• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기초DB

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A Prediction and Distribution of Wetland Based on an E-GIS (E-GIS 기반의 습지분포 및 규모예측)

  • Jang, Yong Gu;Kim, Sang Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6D
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    • pp.1011-1017
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    • 2006
  • It is so sensitive that the wetland ecosystem very weak in artificial interference and environment change. wetlands are a transitional zone between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. This natural property is important to people and life. It is necessary to preservation and protection of the wetland with a countermeasure. we really need to Environment-GIS (E-GIS) and digital map which is included correct position, attribute data and range of the wetland. In this study, we take priority of making a database of wetland management. Moreover, we standardize a digital map production of wetland in our research and we improve accuracy of control survey using GPS surveying. The main purpose of this study is to suggest a pre-estimated wetland that have not yet been discovered. by analysing terrain, geological feature, a geographical distribution of plants and animals using GIS.

A Study on the Environmental Impact Assessment for Passive Apartment based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA에 기초한 패시브 공동주택의 친환경성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Gong, Yu-Ri;Tae, Sung-Ho;Song, Suwon;Roh, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.537-543
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    • 2014
  • As environmental matters such as Green House Effect rise, many construction industries are putting an effort on minimizing environmental impact in terms of building life cycle throughout the world. However, in South Korea, evaluating the eco-friendly building based on life cycle assessment has been facing an academic ostracism while the most studies are focusing on assessing the 6 environmental impact assessments of passive apartment based on life cycle assessment. The theoretical consideration of the life cycle assessment and environmental impact category were performed and the direction of the study was set up. Also, existing apartment and passive apartment, which had same structure and same type were chosen and building materials per unit area were compared to find out the difference environmental impact for building life cycle. As a result, passive apartment was rated as low level among the 6 environmental impacts. Also, effect of building material on passive apartment was more important than its operational stage.

Flood Risk Analysis of Waterfront in Nakdong River Basin based on Field Survey of Flood Vulnerable Area (홍수취약구간 현장조사 기반의 낙동강 유역내 친수공간 홍수위험도 분석)

