• Title/Summary/Keyword: 농인

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Assessment of Organic Compound and Bioassay in Soil Using Pharmaceutical Byproduct and Cosmetic Industry Wastewater Sludge as Raw Materials of Compost (제약업종 부산물 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니 처리토양에 대한 유기화합물 및 Bioassay 분석 평가)

  • Lim, Dong-Kyu;Lee, Sang-Beom;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Nam, Jae-Jak;Na, Young-Eun;Kwon, Jang-Sik;Kwon, Soon-Ik;So, Kyu-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to assessment organic compound and bioassay (density of inhabited animal, fluctuation of predominant fungi, and survival ratio of earthworm) for finding damage on red pepper by heavily amount application of sludges in soil, which was treated with 3 pharmaceutical byproducts and a cosmetic industry wastewater sludge as raw materials of compost, and for establishing estimation method. HEM contents in the soil treated with pharmaceutical byproducts sludge2 (PS2) and cosmetic sludge (CS) were 0.51, 1.10 mg/kg respectively. PAHs content of PS2 treatment in the soil was 3406.8 ug/kg on July 8. In abundance of soil faunas, the pharmaceutical byproducts sludge2 treatment was the most highest. The next was decreased in the order of pig manure (PM) and the cosmetic sludge treatment. However the other pharmaceutical sludge treatments were remarkably reduced populations of soil inhabited animals. In upland soil treated with organic sludges, the numbers of bacteria and fungi of the pharmaceutical sludge treatment were 736, 909 cfu/g and those of the cosmetic sludge treatment were 440, 236 cfu/g, respectively. The pharmaceutical sludge treatments and the cosmetic sludge treatment in identification of predominant bacteria were not any tendency to compare with non fertilizer and pig manure treatments, but they had diverse bacteria than NPK treatment. In microcosm tests, the survival of the tiger earthworm in five soil samples was hardly affected against the soil of PSI (20%) after three months treated in the upland But after six months, survival of PS1 was 80%. At present, raw material of compost was authorized by contents of organic matter, heavy metal (8 elements), and product processing according to 'The specified gist on possible materials of using after analysis and investigation among raw materials of compost', however, for preparing to change regulation of raw material of compost and for considering to possibility of application, this study was conducted to investigate toxic organic compound and bioassay methods using inhabited animal, fungi, and earthworm without current regulation.

Calculation of Unit Hydrograph from Discharge Curve, Determination of Sluice Dimension and Tidal Computation for Determination of the Closure curve (단위유량도와 비수갑문 단면 및 방조제 축조곡선 결정을 위한 조속계산)

