• Title/Summary/Keyword: 다음 MAP

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The Effects of Utilizing Concept Map to Promote the Understanding the Concept of Volcano in the Elementary Science Education (초등학교 과학 수업에서 화산 개념의 이해 증진을 위한 개념도 활용)

  • Sung, Sang-Hyeon;Wee, Soo-Meen;Jeong, Jin-Woo;Jung, Jae-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.614-624
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of utilizing a concept map as an instructional strategy to promote student achievement through semantical learning in elementary school on volcanoes. To analyze student achievement in understanding the concept of volcano, quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed through a written test for two different groups that were composed of 80 sixth-grade students: a control group that attended class using the conventional strategy and an experimental group that attended class using concept maps. The results of this study were as follows: First, the use of concept maps in class is effective in learning because of the higher understanding of the group that was using concept maps in the achievement assessment. Second, in their post-instructional understandings, no significant differences are shown between middle- and low-ranking students statistically, but a significant difference is shown between high- and low-ranking students or between high- and middle-ranking students. This indicates that the use of concepts maps in a class is more effective for the middle- and low-ranking students than for the high-ranking students. Third, in the repetitions of classes, the students learning with an aid of concept maps became accustomed to structuring the concepts of their learning subject in categories of relationships, hierarchies, cross-links, and examples easily.

Influence of Site-specific Fertilizer Application Using GPS and Digital Fertility Map on Rice Yield and Quality (전자지도 이용 변량시비가 쌀 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Chi, Jeong-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Hong;Kim, Hee-Oong;Choi, Byoung-Rourl;Park, Jung-Soo;Park, Kyung-Yeol;Jung, In-Gue
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.192-197
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of site-specific variable fertilization following digital fertility map generated from soil analysis on rice growth and yield. The site-specific application of fertilizer was implemented by using rice transplanter equipped with side dressing applicator and global positioning system (GPS). Coefficient of variation (C.V.) of soil nitrogen content was reduced after the experiment, and spatial variation of semivariogram was reduced. Rice growth from tillering to ripening stage, plant height, tiller and panicle number increased at site-specific variable fertilization treatment, and coefficient variation (C.V.) of each growth characteristics was lower than those of conventional fertilization treatment. As a result, fertility in the rice field was more uniform become of site-specific fertilizer application. Head rice yield of site-specific application plot increased by 9% (i.e., to from 450 kg/10a to 492 kg/10a of the control plot) and its CV was significantly reduced to 3.5 compared to 7.8 of the control plot. In addition, there was no significant difference in amylose, protein contents and whiteness of milled rice, but its CV was reduced.

Comparison Packing Materials for Proper MAP of Mixed Sprout Vegetables (혼합 싹채소의 MAP를 위한 포장재 비교)

  • Kang, Ho-Min;Choi, In-Lee;Kim, Il-Seop
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.226-230
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    • 2008
  • A comparison was made of the effect of different packaging materials on storability of mixed sprout vegetables (alfalfa, broccoli, cabbage, radish, and red radish) stored at $8^{\circ}C$. They were packaged by several kinds of films that were 50 fm thickness low-density polyethylene film (PE 50), 50 fm thickness polypropylene film (PP 50), $50{\mu}m$ thickness ceramic film (CE 50), $25{\mu}m$ thickness ceramic film (CE 25), $10\sim13{\mu}m$ thickness polyethylene film (wrap), and polyethylene terephthalate box with ventilation hole (box). The fresh weight of mixed sprouts packaged with different materials decreased below to 2% except box packages that decreased around 7% compared with initial weight. The atmospheres that were developed inside the different materials during storage differed significantly. The carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration of packages were kept properly with 5% in CE 25, but the PE 50 and CE 50 treatments showed higher carbon dioxide and lower oxygen concentration. So the off-flavor of mixed sprouts was more severe in the PE 50 and CE 50 treatment. The ethylene concentration of packages showed lowest in box treatment, followed by PP 50, wrap and CE 25 treatment. The overall quality of mixed sprouts was lower in PE 50 and CE 50 than CE 25 treatment after 10 days storage, supposed to be resulted from highest ethylene concentration and lowest oxygen concentration. Conclusionally, the CE 25 film that showed below 1% fresh weight loss, 5% carbon dioxide, 5% oxygen and below 4 ppm ethylene concentration in package may be a proper packaging material for mixed sprout vegetables.

