• Title/Summary/Keyword: 능선부

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Analysis of Relative Elevation in Korea Using Topographic Position Index(TPI) Model (지형위치지수(TPI)모형을 이용한 상대표고 분석)

  • Lee, Chong-Soo;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Kang, Byung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.03a
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    • pp.292-295
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    • 2007
  • 개발계획이나 환경계획 수립시에 절대적인 해발고도를 기준으로 지형적 특성을 분석한다면 절대표고가 낮은 지역은 대부분 개발가능지로 구분된다. 따라서 지역적 특성을 반영하는 상대표고를 적용하여야 하나 산의 경계구획,능선설정 등의 어려움으로 아직 전국단위의 구체적인 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 최근 Weiss 가 제안한 지형위치지수 ( Topogr aph i c Position Index, TPI) 를 적용하여 전국 단위의 상대표고 분석 가능성을 검토하였다. TPI 모델 도출 결과와 기존 환경부 국토환경성 평가에 사용한 Gaia EZeye 모델 결과를 중첩 비교한 결과 정확도가 높은 것으로 나타났다.

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Geomorphic Conception and Function of the Divide (분수계의 지형적 개념과 기능)

  • 이민부;한주엽
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.503-518
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    • 2000
  • 분수계는 지형적 실체이며, 지역의 지형 연구 분야에서 자연적 경계로서 설정된다. 분수계는 수계, 산계, 유역등의 지형 요소들과 연관된다. 분수계의 지형 형성과 기능은 경사의 법칙, 구조의 법칙, 그리고 계층의 법칙으로 설명될 수 있다. 분수계는 구조적 형성과정과 기후적 삭박과정을 통하여 변화한다. 지형분수계는 능선분수계, 하천 분수계, 폐쇄 분수계, 세탈 분수계, 문턱 분수계, 세포형 분수계 등으로 유형화 될 수 있다. 지하수 분수계는 대개 지형의 기복을 반영하지만, 지역의 지질구조, 암서, 파쇄대 등으로 인하여 지형 분수계와 일치하지 않을 수 있다. 분수계의 법칙의 예외로서 설명되는 분수계의 일반적 단면은 선형이 아닌 대상 혹은 지대로서 나타난다. 분수계를 물의 흐름을 분리하는 곳으로 볼 때, 지형분수계는 지표면의 고도에 의해서 결정되며, 지하수 분수계는 지형, 지질 구조, 선구 조적 지형 요소들의 배열, 지층의 방향을 고려하여 결정된다.

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Vascular Plants in Kyeryongsan National Park (계룡산국립공원의 관속식물상)

  • 김용식;임동옥;전승훈;추갑철;신현탁
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.311-323
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    • 2001
  • 계룡산국립공원의 관속식물상을 조사한결과 111과 346속 509종 69변종 10품종 1교잡종 총 589종으로 밝혀졌다. 대상지역은 식물구계지리학적으로 한반도 온대중부지역에 속하나 굴피나무, 감태나무, 사람주나무, 나도밤나무, 자귀나무, 대팻집나무, 비목나무, 정금나무 등 온대남부계 수종이 많은 서식하는 특징을 보여주었다. 대상지역의 특징적인 식물군락이나 희소적 가치가 있는 식물종은 동학사 주변의 느티나무군락과 삼볼봉 등산로 주변의 구실사리, 바위손군락와 정상부 능선에 서식하고 있는 피나무 등으로 이들에 대해서는 지속적인 관심과 보전이 필요하다. 이번 조사에서 미국자리공, 개망초 등이 등산로 주변으로 다수 출현하고 있으므로 귀화식물종에 대한 모니터링도 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단되었다.

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Analysis of Rainfall Triggering Debris Flow Using HyGIS-GRM (HyGIS-GRM을 이용한 토석류 유발 강우 특성 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.1317-1321
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    • 2010
  • 기후변화의 영향으로 국지성 집중호우가 증가함에 따라 토석류 발생면적과 피해규모는 지속적으로 증가추세에 있다. 강우는 토석류의 유발 뿐 만 아니라 토석류 발생규모에 직접적인 영향을 미치므로 유발강우에 대한 분석은 향후 토석류 대응을 위한 경보기준이나 대책의 설계목표를 설정하는데 있어 매우 중요한 정보를 제공하며(김경석, 2008) 누가강우량, 강우강도, 강우지속시간 및 선행 강우량 등의 강우 특성과 토석류 발생과의 관계를 제시하기 위한 다양한 연구가 수행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 토석류를 유발하는 강우 특성을 레이더 강우와 분포형 수문모형을 이용하여 분석하였다. 특정 격자안에 토석류 발생부가 많이 포함될수록 강우에 의한 영향이 컸을 것이라는 가정을 바탕으로 항공사진을 이용해 취득한 발달 단계별 토석류 맵핑 결과를 활용하였으며 지점강우를 이용하여 조건부 합성방법으로 보정된 1 km 해상도의 레이더 보정강우와 GIS와 연계된 분포형 강우-유출 모형인 HyGIS-GRM을 이용하여 격자별 강우량을 산정하고 강우특성을 비교하였다. 연구결과 토석류는 흐름누적수가 0인 능선부위에서 대부분 발생하였으며 발생부 포인트가 많이 포함될수록 2~3시간 동안의 강우강도가 매우 크게 제시되었다.

