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A Study of Gynecology Theory in Qian-Jin-Yao-Fang and Qian-Jin-Yi-Fang (${\ll}$천금요방(千金要方)${\gg}$${\ll}$천금익방(千金翼方)${\gg}$ 에 기재(記載)된 부인과학설(婦人科學說)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Eun-Ha;Kim, Ki-Wook;Park, Hyun-Guk;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.98-110
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    • 2002
  • $Sun{\sim}Si{\sim}Miao$(孫思邈) is known to everybody as a great medical doctor. He has written two famus books. Those are the $Qian{\sim}Jin{\sim}Yao{\sim}Fang$(${\ll}$千金要方${\gg}$) and the $Qian{\sim}Jin{\sim}Yi{\sim}Fang$(${\ll}$千金翼方${\gg}$). He said that woman's disease differ from man's disease, we must care of woman carefully. And he has written seven parts of the books on gynecology. He has introduced reason of woman' disease and method of medical treatment variously. Also he has introduced a method of making cosmetics and beauty treatment. So We summarized pediatrics theory in two books and decomposed reason of disease and method of medical treatment. Also I compared with $Xiao{\sim}Pin{\sim}Fang$(${\ll}$小品方${\gg}$) In conclusion, I have known that $Sun{\sim}Si{\sim}Miao's$ gynecology is consist of useful and various substance.

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The Statistical on Numerical Analysis for The Petrology and Bulk Chemical Composition. In Cheju Volcanic Island (제주화산도의 암석성분에 관한 통계학적인 수치해석)

  • 택훈
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.15
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    • pp.42-90
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    • 1987
  • Lee, Moon Won reported by 63 kinds lescribing the petrography and bulk chemical Composition in Petrology of Cheju volcanic island. The total Chemical Composition data was analyzed by the program of FORTRAN77. First, the Conversition equations and the scatter diagram were examined to the analysis, by the least square method. Next, a statistical data requested a mean Value, maximum value, minimum value, the range, the standard deviation, the variance, the Standord Error and the Coefficient of variation. In the standard deviation, a small Composition is MnO and P$_2$O$\sub$5/, a large Composition is SiO$_2$, Mgo and FeO. The Standard error and the variance were the tandency looked like the Standard deviation well. However, the Coefficient Variation differs from the Standard deviation. Where, a large Coefficient of variation are H$_2$O$\^$-/ and H$_2$O$\^$+/, a small Coefficient of variation are Al$_2$O$_3$ and SiO$_2$. The Correlation of Coefficient Can be Calculated numerically from the relation between SiO$_2$, Al$_2$O$_3$ and TiO$_2$ to other Compositions.

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A Comparative Study on Domestic and Foreign Standards for Air Supply for the Improvement of a Smoke Control System for High-Rise Buildings (국내 고층건축물의 제연설비 성능 개선을 위한 국내·외 급기량 관련 기준 비교연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Won;Lee, Byeong-Heun;Jin, Seung-Hyeon;Lee, Su-Gak;Kim, Jung-Yup;Kwon, Young-Jin
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2019
  • In South Korea, smoke control systems are designed according to the fire safety standards NFSC501 and NFSC 501A. However, there is a problem in that the design values are incompatible when measuring the performance of the system after the design construction for calculating the leakage crack area described in the standards. Therefore, we compared the standards for smoke control systems from South Korea, Japan, and the United Kingdom. In South Korea, designs are conducted uniformly according to the NFSC 501A Manual, but in Japan and the United Kingdom, designs consider smoke temperature, duct loss, and fire floor air supply. Furthermore, they use larger values than in South Korea.

Effect of Mechanical Peeling Time on Yield and Quality of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas Root (작약근(芍藥根)의 기계박피(機械剝皮) 시간(時間)에 따른 품질(品質) 차이(差異))

  • Kim, Ki-Jae;Park, Chun-Hong;Shin, Jong-Hee;Kim, Se-Jong;Park, So-Deuk;Choe, Boo-Sull
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.27-30
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    • 1999
  • This experiment was carried out to determine the adequate machine peeling and retting time of peony roots, which are used as medicinal resources in Korea. When the roots were peeled for $10{\sim}30$ minitues in the peeling machine, the epidermis of root was removed, and higher yield was obtained and paeoniflorin content as compared with roots which were peeled for longer time. The paeoniflorin content of root varied with the different parts of root. The highest content was recorded in the upper part and the lowest in the middle part. The loss of paeoniflorin increased in the roots processed for expanded peeling and retting time. Lightness of peeled root was higher and ${\Delta}\;E$ was lower in the roots which were peeled by machine for longer time.