A Study on the Variation of the GDOP and Service Area in Accordance with Arrangement of Transmitting Station Loran C System (로오란 C 시스템에서 발신국의 배치에 따른 GDOP의 변화 및 유효범위에 관한 연구)

  • An, Jang-Yeong;Hiroshi Suzuki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 1990
  • In this paper, the authors calculate GDOP(Geometric Dilution of Precision) with the mast and slave transmitting stations at the past and present and simulation positions in the 9970 chain and 5970 chain of the loran C system, and analyzed variations of the GDOP and effective ranges in accordance with the shifting of transmitting stations. The results obtained are as follows; 1) The line 3.0 of equi-GDOP map that the Z slave station of 9970 chain is Guam island is falled on with line 2.0 of it's map that it is Yap island approximately, and units of GDOP of calculating with Guam island are increased then them with Yap island on the south parts of mast station. 2) If the control right of Z slave station of 9970 chain could be not transfered to japan and be closed on account of the territorial problems, the units of GDOP to calculate without it's station at any positions are very increased and the accuracy is down on the south parts of mast station. The line 5.0 of it's map is falled on with line 2.0 in case of Yap island, its Z station, and line 3.0 in case of Guam island with Z slave station approximately. 3) The X slave station of 9970 chain and 5970 chain are required rearrangement for the purpose of accurating position fix and expending service area in view of propagation route of wave and arrangement of transmitting station.

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An Approximate Shortest Path Re-Computation Method for Digital Road Map Databases in Mobile Computing Environments (모바일 컴퓨팅 환경에서의 디지털 로드맵 데이타베이스를 위한 근접 최단 경로 재계산 방법)

  • 김재훈;정성원;박성용
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.296-309
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    • 2003
  • One of commercial applications of mobile computing is ATIS(Advanced Traveler Information Systems) in ITS(Intelligent Transport Systems). In ATIS, a primary mobile computing task is to compute the shortest path from the current location to the destination. In this paper, we have studied the shortest path re-computation problem that arises in the DRGS(Dynamic Route Guidance System) in ATIS where the cost of topological digital road map is frequently updated as traffic condition changes dynamically. Previously suggested methods either re-compute the shortest path from scratch or re-compute the shortest path just between the two end nodes of the edge where the cost change occurs. However, these methods we trivial in that they do not intelligently utilize the previously computed shortest path information. In this paper, we propose an efficient approximate shortest path re-computation method based on the dynamic window scheme. The proposed method re-computes an approximate shortest path very quickly by utilizing the previously computed shortest path information. We first show the theoretical analysis of our methods and then present an in-depth experimental performance analysis by implementing it on grid graphs as well as a real digital road map.

Suggestion of Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method Considering Hydrodynamic Characteristic on the Basin (유역의 동수역학적 특성을 고려한 합성단위도 기법의 제시)

  • Kim, Joo Cheol;Choi, Yong Joon;Jeong, Dong Kug
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.1B
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2011
  • This study suggests new synthetic unit hydrograph method considering hydrodynamic characteristic on the basin. The suggested method based on width function GIUH, and the procedure is summarized as follows; 1) Draw up a travel distance distribution map (width function) which is raster of length between from center of individual cells to the outlet by GIS. 2) Calculation of travel time distribution map (rescaled width function) by hydrodynamic parameters and travel distance distribution map. 3) Derivation of IUH and Duration UH from rescaled width function. 4) Comparison of shape of UH between suggested method and existing synthetic unit hydrograph methods. The target basins are selected Ipyeong and Tanbu subwatershed in the Bocheong Basin. The target basins are similar scale (watershed area), but different drainage structure (drainage density et al.). Therefore we anticipate that there are different hydrologic response functions because different hydrodynamic characteristics. As a result of derivation of UH, existing synthetic unit hydrograph methods are similar shape of UHs about Ipyeong and Tanbu watersheds, but the suggested method is different shape of ones. As a result of application to observed data, the peak discharge by suggested method is similar to existing synthetic unit hydrograph methods, but the peak time is well correspondence between those. Henceforth, if the suggested method combines with the rational velocity estimation method, it is useful method for synthetic of UH in ungauged watershed.

Study on Channel-bed Fluctuation Using Aerial Photographs(II) -Analysis of spatial-temporal distribution on the deposits- (항공사진(航空寫眞)을 이용(利用)한 하상변동(河床變動)에 관한 연구(硏究)(II) -하상퇴적지(河床堆積地)의 시(時)·공간적(空間的) 분포(分布) 해석(해석)-)

  • Chun, Kun Woo;Kim, Kyoung Nam;Cha, Du Song
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.3
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 1995
  • Black and White aerial photogrphs are much useful to obtain the information on the channel-bed fluctuation in the following aspects. 1. In the decision of river width, the linear regression formula between the value of aerial photograph interpretation and that of field surveying is Y=1.0+0.94X(the decision coefficient is $r^2=0.98$). Therefore, aerial photographs are proved effective for the measurement of river width. 2. Aerial photograph interpretation makes it possible to classify the plane channel and the deposits in river, and suggests the situation of the plane distribution of deposits, the size of channel and the course of channel formation. 3. The periodical channel situation can be figured out through the interpretation of aerial photographs pictured in different times. Also, the comparing and analyzing each interpretated information can be able to guess the course of the variation of channel influencing powerfully channel - bed fluctuation. 4. The microtopographic map of river can be made through the decision of river with, the interpretation of the plane shape of channel - bed and the analysis of variation of channel. On the basis of this map, the plane analysis of deposit is possible.