  • 최귀열
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.861-876
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    • 1965
  • During my stay in the Netherlands, I have studied the following, primarily in relation to the Mokpo Yong-san project which had been studied by the NEDECO for a feasibility report. 1. Unit hydrograph at Naju There are many ways to make unit hydrograph, but I want explain here to make unit hydrograph from the- actual run of curve at Naju. A discharge curve made from one rain storm depends on rainfall intensity per houre After finriing hydrograph every two hours, we will get two-hour unit hydrograph to devide each ordinate of the two-hour hydrograph by the rainfall intensity. I have used one storm from June 24 to June 26, 1963, recording a rainfall intensity of average 9. 4 mm per hour for 12 hours. If several rain gage stations had already been established in the catchment area. above Naju prior to this storm, I could have gathered accurate data on rainfall intensity throughout the catchment area. As it was, I used I the automatic rain gage record of the Mokpo I moteorological station to determine the rainfall lntensity. In order. to develop the unit ~Ydrograph at Naju, I subtracted the basic flow from the total runoff flow. I also tried to keed the difference between the calculated discharge amount and the measured discharge less than 1O~ The discharge period. of an unit graph depends on the length of the catchment area. 2. Determination of sluice dimension Acoording to principles of design presently used in our country, a one-day storm with a frequency of 20 years must be discharged in 8 hours. These design criteria are not adequate, and several dams have washed out in the past years. The design of the spillway and sluice dimensions must be based on the maximun peak discharge flowing into the reservoir to avoid crop and structure damages. The total flow into the reservoir is the summation of flow described by the Mokpo hydrograph, the basic flow from all the catchment areas and the rainfall on the reservoir area. To calculate the amount of water discharged through the sluiceCper half hour), the average head during that interval must be known. This can be calculated from the known water level outside the sluiceCdetermined by the tide) and from an estimated water level inside the reservoir at the end of each time interval. The total amount of water discharged through the sluice can be calculated from this average head, the time interval and the cross-sectional area of' the sluice. From the inflow into the .reservoir and the outflow through the sluice gates I calculated the change in the volume of water stored in the reservoir at half-hour intervals. From the stored volume of water and the known storage capacity of the reservoir, I was able to calculate the water level in the reservoir. The Calculated water level in the reservoir must be the same as the estimated water level. Mean stand tide will be adequate to use for determining the sluice dimension because spring tide is worse case and neap tide is best condition for the I result of the calculatio 3. Tidal computation for determination of the closure curve. During the construction of a dam, whether by building up of a succession of horizontael layers or by building in from both sides, the velocity of the water flowinii through the closing gapwill increase, because of the gradual decrease in the cross sectional area of the gap. 1 calculated the . velocities in the closing gap during flood and ebb for the first mentioned method of construction until the cross-sectional area has been reduced to about 25% of the original area, the change in tidal movement within the reservoir being negligible. Up to that point, the increase of the velocity is more or less hyperbolic. During the closing of the last 25 % of the gap, less water can flow out of the reservoir. This causes a rise of the mean water level of the reservoir. The difference in hydraulic head is then no longer negligible and must be taken into account. When, during the course of construction. the submerged weir become a free weir the critical flow occurs. The critical flow is that point, during either ebb or flood, at which the velocity reaches a maximum. When the dam is raised further. the velocity decreases because of the decrease\ulcorner in the height of the water above the weir. The calculation of the currents and velocities for a stage in the closure of the final gap is done in the following manner; Using an average tide with a neglible daily quantity, I estimated the water level on the pustream side of. the dam (inner water level). I determined the current through the gap for each hour by multiplying the storage area by the increment of the rise in water level. The velocity at a given moment can be determined from the calcalated current in m3/sec, and the cross-sectional area at that moment. At the same time from the difference between inner water level and tidal level (outer water level) the velocity can be calculated with the formula $h= \frac{V^2}{2g}$ and must be equal to the velocity detertnined from the current. If there is a difference in velocity, a new estimate of the inner water level must be made and entire procedure should be repeated. When the higher water level is equal to or more than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water level and the crest of the dam, we speak of a "free weir." The flow over the weir is then dependent upon the higher water level and not on the difference between high and low water levels. When the weir is "submerged", that is, the higher water level is less than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water and the crest of the dam, the difference between the high and low levels being decisive. The free weir normally occurs first during ebb, and is due to. the fact that mean level in the estuary is higher than the mean level of . the tide in building dams with barges the maximum velocity in the closing gap may not be more than 3m/sec. As the maximum velocities are higher than this limit we must use other construction methods in closing the gap. This can be done by dump-cars from each side or by using a cable way.e or by using a cable way.

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A study of compaction ratio and permeability of soil with different water content (축제용흙의 함수비 변화에 의한 다짐율 및 수용계수 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 윤충섭
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.2456-2470
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    • 1971
  • Compaction of soil is very important for construction of soil structures such as highway fills, embankment of reservoir and seadike. With increasing compaction effort, the strength of soil, interor friction and Cohesion increas greatly while the reduction of permerbilityis evident. Factors which may influence compaction effort are moisture content, grain size, grain distribution and other physical properties as well as the variable method of compaction. The moisture content among these parameter is the most important thing. For making the maximum density to a given soil, the comparable optimum water content is required. If there is a slight change in water content when compared with optimum water content, the compaction ratio will decrease and the corresponding mechanical properties will change evidently. The results in this study of soil compaction with different water content are summarized as follows. 1) The maximum dry density increased and corresponding optimum moisture content decreased with increasing of coarse grain size and the compaction curve is steeper than increasing of fine grain size. 2) The maximum dry density is decreased with increasing of the optimum water content and a relationship both parameter becomes rdam-max=2.232-0.02785 $W_0$ But this relstionship will be change to $r_d=ae^{-bw}$ when comparable water content changes. 3) In case of most soils, a dry condition is better than wet condition to give a compactive effort, but the latter condition is only preferable when the liquid limit of soil exceeds 50 percent. 4) The compaction ratio of cohesive soil is greeter than cohesionless soil even the amount of coarse grain sizes are same. 5) The relationship between the maximum dry density and porosity is as rdmax=2,186-0.872e, but it changes to $r_d=ae^{be}$ when water content vary from optimum water content. 6) The void ratio is increased with increasing of optimum water content as n=15.85+1.075 w, but therelation becames $n=ae^{bw}$ if there is a variation in water content. 7) The increament of permeabilty is high when the soil is a high plasticity or coarse. 8) The coefficient of permeability of soil compacted in wet condition is lower than the soil compacted in dry condition. 9) Cohesive soil has higher permeability than cohesionless soil even the amount of coarse particles are same. 10) In generall, the soil which has high optimum water content has lower coefficient of permeability than low optimum water content. 11) The coefficient of permeability has a certain relations with density, gradation and void ratio and it increase with increasing of saturation degree.

