• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기생수

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The Karyotype of Fischoedeyius cobboldi (Poirier, 1883) from Korean Cattle (한국산 코볼드쌍구흡충의 핵형 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Gu;Yun, Rak-Hun;Lee, Ho-Il
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.107-111
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    • 1988
  • As a series of systematic classification of paramphistomes, the worms in the rumen and reticulum of 310 Korean cattle slaughtered at Chonju abattoir were collected from February 1986 to June 1987 and were classified by morphology of the worms. Afterwards, the karyotype of Fischoederius cobboldi (Poirier, 1883), which is a very rare species in Korean cattle, was studied with germ cells of the worm by means of modified air-drying method. The chromosome numbers in the haploid and diploid cells of 315 F. cobboldi were n=9 and 2n=18, respectively. The meiotic divisions were observed frequently; 1,904 haploid and 49 diploid cells were recognized. Nine pairs of mitotic chromosomes were homologous in the metaphase stage and the chromosomes were composed of seven medium-sized metacentrics (m) or submetacentrics (sm) and two small-sized submetacentrics (sm). While, meiotic metaphases were composed of seven medium and two small·sized chromosomes. The 3rd, 4th, 2nd and 5th pairs of chromosomes was metacentric having centromere indices of 40.4%, 40.0%, 39.7% and 38.9%, respectively, and the remaining ones were submetacentric with centromere indices from 32,4% to 36.2%. As a series of C-banding method, C-band was shown in centromeric region from all of the haploid germ cells, except chromosome No. 1 which included heterochromatin at the tip region. Chromosomes No, 4, 6 and 9 showed remarkable C-band distinguished from others.

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The effects of antibodies and complement in macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity on metacercariae of the lung fluke, Paragonimus westeymani (폐흡충(Paragonimus Tuestermani) 피낭유충에 대한 대식세포의 세포독성에 있어서 항체 및 보체가 미치는 영향)

  • 민득영;안명희
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 1990
  • Paragonimus westermani is a tissue migrating parasite in the early stage until arriving at lung, and most of the parasites spend their life spans there. Considerable immune responses including activation of macrophages are taken place during the residence of parasites in the host. However, concerning the immunologic defense mechanisms of the host against this parasite, only a few document is available so far. In this study, the cytotoxic effect of peritoneal macrophages under the presence of antibody and/or complement against metacercariae of F. westermani was investigated in vitro. Metacercarlae were collected from the crayfish, Cambaroides similis and hatched out in Tyrode solution (pH 7.4). Plastic adherent cells from normal or infected rat (Wistar) peritoneal exudates were used as experimental macrophages. Polyclonal antibodies were obtained from infected rats and a cat. Cat IgG was fractioned with ion exchange chromatography. Fresh rabbit complement was used according to experimental scheme. Various combinations of peritoneal macrophages, normal or infected rat serum, complement and cat IgG were incubated at $36^{\circ}C$ in 5% $CO_2$ incubator for 6, 14, 24 and 48 hours. The results obtained were as follows: 1. P. westermani infection activated peritoneal macrophages non-specifically and this activation induced increases of cell adherence and cytotoxicity on metacercariae. 2. In the presence of infected rat serum the antibody.dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity of peritoneal macrophages on metacercariae was significantly increased and showed a peak at 6-hour incubation. But the cytotoxic effect was markedly reduced after inactivation of complement and heat.labile IgE antibody by the heating of infected serum at 56$^{\circ}C$ for 30 minutes. 3. The highest cytotoxic effect (100%) of concomitant incubation with IgG and complement showed 24 hours after incubation, although cell adherence was relatively low at 6-hour incubation and 0% at 24-hour incubation. 4. Coordinative functions of complement with serum and IgG were effective in cell adherence and in cytotoxicity, but it is not clear the independent role of complement on the macrophage- mediated cytotoxicity in this study- With these results it is assumed that P. westermani infection can induce the non-specific activation of peritoneal macrophages, and strum antibodies including IgE antibody might enhance the cytotoxicity by macrophages,

