• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노동의 질

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근골격계 질환 예방을 위한 시스템적 접근과 추진전략

  • 정은교
    • Bulletin of the Korean Institute for Industrial Safety
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2003
  • 최근 산업사회의 급속한 환경변화는 근로자의 상병구조에서도 나타나 작업이 단순반복화 되며 다양한 작업공구를 반복적으로 사용하게 되어 작업속도와 작업량이 많아지고 운동부족으로 인한 근력의 약화 등에 의해서 근골격계질환이 급속히 증가하고 있다. 이로 인한 근로자의 삶의 질은 물론 결근에 의한 노동력 손실, 제품불량 증가, 산재보상비용 지출증가 등으로 성장을 둔화시키고 사회$.$경제적으로 문제의 심각성을 더해주고 있다. 최근 노동부가 발표한 산업재해통계를 보면 2002년도 산업재해 중 업무상질병자는 5,417명으로 전년대비 136명 감소하였으나, 이중 직업성 근골격계질 환자(신체부담작업 및 요통)는 1,827명으로 전년대비 193명(11.8%) 증가한 것으로 나타났고, 그 발생양상이 집단적이라는 특성을 갖고 있다. 이처럼 직업성 근골격계질환의 업무상 질병에서 차지하는 비율이 증가추세에 있고 대부분의 선진국에서도 과거에는 각종 화학물질에 의한 직업병이 상위를 차지해 오다가 근래에는 동 질환이 업무상질병의 상당부분 이상으로 차지하고 있다. 미국의 경우 1998년 한해동안 253,300건(64.2%) 발생하였고 이 가운데 자동차 관련업종이 가장 많은 비율을 점유하고 있다.(중략)

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RFID Tag System Based Combination Management System for Ubiquitous Campus (RFID태그 시스템에 기반한 U-캠퍼스를 위한 통합관리시스템)

  • Kam, Myeong-Kon;Kim, Myoung-Hee;Nam, In-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.838-840
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    • 2005
  • 그동안 업무 전산화 차원에서 정보화를 추진해 오던 대학들이 최근 디지털 캠퍼스 구축의 일환으로 온라인 학사행정 시스템, 모바일 캠퍼스, 전자도서관 등을 잇따라 선보이며 정보화 영역을 넓히고 있다. 이러한 유비쿼터스의 대열에서 핵심기술로 전파식별(RFID, Radio Frequency IDentification)과 함께 U-센서네트워크가 두각을 나타내고 있다. 본 논문에서는 현재 두각을 나타내고 있는 RFID태그 시스템을 기반으로 ERP를 도입한 행정업무의 통합시스템 구축 및 디지털 도서관 시스템, 다양한 서비스 제공이 가능한 스마트카드 시스템 등 U-캠퍼스 구축을 위한 통합관리시스템 모텔을 제안하고자 한다. 통합관리시스템은 교육기관의 노동집약적이던 시스템에서 벗어나 투명하고 효율적인 행정관리와 원스톱 서비스 제공을 통해 보다 질 높은 교육환경을 제공할 수 있으며 사용자는 요구와 환경에 맞는 개인화$\cdot$지식화된 지능형 교육 서비스를 받을 수 있다.

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Quality of Life of Poor Women - Focused on the Discretionary Time (재량시간(discretionary time)을 중심으로 본 빈곤여성의 삶의 질)

  • Noh, Hye-jin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.61-87
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    • 2013
  • The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the quality of life of poor women. This study utilized data combined KLIPS with Time Use Survey for an analysis and analyzed time at the intersection of the class and gender. With discretionary time as center, this study investigated poverty status from the quality of life. And in order to make comparison more clearly, object was classified into 4 groups; non-poor male, poor male, non-poor female and poor female. Study results are as follows; First of all, poor women had the shortest discretionary time among all the groups and also had highest poverty rate of living quality. And this study found that deprivation of non-poor female headed householder is serious. Second, analysis of inequality level between and within groups through Theil index indicated that gender influence in poor strata was 3 times higher than that of non-poor strata. This study found that poor women experienced mixed exclusion at the point where gender and class crossed. And this study also has a meaning that an empirical analysis was conducted through above matters on secondary poverty and hidden poverty of poor women which existing researches were unable to discover.

Growth in the Service Sector and Its Policy Implication (서비스부문(部門) 성장(成長)과 정책방향(政策方向))

  • Kim, Ji-hong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.73-96
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    • 1992
  • Korean economy has experienced rapid expansion of the service sector at the expense of the manufacturing sector since 1988, which was caused by the wage increase and the appreciation of Won. The government worried about the deindustrialization and the erosion of the international competitiveness, and various measures were taken to enduce labor force into the manufacturing sector. However, this article argues that the expansion of the service sector is inevitable phenomenon in the process of economic development, and the balanced industrial policies are desirable. In addition, the Uruguay Round Service Negotiations require liberalization of the service market and internationalization of the service industries.

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A Study on the Police Use of Annul Leaves and Recommendations for Leaves (경찰공무원의 연가 사용 실태 및 권장방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Hye-Rim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.264-270
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    • 2016
  • This study examined how the police officers use their annual leaves. While Korean police officers have burdens of heavy workload exceeding their regular office hours, they are passive to get leaves to keep in shape from long hours of work, to maintain the appropriate level of work productivity, and to secure time for leisure and cultural activities. It appeared that most of the police officers surveyed haven't used their annual leaves for less than half of the days designated by law. It also appeared tat female officers used more leaves than male officers, and married officers than single ones. Considering the characteristics of work environment, it showed that officers doing shift work had less days of leaves than officers in non-shift work. The reasons why the police take leaves passively lie on various factors that heavy workload, work-oriented life, work-oriented police organizational culture preceding family and so forth. Therefore, it needed to supplement the personnels to meet the needs of overwhelming workload of the police and to allocate the work properly in advance. In addition, it needed to raise the awareness of the police managers and proliferation of organizational culture to place emphasis on balance between work and family.

