• Title/Summary/Keyword: 담론의 기능

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Australian Case Study in Regulatory Techniques to the Security Industry Reform and Policy Implications (호주 민간경비산업 고품질 규제수단 검토 및 시사점)

  • Kim, Dae-Woon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.47
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    • pp.7-36
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    • 2016
  • The security providers industry, often referred to as an industry with unconfined growth ceiling, has entered a remarkable mass-growth phase since the 1980. In the modern era, private-sector security increasingly cover functions relating to general security awareness (including counter-terrorism) in partnership with State bodies, and the scale of operations continue to accelerate, relative to the expanding roles. In the era of pluralisation of policing, there has been widening efforts pursued to develop a range of regulatory strategies internationally in order to manage such growth and development. To date, in South Korea, a diverse set of industry review studies have been conducted. However, the analyses have been conventionally confined to North America, Britain, Germany and Japan, while developments in other world regions remain unassessed. This article is intended to inform the drivers and determinants of regulatory reforms in Australia, and examine the effectiveness of the main pillars of licensing innovations. Over the past decades, the Australian regime has undergone a wave of reforms in response to emerging issues, and in recognition of the industry as a 'public good' due to underpopulation density and the resulting security challenges. The focus of review in this study was on providing a detailed review of the regulatory approach taken by Australia that has expanded police-private security co-operation since the 1980s. The emphasis was on examining the core pillars of risk management strategies and oversight practices progressed to date and evaluating areas of possible improvement in regulation relative to South Korea. Overall, this study has identified three key features of Australian regime: (1) close checks on questionable close associates (including fingerprinting), (2) power of inspection and seizure without search warrant, (3) the 'three strikes' scheme. The rise of the private security presence in day-to-day policing operations means that industry warrant some intervening government-sponsored initiative. The overall lessons learnt from the Australian case was taken into account in determining the following checks and balances that would provide the ideal setting for the best-practice arrangement: (1) regulatory measure should be evaluated against a set of well-defined indicators, such as the merits of different enforcement tools for each given risk, (2) information about regulatory impacts should be analysed by a specialist research institute, (3) regulators should be innovative in applying a range of strategies available to them by employing a mixture of compliance promotional strategies, and adjust the mix as required.

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The Production Structure of Genetic Information in South Korea (한국의 유전적 정보 생산 구조)

  • Yi Cheong-Ho
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.5 no.1 s.9
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    • pp.55-92
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    • 2005
  • The factors contributing to the formation of an important scientific concept in South Korea and its circulation in the society are the scientific knowledge that had been already formed, matured, and established in the U.S.A, Europe and Japan and has been introduced into Korea, and the institutions that have been formed during the recent modernization in South Korea. The concept of 'genetic information' cannot be an exception in this context. The concept of genetic information is the one that has been extended and intensified by the genomics and bioinformatics formed and matured through the Human Genome Projects from the former concept of inheritance or heredity within the framework of classical and molecular genetics. The purpose of this study was to find out 'how the production structure of genetic information in South Korea has been formed', under the perspective of the conceptual, epistemic, and institutional holisticity or integratedness in the concept and knowledge production structure idealized in Western advanced nations. The discourse of genetic engineering popular in the mid 1980's in South Korea has catalyzed the development of molecular biology. However, the institutional balance that had been established for the biochemistry departments in Natural Science College and Medical College was not formed between the genetic engineering and genetics departments in South Korea. Therefore, they were unable to achieve the more integrative and macro-level disciplinary impact on life sciences, largely due to institutional lack of the capable (human) genetics departments in some leading Korean colleges of Medicine. In genomics, the cutting-edge reprogramming and restructuring of the traditional genetics in the West, South Korea has not invested, even meagerly, in the infrastructure, fund, and research and development (R & D) for the Basic or First Phase of the research trajectory in the Human Genome Project. Without a minimal Basic Phase, the genomics research and development in Korea has been running more or less for the Advanced or Second Phase. Bioinformatics has started developing in Korea under a narrow perspective which regards it as a mere sub-discipline of information technology (IT). Having developed itself in parallel with genomics, bioinformatics contains its own unique logics and contents that can be both directly and indirectly connected to the information science and technology. As a result, bioinformatics reveals a defect in respect of being synergistically integrated into genetics and life sciences in Korea. Owing to the structural problem in the production, genetic information appears to be produced in a fragmented pattern in the Korean society since its fundamental base is weak and thin. A good example of the conceptual and institutional fragmentedness is that 'the genetics of individual identification' is not a normal integrated part of the Korean genetics, but a scientific practice exercised in the departments of legal medicine in a few Medical Colleges. And the environment contributing to the production structure of genetic information in South Korea today comprises 'sangmyung gonghak'(or life engineering) discourse and non-governmental organization movement.