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Component proteins in cystic fluid of Taenia sodium metacestodes collected surgically from neurocysticercosis patients (인체 유구낭미충증 환자에서 수거한 낭미충 낭액의 성분 단백질의 양상)

  • Yoon Kong;Shin-Yong Kang;Seung-Yull Cho
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 1990
  • Surgically collected cystic fluid of Taenia solium metacestodes from patients of intracranial cystic lesion were compared in their protein composition with those from naturally infected pigs in Cheju Do, Korea and Ecuador. In non-denaturing discontinuous-polyacryla aide gel electrophoresis (disc-PAGE) , no discernible differences were recognized in banding patterns between the cystic fluids from Cheju Do and Ecuador, and between the cystic quids from pigs and human lesions except wider bands that corresponded to human albumin and T-globulin (in 4 of 9 patients). In reducing SDS-PAGE, bands in the cystic Ruid from Ecuador showed the same banding pattern with that from Cheju Do but two bands of 21 and 17 kDa were stained darker. Cystic quids (rom patients revealed the same protein compositions of the major protein bands of 94, 64, 15, 10 and 7 kDa as in the cystic fluid of pig origin, but human albumin (66 kDa), heavy and light chains of gamma globulin (55 and 22.5 kDa) were contaminated in 4 of 9 cystic fluids. Human CSF proteins seem to have been contaminated during cystic ftuid collection. In any cystic quid from patients, the majcr Protein component was 150 kDa which was subdivided into 15, 10 and 7 kDa in reducing SDS-PAGE.

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Identification of Stictodora lari (Heterophyidae) metacercariae encysted in the brackish water fish, Acanthogobius flavimanus (문절망둑(Acanthogobius flavimanus)에서 얻은 Stictodora lari 피낭유충의 동정)

  • 채종일;박상규
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 1989
  • Metacercariae of the genus Stictodora encysted in the head tissue of Acanthogobius navimanus (the gobies) caught at Sachun-gun, Kyongnam Province, were identified to be Stictodora Zari Yamaguti, 1939 (Trematoda: Heterophyidae), a new parasite fauna in Korea. The metacercariae were 0.39∼,0.43 mm by 0.32∼0.35 mm in size, long elliptical, and with a thin and transparent cyst wall. Total 200 metacercariae were collected from 50 gobies. In order to obtain adult worms two kittens and a Puppy were infected each with 34∼100 metacercariae, and total 33 adults were recovered between the day 4 and day 8 post-infection. The S. sari adults measured 0.95∼1.18 mm long and 0.26∼0.32 mm wide and the eggs in uteri 0.028∼0.033 mm by 0.017∼0.020 mm. The most characteristic morphological feature of these flukes was the presence of a gonotyl and gonotyl spines arranged in two groups; densely crowded group of 30~40 spines and linearly-arranged one of 30∼40 spines, together of which made a comma(or reversed comma) shape along the lateral margin of the gonotyl. It has been proved by this study that 5. sari is distributed in southern coasts of Korea.

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Diagnosis of bovine cryptosporidiosis by indirect immunofluorescence assay using monoclonal antibody (단세포군항체를 이용한 간접형광항체법에 의한 송아지 작은와포자충증의 진단)

  • Wi, Seong-Hwan;Lee, Jeong-Gil;Ju, Hu-Don
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 1995
  • Two hybridoma cell lines against Cwptosporinium possum oocysts nFRl-CN911 were produced. The isotype of these 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was IgG2b (lE7.2) and and IgM (C6). Enzyme immuno-transfer blotting analysis showed that 157.2 reacted specifically to 36 kDa protein and C6 reacted to 67 and 70 kDa proteins. C. pcnlum was bound specifically to the surface region of oocysts by these mobs. No cross-reactivity was observed with tachyzoites of ToxopLosma gonnii and oocysts of Eimeria zuernii,5. bouis and E. canadensis of bovine origin. The indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIF) using mAb C6 was successful with counterstain. With the IIF using mob C6, oocysts appeared as 3 to $5{\mu}m$ spherical objects fluorescing bright apple green against a reddish dark background. The IIF using mAb C6 was agreed in specificity and sensitivity with those of a commercial diagnostic kit. These results demonstrated that the produced mAbs were specific to C. parvum and that the mAb C6 could be used for diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis.

