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Effect of Non-contact Korean Medical Treatment for Patients Recovering at Home with Positive Coronavirus Disease 2019 Diagnostic Test Results at a Local Public Health Center: A Retrospective Chart Review (지역 보건소에서 시행한 코로나 바이러스 감염증-19 진단 검사상 양성인 재택치료 환자의 비대면 한의진료 효과: 후향적 차트 리뷰)

  • Jeon, Chaeheun;Choi, Daejun;Kim, Gyeongmuk;Kim, Hyejin;Leem, Jungtae;Chi, Gyoo-yong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 2022
  • Due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, appropriate management of sequelae and treatment of infectious symptoms became increasingly important healthcare issues. Although the practice guidelines and treatment cases based on the East Asian traditional medicine have been reported, there are rare studies on the use of Korean medicine in Korea. Therefore, this study aimed to present the progress of non-contact Korean medical treatment for infected patients at a local public health center using retrospective chart review. A total of 18 patients were prescribed with 5 days of herbal decoction and medicine extract covered by the national health insurance. With the questionnaire form, the progression and improvement of symptoms before and after treatment were evaluated using the numerical rating scale (NRS), and the treatment satisfaction and opinions were obtained. The symptoms such as cough (5.56±2.23 to 2.89±2.14), sputum (6.11±1,75 to 3.28±2.47), sore throat (6.06±2.70 to 1.47±1.62), anorexia (5.56±2.63 to 1.94±2.21), nausea (3.75±1.71 to 1.17±1.11), diarrhea (3.40±2.63 to 1.50±1.51), chest tightness (4.93±2.46 to 2.29±2.30) and fatigue (6.44±1.79 to 2.67±1.88) all improved according to the NRS, and the satisfaction with herbal medicine treatment on a 5-point Likert scale was 4.24±0.90. No side effects and adverse reactions were reported. Thereupon non-contact Korean medical treatment can be concluded that it effectively reduces the COVID-19 infection mild symptoms in restrictive extent. Since the retrospective data does not include a control group, the more confirmative data is needed by multicenter and large-scale controlled clinical study afterwards.

Comparative Study of Information Literacy Education and Librarian Teacher Evaluation Index in Teachers' Competency Development Evaluation (정보활용교육 주요 토픽과 교원능력개발평가 사서교사 평가지표 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Soo;Kim, Hea-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.455-477
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to compare and analyze librarian teacher evaluation index from evaluation of teachers' competency development with the the topics of information utilization education. To this end, LDA topic modeling was conducted by collecting papers related to information utilization education published in four major journals in the field of literature and information from 1995 to May 2022. As a result of topic modeling, it can be seen that information utilization education (T10) was the most actively discussed at 12.0% of the 20 topics, followed by library utilization classes (T2) 10.4% and user service (T3) 8.8%.On the other hand, 3.3% of reading discussion (T7), 2.9% of reading education (T19), 2.1% of manpower management (T13), and 2.1% of librarian teacher job satisfaction (T17) showed the lowest distributions 3.3%, 2.9%, 2.1%, and 2.1%, respectively. In addition, although librarian teacher's class model development (T1) and curriculum development (T20) are essential processes for collaborative classes and information utilization education, they were not reflected in the current teacher competency development evaluation index. Therefore, this study proposed that 'instructional model and curriculum development' indicator should be added on 'training and support classes' factors in the Librarian Teacher Evaluation Index in Teachers' Competency Development Evaluation for further evaluation.

Effect of Feral Peach Sugar Extracts and Gomchwi Extracts on Physicochemical Properties and Shelf-Life of Woorimatdag Chicken Marinated with Red Pepper Sauce (개복숭아 당절임액 및 곰취 추출물이 우리맛닭 고추장 양념육의 이화학적 특성 및 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yousung Jung;Dong-Jin Shin;Hye-Jin Kim;Hyo-Jin Jeong;Hee-Jeong Lee;Dongwook Kim;Aera Jang
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2023
  • This study was designed to evaluate the effects of feral peach (Prunus persica Batsch var. davidiana Max.) sugar extracts (peach extracts) and Gomchwi (Ligularia fischeri) extracts on physicochemical properties of Woorimatdag 1breast marinated with red pepper sauce during cold storage for 18 days. Experimental groups were divided into five groups; CON: marinated breast with basic red pepper sauce, GP15 and GP30: added with 15% and 30% of peach extracts into CON, respectively, GG5 and GG10: added with 5% and 10% of Gomchwi extracts into CON, respectively. Moisture and fat contents of GP30 were lower than those of CON, GG5, and GG10 (P<0.05). Cholesterol content of GP15 was similar to that of CON, while it was lower than the other treatments. GP15 and GP30 showed significantly lower pH than the others. Especially, GP30 showed significantly lower total aerobic bacteria count than other treatment on day 10. During storage, peach and Gomchwi extracts were not significantly effect on meat shear force. Overall acceptability of GP15 was higher than that of GG10 at day 10 and 15 (P<0.05). These results indicated that the treatment of peach extracts has a tendency to improve the storage stability maintaining the sensory preference of marinated Woorimatdag 1 breast compared to Gomchwi extracts. Further study would be needed to identify the specific flavor-enhancing factors of GP treatments.

