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Floral Studies on Korean Wood-rotting Fungi (II) -on the flora of the Aphyllophorales(Basidiomycotina)- (한국산(韓國産) 목재부후균류(木材腐朽菌類)의 분포상(分布相)에 대한 연구(硏究) (II) -담자균류(擔子菌類) 민주름버섯목(目)의 분포(分布)에 대하여-)

  • Jung, Hack-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.62-99
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    • 1994
  • The fungal flora of Korean wood-rotting fungi were studied for two years from March of 1990 to February of 1992. Fresh fungi were collected from national parks, local areas, and islands throughout the country. Fleshy fungi of the Aphyllophorales were identified through specimen examination and literature studies. Total 217 species and 1 variety were counted, among which Aleurodiscus cerussatus, Botryobasidium obtusisporum, Ceraceomyces cystidiatus, Erythricium hypnophilum, Grandinia crustosa, Grandinia spathulata, Hyphoderma praetermissum, Hyphoderma roseocremeum, Hypochnicium bombycinum, Hypochnicium detriticum, Hypochnicium lundellii, Laeticorticium roseum, Mycoacia fuscoatra, Peniophora incarnata, Phanerochaete avellanea, Phanerochaete filamentosa, Phanerochaete martelliana, Phlebia lilascens, and Trechispora vaga under the Corticiaceae, Chondrostereum purpureum and Cystostereum subabruptum under the Stereaceae, Tomentella pilosa under the Thelephoraceae, Asterostroma laxum, Hymenochaete cruenta, Hymenochaete fuliginosa, Hymenochaete tabacina, Inonotus radiatus, and Phellinus pomaceus under the Hymenochaetaceae, Antrodia crassa, Antrodia serialis, Ceriporia reticulata, Oligoporus balsameus, Oligoporus guttulatus, Oxyporus cuneatus, Rigidoporus microporus, and Trichaptum laricinum under the Polyporaceae, total 36 species were confirmed as unrecorded species to Korea and are registered here with Korean names and English descriptions.

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A Study on Vascular Plants, Distribution Status and Management Plans of the Cactus Habitat (No. 429 Natural Monument) in Wolryung-ri, Jeju Island (제주 월령리 선인장군락지(천연기념물 제429호)의 관속식물상, 분포실태, 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Cheol-Ho;Jang, Gye-Hyun;Ryu, Tae-Bok;Choi, Byoung-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2018
  • The cactus habitat in Jeju Island has a phytogeographically specific distribution in the East Asian region, and forms a unique landscape as the only native cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) habitat in Korea. However, there has been no detailed investigation on the distribution of cacti in the habitat and no investigation on the diversity of the mixed composition of plants in the habitats and their correlation with the distribution of cactus populations. This study attempted to investigate the diversity of vascular plants in the Wollyeong-ri cactus habitat and record the actual distribution and trends of cactus distribution. In addition to the distribution characteristics of cacti, we also discuss the characteristics of species reflecting the characteristics of the habitat among the mixed population of plant species, as well as the biological and environmental factors that threaten the maintenance of cactus populations or require management for preservation of cacti. Considering the phenological character, we conducted the field surveys for flora identification six times between June 2015 and September 2017. The Engler classification system was used for the arrangement sequence and names of plants, and the Korean Plant Names Index was adopted for the Korean name of the species. The study results showed that the Wolryung-ri cactus habitat in Jeju Island has the characteristic physiognomy of an area dominated by cactus. For the vascular plants, a total of 125 taxa were identified, including 53 families, 104 genera, 109 species, 15 varieties and 1 forma. Endangered plants specified by the Ministry of Environment were not found. Two species, Cyrtomium falcatum and Asplenium incisum, were identified as the ferns, and no gymnosperms were found. In addition, 123 taxa of angiosperms, 91 taxa of dicotyledones and 32 taxa of monocotyledons were identified. The distributions of cacti were confirmed in 289 meshes corresponding to 59.3% of the total 487 meshes in the cactus protected area, which showed various coverage distributions ranging from 5% to 95%. Most of the meshes where no cacti were found are coastal areas with exposed basalt rocks where the soil depth has not developed or extremely restricted due to repeated waves, or areas where artificial facilities, grasslands, and observation paths have been constructed. On the other hand, there were 71 lattice points in 14.5% of the total area where the cactus showed 70% or higher dominance. Cacti are randomly distributed in these areas. They have adapted to the microhabitat environment and are found to be opportunistically distributed along the growable locations. Considering that the reproduction of cacti in the habitat is mostly dependent on parthenogenesis, the present distribution seems to reflect the potentially distributable regions of cacti in the habitat. Based on the results of field surveys, a management plan for conservation and protection of the protected areas has been proposed.