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A 3-D Vision Sensor Implementation on Multiple DSPs TMS320C31 (다중 TMS320C31 DSP를 사용한 3-D 비젼센서 Implementation)

  • Oksenhendler, V.;Bensrhair, Abdelaziz;Miche, Pierre;Lee, Sang-Goog
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 1998
  • High-speed 3D vision systems are essential for autonomous robot or vehicle control applications. In our study, a stereo vision process has been developed. It consists of three steps : extraction of edges in right and left images, matching corresponding edges and calculation of the 3D map. This process is implemented in a VME 150/40 Imaging Technology vision system. It is a modular system composed by a display, an acquisition, a four Mbytes image frame memory, and three computational cards. Programmable accelerator computational modules are running at 40 MHz and are based on TMS320C31 DSP with a $64{\times}32$ bit instruction cache and two $1024{\times}32$ bit internal RAMs. Each is equipped with 512 Kbytes static RAM, 4 Mbytes image memory, 1 Mbytes flash EEPROM and a serial port. Data transfers and communications between modules are provided by three 8 bit global video bus, and three local configurable pipeline 8 bit video bus. The VME bus is dedicated to system management. Tasks between DSPs are distributed as follows: two DSPs are used to edges detection, one for the right image and the other for the left one. The last processor computes the matching process and the 3D calculation. With $512{\times}512$ pixels images, this sensor generates dense 3D maps at a rate of about 1 Hz depending of the scene complexity. Results can surely be improved by using a special suited multiprocessors cards.

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Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Shiitake Mushroom Packed with Perforated Film and Ceramic Films (기공필름과 광물질 연입 필름 포장한 표고버섯의 MAP효과)

  • 정문철;남궁배;이호준;임정호
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2001
  • In order to investigate the effect of two type of ceramic film(15% SiO$_2$ incorporated LDPE, 10% zeolite incorporated LDPE), perforated film and LDPE film on freshness of shiitake mushroom, weight loss, surface color and marketability of mushroom were measured during MA storage at 5 $\^{C}$ and 20$\^{C}$. The effect of packaging films on weight loss and marketability index of shiitake mushroom at 20$\^{C}$ was negligible due to its rapid physiological changes. However, the effect of packaging films on surface color of shiitake mushroom was significant at 20$\^{C}$ storage, but not at 5$\^{C}$ storage. During MA storage of shiitake mushroon, discoloration were reduced effectively by ceramic films and weight loss were by LDPE film, but they had little difference between packaging 51ms. However, there were significant differences among the packaging films in marketability of mushroom induced by water vapor inside package and accelerate its spoilage and browning. Ceramic film(15% SiO$_2$ incorporated LDPE) showed best result to maintain marketability of shiitake mushroom and zeolite incorporated film, perforated film, LDPE film in order.

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A Study on Gasan of the Cheonggyecheon in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 청계천 주변의 가산(假山)에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Myo-jung;Jung, Ki-Ho;Kim, Du-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.26-36
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to identify the place and location of Gasan around Cheonggyecheon in the Joseon Dynasty, and also to examine the current status of their changes or disappearance in the process of modernization. On top of literature research on old document and maps related to dredging of Cheonggyecheon, the field survey to understand the actual status and location of Gasan was conducted. The study contents are like below. First, through old document and maps related to Cheonggyecheon in the Joseon Dynasty, the contents and records related to Gasan around Cheonggyecheon were selected. Such Gasan were mainly built up by dredging work of branch/streamlet in the era of King Sejong, and also the large-scale dredging during the period of King Yeongjo. Second, the location of Gasan and forest around Cheonggyecheon shown in old maps was understood. With Ogansumun(Five-arched Floodgates) as the center, they were constructed on both hills of Cheonggyecheon inside/outside of the capital city, and its surrounding branches. Third, based on the measures to create a scale map based on Susunjeondo, the location of Gasan on old maps was found on the current map, and then the current status of places expressed as Gasan was surveyed. In the results of the study, even though most of the Gasan built up around Cheonggyecheon in the Joseon Dynasty have disappeared by the urban development performed since the end of 19th century, still, there are some remains left.