• Title/Summary/Keyword: 단열배열

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진공단열재의 단열성능을 개선을 위한 Glass Fiber 수평 배열(다층구조) 기술 개발

  • Han, Jeong-Pil;Hwang, Seung-Seok;Jeon, Seung-Min;Min, Byeong-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.207-207
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    • 2012
  • 진공단열재는 폴리우레탄 폼 대비 10배 이상의 단열성능을 갖는 고효율 단열재로서 고차단성 필름 봉투 내부에 무기 소재를 진공감압시켜 대류에 의한 열전달을 최소화시킨 차세대 단열재이다. 특히 진공단열재에 있어 열전달의 경로는 전도에 의한 효과가 가장 크므로, 진공단열재 내부의 Glass Fiber 심재의 최적화 설계에 따라 단열 성능을 극대화 시킬 수 있다. 이에, 본 연구에서 GLass Fiber의 배열에 따른 성능 비교 평가를 통해, 전도의 특성을 최소화 시킬 수 있는 Glass Fiber의 배열 및 다층 적층 구조를 통해 성능 개선 효과를 고찰 하였다.

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Capabilities of heat insulated diesel engine for future fuel requirement (디이젤 기관의 단열화에 의한 연료사정에의 대응)

  • 조진호
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 1981
  • 연료의 가격이 높아지고 대체연료의 개발이 급속동로 진전되고 있는 오늘날 디이젤기관은 열효율 의향상과 장래연료에의 대응이 중요한 과제로 되어있다. 대체연료로서 유망시되고있는 석탄약화 연료, 알코호르 쉘오일(Shell Oil)등이 앞으로 싱용화되면 제업이나 플랜트의 규모에 따라서는 가격뿐만 아니라 그질에도 큰 차이가 있게되고 정도나 비중의 변화등으로 대표적인 세탄가의 저화가 예상되어서 현상 디이젤기관의 연소방식 그대로는 이에 대응 할 수 없게될 가능성이 높다. 이들에 대응하기의한 하나의 방법으로서 기관을 단열화함으로써 냉각손실을 저장시키고, 높아진 배기에너지를 축출력으로서 다시 회수하는 단열터어보 컴파운드엔진의 개념이 있다. 이 렇게 하면 열효율의 대표적인 개성과 아울러 단열화하여서, 연소실의 벽온이 높아지므로 저세 탄가 연료의 연소도 가능하게 된다. 단열기관의 착상은 1940년대 융커어스사의 2-사이클 수평 대향기관에 이미 일부 채용되었었고, 또 터어보 컴파운드에 의한 배열의 회수도 Lycoming사 R3350 엔진등에서 실용화되었던 예가 있다. 그러나 이들을 동시에 채용하여 대돌적인 연비저 강효과를 추구한 실제의 예로서는 근년 미국 육군의 위탁으로 Cummis사가 연구성과를 발효하고 있는것 뿐이다. 그리고 일본의 Komatsu사가 또한 독자적으로 단열터어보 컴파운드기관의 연 구를 하고 있다. 다음은 그 기관을 소개하고 또한 다종연료성등 단열엔진의 특성에 대하여 설명 한다.

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The Compressive Strength of Thin-Walled Cold-Formed Steel Studs with Slits in the Web (복부에 슬릿이 있는 박판냉간성형형강 스터드의 압축강도)

  • Kwon, Young-Bong;Soe, Eung-Kyu;Lim, Duk-Man;Kim, Gap-Deuk;Kwon, In-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2012
  • The cold-formed steel stud, which has been used as a load-bearing member of wall panels for steel houses, poses a significant problem in insulation due to heat bridging of the web. Therefore, some additional thermal insulating materials are required. In order to solve this problem, the cold-formed steel thermal stud with slits in the web was developed. However, estimating the structural strength of thermal studs is very difficult because of the arrangement of perforations. In this paper, an analytical and experimental research on thermal studs is described. Three types of studs with different length, pitch and arrangement of slits were tested to failure. A simple design approach was proposed based on the test results. The proposed method adopted the direct strength method, based on the elastic local and distortional buckling stress of plain studs with equivalent thickness in the web instead of thermal studs. The predictions using the proposed method were compared with test results for verification and the adequacy of the proposed method was confirmed.