The Chemistry and Origin of Amphibolitic Rocks in the Sobaegsan Metamorphic Belt and the Ogbang and Sangdong Tungsten Mine Areas, Korea (소백산변성대(小白山變成帶)와 옥방(玉房) 및 상동중석광상내(上東重石鑛床內)의 각섬석질암(角閃石質岩)의 지화학(地化學) 및 성인(成因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • So, Chil-Sup;Kim, Sang-Myeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.147-164
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    • 1975
  • 19 amphibolite samples from the Precambrian Sobaegsan metamorphic belt including the Ogbang mine amphibolites were analyzed for 24 elements each, by wet chemical and emission spectroscopic methods. All the chemical data were evaluated by the methods outlined by Evans and Leake(1960) and Leake(1964) and by Shaw and Kudo(1965). The chemical similarity of all the studied rocks analyzed to basic igneous rocks is consistently indicated particularly by trace element abundance and variation trends. Petrography and oxidation ratios were also considered in attempting to determine the nature of the parent rocks. 3 analyses of W-bearing mafic metamorphic rocks from Sangdong area of the Ogcheon geosynclinal zone are also presented and discussed. Geochemical data for these latter rocks have been possibly derived from mafic tuffs deposited in an area of carbonate deposition.

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Changes of Root Yield and Paeoniflorin Content by Cultivated Years in Paeonia lactiflora PALLS (작약(芍藥) 재배년수(栽培年數)에 따른 근수량(根收量) 및 Paeoniflorin함량변화(含量變化))

  • Kim, Ki-Jae;You, Oh-Jong;Jeong, Yeun-Seon;Park, So-Deuk;Shin, Jong-Hee;Hwang, Hyung-Baek;Choi, Boo-Sull
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 1996
  • Stem length, main root length and main root diameter showed rapid increasement in two-years-old and three-years-old peony. And there after, the increasement was almost finished. Occurrence of disease was increasing every cultivated year, especially the development of leaf spot was most serious. In propagation by root dividing method, the radix yield (kg/10a) was increasing every cultivated year. However, the difference of radix yield at four and five-years-old peony were not significant. The radix yield of four-years-old peony was higher 26% than three-years-old one. As cultivated year goes by, content of paeoniflorin was increasing then the content was highest at four-years-old peony (4.06%). In 1995, the content, had no certain tendency, was highest at three-years-old peony (3.14%). At hot air drying, browing of peony radix was increasing every cultivated year. If we consider radix yield and color, three-years-old peony was proper object of harvesting.

