• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기업브랜드 태도

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Effects of Country-of-Origin Dimensions on Product Evaluations: A Role of Motivational Focus (원산지 개념의 구성 차원이 소비자의 제품평가에 미치는 영향: 동기성향의 효과)

  • Shin, Sohyoun;Kim, Sanguk;Chaiy, Seoil
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.71-98
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    • 2008
  • Considerably many numbers of studies on country-of-origin(hereafter COO) effects have been presented in international business and marketing areas. Recent studies have been included the effects of COO of manufacture, parts, and design, as well as the effects of brand origin, reflected by the accelerating convergent manufacture circumstances and increasingly competitive environments. Moderating constructs such as knowledge of product category and involvement as individual variables, have been also introduced and researched in various angles. In addition, how the effects of COO occur as processes is also argued in previous studies. This research has attempted to explain business corporation's strategic decisions on choosing a domain of its product manufacturing for several critical reasons, for cost reduction or better image. We displayed two constructs of brand and manufacture in a positive and negative country image group to reconfirm the existence of the effects of COO. Additionally, the effects of respondents' regulatory fit between their motivational focus and the contents of product messages, have been declared. Furthermore the respondents' motivational focus moderates the main effect of COO on product evaluations in a positive 'made-in' combination, while, surprisingly, it does not statistically moderate in a negative, except attitude. Based on the results, implications and suggestions on how to plan and execute more effective marketing strategies regarding COO dimensions, especially COO of manufacture, are separately presented for each situations when it has already been determined and when it is to be.

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The Effect of Brand Personality and Sports Star Personality on Brand Attachment and Brand Loyalty (스포츠브랜드 기업의 브랜드 개성과 스포츠 스타 개성이 브랜드 애착 및 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jae-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.92-103
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    • 2017
  • This study compared and analyzed the effects and differences of sports brand and sport star's personality on brand attachment and brand loyalty. For this purpose, we conducted a questionnaire survey of university students in Busan and Gyeongsang provinces. A total of 316 copies were selected as valid samples for this study. For the data analysis method, using SPSS 18.0 version, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, corresponding sample t-test and multiple regression analysis were carried out. The results of this study are as follows: First, sports brand personality had a significant effect on brand attachment in order of interest, sophistication, and robustness. Second, the sport brand personality had a significant effect on behavioral loyalty in order of interest, sophistication, and robustness, and effect on attitudinal loyalty in order of robustness, interest, ability. Third, sports star personality had a significant effect on brand attachment in order of interest, trust, and sophistication. Fourth, sports star personality had a significant effect on behavioral and attitudinal loyalty in order of interest, trust and ability. Fifth, the analysis of the difference between sports brand personality and sports star personality showed that the difference between the mean values of all factors was statistically significant.