A Study of the Effect Factor of Unexpected Accidents on Expressways (고속도로 돌발상황 발생 영향 요인 연구)

  • Hey Jin Kim;Young Hyuk Kong;Dong Jun Choi
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2023
  • The fatality rate of secondary accidents is seven times that of general traffic accidents. If limited to highways, one in four deaths are said to occur from secondary accidents. Unexpected situations which do not give drivers time to prepare are the cause of secondary accidents. This risk results in more fatalities on highways with high driving speeds. Existing studies have conducted research on traffic accidents and on secondary traffic accidents that occur after a primary traffic accident, without considering unexpected situations that may occur on the road. Therefore, to reduce damage and casualties caused by secondary accidents, there is a need to create a safe road environment by removing the possibility of causing accidents. This study analyzes whether the day of occurrence, time of occurrence, and radius of the curve of an unexpected situation are related to the occurrence of an unexpected situation. This study was based on data of accidents that occurred in 2022 on the Cheonan-Nonsan Expressway and the Seoul-Yangyang Expressway. The radius of the curve was calculated by dividing the section of the highway into straight, clothoid, and curved sections through cluster analysis. Results of the analysis indicate that the day and time of occurrence and the curve radius are associated with unexpected situations.

Is it true?: A Meta-analysis on the Efficacy of CBCA in Detecting Truths (그 말은 진실일까?: CBCA의 진실 탐지 효용성에 대한 메타분석적 고찰)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Lee, Sangmin;Hur, Taekyun;Choi, Seung-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.121-149
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    • 2021
  • Statement Validity Analysis (SVA) is utilized in criminal investigations and the court to assess the credibility of given statements. During this procedure, the criteria for Criteria-Based Content Analysis (CBCA) are used to evaluate whether statements include the characteristics reflecting actual experiences about the event in question. Various studies had been conducted on the efficacy (classification rates) of CBCA criteria, yet the consistency of the findings was not investigated. In the current study, a meta-analysis was conducted with Korean CBCA studies reported from 2004 to 2020 (a total of fourteen studies). As a result, the total score of CBCA was found to successfully discriminate truth and fabrication. A significant positive (+) effect size was found with four criteria (3, 4, 10, and 12), all of which are classified as cognitive criteria. However, contrary to the underlying assumption for CBCA, criterion 18, classified as one of the motivational criteria, showed a significant negative (-) effect size. Meanwhile, moderator analyses were possible for eleven criteria (2~9, 12, 13, 15) and the results showed the significant effects of potential moderator variables such as the gender and status of the participants, study types and designs, number of raters, and publication status. The current results suggests that more careful attention is required to each criterion-especially the cognitive criteria-rather than the total CBCA score as well as the possible moderator effects in order to assess truthfulness of the statements. The implication, limitations, and suggestions for future studies were discussed.

A Comparative Analysis on the Relationship between Health Eating Habits and Health Functional Food Attitudes and Mood Conditions between University Students and the Elderly (대학생과 노인의 건강 식습관 및 건강기능식품에 대한 태도와 기분 상태의 관계에 대한 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Heung-Tae;Han, Taek-Gu;Yu, Ji-Heon;Hwang, Hye-young;Kim, Hye-Jin;Seo, Soo-Jin;Kim, Hyun-Kyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.595-604
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    • 2022
  • It is necessary to pay attention to healthy eating habits and attitudes toward health functional foods at a time when the incidence of diseases increases exponentially due to side effects of westernized eating habits. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of healthy eating habits and attitudes toward health functional foods on mood states of college students and the elderly. As a result of the analysis, in the elderly, the explanatory power for vitality emotion was lower than that of college students, and only healthy eating habits were factors that significantly explained. For anxiety-depression, it was found that health eating habits could explain the decrease in anxiety-depression emotions even less only in the elderly, and for anger emotions, neither college students nor the elderly showed significant explanatory power. This suggests that it is necessary to further research and analyze the experimental and practical effects based on a wider group and various emotions on how health functional foods and healthy eating habits affect emotions.

Research on the Possibility of Using Wrinkle-improving Functional Materials from Corn By-products (옥수수 부산물을 이용한 주름 개선 기능성 소재 활용 가능성 연구)

  • Hye Jin Kim;Woo Seok Choi;June Seob Lee;Ja Young Kim;Moo-Han Kim;Chang Hyeon Lee
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2023
  • In this study, to explore the possibility of using discarded by-products of corn as a wrinkle-improving functional material, the active ingredient contained in each part including kernel, cob, husk, and silk of 10 varieties of chodang and waxy corn was identified and the content was analyzed to suggest the possibility of corn by-products as upcycling materials. As a result of evaluating the collagen synthesis efficacy of extracts by part, the cob in chodang and waxy corns showed significant activity at 100 ㎍/mL concentration of 176.5 and 140.0%, respectively. The LC-MS/MS qualitative analysis resulted in the identification of 18 components in the cob, of which N, N'-diferuloylputrescine (DFP) was selected as an active ingredient, and the quantitative analysis was conducted by variety and part. As a result, DFP was confirmed only in the cob and kernel, and it was most frequently detected in the cob of the Goldsugar of chodang corn (39.6 ㎍/g) and Daehakchal of waxy corn (38.4 ㎍/g). The cob is a by-product left over from grain removal, and is expected to create new added value as a material that promotes collagen synthesis. Through this study, we propose the possibility of using discarded cob as a wrinkle-improving functional material.

