• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기하학적위치

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Program Development to Evaluate Permeability Tensor of Fractured Media Using Borehole Televiewer and BIPS Images and an Assessment of Feasibility of the Program on Field Sites (시추공 텔리뷰어 및 BIPS의 영상자료 해석을 통한 파쇄매질의 투수율텐서 계산 프로그램 개발 및 현장 적용성 평가)

  • 구민호;이동우;원경식
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.187-206
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    • 1999
  • A computer program to numerically predict the permeability tensor of fractured rocks is developed using information on discontinuities which Borehole Televiewer and Borehole Image Processing System (BIPS) provide. It uses orientation and thickness of a large number of discontinuities as input data, and calculates relative values of the 9 elements consisting of the permeability tensor by the formulation based on the EPM model, which regards a fractured rock as a homogeneous, anisotropic porous medium. In order to assess feasibility of the program on field sites, the numerically calculated tensor was obtained using BIPS logs and compared to the results of pumping test conducted in the boreholes of the study area. The degree of horizontal anisotropy and the direction of maximum horizontal permeability are 2.8 and $N77^{\circ}CE$, respectively, determined from the pumping test data, while 3.0 and $N63^{\circ}CE$ from the numerical analysis by the developed program. Disagreement between two analyses, especially for the principal direction of anisotropy, seems to be caused by problems in analyzing the pumping test data, in applicability of the EPM model and the cubic law, and in simplified relationship between the crack size and aperture. Aside from these problems, consideration of hydraulic parameters characterizing roughness of cracks and infilling materials seems to be required to improve feasibility of the proposed program. Three-dimensional assessment of its feasibility on field sites can be accomplished by conducting a series of cross-hole packer tests consisting of an injecting well and a monitoring well at close distance.

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Mössbauer Studies of Changed Interaction on Cr Ions in Chromite (Chromite 물질의 자기상호작용에 관한 뫼스바우어 분광연구)

  • Choi, Kang-Ryong;Kim, Chul-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2007
  • [ $ZnCr_2O_4$ ] shows geometrically frustrated magnet. Recently, $CoCr_2O_4$ has been investigated for multiferroic property and dielectric anomalies by spin-current model. Polycrystalline $CoCr_2O_4$ and $CoCrFeO_4$ compounds was prepared by wet-chemical process. Crystallographic and magnetic properties of $CoCr_2O_4$ and $CoCrFeO_4$ were investigate by using the x-ray diffractometer(XRD), vibrating sample magnetometer(VSM), superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer(SQUID), and $M\"{o}ssbauer$ spectroscopy. The crystal structure was found to be single-phase cubic spinel with space group of Fd3m. The lattice constants of $CoCr_2O_4$ and $CoCrFeO_4$ $a_0$ were determined to be 8.340 and 8.377 ${\AA}$, respectively. The ferrimagnetic transition temperature for the both samples were observed at 97 K and 320 K. The $M\"{o}ssbauer$ absorption spectra at 4.2 K show that the well developed two sextets are superposed with small difference of hyperfine field($H_{hf1}=507\;and\;H_{hf2}=492\;kOe$). Isomer shift values($\delta$) of the two sextets are found to be 0.33 and 0.34 mm/s relative to the Fe metal, respectively, which are consistent with the high spin $Fe^{3+}$ charge state.

Developmental Aspects of Hongcheon Fe-REE Ore Body (홍천 철-희토류광체의 발달양상)

  • Lee, Han Yeang;Ryoo, Chung Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.397-403
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    • 2012
  • Fe-REE deposits occurred in Jaeunri, Hongcheon formed by carbonatitic melts consist of 3 parts such as northern, middle and southern ore bodies showing discontinuous distribution, and extension shape of ore bodies can be figured through field survey and geometric analysis. Foliations in gneiss around northern and middle ore bodies represent NNE, whereas toward south its direction changes gradually from NE to ENE and finally N-S direction appears in southern ore body. From Jaeungyo to Saemaeulgyo geometric analysis from field work gives that fold shape in this area is open synclinal fold concavely and gently to NW with $45^{\circ}$ northwestward plunging axis, in contrast small scale anticline with $45^{\circ}$ northwestward plunging axis in Yagsooteo area near western part of Saemaeulgyo. Dragging effect could be occurred on these folds by WNW trending dextral strike-slip fault from Yagsooteo to Saemaeulgyo. New ore body can be confirmed from folding structure estimated by trend of foliation, and thus unidentified ore body may be exist under alluvial surface from middle to southern ore body and its distribution could show reversed "ㄱ", one of Korean consonants, considering with estimated strike and dip of foliations. This estimated extension of ore body figured out by structural analysis in the studied area works an important role for measuring of ore reserve and selecting of drilling site to find new ore body.