Effects of Joining Coalition Loyalty Program : How the Brand affects Brand Loyalty Based on Brand Preference (브랜드 선호에 따라 제휴 로열티 프로그램 가입이 가맹점 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Rhee, Jin-Hwa
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.87-115
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    • 2012
  • Introduction: In these days, a loyalty program is one of the most common marketing mechanisms (Lacey & Sneath, 2006; Nues & Dreze, 2006; Uncles et al., 20003). In recent years, Coalition Loyalty Program is more noticeable as one of progressed forms. In the past, loyalty program was operating independently by single product brand or single retail channel brand. Now, companies using Coalition Loyalty Program share their programs as one single service and companies to participate to this program continue to have benefits from their existing program as well as positive spillover effect from the other participating network companies. Instead of consumers to earn or spend points from single retail channel or brand, consumers will have more opportunities to utilize their points and be able to purchase other participating companies products. Issues that are related to form of loyalty programs are essentially connected with consumers' perceived view on convenience of using its program. This can be a problem for distribution companies' strategic marketing plan. Although Coalition Loyalty Program is popular corporate marketing strategy to most companies, only few researches have been published. However, compared to independent loyalty program, coalition loyalty program operated by third parties of partnership has following conditions: Companies cannot autonomously modify structures of program for individual companies' benefits, and there is no guarantee to operate and to participate its program continuously by signing a contract. Thus, it is important to conduct the study on how coalition loyalty program affects companies' success and its process as much as conducting the study on effects of independent program. This study will complement the lack of coalition loyalty program study. The purpose of this study is to find out how consumer loyalty affects affiliated brands, its cause and mechanism. The past study about loyalty program only provided the variation of performance analysis, but this study will specifically focus on causes of results. In order to do these, this study is designed and to verify three primary objects as following; First, based on opinions of Switching Barriers (Fornell, 1992; Ping, 1993; Jones, et at., 2000) about causes of loyalty of coalition brand, 'brand attractiveness' and 'brand switching cost' are antecedents and causes of change in 'brand loyalty' will be investigated. Second, influence of consumers' perception and attitude prior to joining coalition loyalty program, influence of program in retail brands, brand attractiveness and spillover effect of switching cost after joining coalition program will be verified. Finally, the study will apply 'prior brand preference' as a variable and will provide a relationship between effects of coalition loyalty program and prior preference level. Hypothesis Hypothesis 1. After joining coalition loyalty program, more preferred brand (compared to less preferred brand) will increase influence on brand attractiveness to brand loyalty. Hypothesis 2. After joining coalition loyalty program, less preferred brand (compared to more preferred brand) will increase influence on brand switching cost to brand loyalty. Hypothesis 3. (1)Brand attractiveness and (2)brand switching cost of more preferred brand (before joining the coalition loyalty program) will influence more positive effects from (1)program attractiveness and (2)program switching cost of coalition loyalty program (after joining) than less preferred brand. Hypothesis 4. After joining coalition loyalty program, (1)brand attractiveness and (2)brand switching cost of more preferred brand will receive more positive impacts from (1)program attractiveness and (2)program switching cost of coalition loyalty program than less preferred brand. Hypothesis 5. After joining coalition loyalty program, (1)brand attractiveness and (2)brand switching cost of more preferred brand will receive less impacts from (1)brand attractiveness and (2)brand switching cost of different brands (having different preference level), which joined simultaneously, than less preferred brand. Method : In order to validate hypotheses, this study will apply experimental method throughout virtual scenario of coalition loyalty program if consumers have used or available for the actual brands. The experiment is conducted twice to participants. In a first experiment, the study will provide six coalition brands which are already selected based on prior research. The survey asked each brand attractiveness, switching cost, and loyalty after they choose high preference brand and low preference brand. One hour break was provided prior to the second experiment. In a second experiment, virtual coalition loyalty program "SaveBag" was introduced to participants. Participants were informed that "SaveBag" will be new alliance with six coalition brands from the first experiment. Brand attractiveness and switching cost about coalition program were measured and brand attractiveness and switching cost of high preference brand and low preference brand were measured as same method of first experiment. Limitation and future research This study shows limitations of effects of coalition loyalty program by using virtual scenario instead of actual research. Thus, future study should compare and analyze CLP panel data to provide more in-depth information. In addition, this study only proved the effectiveness of coalition loyalty program. However, there are two types of loyalty program, which are Single and Coalition, and success of coalition loyalty program will be dependent on market brand power and prior customer attitude. Therefore, it will be interesting to compare effects of two programs in the future.

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The Influence of National image, Brand Image and Country-of-Origin Image on Purchase attitude and Purchase Intention - Focus on the purchase of korean cosmetics which applied a high and/or convergence technology in chinese consumers - (국가이미지, 브랜드이미지와 원산지이미지가 구매태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 - 중국소비자들의 한국산 첨단 및 융합기술적용 화장품 구매를 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Yong-Mo;Li, Shuai;Kim, Eung-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of national image, brand image, and country of origin on Chinese consumer's purchase attitude and purchase intention of Korean cosmetic products which applied a high and/or convergence technology. The survey was completed by chinese customers and the data is analysis with SPSS 21.0. The results show that national image, brand image, and country of origin image have a positive impact on Chinese consumer's purchase attitude and purchase intention. This results imply that when Korean companies enter into chinese markets, if they perform very aggressive promotion activities on national image, brand image, and country of origin image, they can be successful by transforming positively chinese consumer's purchase attitude and purchase intention of Korean products.

Study on Korean SMEs' Brand Luxuriousness Building (마케팅 믹스를 활용한 한국 중소기업의 브랜드 명품성 구축에 대한 연구)

