonjinrihoe (大巡眞理會) emphasizes the Saturn associated earth element from five phases (五行土星) and this represent the Later World due to numerological associations. Third, the Fengshui of the Yeoju Headquarters of Daesoonjinrihoe is a highly propitious (吉地) and also accentuates the Saturn associated earth element from five phases. Fourth, Yeongdae (靈臺) in the Yeoju Headquarters of Daesoonjinrihoe faces west where Jeungsan will come accompanied by other gods (神命). Fifth, the Yeoju Headquarters of Daesoonjinrihoe is in charge of property and receives happiness and prosperity (福祿) through its Fengshui. The Yeoju Headquarters of Daesoonjinrihoe is an earthly paradise for immortals (地上天國) forged to achieve the ultimate purpose of transforming its members into the Dotong (道通, those enlightened in Dao and thereby successful in their every endeavor) of the Later World. In accordance with Daesoon thought, the Saturn associated earth element from five phases is positioned in the middle of incantations, and Yeongdae, other architecture, and landscaping has all been arranged to correspond with Daesoon geomancy and numerology (後天數理).

Sedimentary Characters of the Core Sediments and Their Stratigraphy Using $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ Ratio in the Korea Plateau, East Sea (동해 한국대지 코어퇴적물의 특성과 $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ 초기비를 이용한 퇴적시기 규명)

  • Kim, Jin-Kyoung;Woo, Kyung-Sik;Yoon, Seok-Hoon;Suk, Bong-Chool
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2007
  • A piston core (587 cm long) was recovered from the upper slope of a seamount in the Korea Plateau. Three episodes of sedimentation were identified based on sedimentary facies, grain size distribution, carbonate constituents and initial $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratio of carbonates. The lower part of the core, Unit I-a (core depth $465{\sim}587cm$) is composed of shallow marine carbonate sediments the deposited by storm surges, and is about $13{\sim}15Ma$ (Middle Miocene) based on $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ initial ratio. This suggests that the depositional environment was relatively shallow enough to be influenced by storm activities. Unit I-b (core depth $431{\sim}465cm$) is mostly composed of turbidites, and Sr isotope ages of bivalves and planktonic formaminifera are about $11{\sim}14\;and\;6{\sim}13Ma$, respectively. This indicates that the Korea Plateau maintained shallow water condition until 11 Ma, and began to subside since then. However, planktonic foraminifera were deposited after 11 Ma and redeposited as turbidites as a mixture of planktonic foraminifera and older shallow marine carbonates about 6 Ma ago. Unit II (core depth $0{\sim}431cm$) is composed of pelagic sediments, and the Sr isotope age is younger than 1 Ma, thus the time gap is about 5 Ma at the unconformity. About 1 Ma ago, the Korea Plateau subsided down to a water depth of about 600 m. The sampling locality was intermittently influenced by debris flows and/or turbidity currents along the slope, resulting the deposition of re-transported coarse shallow marine and volcaniclastic sediments.

Potassium Availability and Physical Properties of Upland Soils (밭토양(土壤)의 물리성(物理性)과 가리(加里))

