• Title/Summary/Keyword: 단기교육

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Nutrition Education Effect in Obesity Treatment for Children (소아비만 치료의 임상영양 교육 효과)

  • 김영숙;이순영;김영옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.1011-1017
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    • 2002
  • The aim of this study was to investigate nutrition education effect in the long term and short term nutrition education intervention for childhood obesity. Seventy-seven obese children aged seven to twelve who visiting obesity clinic in a university hospital were given nutrition education therapy. Long-term as well as short-term education effect had been measured based on reducing level of Body Mass Index (BMI), Relative Body Weight (RBW) and lipid profile as well as dietary behavior. Identification of factors influencing the effect of nutrition education had been tested using multiple regression analysis as well as Main Whitney test. The result showed that nutrition education intervention had a significant impact on reducing the level of BMI, RBW and lipid profile during long term and short term period. Duration of clinic visit and total number of clinic visit were the most significant factors for the short term effect for obesity treatment. However, frequent clinic visit per month was not significant factor on short term effect. Therefore sustained participation for nutrition education by the obese individual seems more important factors than other factors especially for short term effect. Although, there was the tendency of reducing weight with longer duration and frequent clinic visit, and changing health behavior, none of the factors showed statistically significant effect on the long term effect for the obesity treatment. The results may imply that more complex factors involved for the long term treatment of childhood obesity than short term treatment.

An Analysis of Education Programs for Spatial Information System (공간정보체계 인력양성을 위한 교육과정 분석)

  • Jin, Heui-Chae;Park, Tae-Og
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.6 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2004
  • NGIS project was carried out to accelerate Korea to an information-oriented land. NGIS Project also is to support training projects for GIS specialists as a sub-project. This program has two categories which are long-term courses and short-courses. The long-term courses are for people who want to get a job in SIS(Spatial Information System) field and also for public services personnel who want to acquire the latest SIS technology. Short-term courses are about the latest GIS component technology and utilization spatial data. In this paper, we analyze education programs and training courses relate to SIS. Also we suggest some directions to train specialists for the effective achievement of SIS project. To efficient education for SIS specialist, education programs have courses without repetition and courses are separated by technology type.

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프랑스 학교 infos-'프로'를 '프로'답게 만드는 업그레이드 교육 벨루에 꽁세이 (Bellouet Conseil)

  • Jeong, Sol-Lee
    • 베이커리
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    • no.6 s.455
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    • pp.144-145
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    • 2006
  • 벨루에 꽁세이 (Bellouet Conseil)는 지난 17년동안 기술인의 실력 향상을 위한 단기 전문가 교육에 매진해 왔다. 이번 호에서는 최신 트렌드의 앙트르메와 초콜릿, 아이스카빙 등 갖가지 전문 제품과 공예작품을 배워볼 수 있는 벨루에 꽁세이를 소개한다.

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새로운 유학생 유치 정책의 전개에 대하여

  • Byeon, Yeong-Jong
    • 대학교육
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    • s.132
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2004
  • 외국인 유학생 유치는 단기적으로는 양적 증가에, 장기적으로는 질적인 향상을 목표로 하여 종합적이고 구조적인 대책을 마련하여야 함은 물론 정부 주도의 과감한 예산 투자와 인력의 투입이 선행되어야만 성공할 수 있는 사업이다.

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The Effectiveness of Brief Family Education Programs for Schizophrenic Outpatients and their Families in a Community Social Welfare Center. (퇴원한 정신분열병 환자와 가족에 대한 지역사회복지관에서의 단기가족교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Seol, Jin-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.261-283
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    • 2004
  • This study verified the effectiveness of brief family education programs for schizophrenic outpatients and their families in a community social welfare center, using a pre - post test control group design. The results of this study verified that the program was effective to improve knowledge about schizophrenia, reduce feelings of rejection and anxiety about patients, and help the patients to recognize their family emotional support. Therefore, it was found in this study that the brief family education program in the community social welfare center had a positive impact on schizophrenic outpatients and their families' treatment and rehabilitation. From the results of this study, it can be seen that this program positively effects the treatment and rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients and the stability of their families. The program can also be easily utilized as a community resource. Furthermore, the results of this study can be utilized as fundamental support to suggest the need for mental health programs in community social welfare centers. This study suggested the importance of increasing the number of mental health professionals working in this arena. There is also a need to create additional supportive programs for schizophrenic outpatients and their families. Follow up care also needs to be provided to families after completing family education programs. Continuous study is needed in these areas.