Characteristics of the Fracture Distribution on the Granitic Rock by DC and VLF-EM Survey in the Northern Part of Yusong (유성북부 화강암지역에서 전기비저항탐사와 극저주파 전자탐사를 이용한 단열분포 특성)

  • 조성현;김천수;송무영
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 1999
  • Groundwater flow in rock mass is controlled by the fractures developed in the area. So, the conductive fractures are very important for groundwater flow in crystalline rock. This study aims to find out the characteristics of the fracture distributed in granitic rock in the northern part of the Yusong area (latitude $36^{\circ}24'18"~36^{\circ}25'08",{\;}longitude{\;}127^{\circ}21'00"~127^{\circ}23'23"$). The electric and EM surveys were carried out in the site to delineate the fracture the fracture zones. Since geophysical survey provides non-unique solution, hydraulic data and dilling log data including BHTV scanning were used as complementary data to achieve the objective of this study. Electric survey(DC) arrays used are schlumberger and dipole-dipole arrays. VLF is used for EM survey. The main charcteristics of the fracture developed in the study aera are that fractures associated with basic dyke cut corss the main fracture zone in NNW and play an important role as hydraulic barrier. In trun, groundwater table in the upstream area is lower than that downstream area.

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A nesting system for blanking or piercing of irregular-shaped sheet metal products (불규칙형상 박판제품의 블랭킹용 네스팅 시스템)

  • Choi, J.C.;Kim, B.M.;Kim, C.;Kim, H.K.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1997
  • This paper describes a nesting system of a computer-aided design of blanking and piercing for irregularly shaped sheet metal products. An approach to the system is based on knowledge-based rules. A nesting system is designed by considering several factors, such as utilization ratio which minimises the scrab for single or pairwise operation, bridge width, grain orientation and design requirements which maximise the strength of the part when subsequent bending is involve. Therefore this system which was implemented blank layout and strip layout module can carry out a nesting with a best utilization and a process planning for irregular shaped sheet metal products in single or pairwise operation and generate the blank layout and strip layout in graphic forms. Knowledges for a nesting and a process planning are extracted from plasticity theories, relevant references and empirical know-hows of experts in blanking industries. This provides its efficiency and effectiveness for nesting irregularly shaped sheet metal products.

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The Micostructural Change During the Mylonitzation of Cheongsan Granite, Korea (청산화강암의 압쇄암화작용 동안에 미구조 변화)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.125-139
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    • 2015
  • Rock structural and microstructural analyses on the deformed Cheongsan granite, which is characterized by abundant feldspar megacrystals, have been carried out to understand the microstructural change during the mylonitization by ductile shear deformation. In K-feldspars, the characteristic microstructures are recognized as microkinks, microfractures, myrmekites, flame perthites, and core-and-mantle structures without the development of subgrains in outer core-zone. Microkinks are observed in both the microfractured and unmicrofractured K-feldspars and the directions of their axes are generally extended across the adjacent K-feldspar fragments bounded by microfractures. Myrmekites and flame perthites are found on the strain-localized boundaries of the microfractured K-feldspars. In plagiclases, microfractures, deformation twins and kink bands are predominant. Grain size reduction of plagioclase megacrysts also occurs by microfracturing but the core-and-mantle structures like the case of K-feldspars are uncommon in the microfractured plagioclases. The deformation twins, which overlap the igneous zoning structures, are often found in less deformed rocks. The twin lamellae in more deformed rocks generally bisect the obtuse angles of conjugate kink-band boundaries, and are microfractured or microfaulted and randomly oriented. From such characteristic microstructures, thus, it can be suggested that the micostructures during the mylonitzation of Cheongsan granite was developed as follows: production of microkinks in the K-feldspar megacrysts and of deformation twins and kink bands in the plagioclase megacrysts, and then grain-size reduction of the feldspar megacrysts through microfracturing, and then production of core-and-mantle structures (grain-size reduction of the microfractured K-feldspars through grain boundary migration), myrmekites and flame perthites in the microfractured K-feldspars.