  • Yoo, S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.189-201
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    • 1977
  • Some of basic aspects of soil potassium with special reference to soil physical properties were discussed. Data in the Official Soil Series Description(Korea) was analyzed according to soil type, land form, and soil texture to find soil potassium status which may explain different response to potassium application. Exchangeable potassium contents decreased with soil depth irrespective of soil type, land form and soil texture. Change in degree of potassium saturation within soil profile was not so clear as exchangeable potassium but the degree of potassium saturation of A horizon was highest among soil horizon. Soils of terrace and mountain foot slope showed high values both in exchangeable potassium and degree of potassium sauration and only these two soils were classified as soils having exchangeable potassium higher than 0.3 meq per 100g of soil and degree of potassium saturation higher than 5.0%. Exchangeable potassium of fine loamy and fine clayey soils is higher than 0.3 meq per 100g of soil but degree of potassium saturation is lower than 4.0%. Degree of potassium saturation of sandy soils exceeds 5.0% but exchangeable potassium is very low. Soils of rolling, hilly, unmatured and alpine land soils have lower exchangeable potassium and show lower degree of potassium saturation. The highest distribution of exchangeable potassium content irrespective of soil horizons was shown in the range of 0.1-0.2 meq per 100g of soil. The highest distribution of degree of potassium saturation was in the range of 2.0-3.0% in A horizon and 1.0-2.0% in B and C horizons. Of the soil series concerned in this analysis, 27.3% in A horizon, 11.1% in B horizon and 4.0% in C horizon had exchangeable potassium higher than 0.3 meq per 100g of soil and 18.0% in A horizon, 6.3% in B horizon, and 4.1% in C horizon showed degree of potassium saturation higher than 5.0%. The low response of potassium application only to soils in terrace and mountain foot slope may be resulted from the high exchangeable potassium content and high degree of potassium saturation. It is concluded that a great response of potassium application to soils is expected especially in dry season.

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The Process of Establishing a Japanese-style Garden and Embodying Identity in Modern Japan (일본 근대 시기 일본풍 정원의 확립과정과 정체성 구현)

  • An, Joon-Young;Jun, Da-Seul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2023
  • This study attempts to examine the process of establishing a Japanese-style garden in the modern period through the perspectives of garden designers, spatial composition, spatial components, and materials used in their works, and to use it as data for embodying the identity of Korean garden. The results are as follows: First, by incorporating elements associated with Koreanness into the modern garden culture, there are differences in location, presence, and subjectivity when compared to Japan. This reflects Japan's relatively seamless cultural continuity compared to Korea's cultural disconnection during the modern period. Second, prior to the modern period, Japan's garden culture spread and continued to develop throughout the country without significant interruptions. However, during the modern period, the Meiji government promoted the policy of 'civilization and enlightenment (Bunmei-kaika, 文明開化)' and introduced advanced European and American civilizations, leading to the popularity of Western-style architectural techniques. Unfortunately, the rapid introduction of Western culture caused the traditional Japanese culture to be overshadowed. In 1879, British architect Josiah Condor guided Japanese architects and introduced atelier and traditional designs of Japanese gardens into the design. The garden style of Ogawa Jihei VII, a garden designer in Kyoto during the Meiji and Taisho periods, was accepted by influential political and business leaders who sought to preserve Japan's traditional culture. And a protection system of garden was established through the preparation of various laws and regulations. Third, as a comprehensive analysis of Japanese modern gardens, the examination of garden designers, Japanese components, materials, elements, and the Japanese-style showed that Yamagata Aritomo, Ogawa Jihei VII, and Mirei Shigemori were representative garden designers who preserved the Japanese-style in their gardens. They introduced features such as the creation of a Daejicheon(大池泉) garden, which involves a large pond on a spacious land, as well as the naturalistic borrowed scenery method and water flow. Key components of Japanese-style gardens include the use of turf, winding garden paths, and the variation of plant species. Fourth, an analysis of the Japanese-style elements in the target sites revealed that the use of flowing water had the highest occurrence at 47.06% among the individual elements of spatial composition. Daejicheon and naturalistic borrowed scenery were also shown. The use of turf and winding paths were at 65.88% and 78.82%, respectively. The alteration of tree species was relatively less common at 28.24% compared to the application of turf or winding paths. Fifth, it is essential to discover more gardens from the modern period and meticulously document the creators or owners of the gardens, the spatial composition, spatial components, and materials used. This information will be invaluable in uncovering the identity of our own gardens. This study was conducted based on the analysis of the process of establishing the Japanese-style during Japan's modern period, utilizing examples of garden designers and gardens. While this study has limitations, such as the absence of in-depth research and more case studies or specific techniques, it sets the stage for future exploration.