• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술 협력

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다중홉 릴레이 시스템에서의 협력 통신

  • Ryu, Hyeon-Seok;Gang, Chung-Gu
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 2007
  • 본 고에서는 셀룰러 이동망에서 다중 홉 릴레이를 도입할 때 셀 경계 및 릴레이 노드의 서비스 영역 경계에서의 서비스 불능 성능을 향상시키기 위한 방안으로서 다이버시티 이득을 제공할 수 있는 협력 통신 방식에 대해서 살펴본다. 협력 통신의 기본 개념과 관련 요소 기술들을 살펴보고, 특히 협력 통신을 고려한 다양한 전송 프로토콜들의 특성을 분석한다. 또한, IEEE 802.16e 규격의 IP-OFDMA기반 광대역 이동 액세스 망에서 이와 같은 협력 통신을 적용할 때 시스템 레벨의 성능 분석 결과를 고찰하고, 실제 시스템에서의 고려 사항에 대해서 살펴본다.

ASEAN 지역안보협력 미래 양상

  • Jo, Geon-Hyeon
    • Defense and Technology
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    • no.9 s.127
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 1989
  • 아세안은 군사/안보적 사안에서는 일체감을 형성하였다. 그러나 아세안 방위협력의 고차원적 요소는 아세안 국가간의 공중, 해상, 지상에서의 쌍무적인 군사연습이다. 앞으로 아세안은 지속적인 발전과 함께 쌍무적 협조관계가 강화되며, 궁극적으로 3자간 또는 4자간 협력의 성격을 띠게 될 가능성이 높다. 그러나 이는 시간을 요하며, 실무자들과 정책입안자들사이의 의견일치를 요구하는 것이다. 아세안 역외의 협력은 특히 다른 주요국가들과의 협력으로 확대될 가능성이 있다

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The eBusiness Environment and Competing Firms' Collaboration Models - A System Dynamics Simulation Approach - (e비즈니스 환경과 경정기업간 협력 모형 - 시스템 다이나믹스 시뮬레이션 접근방법 -)

  • 이승철;김보원
    • Proceedings of the Korean System Dynamics Society
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2001
  • 인터넷 기반 기술에 의한 e비즈니스 환경 하에서 기업들은 기존과는 다른 경쟁양식을 보여주고 있다. Covisint나 Exostar와 같은 자동차 산업이나 항공기 제조 산업의 사례에서 볼 수 있듯이, 이전까지는 적대적이었던 경쟁자들과의 상호 협력(collaboration)이 일어나고, 산업 차원의 마켓플레이스도 구축되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 e비즈니스 환경 하에서의 경쟁기업 간 협력에 대해 설명하기 위해서 시스템 다이나믹스 시뮬레이션을 수행한다. 결국 이 논문에서는 경쟁자와의 협력의 필요성을 제시하고, 이를 위한 최적 투자 의사결정이 존재함을 제시하며, 또한 표준화 정도나 변동성 등의 산업 특성에 따라서 협력의 효과가 달라짐을 보여준다.

Text Mining and Social Network Analysis-based Patent Analysis Method for Improving Collaboration and Technology Transfer between University and Industry (산학협력 및 기술이전 촉진을 위한 텍스트마이닝과 사회 네트워크 분석 기반의 특허 분석 방법)

  • Lee, Ji Hyoung;Kim, Jong Woo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2017
  • Today, according to the increased importance of industry-university cooperation in the knowledge-based economy, support and the number of researches involved in industry-university cooperation has also steadily increased. But it is true that profits from the outcome of patents resulting from such cooperation, such as technology transfer and royalty fees, are lower than they are supposed to be, because of excessive patents applications, although some of them have little commercial potential. Therefore, this research aims to suggest a way to analyze and recognize patents, which enable efficient industry-university cooperation and technology transfer. For the analysis, data on 1,061 patents was collected from 4 different universities. With the data, a quality-strategy matrix was arranged targeting the industry-university cooperation foundations', US patents owned by universities, text mining, and social network analysis were carried out, particularly focusing on the patents in the advanced quality technology section of the matrix. Then core key words and IPC codes were obtained and key patents were analyzed by universities. As a result of the analysis, it was found that 4 key patents, 2 key IPC codes were drawn for University H, 4 key patents, 2 key IPC codes for University K, 6 key patents, 1 key IPC code for University Y, 14 key patents, and 2 key IPC codes for University S. This research is expected to have a great significance in contributing to the invigoration of industry-university cooperation based on the analysis result on patents and IPC codes, which enable efficient industry-university cooperation and technology transfer.

Investigating the Characteristics of Academia-Industrial Cooperation-based Patents for their Long-term Use (지속적 활용이 가능한 산학협력 특허 특성 분석)

  • Park, Sang-Young;Choi, Youngjae;Lee, Sungjoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.568-578
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    • 2021
  • Patents that are research results from industry-university cooperation (IUC) are a source of innovation, and play an important role in economic growth, such as technology transfer and commercialization. For this reason, there are many efforts to revitalize IUC, but in general, company patents are achievements that can be commercialized, rather than research achievements, so not all patents are used for business, even after their creation as the outcome of IUC. Therefore, this research supports the design of measures in which IUC can ultimately be linked to successful utilization of patents by identifying the purposes of IUC, even after it has been successfully promoted, and patents have been filed as a result. To this end, first, the patents registered for industry-academia cooperation in the United States are collected, and second, a predictive model is designed, with unexpired and expired patents predicted using machine learning techniques. The final identified patents are intended to derive available factors in terms of marketability and technicality. This study is expected to help predict the utilization of unexpired and expired patents, and is expected to contribute to setting goals for research results from technical cooperation between corporate and university officials planning early IUC.