  • Koh, InKo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2018
  • As interest and consumption of luxury goods have become more popular, luxury goods market is growing rapidly. Consumers can acquire psychological satisfaction with material abundance by purchasing and using luxury goods. Also, from the view of corporations, luxury goods have price inelastic characteristics, so they can enjoy price premium and it is good to produce good performance. That is the reason why they should pay much attention to securing luxuriousness. This study examined the establishment of brands luxuriousness in Korean SMEs. First, it examined the world market of luxury goods industry and the present condition of Korean market. Then it identified the constituents of luxuriousness by examining the prior studies and related literatures, and designed a research model based on the theoretical grounds to suggest the methods of brand luxuriousness building of Korean SMEs. Luxuriousness can be defined as the attribute of product that distinguishes luxury goods from other products by consumers' perceptions, and the factor that provides situational benefits that motivate consumers' purchasing behavior. In this study, I identified the sub-dimensions of luxuriousness according to whether there are product related attributes and consumers' benefit in consideration of the problems of existing studies. Product related luxuriousness are classified into superiority(functional benefit) and scarcity(experiential benefit), while non-product related luxuriousness are classified into differentiation(symbolic benefit) and traditionality(exclusive benefit). The following are the ways to build brand luxuriousness. First, company can use product factors. High quality, excellent design, high recognized brand with strong, favorable and unique images can enhance the luxuriousness of brand. Second, company can use price factors. Consumers tend to perceive luxury goods as high-priced items, so lowering the price of product can undermine the luxuriousness of product. Third, company can use distribution factors. It is effective for making consumers to perceive the differentiation and scarcity of luxuriousness through limited distribution channel. In addition, store atmosphere suitable for luxury brands should be created. Fourth, company can use promotion factors. The more consumers are exposed to advertisements, the more positive attitudes toward luxury brands are made, and consumers recognize luxuriousness higher. Price promotion negatively affects consumers' perception of luxuriousness. Fifth, company can use corporate factors. Consumer evaluations of products are influenced not only by the product attributes but also by the corporate association and corporate image surrounding the product. Considering the existing researches, it is possible to enhance the brand luxuriousness through high corporate competence and good corporate reputation. In order to increase the competence of the enterprise, it is useful to approach multidimensionally in relation with the knowledge creation capability. In corporate reputation, the external stakeholders' reputation is important, but the internal members' reputation is also important. Korean SMEs will be able to build brand luxuriousness by establishing marketing strategies as above and/or mix(integrate) them according to the situation.

A Study on the Effect of Presence and Flow in VR Advertising: Focused Memory Information and Attitude toward Advertising (가상현실 광고에서 프레즌슨(Presence)과 플로우(Flow)에 대한 영향 연구 : 기억정보와 광고태도에 대한 효과를 중심으로)

  • Han, Kwang-Seok
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.278-285
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    • 2022
  • This study presence in VR advertising into three types presence. Further, through an experiment, the study empirically verifies the kind of recalled information depending on the flow which forms users' attitudes towards the content. The experiment was conducted with a factor design between 3X2 subjects. Hyundai Motor's Ioniq VR video was conducted, and a questionnaire of 143 subjects was used for the study. The results revealed that positive attitudes were formed towards the advertisement used in the experiment when the level of emotional presence was the highest. In addition, higher flow levels established positive attitudes towards the advertisement. and Cognitive presence's effects on memory, ARM such as product-attribute information was found to increase when the flow level is high; however, GRM such as overall product evaluation was found to increase when the flow level is low.

The Effect of Brand Storytelling based on the Subject of Story (스토리의 주체에 따른 브랜드 스토리텔링 광고효과)

  • Hong, Sook-Yeong;Cho, Seung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.112-121
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of storytelling ads. To find out the effect, three different ads were created; one is no storytelling in ads, another is corporate storytelling ads, and the other is client storytelling ads. Each ads was exposed to high school students, and we analyzed their response to the ads such as ads recall, attitude toward ads, emotional response to ads, purchase intention, and the intention of word-of-mouth. The results showed that corporate storytelling ads among three ads was the most effective to recall the ads, and there was significant difference between corporate storytelling ads and no storytelling ads. In terms of attitude toward ads, there was significant difference between client storytelling and no storytelling ads. There were significant difference in positive emotion between client storytelling ads and no storytelling ads and between client storytelling ads and corporate storytelling ads, but no significant between corporate storytelling ads and no storytelling ads. Regarding emotion, students who were exposed to no storytelling ads showed the highest negative emotion, but the lowest negative emotion in client storytelling ads. There was significant difference in purchase intention between client storytelling and no storytelling ads and in the intention of word-of-mouth between corporate storytelling ads and no storytelling ads.