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Geochemical Equilibria and Kinetics of the Formation of Brown-Colored Suspended/Precipitated Matter in Groundwater: Suggestion to Proper Pumping and Turbidity Treatment Methods (지하수내 갈색 부유/침전 물질의 생성 반응에 관한 평형 및 반응속도론적 연구: 적정 양수 기법 및 탁도 제거 방안에 대한 제안)

  • 채기탁;윤성택;염승준;김남진;민중혁
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2000
  • The formation of brown-colored precipitates is one of the serious problems frequently encountered in the development and supply of groundwater in Korea, because by it the water exceeds the drinking water standard in terms of color. taste. turbidity and dissolved iron concentration and of often results in scaling problem within the water supplying system. In groundwaters from the Pajoo area, brown precipitates are typically formed in a few hours after pumping-out. In this paper we examine the process of the brown precipitates' formation using the equilibrium thermodynamic and kinetic approaches, in order to understand the origin and geochemical pathway of the generation of turbidity in groundwater. The results of this study are used to suggest not only the proper pumping technique to minimize the formation of precipitates but also the optimal design of water treatment methods to improve the water quality. The bed-rock groundwater in the Pajoo area belongs to the Ca-$HCO_3$type that was evolved through water/rock (gneiss) interaction. Based on SEM-EDS and XRD analyses, the precipitates are identified as an amorphous, Fe-bearing oxides or hydroxides. By the use of multi-step filtration with pore sizes of 6, 4, 1, 0.45 and 0.2 $\mu\textrm{m}$, the precipitates mostly fall in the colloidal size (1 to 0.45 $\mu\textrm{m}$) but are concentrated (about 81%) in the range of 1 to 6 $\mu\textrm{m}$in teams of mass (weight) distribution. Large amounts of dissolved iron were possibly originated from dissolution of clinochlore in cataclasite which contains high amounts of Fe (up to 3 wt.%). The calculation of saturation index (using a computer code PHREEQC), as well as the examination of pH-Eh stability relations, also indicate that the final precipitates are Fe-oxy-hydroxide that is formed by the change of water chemistry (mainly, oxidation) due to the exposure to oxygen during the pumping-out of Fe(II)-bearing, reduced groundwater. After pumping-out, the groundwater shows the progressive decreases of pH, DO and alkalinity with elapsed time. However, turbidity increases and then decreases with time. The decrease of dissolved Fe concentration as a function of elapsed time after pumping-out is expressed as a regression equation Fe(II)=10.l exp(-0.0009t). The oxidation reaction due to the influx of free oxygen during the pumping and storage of groundwater results in the formation of brown precipitates, which is dependent on time, $Po_2$and pH. In order to obtain drinkable water quality, therefore, the precipitates should be removed by filtering after the stepwise storage and aeration in tanks with sufficient volume for sufficient time. Particle size distribution data also suggest that step-wise filtration would be cost-effective. To minimize the scaling within wells, the continued (if possible) pumping within the optimum pumping rate is recommended because this technique will be most effective for minimizing the mixing between deep Fe(II)-rich water and shallow $O_2$-rich water. The simultaneous pumping of shallow $O_2$-rich water in different wells is also recommended.

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Changes of Proteolytic Activity and Amino Acid Composition of the Tissue Extract from Sea Cucumber Entrails during Fermentation with Salt (해삼내장(內臟)젓갈 숙성중(熟成中) 단백질분해효소(蛋白質分解酵素)의 활성(活性)과 아미노산(酸) 조성(組成)의 변화(變化))