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영양-울진지역 선캠브리아기 변성암류의 변형작용사

  • 강지훈;김남훈;박계헌;송용선;옥수석
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.84-85
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    • 2003
  • 소백산육괴의 동부에 분포하는 영양-울진지역의 선캠브리아기 변성암류는 평해층, 기성층, 원남층, 평해화강편마암, 하다우백질화강편마암 등으로 구성되어 있다(김옥준 외, 1963). 그러나, 최근 김남훈 외(2001, 2002)은 야외조사연구와 암석학적 및 지구화학적 연구를 통하여 주로 변성화산암류로 기재되었던 기성층은 변성화산암류가 아니라 평해층과 원남층에서 산출되는 화강암질편마암과 각섬암 기원의 변성암류가 연성전단변형을 받아 형성된 압쇄암 내지 초압쇄암으로 되어 있고, 기존의 기성층은 변성화산암류와 같이 성분상으로 구분되는 별개의 층이 아닌 구조적으로 만들어진 연성전단대의 중심부일 가능성을 시사한 바가 있다. 본 연구는 연성전단대의 연장성 및 연성전단대 형성과 관련된 지구조운동의 특성을 파악하고, 중첩된 변형구조들의 선후관계로부터 영양-울진지역 선캠브리아기 변성암류에 대한 변형작용사를 규명하기 위해 기성층의 분포지를 중심으로 이 지역 선캠브리아기 변성암류에 대한 상세한 야외지질조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 예천(북후면-평은면)지역을 통과하여 봉화 부근에서 동북동-서남서 방향이 동-서 방향으로 전환하여 장군봉지역까지 연장되는 것으로 알려져 있는 우수 주향 이동성 예천전단대(KIGAM, 1995; 강지훈 외 1997; 강지훈, 2000; 강지훈과 김형식, 2000)는 영양-울진지역까지 연장됨이 확인된다. 또한, 영양-울진지역의 선캠브리아기 변성암류에는 연성전단변형 이전에 적어도 한 번의 습곡작용과 이후에 적어도 두 번의 습곡작용이 인지된다. 각 변형단계별 특징적인 구조요소를 요약하면 다음과 같다. D1 변형: 편마면 내지 편리(S0)가 습곡되어 형성된 F1 습곡은 동-서 방향의 준 수평적인 습곡축을 갖는 뿌리 없는 등사습곡 형태로 인지된다. 양 날개부의 S0 엽리는 F1 습곡축면(S1)으로 완전히 전위된 하나의 엽리(S0-1)로 나타나고, S0-1 엽리는 이 지역의 광역엽리로 인지된다. S0-1 광역엽리는 구성암류의 대상 분포 방향과 유사한 서북서 주향에 북쪽으로 중각 경사하는 집중된 방향성을 보이며 분산되어 나타난다. D2 변형: 변형구조로는 신장선구조, 압쇄구조면, 비대칭습곡 등으로 인지된다. 신장선구조는 S0-1 엽리면상에서 주로 신장된 석영(집합체)과 장석(집합체)들의 정향배열에 의해 정의되고, S0-1 엽리의 주향 방향으로 저각으로 침강하는 집중된 방향성을 보이며 분산되어 나타난다. 신장선구조에 평행하고 S0-1 엽리에 수직한 단면에서는 상부-동쪽-이동의 우수주향 이동성 연성 전단운동감각을 지시하는 구조요소들이 다량 관찰된다. 연성전단변형에 의해 형성된 압쇄구조면은 전단엽리와 압쇄엽리에 각각 해당하는 C면과 S면 등이 인지된다. 전단엽리 C면은 S0-1 광역엽리와 거의 일치하고, 압쇄엽리 S면은 F2 비대칭습곡의 축면엽리와 거의 일치한다. S0-1 엽리를 습곡시키는 F2 비대칭습곡은 S0-1 엽리를 전단면으로 하여 상부-동쪽-이동 전단운동에 의해 형성된 밀착습곡 형태로 인지된다. F2 습곡축은 북동 방향으로 중각 내지 저각 침강하고 F1 습곡축과는 65$^{\circ}$-75$^{\circ}$ 범위의 사이각을 이룬다. F2 습곡축면은 동북동 주향에 북쪽으로 중각으로 경사하고 F1 습곡축면과는 20$^{\circ}$-40$^{\circ}$ 범위의 사이각을 이룬다. D3 변형. S0-1 엽리와 압쇄구조면 등을 습곡시키는 F3 습곡은 준 수평적인 습곡축과 습곡축면을 갖는 개방 횡와습곡의 형태로 인지된다. D4 변형: F4 습곡은 비대칭 공역성 킹크습곡, 공역성 충상단층에 수반되어 나타나는 드래그습곡, 대칭 개방 직림습곡 등의 다양한 습곡 형태로 인지된다. 이들 F4 습곡의 축면엽리는 일반적으로 동-서 주향에 남쪽과 북쪽으로 경사한다. 그 경사각은 비대칭 공역성 킹크습곡(저각), 드래그습곡(중각), 대칭 개방 직립습곡(고각) 순으로 고각을 이룬다. F4 습곡축은 동쪽과 서쪽으로 저각 침강하는 집중된 방향성을 보인다. 공역성 충상단층은 동-서 주향에 남쪽과 북쪽으로 경사하는 단층면과 상부가 북쪽과 남쪽으로 충상하는 운동상을 보인다. 드래그습곡의 축면엽리는 이러한 공역성 충상단층운동의 전단압축방향에 수직으로 발달한다. 이러한 D4 변형구조는 남-북 방향의 압축 지구조 환경하에서 형성된 것으로 고찰된다.

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Organization and function of shoot apical meristem affecting growth and development in plants (식물의 생장과 발달에 영향을 미치는 슈트 정단분열조직의 체제와 기능)