A Network Analysis on Industry-University Cooperation based on Big Data Analytics (빅데이터 기반 산학협력 네트워크 분석)

  • Dae-Hee Kang;Hyunchul Ahn
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the structural characteristics of Industry-University cooperation networks are analyzed using network analysis. Recent studies have shown that technological cooperation and joint research has a positive effect on R&D performance. In order to boost innovation performance, various types of cooperative activities and governmental policy supports for major R&D stakeholders(i.e. universities, laboratories, etc.) are provided. However, despite these efforts, the outcome is still insufficient, so it is time to prepare for a plan to build an innovative network to strengthen university-centered Industry-University cooperation activities. Specifically, this study builds the networks according to the form of Industry-University cooperations(i.e. patent, paper, joint research, and technology transfer), and different types of Industry-University cooperation networks are analyzed from a statistical viewpoint by using QAP correlation and regression analyses. The analysis results show that joint research network is closely related to paper network, and is related to other Industry-University cooperation networks. This study is expected to shed a light on supporting innovation activities such as establishing Industry-University cooperation strategies and discovering cooperative partners necessary for creating new growth engines for universities.

The Impact of the External Technology R&D Collaboration Network Heterogeneity on the Employment Increase of Small and Medium Companies: The Mediating Effect of Export Growth (외부 기술 연구개발 협력 네트워크의 다양성이 중소기업의 고용 증대에 미치는 영향: 수출 증대의 매개 효과)

  • Hau, Yong Sauk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2018
  • With a view to deepening the research stream on the factors positively influencing the export growth and the employment increase of South Korean small and medium companies, this research has developed the research model about the impact of small and medium companies' external technology R&D collaboration network heterogeneity on their export growth and employment increase, and has empirically tested the research model with the 2,200 data collected from the small and medium companies in the South Korea. This study illuminates the two points from the empirical testing results. One point is that small and medium companies' external technology R&D collaboration network heterogeneity significantly and positively influences their employment increase from technology development. The other point is that small and medium companies' export growth from technology R&D partially mediates the impact of the external technology R&D collaboration network heterogeneity on their employment increase from technology R&D.

The Relationship between Collaboration with External Institution and New Product Sales of SMEs: The Role of Technological Innovation and Marketing Capability (중소기업의 외부기관 협력과 신제품 매출 간의 관계: 기술혁신과 마케팅 역량의 역할)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Shin, Jin-Kyo;Yeo, Kyung-Hwan
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.77-94
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    • 2019
  • The study examined the effect of collaboration with external institution on new product sales, the mediating effects of technological innovation, and the moderating effect of marketing capability. The results showed that external collaboration with external institution has a significant impact on new product sales in the R&D field of SMEs, and technological innovation plays a mediating role in the relationship between collaboration with external institution and new product sales. Also, the effect of marketing capability in the relationship between technological innovation and new product sales was also significant. Finally, the mediating effect of technological innovation between collaboration with external institution and new product sales was moderated by marketing capability.

Prediction-Based Adaptive Selection Cooperation Schemes (예측 정보를 이용한 적응적 협력 선택기법)

  • Wang, Yu;Lee, Dong-Woo;Lee, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.11
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes two novel prediction-based adaptive selection cooperation schemes combined with a new relay selection strategy. In the proposed schemes, the destination predicts whether the transmission will be successful or not before a single relay is selected to transmit source's decoded data. Depending on the prediction, the destination feeds back a command to the whole network. Numerical results show that the proposed schemes combined with the relay selection strategy successfully reduce its outage probability, improve its throughput, save transmitted power, and prolong the lifetime of the network.

Cooperation Research Plan in the Astronomy Fields between South Korea and North Korea (남북한 천문분야 활성화 및 협력 방안 연구)

  • Yim, Insung;Yang, Hong-Jin;Minh, Young Chol;Jung, Taehyun;Lee, Kyoung-Suk;Choi, Hyun-kyoo
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.56.4-57
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    • 2016
  • 남북한 천문분야 과학기술협력을 위한 천문분야 활성화 및 협력 방안 연구를 수행하고 있다. 천문학은 과학기술분야 중 남북한 상호 신뢰구축과 민족 동질성 회복에 기여할 수 있는 순수 기초학문으로, 이 과제를 통해 단절된 남북한 천문분야 활성화 및 협력을 기대하고 있다. 또한 통일 후 남북한 천문학 공동 연구를 위한 토대를 마련하고자 한다. 이를 위해 북한의 천문학 연구 인력, 관측기기, 연구 활동 등 인프라를 조사하고 북한 천문학자와의 교류를 위한 접근 방안, 남북한 교류 가능한 천문분야 발굴, 남북한 천문학자 교류를 위한 국제협력 루트를 개발하고자 한다. 분단 후 현재까지 남북 교류의 단절로 북한 천문학자와의 교류는 전무한 실정으로 많은 어려움이 예상되나 중국, 몽골, 스웨덴, 네덜란드 등 국제협력을 통한 네트워크를 마련하여 남북 천문분야 협력방안 및 활성화를 위한 기반을 구축하고자 한다.

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