The Effect of AD Noises Caused by AD Model Selection on Brand Awareness and Brand Attitudes (광고 모델 관련 광고 노이즈가 브랜드 인지도와 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Jai-Hak;Lee, Sang-Mi
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.89-114
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    • 2008
  • Most of the extant studies on communication effects have been devoted to the typical issue, "what types of communication activities are more effective for brand awareness or brand attitudes?" However, little research has addressed another question on communication decisions, "what makes communication activities less effective?" Our study focuses on factors negatively influenced on the efficiency of communication activities, especially of Advertising. Some studies have introduced concepts closely related to our topic such as consumer confusion, brand confusion, or belief confusion. Studies on product belief confusion have found some factors misleading consumers to misunderstand the physical features of products. Studies on brand confusion have uncovered factors making consumers confused on brand names. Studies on advertising confusion have tested the effects of ad models' employed by many other firms for different products on communication efficiency. We address a new concept, Ad noises, which are any factors interfering with consumers exposed to a particular advertisement in understanding messages provided by advertisements. The objective of this study is to understand the effects of ad noises caused by ad models on brand awareness and brand attitude. There are many different types of AD noises. Particularly, we study the effects of AD noises generated from ad model selection decision. Many companies want to employ celebrities as AD models while the number of celebrities who command a high degree of public and media attention are limited. Inevitably, several firms have been adopting the same celebrities as their AD models for different products. If the same AD model is adopted for TV commercials for different products, consumers exposed to those TV commercials are likely to fail to be aware of the target brand due to interference of TV commercials, for other products, employing the same AD model. This is an ad noise caused by employing ad models who have been exposed to consumers in other advertisements, which is the first type of ad noises studied in this research. Another type of AD noises is related to the decision of AD model replacement for the same product advertising. Firms sometimes launch another TV commercial for the same products. Some firms employ the same AD model for the new TV commercial for the same product and other firms employ new AD models for the new TV commercials for the same product. The typical problem with the replacement of AD models is the possibility of interfering with consumers in understanding messages of the TV commercial due to the dissimilarity of the old and new AD models. We studied the effects of these two types of ad noises, which are the typical factors influencing on the effect of communication: (1) ad noises caused by employing ad models who have been exposed to consumers in other advertisements and (2) ad noises caused by changing ad models with different images for same products. First, we measure the negative influence of AD noises on brand awareness and attitudes, in order to provide the importance of studying AD noises. Furthermore, our study unveiled the mediating conditions(variables) which can increase or decrease the effects of ad noises on brand awareness and attitudes. We study the effects of three mediating variables for ad noises caused by employing ad models who have been exposed to consumers in other advertisements: (1) the fit between product image and AD model image, (2) similarity between AD model images in multiple TV commercials employing the same AD model, and (3) similarity between products of which TV commercial employed the same AD model. We analyze the effects of another three mediating variables for ad noises caused by changing ad models with different images for same products: (1) the fit of old and new AD models for the same product, (2) similarity between AD model images in old and new TV commercials for the same product, and (3) concept similarity between old and new TV commercials for the same product. We summarized the empirical results from a field survey as follows. The employment of ad models who have been used in advertisements for other products has negative effects on both brand awareness and attitudes. our empirical study shows that it is possible to reduce the negative effects of ad models used for other products by choosing ad models whose images are relevant to the images of target products for the advertisement, by requiring ad models of images which are different from those of ad models in other advertisements, or by choosing ad models who have been shown in advertisements for other products which are not similar to the target product. The change of ad models for the same product advertisement can positively influence on brand awareness but positively on brand attitudes. Furthermore, the effects of ad model change can be weakened or strengthened depending on the relevancy of new ad models, the similarity of previous and current ad models, and the consistency of the previous and current ad messages.

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College Students' Perspectives on Femvertising through Focus Group Interview (한국 대학생들의 펨버타이징(femvertising) 관점에 대한 포커스 그룹 인터뷰 연구)

  • Um, Namhyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.501-513
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    • 2020
  • Femvertising campaigns are more easily observed in oversea rather than in Korea. Most recently, not only global companies but local consumer goods companies launched several femvertising campaigns. However, no research was done on effects of femvertising in Korea. Thus, this study will explore Korean college students' understanding of, attitude toward, and effects of femvertising through focus group interviews. Study results found that college students have low level of understanding on the concept of femvertising. However, they are somewhat familiar with contents of femvertising. Femvertising is believed to have positive impacts on gender equality and female empowerment whereas there are growing concerns over commercializing feminism. Study participants, regardless of gender, suggest that femvertising could influence consumers' attitude toward advertising and brand, but they are skeptical of purchase intention. Lastly, female participants suggest that femvertising, compared to traditional advertising, will enhance attitude toward ads and brand, and even have a positive impact on feminism. However, male participants suggest that femvertising may exacerbate the gender conflict between males and females which is called as 'misandry' or 'misogyny'.

Is it Enough to Have an 'Ethical Product' Label?: the Effects of Brand Reputation and Perceived Ethicality on Ethical Consumers' Choice ('윤리적 제품', 이름만으로 충분한가? 브랜드 명성과 지각된 윤리성의 정도가 소비자의 선택에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Cheonglim;Cha, Moon-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.527-541
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    • 2020
  • Consumers' favorable attitude toward ethical brands, and the rise of ethical consumers, is a recent global trend. Nevertheless, prior studies have emerged that favoring ethical products does not necessarily lead to consumers' purchase. Focusing on this, authors attempted to explore what perceptions of the brand lead to purchase behavior. Three experiments were conducted for this purpose. Results are as follows. First, even in ethical products, consumers choose the product when it is perceived as more ethical. This tendency has been shown for both eco-friendly type and donation type products. Second, when there was no noticeable difference in ethicality, ethical consumers consider brand reputation as an important factor in choice. Third, results remains regardless of consumer individual characteristics (consumer altruism, conspicuousness). Note that, unexpectedly, the underdog effect was not observed among altruistic consumers. Several implications, limitations of research, and suggestions for future research were discussed.