  • Lee, Gi Chan;Cho, Deuk Moon;Byun, Dae Seok;Joo, Hyen Kyu;Pyeun, Jae Hyeung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 1983
  • This study was undertaken to ascertain food and nutritional evaluating data on the processing of fermented sea cucumber (Stichopus japonicus) entrails. In the experiment, the crude proteolytic enzyme from the entrails tissue of raw and fermented sea cucumber during the days of ripening was extracted. The optimal activity condition for the crude enzyme and the compositional changes of amino acid of the protein and free amino acid in the raw and fermented sample were also investigated. 1. Less than three kinds of proteolytic enzymes that each enzyme has optimal activity condition at pH 3.1 $50^{\circ}C$(A-enzyme), pH 5.7 $50^{\circ}C$(B-enzyme) and pH 7.7 $45^{\circ}C$(C-enzyme), respectively were believed to be exist in the entrails tissue of sea cucumber. 2. A-enzyme and C-enzyme were strongly inhibited with the increase of the salt concentration, and B-enzyme was activated at the 1% salt concentration and was inhibited above the 5% salt concentration. 3. The result of the effect of several salt ions on the proteolytic activity showed that A-enzyme was slightly inhibited in the presence of all salt ions added, B-enzyme was activated in the presence of the all salt ions except $Cu^{2+}$ and C-enzyme was activated in the presence of $Ca^{2+}$ and $Mn^{2+}$, and inhibited by $Cu^{2+}$, $Co^{2+}$ and $Mg^{2+}$. 4. When the effects of the ripening days on the proteolytic activity of the crude enzymes were analysed, the activity of the A-enzyme was slightly weakened with the lapse of the fermentation days, whereas the B-enzyme was not influenced by the fermentation days. 5. In the analysis of amino acid composition of the protein of the samples, the 8 days fermented sea cucumber entrails showed the diminution of all kinds of amino acid. Apparently diminished amino acids were arginine, alanine, glutamic acid, glycine, serine, valine, threonine and lysine etc., and methionine, histidine and isoleucine were slightly decreased. 6. In the analysis of free amino acid composition of the 8 days fermented sample, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine and lysine were rich, while histidine, methionine, proline and tyrosine were poor. The most of free amino acids were increased during the fermentation procedure and especially in lysine, histidine, threonine, glutamic acid, methionine, valine and leucine.

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Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisher (Jecheon, Korea) Extracts Obtained by various Extract Conditions (한국 제천 감초(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisher)의 추출 조건별 추출물의 항산화 및 항균 활성 평가)

  • Ha, Ji Hoon;Jeong, Yoon Ju;Seong, Joon Seob;Kim, Kyoung Mi;Kim, A Young;Fu, Min Min;Suh, Ji Young;Lee, Nan Hee;Park, Jino;Park, Soo Nam
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.361-373
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Glycyrriza uralensis Fisher (Jecheon, Korea) extracts obtained by various extraction conditions (85% ethanol, heating temperatures and times), and to establish the optimal extraction condition of G. uralensis for the application as cosmetic ingredients. The extracts obtained under different conditions were concentrated and made in the powdered (sample-1) and were the crude extract solutions without concentration (sample-2). The antioxidant effects were determined by free radical scavenging activity ($FSC_{50}$), ROS scavenging activity ($OSC_{50}$), and cellular protective effects. Antibacterial activity was determined by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) on human skin flora. DPPH free radical scavenging activity of sample-1 ($100{\mu}g/mL$) was 10% higher in group extracted for 6 h than 12 h, but sample-2 didn't show any significant differences. The extraction yield extracted with same temperature for 12 h was 2.6 times higher than 6 h, but total flavonoid content was 1.1 times higher. These results indicated that total flavonoid content hardly increased with increasing extraction time. Free radical scavenging activity, ROS scavenging activity and cellular protective effects were not dependent on the yield of extraction, but total flavonoid content of extraction. Antibacterial activity on three skin flora (S. aureus, B. subtilis, P. acnes)of sample-1 in different extraction conditions were evaluated on same concentration, and the group extracted at 25 and $40^{\circ}C$ showed 16 times higher than methyl paraben ($2,500{\mu}g/mL$). In conclusion, 85% ethanol extracts of G. uralensis extracted at $40^{\circ}C$ for 6 h showed the highest antioxidant and antibacterial activity. These results indicate that the extraction condition is important to be optimized by comprehensive evaluation of extraction yield with various conditions, yield of active component, and activity test with concentrations, and activity of 100% extract, for manufacturing process of products.