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Controlling Water Splitting Characteristics of Anion-Exchange Membranes by Coating Imidazolium Polymer (이미다졸륨 고분자 코팅을 통한 음이온교환막의 물분해 특성 제어)

  • Kim, Do-Hyeong;Park, Jin-Soo;Kang, Moon-Sung
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2015
  • In this study, novel pore-filled anion-exchange membranes (PFAEMs) with low electrical resistance, high permselectivity, and low water-splitting flux property under a concentration polarization condition have been developed for the enhancement in the efficiency of electrochemical water treatment processes. The base membranes have been prepared by filling a copolymer containing quaternary ammonium groups with an excellent ion-exchange capability into a porous polyolefin substrate, showing a high performance superior to that of a commercial membrane. In addition, it was confirmed that the electrochemical membrane performances are preserved while the water-splitting flux is effectively controlled by coating an imidazolium polymer onto the surface of the base membrane. The prepared PFAEMs revealed remarkably low electrical resistances of about 1/6~1/8 compared to those of a commercial membrane, and simultaneously low water-splitting flux comparable with that of cation-exchange membranes under a concentration polarization condition.

A Study of Evaluation of the Feature from Cooccurrence Matrix and Appropriate Applicable Resolution (공기행렬의 질감특성치들에 대한 평가와 적정 적용해상도에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Oh-Hyoung;Kim, Yong-Il;Eo, Yang-Dam
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.1 s.15
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2000
  • Since the advent of high resolution satellite image, possibilities of applying various human interpretation mechanism to these images have increased. Also many studies about these possibilities in many fields such as computer vision, pattern recognition, artificial intellegence and remote sensing have been done. In this field of these studies, texture is defined as a kind of quantity related to spatial distribution of brightness and tone and also plays an important role for interpretation of images. Especially, methods of obtaining texture by statistical model have been studied intensively. Among these methods, texture measurement method based on cooccurrence matrix is highly estimated because it is easy to calculate texture features compared with other methods. In addition, these results in high classification accuracy when this is applied to satellite images and aerial photos. But in the existing studies using cooccurrence matrix, features have been chosen arbitrarily without considering feature variation. And not enough studies have been implemented for appropriate resolution selection in which cooccurrence matrix can extract texture. Therefore, this study reviews the concept of cooccurrence matrix as a texture measurement method, evaluates usefulness of several features obtained from cooccurrence matrix, and proposes appropriate resolution by investigating variance trend of several features.

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Kingdon의 다중흐름모형을 활용한 연구개발 정책혁신 과정 분석 : 국가전략프로젝트에 대한 예산심의·의결을 중심으로

  • Kim, Ju-Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.515-534
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 Kingdon의 다중흐름모형(MSF: Multiple Stream Framework)을 통하여 정부연구개발예산 중 미래성장동력 부문에 대한 예산결정 과정을 살펴보았다. 연구 대상은 대통령 의지로 의제가 발기된 정책의제 국가전략프로젝트이며 비합리적 의사결정에 대한 견제수단으로 활용되는 예비타당성조사가 예산의 결정단계로 이어지는 일련의 과정을 살펴보았다. 연구의의는 3개 흐름에서 행해지는 비합리적 의사결정 케이스를 확인하고, 정부 R&D 사업의 예산결정과정에서 온-오프 스위치 역할을 하고 있는 게이트 키퍼(gate keeper)인 사업 평가자(PM), 구체적 사업계획안을 만드는 부처의 사업기획자, 그리고 자문역할을 하는 전문가집단을 정책혁신가로 바라볼 수 있다는 의의를 발견했다. 공공부문의 정책혁신가는 사업을 기획한 부처와 같이 자기(부처)이익을 추구하지는 않지만 공공가치를 추구하는 독립적인 위치에 있었고, 어느 일면에는 과학기술분야의 성장과 발전을 바라고 있었다. 다시 말해, 연구는 정책혁신가라는 존재가 특정한 개인 또는 집단일 뿐만 아니라 2개 집단 이상의 복수의 정책혁신가가 있을 수 있는 가능성을 확인하였다. 특히, 예비타당성조사에서 PM이 흐름 간의 중개를 상향적 직접적으로 수행하지 않지만, 하향적으로 사업기획자 등 주체들 간 의견을 조정하고 합의를 이끌어 내는 모습은 중요 활동을 하고 있음이 확인되었다. 연구는 정책혁신가의 새로운 형태를 발견하였지만, 정책결정의 전 주기가 아닌 정부예산 이후 국회예산이라는 특정 시기를 대상으로 하였는데, 분석 과정에서 예산과 시간의 제약으로 사업기획을 담당했던 부처 및 기재부공무원, 해당기술 분야 연구자, 국회 관계자 등 관련 주체들의 견해를 고루 담아내지 못한 아쉬움이 있다. 향후 다양한 참여자들의 의견을 수렴할 수 있다면 정책 결정 과정에 정책혁신가의 다층적(Multiple) 존재 여부와 특성을 면밀히 들여다 볼 수 있을 것이다.