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Edge Vegetation Structure in the Chirisan National Park (지리산 국립공원의 주연부 식생구조)

  • 오구균;권태호;이규완
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 1991
  • To investigate edge vegetation structure and species in the Chrisan National Park, filed survey was excuted from August to October, 1991 and the results were as follows. Importance values of species in lower layer were changed according to the distance from edge to forest interior at the northeastern slope of a highland. Change of vegetation structure was observed from edge up to 30m of forest interior and edge depth was estimated as 15~20m. The dominance and frequency of edge species seemed to be affected by the factors of altitude, aspect and topographic location. Especially, edge vegetation showed severe difference according to topographic location between a ridge and a foot of a mountain, and according to aspect between southern and northern slope above midslope region of a mountain. Comparing vegetation structure of lower layer for southern and northern slope, more no. of individuals and crown coverage were observed at northern slope, while more no. of species, species diversity and coverage of Sasa purpurascen at southern slope.

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A Study on the Surface Erosion by the Development of Cropland on the Hillslope in the West Coast Area of North Korea Using Quick Bird Satellite Images (Quick Bird 영상을 이용한 북한 서해안 구릉지 개간에 따른 지표 침식 분석)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Lee, Gwang-Ryul;Han, Uk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.453-462
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    • 2005
  • The study deals with surface erosion patterns due to the development of cropland toward hillslope and hilltop in the Oncheon-gun, pyeongbuk province and Nampo city of west coast area in the North Korea, using Quick Bird satellite images with 60cm resolution. In North Korea, for national economic difficult after 1980 year, newly developed croplands have been along the gentle hillslope, in which it is possible for individual man power different from the tideland which needs large scaled man-power and equipment. The new croplands are named Darakbat(terraced farm with embankment) and Bitalbat(titled farm developed on the original hill slope), neighboring with orchard and grouped settlement in lower valley. For supplying agricultural water, irrigation ditches and temporal crop storages have been constructed, connecting Darakbat, Bitalbat and orchard. These cropland developments have caused surface erosion composed of 3 types such as pit, linear and headward erosion, together with rill and gully. Owing to poor management of cropland and irrigation system, topsoil erosion and, collapse and sedimentation of ditch and pool, caused the decrease of agricultural productivity. These analysis using Quick Bird images can suggest original raw data about geographical facts on North Korea agriculture and help to recover their agricultural system and plan future national unified land.

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Geology and Landscape of Mt. Mudeung Province Park, Korea (무등산 도립공원의 지질과 경관)

  • Ahn, Kun-Sang
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2010
  • Mt. Mudeung is located in Gwangju city, Damyang-Gun, Hwasun-Gun and its round form give us the mood of soft and rich. Its location is $126^{\circ}06'-127^{\circ}01'E$ and $35^{\circ}06'-35^{\circ}10'N$ and its highest peak is Cheonwang-bong with the height of 1,187 m. The Gwangju city is located in the West of Mt. Mudeng and the mountain range with a small basin in its East. The pavilion such as the Soswaewon, Songganjeong, Sigyongjeong are distributed along the stream in the north of Mt. Mudeung. The mountain is formed from the volcanic activity, Gwangju cauldron during the Cretaceous. The top part of Mt. Mudeung is composed of dark gray quartz-andesite and its K-Ar whole rock age is $48.1{\pm}1.7Ma$. The composition of the north area, where the Wonhyosa temple is located, is micrographic granite, whereas the composition of south area is rhyolite mainly. The main ridge of Mt. Mudeung runs from North, starting from the Bukbong, to south, passing Cheonwangbong, Jangbuljae and ending Anyangsan. Geologic feature of the mountain includes volcanic landform, mountaineous landform, and stream landform. The Seosukdae, Ipseokdae, Gyubongam, which are main ridges and formed from volcanic activity, are composed of mainly columnar joint. Saeinbong and Majipbong in the south-west are composed of mainly cliff and dome. The typical erosion landform of the mountain has three different types of the weathering-cave, each of which reflect the property of the original rock. Four different area of wide block stream, they makes the geological feature of spring-water, though its scale is small compared to that of water fall.