The Analysis of Economic Effects of the Kimchi Industry (김치산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Park, Jin-Hee;Kim, Soon-Ja;Bae, Ki-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.358-368
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    • 2016
  • The kimchi industry is a high value-added industry, boosts the self-esteem of the people as a measure of a country's culture industry, and is one of the strategic industries to be fostered. However, the kimchi industry is struggling due to the lack of national consensus on the importance and value of the kimchi industry. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze how much the kimchi industry contributes to the national economy by measuring economic effects of the kimchi industry on national economy. To achieve this purpose, the study used the kimchi industry Input-Output Table of year 2013 of korea. The results shows that kimchi industry induce 510,013 billion won of national production, especially the retail trade distribution industry shows that production inducement coefficient is 1.8418(row), 1.1760(column), Index of the power of dispersion is 0.9611, index of the sensitivity of dispersion is 0.6136, income inducement coefficient is 0.1820, tax inducement coefficient is 0.0084 and employment inducement coefficient is 0.003. With the help of information technology.

The Analysis of the Relationship between Childbirth, Private Education Spending and Household Income (자녀출산 및 사교육비의 가구소득과의 관계분석)

  • Song, Heonjae;Shin, Woori
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we describe the economic model of Becker's demand for child and examine whether the number of children and spending on private education in Korea can be explained by this model. The results show that household income has no significant effect on the number of children but has a significant positive effect on the spending on private education per child. These results suggest that the low fertility rate in Korea may increase the demand of parents for the quality of their children due to the increase of household income. And the higher the household income, the parents' education level and the child's age, the higher the spending on private education per child. These results show that there is a possibility of education and wealth transfer between parents and children through educational investment.

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First and Second Korean Working Conditions Survey: A Comparison between South Korea and EU Countries (제1, 2차 한국근로환경조사: 한국과 EU회원국의 비교)

  • Kim, Young Sun;Cho, Hm Hak
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: In this study, I am going to figure out Korean workers' actual exposure to risk factors and percentage of the workers who complain of health problems by performing a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the workers and working conditions in Korea and EU. Methods: The data used in this study includes the $1^{st}$ working conditions survey conducted in 2006 in Korea, the $2^{nd}$ working conditions survey in 2010, the $4^{th}$ EU working conditions survey, and the $5^{th}$ EU working conditions survey. I have compared the changes to Korean working conditions and those to EU working conditions in the categories of demographic characteristics, quality of labor, exposure to risk factors, and health problems included in the data. Results: The analysis of the characteristics of the demographic characters of Korean workers shows that aged and female workers register increased labor force participation. The analysis of labor quality shows that Korea has a long working time but with a lower work intensity compared to the countries included in EU working conditions survey. As for risk factors, Korea registers a low level of exposure as compared to countries included in EU working conditions survey and characteristically shows a decreasing exposure to tobacco smoke. The survey shows sharply increasing complaints of muscle pain in the upper and lower limbs. Conclusion: In this study, I have identified vulnerable social groups by using quantified values in a comparison of the working conditions of Korea and those of EU.

The effect of Korean Employment Protection Legislation on Eliminating Discrimination on Non-Regular workers (비정규직 보호법의 차별 시정 효과)

  • Ko, Hyejin
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.125-161
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    • 2018
  • This article aims to investigate the impact of Korean employment protection legislation that has implemented since 2007 on eliminating discrimination on non-regular worker's wage and social security. It is used the panel Tobit model reflecting the variation of implementation time according to the size of establishments. Although the employment protection laws for non-regular workers have implemented, the wage gap and discrimination in social security for non-regular workers have continued. Of course, the discrepancies on wage and social security were founded not only between regular and non-regular workers but also within non-regular workers. For reducing the discriminations, this study proposes to restrict the reason for justifying discrimination, and the introduction of a new approach to accessing the discrimination and complimentary credit system. Besides, this study suggests to actively review the strengthening of regulations on the use of non-regular workers.

Double poverty of time and income (시간과 소득의 이중빈곤)

  • Noh, Hye-jin;Kim, Kyo-seong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.159-187
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    • 2010
  • The main purpose of this paper is to attempt an alternative measurement and analysis of poverty considering income as well as time in order to present an effective antipoverty policy. Based on Korea Welfare Panel Study (2005), the income poverty, time poverty, and double poverty of household in which householders were under 60 years were measured. Moreover this paper found that households experiencing the time poverty might be faced with additional income poverty because of the necessity to purchase care services in the market to compensate for the time. As a result of the analysis, income poverty rate is 9.5%, time poverty rate is 15.7%, and time-adjusted income poverty rate is 10.8%. And low-educated single parents with young children are more likely to experienced income as well as time poverty. Therefore, this paper proved that the 'welfare to work' policy without considering situations in household could be faced with the limit. Furthermore, this paper suggests that social welfare policy should aim at minimizing the tradeoffs among different works and activities, and then support to improve the quality of life.