  • Lee, Kyu Bae
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.180-193
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    • 2014
  • In plants, a shoot apex has a small region known as the shoot apical meristem (SAM) having a group of dividing (initiating) cells. The SAM gives rise to all the groundabove structures of plants throughout their lifetime, and thus it plays important role in growth and development of plants. This review describes theories to explain the SAM organization and function developed over the last 250 years. Since in 1759 German botanist C. F. Wolff has described firstly the SAM, in 1858 Swiss botanist C. N${\ddot{a}}$geli proposed the apical cell theory from the observation of a large single apical cell in the SAM of seedless vascular plants: however, this view was recognized to be unsuitable to seed plants. In 1868, German botanist J. Hanstein suggested the histogen theory: this concept subdividing the SAM into dermatogen, periblem, and plerome was unable to generally apply to seed plants. In 1924, German botanist A. Schmidt proposed the tunica-corpus theory from the examination of angiosperm SAM in which two parts show different planes of cell division: this theory was proved to be not suitable to gymnosperm SAM, not have stable surface tunica layer. In 1938, American botanist A. Foster described zones in gymnosperm SAM based on the cytohistologic differentiation and thus called it a cytohistological zonation theory. With works by E. Gifford, in 1954, this zonation pattern was demonstrated to be also applicable to angiosperm SAM. As another theory, in 1952 French botanist R. Buvat proposed the m${\acute{e}}$rist${\grave{e}}$me d'attente (waiting meristem) theory: however, this concept was confuted because of its negation of function during vegetative growth phase to central initial cells. Rescent studies with Arabidopsis thaliana have found that formation and maintenance of the SAM are under the control of selected genes: SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) gene forms the SAM, and WUSCHEL (WUS) and CLAVATA (CLV) genes function in maintaining the SAM; signaling between WUS and CLV genes act through a negative feedback loop.

Efficient Application of Westgard Multi-Rules and Quality Control Implementation Improvement (Westgard Multi-Rules의 효율적 적용과 조치사항의 개선)

  • Jung, Heung Soo;Oh, Youn Jung;Bae, Jin Soo;Baek, Jin Young;Hwang, Bo ra;Shin, Yong Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.60-64
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    • 2017
  • Purpose Westgard multi-rules application based on test quality improvement and commercialized international standard has been widely used in quality control. However, it is difficult to applicate the Westgard multi-rules in nuclear medicine in vitro tests due to the larger sample sizes and the simultaneous measurement of quality control material and patient sample. This study investigated the usefulness of Westgard multi-rules application in nuclear medicine in vitro tests. Materials and Methods A total of 282 systematic error multi-rules (22s, 101s) recorded in the samsung medical center computer system from January 2013 to June 2016 along with 117 cases of corrective measure record was analyzed. The Quality control implementation is recorded in Hospital information system were divided into 4 high-level areas including quality control material error, experimental procedural error, Kit lot number management error, and others. To prevent quality control material error, the existing method that each staff used their own method was changed. The staff who in charge of managing the quality control material was designated and daily consumption amount of every test was strictly controlled by one person. To prevent other errors, every test step was standardized so that the entire test procedures are identically implemented. Results The total quality control implementation was 117 cases; As a result, 62 quality control material errors were 62 cases, experimental process errors were 24 cases, Kit lot number control errors were 18 cases, and other errors were 13 cases. The quality control material error was corrected and could be used fresh materials within 2 days after thawing. The cases of systemic error were decreased to causes as quality control material error. The quality control materials were reduced above 10 vials to a monthly average. In addition, these errors of experimental processing and Kit lot number were improved by test standardization. Consequently, the cases of 101s and 22s in systematic error rules decreased at least 2 cases to a monthly average. Conclusion To confirm of systematic error through multi-rules application quickly, it is necessary to base on management of the QC material, target values and standard deviation. Moreover, in the event of a systematic error, it was found important to record measures based on test cause analysis. The experiment results are expected to contribute to internal quality control improvement and prompt and accurate result reporting through error recording and causal analysis based on Westgard multi-rules analysis.

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Classification of submitted KSNMT dissertation (대한핵의학기술학회 투고 논문 분류)

  • Han, Dong-Chan;Lee, Hyuk;Hong, Gun-Chul;Ahn, Byeong-Ho;Choi, Seong-Wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2017
  • Purpose KSNMT(Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology) stepping first step in 1997, has published first journal related with nuclear medicine technology in 1985. With classifying In Vivo Session Dissertation reported in the entire journal, trend of the Dissertation will be studied. Materials and Methods Dissertations which published from 1985 to first half of 2016 in the journal are classified with presentation form and with scanner, And all the data is organized with Excel program. Through the data, the number of dissertations published in each year, the number of dissertation published in details, and keyword distributions in each period are analyzed. Results The number of In-vivo section dissertations was 1151 and the number of In-vivo section dissertations that have common subject with In-vitro section was 28. The number of In-vivo section dissertation in 1980s was 46, in 1990s was 149, in 2000 was 467 and from 2010 to the first half of 2016 was 517. The number of dissertation with original articles was 571, with abstract was 529, with symposium was 31, with special lecture was 25, with review was 11, with interesting image was 7, with poster was 3 and with case report was 2. With symposium and special lecture excluded, which count 56, the number of dissertation with PET was 319, with Planar was 302, with SPECT was 172, with radiopharmaceutical was 113, with guard and safety management 103, with BMD was 28, etc. was 86. The number of dissertation about oncology was 201, about scanner was 179, about cardiovascular and circulatory system was 102, about safe environment was 82, about musculoskeletal system was 76, about nervous nuclear medicine was 66, about quality assurance was 61, about genitourinary system was 56, about endocrine system was 49, about digestive system was 44, about Therapy, about industrial safety was 24, about molecular imaging was 15, infection and inflammation was 9, about respiratory system was 8 and etc. was 108. The mostly used keyword through 1999 to 2005 was PET and through 2006 to 2016 was PET/CT. Conclusion To encourage various dissertations to be submitted, Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine should analyze date about not only about dissertations that are already published, but also about various research materials. Moreover, Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine also have to provide technical support such as sharing big data from homepage and systematical support to its member to publish dissertation that has high impact factor. It is important each individual researcher to have continuing effort as well as each organization cooperation.