  • Kim, Tae Hyung;Kim, Keuk Soo;Kim, Sam Eun;Kwak, Jae Won;Choi, Kyu Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.254-254
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    • 2016
  • 최근 4대강 살리기 사업에 의한 하천 준설과 보의 건설은 낙동강에서의 평수기와 홍수기의 수위차를 상당히 감소시켰으며 이로 인한 친수 목적으로 활용할 수 있는 공원, 캠핑장, 하상도로, 주차장 등 고수부지 공간이 다양하게 조성되면서 대국민적인 여가활동을 창출하고 있다. 이러한 하천구역 내에 조성된 친수공간은 하천 홍수로 인한 피해 위험도 또한 함께 증가함에 따라 정확한 홍수정보의 제공과 신속한 홍수예보의 발령은 증가된 홍수위험도에 대처하기 위한 필수적인 요소가 된다. 현재 홍수예보는 홍수예보지점인 수위관측소를 기준으로 발령하고 있어 실제 홍수에 취약한 구간에 대한 홍수정보를 제공하기에 어려운 것이 현실이다. 모든 홍수취약지점에서 수위관측을 통해 위험상황을 실시간으로 모니터링 하는 것이 홍수 피해에 대비하고 대응하기 위한 가장 확실한 방법이나, 예산과 인력의 문제 등으로 인해 현실적인 한계점이 존재할 수 밖에 없다. 따라서 기존의 정보를 이용하여 홍수에 신속하게 대응하기 위해, 각 친수공간이 홍수예보지점 또는 수위관측소 지점과 어떠한 연관성을 갖는지 조사할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 낙동강 유역의 취약구간에 대한 현장조사를 통해 조사구간에 대한 DB를 구축함으로써 홍수 발생시 하천변 취약구간에 효과적으로 홍수정보를 제공할 수 있는 기초자료를 확보하고자 하였다. 또한 확보된 홍수취약지구의 기초정보를 이용하여 각 친수지구가 가지는 홍수위험도를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 수위관측소 기반의 홍수취약구간 선정 기준을 정립하고, 기준에 의해 선정된 18개 수위관측소와 관련한 취약구간에 대해 현장조사를 실시하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 홍수취약구간 관리대장을 작성하였다. 연구 결과를 통해 주요 친수시설의 고도 및 좌표를 기반으로 하는 홍수위험도를 제시하였고, 이를 수위와 연계하여 홍수 발생 가능성을 제시할 수 있는 객관적인 근거를 확보할 수 있었다. 향후 이 자료는 낙동강 홍수예보에 있어 취약구간에 대한 각 수위별 지점현황과 각 지점의 홍수위험도 분석을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Vegetation Change of Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site of Abies koreana Forests in Hallasan Mountain (Yeongsil Area) (한라산(영실) 장기생태연구(LTER) 조사지 구상나무 숲 식생 변화)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2018
  • This study sought to analyze changes in the vegetation structure and species diversity indices in the Abies koreana forest in the Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain and establish basic data for Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER). The results show that the number of woody plants per 1ha has increased by 804 (45.1%) from 1,781 to 2,585 individual plants, whereas the number of live A. koreana did not change much with 796 individual plants. The number of dead tree plants, however, jumped by 807 (82.2%) from 982 to 1,789 plants. With other tree species, the number of live individual plants increased by 807 (82.2%) from 982 to 1,789 plants, whereas the number of dead plants increased by 31 from 10 to 41 individual plants. Results of the average importance index analysis show that the number of A. koreana decreased, while the number of Weigela subsessilis, Rhododendron yedoense for. poukhanense, and Magnolia sieboldii increased. The species diversity index increased by 6.7% as per the maximum level in the upper layer and by 7.2% in the lower layer, respectively. Results of the stem morphology analysis show that the number of AS type was highest with 700 individual plants among A. koreana, while their distribution by type shifted from AS>AL>DS>DB to AS>DS>AL>DB. As for other species, the AS type was most abundant with 1,580 individual plants, while their distribution by type shifted from AL>AS>AF>AB to AS>AL>AB>AD. The number of newly sprouted tree plants has increased from 420 in 2014 to 453 in 2016. Of the individual plants that were alive in 2014, 23 were found dead and 33 individual plants younger than 3 years old have been newly added to the group. The number of deaths after 2014 was highest among the 2 years olds, whereas the number of 2 years olds that sprouted in 2014 was highest among the newly sprouted tree plant group. In the A. koreana forest in Yeongsil, the density of other species was rising rapidly with the exception of the dead and live A. koreana. The occurrence of new tree plants is decreasing rapidly, thereby confirming the rapid change in the area's vegetation structure. Therefore, there is a need for continuous long-term ecological research to monitor vegetation change. It can also be used as a basic data for efficient restoration research.

A Study on the Reactivity Effect due to Expansion of Diagrid and Pad (Diagram와 Pad의 팽창에 의한 반응도 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Young In Kim;Keun Bae Oh;Kun Jong Yoo;Mann Cho
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 1984
  • With the help of the nuclear computational system for a large LMFBR (KAERI-26 group cross section library/1DX/2DB), the reactivity coefficients for the diagrid expansion and the pad expansion at the beginning of cycle of the equilibrium core of SUPER-PHENIX I are calculated and reviewed. the core is described using R-Z geometry model, and a two-dimensional multigroup diffusion theory is used. For reference cases, reactivity calculations for radial and axial uniform expansion are performed, and also calculated are reactivity variations due to changes in material density and core volume. The reactivity coefficient for the diagrid expansion is calculated to be -0.553pcm/mil. The temperature coefficient corresponding to the above value is -1.0766pcm/$^{\circ}C$ and is well in accord with the French datum of -1.09pcm/$^{\circ}C$ within 1.2% difference. With the use of 4he calculational method for the diagrid expansion effect, reactivity calculations for the pad expansion bringing about nonuniform expansion are performed, which show that the calculational method is very useful in the analysis of the pad expansion effect. The reactivity coefficients for the pad expansion are calculated to be -0.2743 pcm/mil and -0.2786pcm1mi1 for the averaged expansion model and for the integrated pancake model, respectively. Under the assumption of the free expanding core the temperature reactivity coefficients for each model are obtained to be -0.5766pcm/$^{\circ}C$ and -0.5858pcm/$^{\circ}C$, both of which agree with the French datum of -0.574pcm/$^{\circ}C$ within 2% difference.