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A Study on the Textuality of China's Wuyi-Gugok, the Origin of Gugok-Wonlim -Focus on the Tradition Process to Korea - (구곡원림의 원류, 중국 무이구곡(武夷九曲)의 텍스트성 -국내 전승(傳承) 과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.66-80
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    • 2009
  • This paper attempts to investigate how the cultural phenomena associated with 'Wuyi-Doga(武夷棹歌)' and 'Wuyi-Gugok (武夷九曲)' was introduced to Joseon. The icon and code of 'Gugok' cultural text which was observed in the process of transmitting the culture through repetition and imitation were examined. With regard to research methodology, an 'analysis and discussion framework' was designed based on the literature review, field survey and the seven textuality criteria proposed by Dressier. Then the textuality of 'Wuyi-Gugok' was analyzed in terms of the dependent relation of text, the relationship between the creator and user, repetition, imitation and the spread process. Since ZhouHee(朱熙)'s 'Wuyi-Doga' and 'Wuyi-Gugok' were introduced to Joseon through literature and paintings, they became a part of the cultural Phenomena with unprecedented popularity. As a result, a great number of imitations can be found. In addition, governors would even take care of political affairs in a scenic mountain valley as described in this literature. Regardless of the writer's intentiot 'Gugok' settled in Joseon as new culture in harmony with Taoism and Sung COnfucianism. In other words, Joseon's Gugok-Wonlim(九曲園林) accepted the nature-appreciation aesthetic consciousness in 'Wuyi-Doga' and 'Wuyi-Gugok' on the basis of Taoism and Sung Confucianism. In terms of the text-based dependent relation only, however, the geographical coherence was somewhat loosened while the Gugok Culture that was dependent on Taoism or elegance in life dominated the internal structure of the textuality. Meantime, the internal factors that dominated the textuality of 'Wdyi-Gugok' were interpreted as 1) 'Aesthetics of Bending, Water Whirls', 2) 'Territoriality Expression Carve letters,' 3) 'Cultural Landscape seeing through the Speculation of Meaning,' 4) 'The Pursuit of Oddness and Presentationism' and 5) 'Transcendental Landscape of Taoism and Topos.'

Possibility of Clinical Philosophical Interpretation of Juyeok through Synchronicity (동시성을 통한 『주역』의 임상철학적 해석가능성)

  • Seok, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.131
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    • pp.223-244
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, the author interprets Juyeok (The Book of Changes) as a philosophical book on self-culture instead of a book on divination. Juyeok, originally, was a book on divination written to tell fortunes; however, it has been a rich source producing the discourse of the humanities. This is because it has a unique system of linguistic symbols. Gwae-Hyo (Hexagrams and Horizontal Lines) system of Juyeok has a number of symbolic features, and there is too much room for new philosophical, cultural interpretations. Thus, Juyeok can be applied to any information and events, and it can, accordingly, help solve the problems of life we are facing. Moreover, Juyeok's unique characteristics are revealed very well in active intervention of persons who read and interpret it. Carl Gustav Jung is the very person who argued that one should interpret Juyeok through this active intervention. In the foreword of Juyeok translated by Richard Wilhelm, he mentions a possibility of the interpretation of Juyeok applying 'synchronicity.' According to him, Juyeok is a material not to predict the future or tell the fate ordained, but to look back on oneself or find the solutions of problems oneself. It allows the inquirer to interpret Gwae-Hyo-Sa (Explanations) not simply through the result of fortune-telling but the act of telling one's fortune. He applies 'synchronicity' to the finding of answers to one's problems in the given Gwae-Hyo-Sa. Synchronicity refers to 'the principle of non-causal relationship explaining a phenomenon of meaningful coincidence.' Here, simultaneity, unlike contingency the principle of causality refers to, means 'meaningful coincidence.' He presents a theory that the divination signs derived from Gwae-Hyo-Sang (Images) through synchronicity is a reflection of the psychology of the unconscious the fortune-teller or a man who receives the results of the divination signs has under certain circumstances on the outside. This is because Jung interprets it like this because the way of communication of Juyeok using symbolic language is not direct but indirect. Juyeok's system of symbolic language aims not at delivering objective knowledge, but the reader's self-transformation. This point can be applied in clinical philosophy. People who suffer from agony and pain in their daily lives may find meaningful and helpful advice for themselves no matter what Gwae-Hyo-Sa they choose in Juyeok. This is because it was originally hidden in their inner space and just revealed concretely through Gwae-Hyo-Sang or Gwae-Hyo-Sa in Juyeok. In this sense, we connect the meaning Gwae-Hyo-Sang or Sa contains from Juyeok to their circumstances, read counsel or advice needed ourselves and make it our own to be able to have power to change and help ourselves. And at this very point may be evaluated as an important role of Juyeok.