Mapping Method for a Detailed Stock Map Plan(Age-Class) for a Small-Scale Site for Development Work (소규모 개발 사업지의 정밀 임상도(영급) 작성 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.396-408
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    • 2008
  • Gwangtan-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do was classified as a 4 grade age-class deciduous tree forest, however as a result of vegetation survey, this site was found to consist of natural forest with deciduous trees, thus causing difficulty in judging which age class it belongs to. Subsequently, the necessity of drawing up a detailed stock map plan was raised. For this reason, this research was designed to propose a mapping method for a detailed stock map plan based on a detailed survey on actual vegetation, vegetation structure, and analysis data on tree rings. The detailed analysis of actual vegetation pattern showed that there exist 22 patterns of vegetation, in which the natural forest has 11 patterns, such as Quercus mongolica forest and Q. variabilis forest, etc. while the artificial forest was found to have 6 patterns including Castanea crenata, etc. In order to verify their age-class, this research measured a tree age by collecting 42 quadrats and 89 specimen tree cores on the basis of a detailed actual vegetation map; as a result, an artificial forest and oak trees with small diameters located at low-lying areas, was categorized as 2-grade age class(covering 29.8%), and other areas were judged to be available for land use as 3-grade age-class(covering 57.6%) while the areas judged to be 4-or-more grade age-class (covering 8.8%) was impossible for land use because they are located on a steep slope ridge line on a boundary. In case a proposed site for a small-scale development is judged as a natural forest with deciduous trees as mentioned above, it is necessary that a detailed stock map plan should be drawn up through a detailed investigation into actual vegetation and analysis of plant gathering structure & specimen trees. A detailed stock map plan includes the data that makes it possible to comprehensively judge natural property, scarcity, and diversity of vegetation; thus, it is considered that a detailed stock map plan will be useful in judging the development propriety of a small-scale site.

A Study Identifying Improved Building Height Regulations for Managing Natural Landscape in Collective Facility Districts in and around National Parks (국립공원 집단시설지구 자연경관관리를 위한 층고규제 합리화 방안)

  • Lee, Gwan-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study is to develop quantitative criteria for setting reasonable standards and regulations for building heights in collective facility districts inside national parks or those connected to their borders. Heights of all building sin collective facility districts were simulated in order to determine heights of ridge lines of sight passing the upper parts of buildings from a main view point. Where a facility's zone is located at the inside or boundary of inland mountainous national parks, and there are coastal type national parks with mountains in the background, the study recommended assigning the maximum allowable height of a building as 8.82m if national park authorities intend to preserve the ridges at three-tenths the height of a mountain. It amounts to 3 or 3.5 stories when it is converted into the number of floors. It is desirable to apply this standard to accommodations like a hotel except lodge or cottage as the maximum allowable height of a building. Nevertheless, when there aren't back mountainous areas among coastal-type national parks, there is a need for applying a separate standard. If an equal and uniform standard is applied to all collective facility districts, it becomes difficult to address local differences when managing landscape. There must be flexibility when applying a standard, depending on variables such as location of view points, differences in the methods of selection of view points, and differences in view angles, etc. Thus, there is a need for different landscape management strategies that address the unique natural environment of different zones.

Simulations of Changes in Wind Field Over Mountainous Terrains Using WRF and ENVI-met Numerical Models (WRF와 ENVI-met 수치 모델을 이용한 산악지형의 바람장 변화 모사)

  • Won, Myoungsoo;Han, Seonho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2013
  • In this paper we interpreted the changes in wind field over complex mountainous terrains. The results of our study can be applied for predicting the direction of fire spread and for establishing strategies for fire prevention. The study area is bounded by $12{\times}12$ km domains of the Samcheok's long-term ecological research (LTER) site located in the east coast, in which a large-fire had occurred from 7 to 13 April 2000. Because of the area's complex topography, we compared the result of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model with those observed by four automated weather stations. The WRF simulation overestimated the wind speed by 5 to 8 m/s (~200%) in comparison with those from four automated weather stations. The wind directions observed by the AWSs were from various directions whereas those from WRF model were mostly west wind at all stations. Overall, the simulations by the WRF mesoscale models were not appropriate for the estimation of microscale wind fields over complex mountainous areas. To overcome such inadequacy of reproducing the wind fields, we employed the ENVI-met model over Samcheok's LTER site. In order to test the model's sensitivity with the terrain effects, experimental simulations were conducted with various initial conditions. The simulation results of the ENVI-met model showed a reasonable agreement in wind speeds (about 70% accuracy) with those of the four AWSs. Also, that the variations in wind directions agreed reasonably well with changes in terrain effect. We concluded that the ENVI-met model is more appropriate in representing the microscale wind field over complex mountain terrains, which is required to predict fire spread and to establish strategies for forest fire prevention.