Risk Analysis of Arsenic in Rice Using by HPLC-ICP-MS (HPLC-ICP-MS를 이용한 쌀의 비소 위해도 평가)

  • An, Jae-Min;Park, Dae-Han;Hwang, Hyang-Ran;Chang, Soon-Young;Kwon, Mi-Jung;Kim, In-Sook;Kim, Ik-Ro;Lee, Hye-Min;Lim, Hyun-Ji;Park, Jae-Ok;Lee, Gwang-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.291-301
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: Rice is one of the main sources for inorganic arsenic among the consumed crops in the world population's diet. Arsenic is classified into Group 1 as it is carcinogenic for humans, according to the IARC. This study was carried out to assess dietary exposure risk of inorganic arsenic in husked rice and polished rice to the Korean population health. METHODS AND RESULTS: Total arsenic was determined using microwave device and ICP-MS. Inorganic arsenic was determined by ICP-MS coupled with HPLC system. The HPLC-ICP-MS analysis was optimized based on the limit of detection, limit of quantitation, and recovery ratio to be $0.73-1.24{\mu}g/kg$, $2.41-4.09{\mu}g/kg$, and 96.5-98.9%, respectively. The inorganic arsenic concentrations of daily exposure (included in body weight) were $4.97{\times}10^{-3}$ (${\geq}20$ years old) $-1.36{\times}10^{-2}$ (${\leq}2$ years old) ${\mu}g/kg\;b.w./day$ (PTWI 0.23-0.63%) by the husked rice, and $1.39{\times}10^{-1}$ (${\geq}20$ years old) $-3.21{\times}10^{-1}$ (${\leq}2$ years old) ${\mu}g/kg\;b.w./day$ (PTWI 6.47-15.00%) by the polished rice. CONCLUSION: The levels of overall exposure to total and inorganic arsenic by the husked and polished rice were far lower than the recommended levels of The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), indicating of little possibility of risk.

Application of Science for Interpreting Archaeological Materials(III) Characterization of Some Western Asia Glass Vessels from South Mound of Hwangnamdaechong (고고자료의 자연과학 응용(III) 황남대총(남분)의 일부 서역계 유리제품에 대한 과학적 특성 분류)

  • Kang, Hyung Tae;Cho, Nam Chul
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2008
  • Thirty six samples of Western asia glass vessel shards which were excavated from South Mound of Hwangnamdaechong were each measured for thickness, pore size and specific gravity and analyzed for ten major compositions and thirteen trace elements. The glass samples with colorless, greenish blue and dark purple blue were well classified by principal component analysis(PCA). All glass shards of Hwangnamdaechong belonged to Soda glass system ($Na_2O-CaO-SiO_2$) which have the range of 14~17% $Na_2O$ and 5~6% CaO. The corelation coefficients of (MgO, $K_2O$) and (MnO, CuO) showed above 0.90. The concentrations of thirteen trace elements apparently differentiated from colorless, greenish blue and dark blue glasses. We found that thirteen trace elements were very important indices for studying raw material of glass and the origin of glass making. Colorless glass : The specific gravity is $1.50{\pm}0.04$. Circle or oval circle pores are observed with regular direction in internal zone and the longest one is about 0.35 mm. The raw material of sodium must be the plant ash because sodium glasses contain HCLA(High CaO, Low $Al_2O_3$) and HMK(high MgO, high $K_2O$) and suggested to Sasanian glass. The total amount of coloring agent of colorless glass is below 1 % which is too small to attribute to the color. Greenish blue glass : The specific gravity is $1.58{\pm}0.04$. The fine pores which are 0.1~0.2mm are dispersed in internal zone. Sodium glasses are distributed to HCLA and HMK. Therefore the greenish blue glass also have used plant ash for raw material of sodium with the same as colorless glass. It was also suggested to the glass of Sasanian. The total amount of coloring agent of greenish blue glass is about 4% under the influence of working MnO, $Fe_2O_3$ and CuO. Dark purple blue glass : The specific gravity is $1.48{\pm}0.19$. There are rarely pores in internal zone. They are distributed to HCLA and LMK(Low MgO, Low $K_2O$) and suggested to Roman glass. The raw material of sodium is estimated to natron. The total amount of coloring agents of greenish blue is about 3% by $Fe_2O_3$ and CuO. These studies for western asia glass shards from South Mound of Hwangnamdaechong could be used in the future as the standard data which could be compared with those of other several graves in Korea and dispersed in foreign areas.