Research on the Soul & Body Thought of 'Dong-Jin Northern & Southern Dynasty' (동진남북조시기(東晉南北朝時期) 형신문제(形神問題)의 초보적(初步的) 탐구(探究))

  • CHO, Won-il
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.23
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    • pp.275-294
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    • 2008
  • The specific concern of 'Xing'(形) & 'Shen'(神) theory is considering the body and the soul of human being. If either of the body and the soul including the life of human as of basic items is not existed, it may not seem to be alive. A great number of philosophers during 'Dong-Jin Northern & Southern Dynasty'(東晉南北朝) had the most active and furthest discussion throughout the history of China to study the concerns; Having a question such as "Where the body and the soul come out around us?", "What is the essence of complicated and delicate mental operation?" "Are there any relationships between the body and the soul?" and then "How do the human soul exist after death?" First, during 'Don-Jin' period as body and soul theory was based on 'Yin'(陰) and 'Yang'(陽). 'He Cheng Tian'(何承天) said that everything which was burn on earth should die because the soul couldn't stay the dead body longer. In the same age, 'Ming Fo Run'(明佛論) and 'Da Xing Run'(達性論) which denied that the soul couldn't exist forever were main topics of the discuss among the distinguished philosophers. Next, during 'Northern & Southern dynasty', body and soul theory was divided into two. First of all, body and soul of 'Heng Cun'(恒存) might be harmonized, however, that was not perfectly put together. Because, after human death, even if the body of human might be existed, the soul left elsewhere but always stayed around us. The body was the soul which meant that the soul was to the nature of the body and the body was to the usage of soul. Many philosophers insisted that nobody meant no soul according to 'Shen Bu Mie Run'(神不滅論) and 'Shen Mie Run'(神滅論) which was the main topic as an academic argument in those days. Finally, during Dong-Jin dynasty covered the significance of Body and Soul theory and analyzed the influence into the history of the history philosophy in china.

A Study on the exploration of the Identity of Korean Floral Art : Focusing on the creator's beyond form and free spirit (한국화예의 정체성 탐구를 위한 연구 - 창작의 탈형식과 자유정신을 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Young Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.45
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    • pp.77-95
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    • 2021
  • This study considers the problem of reality that our floral art has to overcome as a loss of the floral art spirit caused by the expansion of Western-centered formalism flower culture, and considers the discussion on the deformality of distancing and the free spirit of nomadism. The floral art, which works on the creator's aesthetic mental world through flowers, is an art of mental image that values the free mental world of the creator. It also refers to the importance of artist consciousness as an art of self-imago that makes the target world beyond the "expression of similarity" that reproduces the target world. In this context, the lack of concern about the identity of Korean floral art appears to be the creative training and work of Korean floral artists who are biased toward Western expression techniques and creative methods. It also expresses a problem with our cultural consciousness, which is dominated by the Western flower culture of flower design. Here, we are obliged to understand the reality of Korean floral art biased by Western flower design and to organize discussions to solve the problem. Therefore, this study examines the problems that our floral art has to overcome as part of seeking the identity of Korean floral art and enhancing the cultural value of Korean floral art through criticism of Western cultural acceptance. This is a historical consideration of the nature of Korean floral art to recover, while also a process of identifying the meaning of the free creative spirit that the artist should maintain as an aesthetic art. Furthermore, such criticism of the Korean floral art culture and discussion of introspection are expected to serve as an opportunity to further expand the academic discourse system for the floral art while embodying the "identity" of Korean floral art.