New Fiduciary Plate and Orientation Marker for High Energy Radiation Therapy (고에너지 방사선치료의 정도관리를 위한 Fiduciary Plate 및 Orientation Marker의 개발)

  • Wu Hong-Gyun;Huh Sun Nyung;Kim Hak Jae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : A new fiduciary plate and orientation marker have been devised to assist the quality assurance (QA) procedures for port films in radiation therapy department. The plate is used in conjunction with the film/cassette combination during weekly QA procedures, at Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), in order to verify treatment fields in high radiation therapy. Materials and Methods : A new fiduciary plate was fabricated using an acrylic plate, cerrobend, standard blocking tray and mercury. The acrylic plate had the dimension of $1{\times}25{\times}25$ cm, with two fiduciary markers. The plate was rigidly attached onto the standard blocking tray, thus making it easier to set the fiduciary plate to the center on the radiation field on the linear accelerator. The plate had two 2-mm vertical and horizontal lines, with the minor scales in 2-cm steps. The orientation marker was a small mercury filled disk, which was inserted into the plate. Results : The geometrical structure of the lines in the plate makes it easier to correlate two different images between the simulation and port films. The marker clearly indicated the orientation of the film, for example, the anterior, posterior, left, right and various oblique orientations, without the placement of a conventional orientation marker. Also, the new orientation marker could easily be applied to the simulator by placing the small orientation marker onto the image intensifier or in front of the film/cassette holder. Conclusions : The new fiduciary plate appears to be useful in verifying the treatment fields, and the new orientation marker makes the film orientation simple, which is expected to lower the block fabrication errors.

Geomorphological Processes of Yuga Alluvial Fan in Korea (유가 선상지의 지형 형성과정)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul;Cho, Young Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.204-217
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    • 2013
  • This study shows the geomorphological processes of Yuga alluvial fan at Dalseong-gun, Daegu in Korea, based on characteristics of geomorphological surfaces, analysis of geomorphological deposits and OSL age dating. Alluvial fans of this area are classified into three surfaces(YG-F1, YG-F2, YG-F3) and were formed by the depositional processes resulting from the changes in hydraulic geometry of flowing water which was a stream flowing out of mountains debouched on to a plain, not by a sudden decrease in surface gradient of river bed. YG-F3 surface, about 110,000 yr B.P.(MIS 5.4), was formed as Yongri river deposited a lot of debris. This result was due to the process that the deposition took place actively with the upward of base level as the last interglacial period began. Later, the denudation of the river valley and geomorphological surface constantly occurred and the local and seasonal changes were found in precipitation and stream discharge with the beginning of the interstadial of the last glacial stages(MIS 3), leading to YG-F2 formed by debris flow, earth flow, mud flow and stream flow. Then, short-term climate changes and temporal climate events repeatedly caused aggradation and denudation over time and going through these processes, YG-F1 is believed to have been made by earth flow or mudflow during the last glacial maximum(MIS 2).

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Simulating the Availability of Integrated GNSS Positioning in Dense Urban Areas (통합 GNSS 환경에서 도시공간 위성측위의 가용성 평가 시뮬레이션)

  • Suh, Yong-Cheol;Lee, Yang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes the availability of the forthcoming integrated GNSS(Global Navigation Positioning System) positioning that includes GPS(Global Positioning System), Galileo, and QZSS(Quasi-Zenith Satellites System). We built a signal propagation model that identifies direct, multipath, and diffraction signals, using the principles of specular reflection and ray tracing technique. The signal propagation model was combined with 3D GIS(three-dimensional geographic information system) in order to measure the satellite visibility and positioning error factors, such as the number of visible satellites, average elevation of visible satellites, optimized DOP(dilution of position) values, and the portion of multipath-producing satellites. Since Galileo and QZSS will not be fully operational until 2010, we used a simulation in comparing GPS and GNSS positioning for a $1km{\times}1km$ developed area in Shinjuku, Tokyo. To account for local terrain variation. we divided the target area into 40,000 $5m{\times}5m$ grid cells. The number of visible satellites and that of multipath-free satellites will be greatly increased in the integrated GNSS environment while the average elevation of visible satellites will be higher in the GPS positioning. Much decreased PDOP(position dilution of precision) values indicate the appropriate satellite/user geometry of the integrated GNSS; however, in dense urban areas, multipath mitigation will be more important than the satellite/user geometry. Thus, the efforts for applying current technologies of multipath mitigation to the future GNSS environment will be necessary.

A Study on Geoid Model Development Method in Philipphines (필리핀 지오이드모델의 개발방안 연구)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Pena, Bonifasio Dela
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 2009
  • If a country has her geoid model, it could be determine accurate orthometric height because the geoid model could provide continuous equi-gravity potential surface. And it is possible to improve the coordinates accuracy of national control points through geodetic network adjustment considering geoidal heights. This study aims to find the best way to develop geoid model in Philippines which have similar topographic conditions as like Malaysia and Indonesia in Eastsouth asia. So, in this study, it is surveyed the general theories of geoid determination and development cases of geoid model in Asia and it is computed that the geoidal heights and gravity anomalies by spherical harmonic analysis using EGM2008, the latest earth geopotential model. The results show that first, the development of gravimetric geoid model based on airborne gravimetry is needed and second, about 200 GPS surveying data at national benchmark is needed. It is concluded that it is the most reasonable way to develop the hybrid geoid model through fitting geometric geoid by GPS/leveling data to gravimetric geoid. Also, it is proposed that four band spherical Fast fourier transformation(FFT) method for evaluation of Stokes integration and remove and restore technique using EGM2008 and SRTM for calculation of gravimetric geoid model and least square collocation algorithm for calculation of hybrid geoid model.

