• 제목/요약/키워드: 논블라인드 디컨볼루션

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.015초

비파괴검사를 위한 검출기 이동 방법과 논블라인드 디컨볼루션 순차 적용에 따른 이미지 해상도 증가 연구 (A Study on Image Resolution Increase According to Sequential Apply Detector Motion Method and Non-Blind Deconvolution for Nondestructive Inspection)

  • 소경재;김병수;엄원영;이대희
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.609-617
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    • 2020
  • Non-destructive inspection using X-rays is used as a method to check the inside of products. In order to accurately inspect, a X-ray image requires a higher spatial resolution. However, the reduction in pixel size of the X-ray detector, which determines the spatial resolution, is time-consuming and expensive. In this regard, a DMM has been proposed to obtain an improved spatial resolution using the same X-ray detector. However, this has a limitation that the motion blur phenomenon, which is a decrease in spatial resolution. In this paper, motion blur was removed by applying Non-Blind Deconvolution to the DMM image, and the increase in spatial resolution was confirmed. DMM and Non-Blind Deconvolution were sequentially applied to X-ray images, confirming 62 % MTF value by an additional 29 % over 33 % of DMM only. In addition, SSIM and PSNR were compared to confirm the similarity to the 1/2 pixel detector image through 0.68 and 33.21 dB, respectively.