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정보보호 단기 교육과정

  • 송철복
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2003
  • 2003년 1월 25일 전국에 몰아닥친 인터넷 마비사태는 '인터넷 강국'으로 자부해온 우리가 얼마나 정보보호에 취약한가를 여지없이 보여준 사건이었다. 이 사건은 또 정보보호 산업의 중요성을 새삼 일깨운 계기로도 작용했다. '정보사회의 방위산업', 'IT산업의 성장엔진'으로 불리는 정보보호 산업은 전략적\ulcorner경제적 중요성이 갈수록 커지고 있다. 사이버 위협이 지속적으로 지능화\ulcorner고도화함에 따라 정보보호 인력 수요가 증대하고 있으나 공급은 이에 미치지 못해 2003년에서 2007년 사이 약 22,000명 이상의 수급 불균형(공급부족)이 예상된다. 이러한 불균형 해소를 위하여 대학, 민간교육기관, 정부기관 등에서 정보보호 인력양성에 힘쓰고 있다. 본 논문에서는 정보보호 기술경쟁력 향상과 정보보호 인식제고를 주안점으로 하는 단기 교육과정에 대해 살펴본다.

The Effect of Environmental Education on Household Energy-Saving Behaviour (학교 환경교육 강화를 통한 가정의 에너지 절감 효과)

  • Lee, Jinkwon
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.95-118
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    • 2014
  • Environmental education is the most important and fundamental way to deal with the climate change. The school policy concentrating on environmental education, which has been established and financially supported by the Korea Ministry of Environment, provides an environment for natural experiment, examining the effect of reinforcing environmental education at schools on the energy-saving behaviours observed in the households concerned. We investigated the impact by applying the difference-in-difference measure to various utilities including water, electricity and gas between the households with children whose schools were designated as pilot environmental education schools in 2011 and the households with children attending general schools. The results showed that the households with children attending the pilot environmental education schools paid lower electricity and gas costs. This implies that environmental education provided at schools can indirectly affect the household energy saving behaviour and in turn reduce the total energy consumption in a short time.

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The First Korean Cancer Genetic Counseling Program for Nurses (국내 종양유전상담 간호사를 위한 단기 교육프로그램 개발)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sook;Anderson, Gwen;Jun, Myung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 2006
  • Genetic knowledge for oncology nurses is important in Korea because oncologists are incorporating genetic counseling and genetic testing into their practice. The purpose of this paper is to describe our method of developing the first academic cancer genetic risk assessment and counseling course for Korean nurses. A one-week (non-credit) cancer genetics counseling program was constructed for master's level Korean oncology nurses. The course emphasized basic genetic concepts and principles the genetics of cancer; hereditary cancer syndromes; family history assessments; pedigree construction; risk calculation; surveillance recommendations and treatment options ethical, legal, social, and psychological issues inherent in genetic testing. The goals of this program are to: 1) provide a comprehensive knowledge base for nurses who are currently expanding their scope of practice into the genetic counseling role 2) introduce this knowledge to nurses who want to use it in their practice; and 3) provide cancer genetic knowledge and resources to Korean nursing faculty who plan to incorporate this knowledge into existing master's courses. This academically-based course is recognized as valuable by nurses, nursing faculty, and physicians. With this new knowledge nurses can begin toexpand their role in delivering comprehensive cancer care services.

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