Comparison of Leaf Color and Storability of Mixed Baby Leaf Vegetables according to the Mixing Ratios of Red Romaine lettuces (Lactuca sativa), Peucedanum japoincum, and Ligularia stenocephala during MA Storage (MA저장중 혼합비율에 따른 적로메인, 갯기름나물, 그리고 곤달비 혼합 어린잎채소의 엽색과 저장성 비교)

  • Choi, In-Lee;Lee, Joo Hwan;Wang, Li-Xia;Park, Wan Geun;Kang, Ho-Min
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2021
  • This study attempted to find a way to maintain the quality of mixing baby wild leaf vegetables with existing baby leaf vegetables in various ratios. The crops for mixing baby leaf vegetables were Peucedanum japoincum Thunberg and Ligularia stenocephala, as wild vegetables, and red romaine, which is widely used in young leafy vegetables. The mixing ratio of red romaine and wild vegetables was red romaine 0: mantilla oil 5: L. stenocephala ratio 5 (R0: P5: L5), red romaine 3.3: P. japoincum 3.3: L. stenocephala ratio 3.3 (R3.3: P3.3: L3.3), red romaine 5: P. japoincum 2.5: L. stenocephala 2.5 (R5: P2.5: L2.5), red romaine 8: P. japoincum 1: L. stenocephala 1 (R8: P1: L1), red romaine 10: P. japoincum 0: L. stenocephala 0 (R10: P0: L0). All treatments were packaged in OTR (oxygen transmittance) 10,000 cc m-2·day-1·atm-1 film and stored for 27 days at 2℃/85% RH conditions. Fresh weight, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and ethylene concentrations of the baby leaf packages were examined approximately every 3 days, and visual quality, chlorophyll content, and chromaticity were examined on the 27th day of storage. The oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in the packages were affected by the respiration rate of the crop. As the mixing ratio of lettuce, which had a low respiration rate, increased, the oxygen concentration in the packages was higher and the carbon dioxide concentration was lower. Oxygen concentration decreased significantly after 15 days, but was remained above 16%, and on the contrary, carbon dioxide concentration was kept at 1-4% until the 15th, and then gradually increased to 2-5% on the 27th day. The concentration of ethylene was maintained at 3-6 µL·L-1 until the end of storage (27th day). Visual quality score measured at the end of storage was slightly less than 3.0, which is the limit of marketability of all treatments. Although there was no significant difference, the chlorophyll content (SPAD) of red romaine and P. japoincum were most similar with an initial value in R8:P1:1 treatment, and L. stenocephala was higher value in R8:P1:L1 and R5:P2.5:L2.5 treatments at the end of storage. The leaf color (L∗, a∗, b∗, chroma) of the three crops at end of storage compared with the heat map showed the least change in the R5:P2.5:L2.5 and R8:P1:L1 treatments at the end of storage. Among them, R8:P1:L1 treatment maintained the highest chlorophyll content, the second lowest ethylene concentration, and adequate carbon dioxide concentration of 2-3%. Therefore, it is judged that the mixed ratio of red romaine 8: P. japoincum 1: L. stenocephala 1 (R8: P1: L1) is most suitable for the mixed package of baby leaf vegetables of these three crops.

Analysis of Surveys to Determine the Real Prices of Ingredients used in School Foodservice (학교급식 식재료별 시장가격 조사 실태 분석)

  • Lee, Seo-Hyun;Lee, Min A;Ryoo, Jae-Yoon;Kim, Sanghyo;Kim, Soo-Youn;Lee, Hojin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.188-199
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The purpose was to identify the ingredients that are usually surveyed for assessing real prices and to present the demand for such surveys by nutrition teachers and dietitians for ingredients used by school foodservice. Methods: A survey was conducted online from December 2019 to January 2020. The survey questionnaire was distributed to 1,158 nutrition teachers and dietitians from elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide, and 439 (37.9% return rate) of the 1,158 were collected and used for data analysis. Results: The ingredients which were investigated for price realities directly by schools were industrial products in 228 schools (51.8%), fruits in 169 schools (38.4%), and specialty crops in 166 schools (37.7%). Moreover, nutrition teachers and dietitians in elementary, middle, and high schools searched in different ways for the real prices of ingredients. In elementary schools, there was a high demand for price information about grains, vegetables or root and tuber crops, special crops, fruits, eggs, fishes, and organic and locally grown ingredients by the School Foodservice Support Centers. Real price information about meats, industrial products, and pickled processed products were sought from the external specialized institutions. In addition, nutrition teachers and dietitians in middle and high schools wanted to obtain prices of all of the ingredients from the Offices of Education or the District Office of Education. Conclusions: Schools want to efficiently use the time or money spent on research for the real prices of ingredients through reputable organizations or to co-work with other nutrition teachers and dietitians. The results of this study will be useful in understanding the current status of the surveys carried out to determine the real price information for ingredients used by the school foodservice.