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Electron Microscopical Description on the Egg Stalk-like Structure of the Rockfish, Sebastes inermis (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) (볼락 (Sebastes inermis) 난병 유사구조의 전자현미경적 기재)

  • Lee Jung Sick;Chang Young Jin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2002
  • The ovary of the rockfish, Sebastes inermis was cystovarian condition and consists of numerous ovarian lobules. Previtellogenic oocytes were embedded in the connective tissue of the ovarian lobules. As the oocytes grows, it protruded into the ovarian cavity and form grapes cluster-like structure with egg stalk-like structure. Yolk granules and zona radiata were not observed in the embedded early oocytes about 20 $\mu$m in diameter. In the oocytes about 80 $\mu$m in diameter, yolk granules with electron dense were abundant in the ooplasm near the egg stalk-like structure. However, pinocytosis was not obsened in the pore canal system of the zona radiata. In this stage, microfilaments, developed endoplasmic reticula, tubular mitochondria, granular materials with low electron density and active multivesicular bodies were observed in the egg stalk-like structure. This results suggest that the egg stalk-like structure of the rockfish are related with the oocyte attachment and exogenous vitellogenesis of the intial vitellogenic oocyte.

The Taxonomic Study of Gudgeons of the Subfamily Gobioninae(Cyprinidae) in Korea (한국산 모래무지아과(Cyprinidae) 어류의 계통분류학적 연구)

  • KIM Ik-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.436-448
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    • 1984
  • The taxonomy of gudgeons of the subfamily Gobioninae in Korea is reviewed and keys to supraspecific taxa (subfamilies and genera) of the subfamily Gobioninae are provided, as well as the synonyms and distribution of the species or subspecies. Abbottina springeri, poorly known in Korea is redescribed with the extention of its known morphological characters and geographical distribution. Squalidus sp. occurring rivers of the Yongdokoship, the Hyongsan, and the Hoeya in the Gyongsangbugdo and in the Gyongsangnamdo differs from three previously described species from Korea in the numbers and structure of lateral line scales, color patterns on the body sides, and eye diameter etc. The genus name of Gonoprcktopterus mylodon should be transferred from Gonoproktopterus to Hemibarbus, because the species is more similar to Hemibarbus longirostris or Belligobio eristrigma than to Gonoproktopterus, an Indian genus of Barbinae. The korean gudgeons of the subfamily Gobioninae are grouped five possible phyletic series, as follow ; Hemibarbus, Pseudorasbora, Sarcocheilichthys, Gnathopogon, and Pseudogobio group. The genus Gobiobotia is not placed in the subfamily Gobioninae but in the subfamily Gobiobotinae in relation to 3 pairs of mental barbels and some osteological characters.

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Corydalis cornupetala Y.H. Kim et J.H. Jeong: A New Species of Corydalis sect. Corydalis (Fumariaceae) (쇠뿔현호색: 현호색속 현호색절의 1신종)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Jeong, Ji-Hee;Jo, Dong-Gwang;Kim, Zin-Suh
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2007
  • A new species of Corydalis sect. Corydalis (Fumariaceae), Corydalis cornupetala Y.H. Kim et J.H. Jeong is described from Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Korea. This new species is distinguished from the other species of the sect. Corydalis by some flower characters such as, purplish white petal with two dark stripes and horn-shaped apex of outer petal. The linear leaflets of C. cornupetala are similar to the lineariloba type of C. remota Fisch. ex Max. or C. namdoensis B.U. Oh et J.G. Kim, but much longer and narrower. The linear or lanceolate bract of C. cornupetala is also distinctive from the elliptical shape of C. remota and C. namdoensis.