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Reconsideration of Prunus sargentii complex in Korea - with respect to P. sargentii and P. takesimensis - (형태형질을 근간으로 한 Prunus sargentii complex의 재고 - 산벚나무와 섬벚나무의 실체 -)

  • Chang, Chin-Sung;Choi, Ho;Chang, Kae-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.221-244
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    • 2004
  • Prunus sargentii complex of subgenus Cerasus is an Eastem Asiatic plant group that exhibits a broad range of morphological variation and includes P. takesimensis, P. yedosensis, P. verecunda, and P. sargentii. In this study, a morphological analysis was undertaken to determine whether the observed morphological variation was primarily attributable to morphological discontinuities among the taxa. P. sargentii, which distributed eastem area in Korea, northern area in Japan and far east Russia had umbel like inflorescence and additionally was characterized by sticky bud and leaf twigs, compared with P. serrulata complex. Also, P. verecunda in Korea and Japan was characterized by umbel like inflorescence and presence of hair in leaf, petiole and pedicel, and was treated as a variety of P. sargentii. Evidence obtained from multivariate morphometric analyses indicated that the entity of P. takesimensis formed a cohesive group somewhat distinct from P. sargenti.. Especially, P. takesimensis was characterized by relatively small flowers (26-32mm in diameter) and many flowers [(2)3-5] per umbel inflorescence, compared with P. sargentii (34-48mm and 2(3) per inflorescence) and should be recognized as an independent and endeImic taxon in Korea. Additionally, P. yedosensis, which was known to have umbel inflorescence (short peduncle type) with pubescent style based on the type specimen, was comprised of corymb inflorescence (long peduncle type) as well. The morphological differentiation between these two types of P. yedosensis was not considered sufficient to warrant recognition of specific status because of the putative hybrid origin, no distinctive geographical distribution pattern, and existence of various peduncle length on Island Jeju-do of Korea.

The systematic implications of leaf micromorphological characteristics in the tribe Neillieae (Spiraeoideae, Rosaceae) (나도국수나무족(장미과) 잎 표피 미세형태학적 형질의 계통학적 유용성)

  • Song, Jun-Ho;Hong, Suk-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.222-235
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    • 2017
  • A comparative study of the leaf epidermal micromorphology in the tribe Neillieae (Neillia: 4 species, 4 varieties; Physocarpus: 5 species; Stephanandra: 2 species) was carried out using scanning electron microscopy in order to evaluate the taxonomic and systematic implications of these characteristics. The leaves of the genera Neillia and Stephanandra were hypostomatic, whereas those of P. monogynus, P. opulifolius were amphistomatic. The range of the size of the stomata is $12.02-34.39{\times}10.76-27.13{\mu}m$; the smallest was found in N. thyrsiflora (average $13.98{\times}12.43{\mu}m$; $L{\times}W$), while the largest was measured in N. gracilis (average $26.82{\times}20.67{\mu}m$; $L{\times}W$). Paracytic stomata complexes are only found in N. affinis, and the anomocytic type was most commonly found. The papillate epidermal cell type was only observed on the abaxial surfaces of P. insularis. Platelet epicuticular waxes were found on the adaxial surfaces of N. affinis and S. tanakae. Four types (unicellular non-glandular, two- to five-armed, stellate, and glandular) of trichomes were found on the leaves. Stellates were observed in all species of Physocarpus except for P. insularis. Consequently, leaf epidermal micromorphological characteristics (e.g., the presence of papillate epidermal cells and stellate, and stomata complexes) may have high taxonomic and systematic value in Neillieae. Our results strongly support previous molecular phylogenetic and palynological hypotheses that Stephanandra and Neillia are a single genus and that Physocarpus insularis should be considered as a member of Spiraea.