Analysis and Estimation for Stress Distributions under the Spacer Arrangement in a Vacuumed-Panel (진공패널의 지지대 배열에 따른 응력분석 및 평가)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyung;Jeon, Euy-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 2009
  • 세계적인 에너지 자원 무기화와 더불어 에너지 효율이 높은 창호개발이 지속적으로 진행되고 있다. 이중 진공패널은 단열성능이 우수하여 건물에서의 에너지 절약 측면에서 미래의 창호소재로 각광 받고 있으나 구조 및 제조공법에 관한 규명이 되어 있지 않다. 진공패널은 대기압 및 외력에 견딜 수 있도록 구조를 형성해야 하며, 이를 위하여 진공간극을 유지하기 위한 지지대를 사용한다. 본 논문에서는 진공패널에서 지지대의 배열에 따른 진공패널의 응력분석과 이 데이터 평가를 통한 허용응력 내에서의 유리지지대 배열방안을 제시하고 시뮬레이션을 통해 그 타당성을 검증하였다.

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Geological Structure of the Moisan Epithermal Au-Ag Mineralized Zone, Haenam and its Tectonic Environment at the Time of the Mineralization (해남 모이산 천열수 금-은 광호대의 지질구조와 광화작용 당시의 지구조환경)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Deok-Seon;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul;Koh, Sang-Mo;Chi, Se-Jung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.413-431
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    • 2011
  • An Epithemal Au-Ag mineralized zone is developed in the Moisan area of Hwangsan-myeon, Haenam-gun, Jeol-lanam-do, Korea, which is located in the southwestern part of the Ogcheon metamorphic zone. It is hosted in the Hwangsan volcaniclastics of the Haenam Formation of the Late Cretaceous Yucheon Group. This research investigated the characteristics of bedding arrangement, fold, fault, fracture system, quartz vein and the time-relationship of the fracture system to understand the geological structure related to the formation of the mineralized zone. On the basis of this result, the tectonic environment at the time of the mineralization was considered. Beds mainly trend east-northeast and gently dip into north-northwest or south-southeast. Their poles have been rearranged by subhorizontal-upright open fold of (east)-northeast trend as well as dip-slip fault. Fracture system was formed through at least 6~7 different deformation events. D1 event; formation phase of the main fracture set of EW (D1-1) and NS (D1-2) trends with a good extensity, D2 event; that of the extension fracture of NW trend, and conjugate shear fracturing of the EW (dextral) and NS (sinistral) trends, D3 event; that of the extension fracture of NE trend, and conjugate shear refracturing of the EW (sinistral) and NS (dextral) trends, D4 event; that of the extension fracture of NS trend showing a poor extensity, D5 event; that of the extension fracture of NW trend, and conjugate shear refracturing of the EW (dextral) and NS (sinistral) trends, D6 event; that of the extension fracture of EW trend showing a poor extensity. Frequency distribution of fracture sets of each deformation event is D1-1 (19.73 %)> D1-2 (16.44 %)> D3=D5 (14.79 %)> D2 (13.70 %)> D4 (12.33 %)> D6 (8.22 %) in descending order. The average number of fracture sets within 1 meter at each deformation event is D6 (5.00)> D5 = D4 (4.67)> D2 (4.60)> D3 (4.13)> D1-1 (3.33)> D1-2 (2.83) in descending order. The average density of all fractures shows 4.20 fractures/1 m, that is, the average spacing of all fractures is more than 23.8 cm. The frequency distribution of quartz veins at each orientation is as follows: EW (52 %)> NW (28 %)> NS (12 %)> NE (8 %) trends in descending order. The average density of all quartz veins shows 4.14 veins/1 m, that is, the average spacing of all quartz veins is more than 24.2 cm. Microstructural data on the quartz veins indicate that the epithermal Au-Ag mineralization (ca. 77.9~73.1 Ma) in the Moisan area seems to occur mainly along the existing D1 fracture sets of EW and NS trends with a good extensity not under tectonic stress but non-deformational environment directly after epithermal rupture fracturing. The D1 fracturing is considered to occur under the unstable tectonic environment which alternates compression and tension of NS trend due to the oblique northward subduction of the Izanagi plate resulting in the igneous activity and deformation of the Yucheon Group and the Bulguksa igneous rocks during Late Cretaceous time.