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Implementation Method of GIS Map for 3D Liquefaction Risk Analysis (3차원 액상화 위험분석을 위한 GIS Map 구현 방안)

  • Lee, Woo-Sik;Jang, Yong Gu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the liquefaction phenomenon was first discovered in Korea due to a magnitude 5.4 earthquake that occurred in Pohang, Gyeonsangbuk-do. When liquefaction occurs, some of the water and sand are ejected to the ground, producing a space, which leads to various dangerous situations, such as ground subsidence, building collapse, and sinkhole generation. Recently, the necessity of producing a liquefaction risk map in Korea has increased to grasp potential liquefaction areas in advance. Therefore, this study examined the drilling information from the national geotechnical information DB center at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport to produce a liquefaction risk map, and developed a module to implement functions for basic data modeling and 3D analysis based on drilling information database extraction and information. Through this study, effective interlocking technology of the integrated database of national land information was obtained, and three-dimensional information was generated for each stage of liquefaction risk analysis, such as soil resistance value and a liquefaction risk map. In the future, the technology developed in this study can be used as a comprehensive decision support technology for establishing a foundation for building 3D liquefaction information and for establishing a response system of liquefaction.

Construction and Analysis of the Database System for the Forest Fire Factors (산불발생인자의 DB 구축 및 해석)

  • Park, Young Ju;Lee, Hae Pyeong;Lee, Si Young;Hwang, Me Jung
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.193-193
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 산불발생인자들에 대한 정보를 각각의 요인별로 집적화하고 체계화시킴으로써 산불예방활동의 기초자료로 활용할 뿐만 아니라 산불발생 시, 산불의 거동을 예측하기 위한 자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 발생인자는 크게 연료 및 기상조건 관련 인자와 열적특성 관련 인자로 분류하고 연료 및 기상조건 관련 인자는 수종별, 부위별, 지역별, 고도별, 월별 산림연료들의 구성 요인들에 대해서 분석하였다. 수종별로는 생강나무, 초피나무, 조록싸리, 산초, 개암, 청미래, 고추나무, 철쭉, 조릿대, 털진달래 등 관목류 10개 수종과 김의털, 방아풀, 주름조개풀, 칡, 엉겅퀴 등 초본류 5개 수종 그리고 소나무, 잣나무, 리기다소나무, 해송, 구상나무, 주목 등 6개의 침엽수 및 굴참나무, 떡갈나무, 신갈나무, 갈참나무, 졸참나무, 상수리, 산개벚나무, 고채목, 개서어나무, 굴거리나무, 서어나무, 산벚나무, 때죽나무, 당단풍나무, 단풍나무 등 15개의 활엽수로 구성된 교목류를 대상으로 분석하였다. 부위별로는 생엽, 낙엽, 가지, 수피, 솔방울 등으로 구분하여 분석을 수행했으며, 지역별 구성은 강원(삼척/태백산), 경북(응봉산), 경기(용문산), 충북(월악산), 충남(계룡산), 전북(덕유산), 전남(월출산), 부산(금정산), 제주(한라산) 등 9개 지역을 대상으로 선정하였다. 고도별로는 강원도에 소재하고 있는 태백산을 중심으로 소나무와 신갈나무 생엽을 대상으로 900m, 1000m, 1100m, 1200m, 1300m, 1400m, 1500m 고도를 선정하여 분석을 수행하였다. 월별 분석데이터는 소나무 생엽의 경우, 2008년 6월부터 2010년 11월까지 매월 분석을 수행하였으며, 굴참나무 생엽의 경우에는 2008년부터 2010년까지 매년 6월부터 10월까지 생엽을 채취할 수 있는 기간 동안 분석을 수행하였다. 또한, 열적특성 관련 인자로는 착화특성(무염착화온도, 발염착화시간, 소염시간, 화염지속시간), 발열특성(총열방출량, 평균열방출률), 발연특성(총연기방출량, 최대연기밀도, 최대밀도시간) 등을 고찰하였다. 이와 같은 결과들은 산불발생인자 DB구축으로 부터 산불발생 위험도 및 동태예측의 기본 자료로 활용할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 지역별 연료별 산림연료의 열적특성 DB로 부터 산불발생시 산불 위험도에 대한 기술정립과 응용성을 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 이외에도 산림연료 종류별 열적특성을 결과를 토대로 문화재보존지역과 같이 문화적 가치가 높은 시설이나 주유소, 가스 충전소 등의 위험 시설에 대한 효과적인 보호를 위한 대처 방안을 사전에 준비할 수 있어 산불 피해에 대한 국민의 불안감을 줄일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