Breeding of New Ever-bearing Strawberry 'Muha' for Summer Culture (여름재배용 사계성 딸기 '무하' 육성)

  • Lee, Jong Nam;Kim, Hye Jin;Choi, Mi Ja;Kim, Ki Deog;Suh, Jong Taek;Kweon, Ki Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.178-182
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    • 2019
  • 'Muha' is a new strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cultivar, which was released by the Highland Agriculture Research Institute in 2015. The 'Muha' cultivar originated from a cross between 'Maehyang' and 'Selva' that showed excellent ever-bearing characteristics, including continuous flowering habit and high soluble-solid content under long-day and high temperature conditions in 2010. This cultivar was initially named 'Saebong No. 7' after examining its characteristics and productivity in summer culture from 2011 to 2014. After regional adaptability tests in 2015, 'Muha' was selected from Saebong No. 7 as an elite cultivar. The general characteristics of 'Muha' include semispreading type, elliptical leaf, and strength vigor in growth. The fruits are conical in shape, red in color. 'Muha' plants have 18.7 flower clusters, 8.7 more than 'Flamenco' plants. The fruit hardness of 'Muha' and Flamenco' was about the same. The number of fruits of 'Muha' was 37.2, which was 20 higher than that of 'Flamenco'. The marketable yield was 23,981 kg·ha-1, 159% higher than 'Flamenco'. 'Muha' is suitable for north and highland area of the Southeast Asia as a high hardness and yield cultivar, because it showed continuous flowering habit under long-day and high temperature conditions.

Synthesis and Properties of Coating Agents for Automobile Parts Using Water-born Polyurethane, Polysiloxane, and UHMWPP Powder (수분산 폴리우레탄, 폴리실록산, UHMWPP 분말을 이용하여 제조한 자동차 부품용 코팅제 합성 및 물성 연구)

  • Yong-Sung Kim;Sung-Jin Park;Young-hwan Kim;Hyejin Kim;Choong-Sun Lim;Bong-kuk Seo
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 2023
  • For automotive coating agents that require little change in characteristics due to changes in external temperature, changes in noise characteristics due to changes in the external environment are very important. Therefore, soft polyurethane with excellent cold resistance, weather resistance, and abrasion resistance, and polysiloxane whose -OH terminated and side chains are modified with amines, are widely used. In this study, coating agents was prepared by adding water-born polyurethane, polysiloxane, ultra high molecular weight polypropylene (UHMWPP) powder, carbon black, and a matting agent to determine the effect of each resin component on noise. To study the effect of each resin component on noise, a coating agent was prepared by adding water-born polyurethane, polysiloxane, UHMWPP powder, carbon black, and a matting agent. The hard/soft segment ratio of water-born polyurethane, the main component of the coating, was 27.1%/72.9%, and the ratio of amino siloxanes to hydroxy-terminated polysiloxane was 2:7, which produced the least noise. The difference in friction coefficient was large when the friction body moves at high speed. When UHMWPP powder replaced SiO2, noise decreased and gloss also decreased.

The Impact of Nomad Physical Activity Through Online Videos of Active Seniors on Physical Self-Perception and Successful Aging (엑티브시니어의 온라인 동영상을 통한 노마드 체육활동이 신체적자기지각과 성공적 노화에 미치는 영향)

  • Hye-young Hwang;Soo-Jin Seo;Hyun-Kyoung Kim;Hey-Jin Kim;Heung-Tae Kim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to provide academic basic data by identifying the effects of active seniors' online video physical activity on physical self-perception and successful aging. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 10 active seniors in D city were selected, and after receiving consent to participate in online video physical activity, it was divided into pre and post, and from March 14 to April 22, 2022, Kakao Talk group chat was opened to watch online physical activity videos during the 12th session, download 2 videos a week, and exercise from Monday to Friday. To solve the research problem, frequency analysis and paired t-test were conducted using the SPSS Ver20.0 statistical program. As a result, first, as a result of analyzing the pre- and post-tests of physical self-perception through physical activity of active seniors, all of face satisfaction, body satisfaction, change in physical strength, and change in disease increased on average. Second, as a result of pre- and post-analysis of active seniors' successful aging through physical activity, acceptance of others, orientation toward self-fulfillment, self-acceptance, and satisfaction with children increased, but autonomous life and active participation in life decreased. Through these results, in the COVID-19 period, when activities were restricted due to social distancing, active seniors' online video physical activity has a positive effect on physical self-perception and successful aging, and various programs that can be active on their own should be developed in the future.