Characteristics of Fracture System in Precambrian Metamorphic Rocks and Mesozoic Granites from Seokmo-do, Ganghwa-gun (강화군 석모도 일대의 선캠브리아기 변성암류 및 중생대 화강암류에서 발달하는 단열계의 분포특성)

  • Park, Deok-Won;Lee, Chang-Bum
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2010
  • The properties of fracture system in Precambrian Jangbong schist and Mesozoic granites from Seokmo-do, Ganghwa-gun were investigated and analyzed. Most of the fractures measured at outcrops are nearly vertical or steeply dipping. Orientations of fracture sets in terms of frequency order are as follows: Set $1:N2^{\circ}E/77^{\circ}SE$, Set $2:N17^{\circ}E/84^{\circ}NW$, Set $3:N26^{\circ}E/64^{\circ}SE$, Set $4:N86^{\circ}W/82^{\circ}SW$, Set $5:N80^{\circ}W/77^{\circ}NE$, Set $6:N60^{\circ}W/85^{\circ}SW$, Set $7:N73^{\circ}E/87^{\circ}NW$, Set $8:N82^{\circ}W/53^{\circ}NE$, Set $9:N23^{\circ}W/86^{\circ}SW$, Set 10: $N39^{\circ}W/61^{\circ}NE$. Especially, the rose diagram of fracture strikes(N:240) indicates that there are two dorminant directions of N-S~NNE and WNW. These distribution pattern of fractures from Seokmo-do correponds with those of major lineaments from South Korea suggested in previous study. Meanwhile, the scaling properties on the length distribution of fracture populations have been investigated. First, fracture sets from Precambrian Jangbong schist and Mesozoic granites(north and south rock body) has been classified into five groups(group I~V) based on strike and frequency. Then, the distribution chart generalized the individual length-cumulative frequency diagram for above five groups were made. From the related chart, five subpopulations(group I~V) that closely follow a power-law length distribution show a wide range in exponents(-0.79~-1.53). These relative differences in exponent among five groups emphasizes the importance of orientation effect. From the related chart, the diagram of group III occupies an upper region among five groups. Finally, the distribution chart showing the chracteristics of the length frequency distribution for each rock body were made. From the related chart, the diagram of each rock body shows an order of porphyritic biotite granite < hornblende granodiorite < medium-grained biotite granite(south rock body) < medium-grained biotite granite(north rock body) < Precambrian Jangbong schist. From the related chart, the diagram of more older rock body in the formation age tends to occupy an upper region. Especially, the diagram of Precambrian Jangbong schist occupies an upper region compared with the diagrams of Mesozoic granites. These distributional chracteristics suggests that coexistence of new fracture initiation and growing of existing fractures corresponding with stress field acted since the formation of rock body.

The Numerical Analysis on Insulation Performance with Respect to the Envelope Geometries and Array of Evacuated Powder Panel in Rigid Foam/Evacuated Powder Composite Panels (혼합초단열재에서 진공분말패널의 외피형상 및 패널배열에 따른 단열성능해석)

  • Hong, J.K.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.497-509
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    • 1996
  • Evacuated powder insulations have long been known to have better thermal performance than existing commercially available insulators, such as fiber glass and CFC-blown foam. To make a composite powder panel, a series of individually evacuated panels was encapsulated in a rigid closed cell foam matrix. The panels were encapsulated in a thin glass sheet barrier to preserve the vacuum. The thermal conductivity of the individual panel was found to be $0.0062W/m^{\circ}K$ by experiment and the polyurethane foam above had a thermal conductivity of $0.024W/m^{\circ}K$. In this study, numerical analysis using finite element method was carried out to investigate insulation performance of rigid foam/evacuated powder composite panel with respect to panel geometries such as panel pitch, panel aspect ratio and panel area ratio. Numerical analysis has indicated that more optimal vacuum panel geometries, much lower overall thermal conductivities can be achieved.

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