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The Impact of Public Transit Accessibility on the Car-sharing Use Demand (대중교통 접근성이 카셰어링 이용수요에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Suk-Hee;LEE, Kyu-Jin
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of public transit accessibility on the Carsharing use demand. By utilizing the rental historical DB of Greencar which is operated in Suwon city and public transit GIS DB, the use demand models for Carsharing by rental offices are built and analyzed in accordance with public transit accessibility. The result indicates 73% of walking as a majority, 3% cycling, and 20% using buses and urban railways to access Carsharing rental offices. The goodness of fit of Carsharing use models reflecting accessibility to buses and railways is verified as 0.818 which proves that public transit accessibility is a significant variable. Therefore, it is verified that installing Carsharing rental offices where public transit transfer is convenient can possibly increase the use demand. Especially, while accessibility to buses is verified as a significant variable out of other public transit means, the accessibility to urban railways is verified as not significant. This suggests that a variety of complementary policies such as transfer discount policy and one-way transfer return policy are necessary in between urban railways and Carsharing in order to promote mutual use demand in accordance with the other public transit means. This study result is yet the basic research on Carsharing, however it is expected to contribute to improvement of transfer demand in between different public transit means.

Methodology to Predict Service Lives of Pavement Marking Materials (도로 차선 재료의 공용수명 예측방법)

  • Oh, Heung-Un;Lee, Hyun-Seock;Jang, Jung-Hwa;Kang, Jai-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2008
  • Performances of retroreflectivity vary place to place, according to traffic volumes and time lengths after striping, depending on pavement marking materials and colors. The present paper uses the nation wide data of retroreflectivity, which has been collected from freeways and then tries to develop the regression curve setting traffic volume and service life as independent variables and retroreflectivities as dependent variables. The DB system includes two year's measurement in $2005{\sim}2006$ over Korean freeway pavement marking at an interval of three months for the period. The mobile measurement system, a laserlux, was employed for the purpose. The DB has provided a lot of information about materials and performance of the specific pavement marking such as geometric features, traffic volumes, material characteristics and the installation date. This study provides the comparison of pavement marking performances under diversified conditions. Based on accumulated pavement marking performances, this study provides performance curves based on the diversified factors. The goal of the retroreflectivity modeling is to develop equations that can be used to estimate an average retroreflectivity of pavement markings as a function time since application and traffic volume. After representing the variation of retroreflectivities and estimating regression curves by linear, exponential, logarithmic and power function, the regression curve which had the highest coefficient of determination and the value similar to the last field measurement was regarded as the retroreflectivity decay model. As a result of verification, the decay model showed the signification within the 90% confidence level and especially showed the clear relation with field data according to increase of cumulative vehicle exposure. Accordingly, these models can be used to determine service lives, retroreflectivity degradation rates, and retroreflectivity of new markings.

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A Study on Digitalization of Military Examination(武科) Candidates (조선시대 무과 급제자 정보화 사례 연구 - 집단지성에 의한 사료의 복원 -)

  • Yang, Chang-jin
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.56
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    • pp.117-146
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    • 2014
  • A Collective intelligence as a means of creation of new knowledge is a keyword in the internet era. However, all parts of the collective intelligence is not useful. This paper examined the process of scattered historical data restoration by use of collective intelligence. and conditions for effective restoration. A restoration of historical data is the basis of research and uncovering the historical facts. In the past, some passionate researchers restored the historical data. However, its progress was slow and the amount of the restored data was not much. Moreover, the restoration itself was not easy even to verify the results. The internet made a number of researchers and the general public collaborate for restoration of historical data. Due to the collective intelligence of the internet, a possibility of historical data restoration increased. This paper examined the restoration process of the military examination roster(武科及第者) in Korean Historical Figures DB(韓國歷代人物綜合情報). The passionate users took part in the restoration in such a way to donate the old documents and inform the location of originals and articles of military examination. The results of the restoration were reliable. And this paper confirmed that passionate participants, competent and professional operators, and reliable focal point(Internet Community) should be added in order to more accurately restore the data.