Views on Life and Humanity in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 생명관과 인생관)

  • Choi, Chi-bong
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.319-349
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to elucidate the origin and yield of life and its characteristics and purpose in Daesoon Thought. Thereby, Taegeuk (the Great Ultimate) and Sangje (the Supreme God) have been deemed the source and ontology of life. The structure of each living creature is explained through reason (理), energy (氣) and spirit (神). In addition, through vital reason and living energy, the purpose of life makes the realization of the benevolent characteristics of life possible through the mind of Sangje. This line of research is unique among currently available research views of life as it perceives the spirit to be an ontological entity with functions and interactive engagement. By way of contrast, prior research suggests that spirit is life itself and includes it in the category of life and death. The Daesoon view of life is unique in that it is somewhat influenced by ontology and developmental theories from Confucianism, yet the concept of divine beings suggests a humanistic Sangje, who presides over the Great Ultimate. The realization of reason in this model is rather thought-provoking. Humans, just like other living things, are born with vital essence and function and interact as a main source to preside over the innate spirits inside themselves. Humans take responsibility for a certain sphere in the Three Realms that make up the world. They are also recognized as a significant feature in the world. Such an idea in Daesoon Thought depicts that 'the enshrinement of spirit into human being (神封於人),' follows Heaven and Earth. This is done to rectify humans in order to meet the needs of the universe and ultimately establish the era of the enshrinement of spirits into human beings. As for humanity, this possibility exists because of the spirits contained within their inner-selves. When cultivating oneself, humans and outer spirits actively interact with each other. This is likely to cause changes in a human's constitution and characteristics. In the end, one can be enshrined with corresponding divine beings according to one's degree of cultivation. Humans are born through the command of Sangje and the accomplishments of their ancestors as well as the energy of the universe. Present day humans encounter the era of human nobility and the era of humankind's divine salvation. Thereby, the purpose of human life is to contribute to the universe. To achieve this goal, the most important thing is to wholly realize that one's nature and reason were endowed by Heaven, which emerged from virtuous conduct in society. This is also akin to the movement of reason in Jeungsanist Thought. Sangsaeng (mutual beneficence) among oneself and others and between human beings and divine beings can be completed through the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence and the grateful reciprocation of favors for mutual beneficence. If one accomplishes the perfected state of one's own nature and reveals it wholly, then one will be fully able to interact with spirits and reach the state of the human nobility.

Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi Heritage and Performance Contents (강릉학산오독떼기유산과 공연콘텐츠)

  • Lee, Chang-Sik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.38
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    • pp.249-275
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    • 2019
  • Gangneung farm song is important for the ritualistic labortheatricals. Especially, in the theatrical process program, the songsof weeding, such as Haksan Odokkteggi and Ssadae, were alsoincluded to represent the agricultural ritualistic prayer for goodharvest. The use of Gangneung farm song is attractive in termsofthe circumstances. There is no chance of success as a plan simplyfor local events. As a comprehensive art, Gangneung farmsongshould simultaneously revitalize locality, representability andglobality. In this context, three directions are suggested dependingon the development progress. The second direction to the thirddirection are mainly oriented toward government-local authoritycentered support, but, in particular, the third direction should aimtobe an open archive in which the public and the contents prosumercan participate. In the production of the traditional content, OSMUmust be endlessly recreated and spread through 'diversity' and'interrelationships'. The contents utilization was discussed based on the transmissiondetails and analysis evidence of Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. Thediversification of the way of performing farm song and the folk songs that can induce interest were proposed. Furthermore, basedon the fact that 12 songs classified into 8 work types, there-creation of the contents that focus on the playful aspect of theperforming arts was also proposed. In addition to suggestingthedesirable discourse of the performance groups, the experienceprogram development, education, public relations andcommunication reinforcement based on the narrating principlesoffarm songs, and the development and execution of farmsongprograms based on the tradition and the event demands wereproposed. While mentioning the necessity of value creation, thevitality of performing arts skills that put emotion, imagination, fun, sympathy, and etc. on the original form and the model of farmsongs should be supplemented to Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. The independent transmission aspect of Gangneung Arirangisalso positive. There are difficulties of reduction of traditionalitydueto the designation, standardized transmission, lack of developmentof voluntary performances, and demonstration-centeredtransmission. Narrowly, we focused on the education andvitalization directions in terms of the capacity building of theconservation council itself. By embodying the essential value of theagricultural literature that farm songs possess, it can bringimpression of all worlds, all lives, communication and sharing, anddraw inspiration from the humanistic view of the world andemotion. The reconstitution of agricultural heritage, theconstruction of a storytelling linked with the concrete objects suchas Beomil National Preceptor, Gulsansa, FlagpoleSupport(Dangganjiju), Seokcheon, Hakbawi rock, and etc., andtheestablishment of fusion type farm song museum were proposed. In terms of culture industry, we requested active support fromtheinstitutions including local governments and various farmsongstorytelling creation projects.