Analysis of Rock Slope Behavior Utilizing the Maximum Dip Vector of Discontinuity Plane (불연속면의 최대경사벡터를 활용한 사면거동해석)

  • Cho, Taechin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.332-345
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    • 2019
  • Maximum dip vector of individual joint plane, which can be uniquely defined on the hemispherical projection plane, has been established by considering its dip and dip direction. A new stereographic projection method for the rock slope analysis which employs the maximum dip vector can intuitively predict the failure modes of rock slope. Since the maximum dip vector is uniquely projected on the maximum dip point of the great circle, the sliding direction of discontinuity plane can be recognized directly. By utilizing the maximum dip vector of discontinuity both the plane sliding and toppling directions of corresponding blocks can be discerned intuitively. Especially, by allocating the area of high dip maximum dip vector which can form the flanks of sliding block the potentiality for the formation of virtual sliding block has been estimated. Also, the potentiality of forming the triangular-sectioned sliding block has been determined by considering the dip angle of joint plane the dip direction of which is nearly opposite to that of the slope face. Safety factors of the different-shaped blocks of triangular section has been estimated and compared to the safety factor of the most hazardous block of rectangular section. For the wedge analysis the direction of crossline of two intersecting joint planes, which has same attribute of the maximum dip vector, is used so that wedge failures zone can be superimposed on the stereographic projection surface in which plane and toppling failure areas are already lineated. In addition the maximum dip vector zone of wedge top face has been delineated to extract the wedge top face-forming joint planes the orientation of which provides the vital information for the analysis of mechanical behavior of wedge block.

Development of the Railway Abrasion Measurement System using Camera Model and Perspective Transformation (카메라 모델과 투시 변환에 의한 레일 마모도 측정 시스템 개발)

  • Ahn, Sung-Hyuk;Kang, Dong-Eun;Moon, Hyoung-Deuk;Park, So-Yeon;Kim, Man-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.11b
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    • pp.1069-1077
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    • 2008
  • The railway abrasion measurement system have to satisfy two conditions to increase the measurement accuracy as follows. The laser region which is projected on the rail have to be extracted without the geometrical distortion. The mapping of the acquired laser region data on the rail profile have to be processed exactly. But, the conventional railway abrasion measurement system is deeply effected by the foreign substance( dust, rainwater, and so on ) on the railway or the sensitive response characteristic of the laser to the external measurement circumstance, and then the measurement errors arise from above factors. When the laser region is projected on the rail extracts from the acquired image, the interference of the light with the same frequency as the laser system occurs the serious problems. In the process of the mapping between the railway profile and the extracted laser region, the measurement accuracy is very highly effected by the geometrical distortion and the abnormal variation. In this Paper, we propose the novel method to increase the accuracy of the railway abrasion measurement dramatically. we designed and manufactured the high precision and fast image processing board with DSP Core and FPGA to measure the railway abrasion. The image processing board has the capability that the image of 1024X1280 from camera can be processed with the speed of 480 frame/sec. And, we apply the image processing algorithm base on the wavelet to extract the laser region is projected on the rail exactly. Finally, we developed high precision railway abrasion measurement system with the error range less than +/-0.5mm by which 2D image data is covered 3D data and mapped on the rail profile using the camera model and the perspective transform.

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Development of Distortion Correction Technique in Tilted Image for River Surface Velocity Measurement (하천 표면영상유속 측정을 위한 경사영상 왜곡 보정 기술 개발)

  • Kim, Hee Joung;Lee, Jun Hyeong;Yoon, Byung Man;Kim, Seo Jun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2021
  • In surface image velocimetry, a wide area of a river is photographed at an angle to measure its velocity, inevitably causing image distortion. Although a distorted image can be corrected into an orthogonal image by using 2D projective coordinate transformation and considering reference points on the same plane as the water surface, this method is limited by the uncertainty of changes in the water level in the event of a flood. Therefore, in this study, we developed a tilt image correction technique that corrects distortions in oblique images without resetting the reference points while coping with changes in the water level using the geometric relationship between the coordinates of the reference points set at a high position the camera, and the vertical distance between the water surface and the camera. Furthermore, we developed a distortion correction method to verify the corrected image, wherein we conducted a full-scale river experiment to verify the reference point transformation equation and measure the surface velocity. Based on the verification results, the proposed tilt image correction method was found to be over 97% accurate, whereas the experiment result of the surface velocity differed by approximately 4% as compared to the results calculated using the proposed method, thereby indicating high accuracy. Application of the proposed method to an image-based fixed automatic discharge measurement system can improve the accuracy of discharge measurement in the event of a flood when the water level changes rapidly.