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Immune reactions between excretory-secretory antigens and specific antibodies of Clonorchis sinensis before and after praziquantel treatment in experimentally infected rabbits (간흡충 감염 토끼에서 프라지콴텔 치료 전후의 특이항체의 간흡충 분비배설항원에 대한 면역반응양상)

  • 김석일
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 1994
  • This study was designed to evaluate the humoral immune reactions in clonorchiasis before and after praziquantel treatment. Rabbits were infected with 150 or 450 metacercariae, treated on 4 and 8111 months after infection, and observed for 13 months of posttreatment. Infection controls were maintained for 22 months. Antigen was the metabolic product of worms incubated in physiologic saline. The immune reactions of anti-clonorchis IgG were observed using SDS-PAGE/immunoblot. During the Infection and Posttreatment, the antigenic Proteins of 66, 63, 54, 52, 50,47,42, 40, 38, 34,33,30, 27, 25, 23, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12.5 and 11.5 kDa were detected. Of them, 33,27, 13, and 12.5-kDa antigens were highly antigenic and observed predominently in infection controls. After the treatment, 13 and 12.5-kDa antigens faded in 6 months after the second treatment, but 33 and 27-kDa antigens were detected until 13 months of posttreatment. The results clearly demonstrate that 13 and 12.5-kDa antigens represent attenuated host immune reactions by praziquantel treatment. As the 12.5-kDa antigen had a large amount of protein in SDS-PAGE, it was designated as'K2-Ag'of C. sinenis.

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Detection of a Microsporidium, Nosema ceranae, from Field Population of the Bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, via Quantitative Real-Time PCR (서양뒤영벌 야외개체군에서 Real-Time PCR을 이용한 Nosema ceranae의 검출)

  • Lee, Dae-Weon
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.270-274
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    • 2013
  • The bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, has played an important role as one of the alternative pollinators since the outbreak of honeybee collapse disorder. Recently, pathogens and parasites such as viruses, bacteria and mites, which affect the life span and fecundity of their host, have been discovered in B. terristris. In order to detect the microsporidian pathogen, Nosema spp. in the field populations of B. terristris, we collected adults and isolated their genomic DNA for diagnostic PCR. The PCR primers specific for Nosema spp. were newly designed and applied to gene amplification for cloning. Only small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene of N. ceranae was successfully amplified among examined genes and sequenced, which indicates that N. ceranae mainly infects the examined field population of B. terristris. To detect of SSU rRNA gene, two regions of SSU rRNA gene were selected by primary PCR analysis and further analyzed in quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The qRT-PCR analysis demonstrated that SSU rRNA of N. ceranae was detected at concentration as low as $0.85ng/{\mu}l$ genomic DNA. This result suggests that the detection via qRT-PCR can be applied for the rapid and sensitive diagnosis of N. ceranae infection in the field population as well as risk assessment of B. terristris.

Study on a broadband quasi-Yagi antenna for mobile base station (이동통신 기지국용 광대역 quasi-Yagi 안테나에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ig;Yeo, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4165-4170
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a method for the improvement in the gain and bandwidth of a microstrip-fed broadband planar quasi-Yagi antenna (QYA) is studied. The broadband characteristics of the QYA are achieved from the coplanar strip-fed planar dipole driver and a parasitic director close to the driver. In order to obtain stable gain variation over the required frequency band, a director and a ground reflector are appended to the driver having a nearby parasitic director. The QYA is fed through an integrated balun composed of a microstrip line and a slot line which are terminated in a short circuit. By adjusting the feeding point, a broadband impedance matching is obtained. A QYA with an operating frequency band of 1.75-2.7 GHz and a gain > 4.5 dBi is designed and fabricated on an FR4 substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4 and thickness of 1.6mm. The experimental results show that the fabricated antenna has good performance such as a broad bandwidth of 59.7%(1.55-2.87 GHz), a stable gain between 4.7-6.5 dBi, and a front-to-back ratio > 10 dB. The measured data agree well with the simulation, which validates this study.

Tight junctional inhibition of entry of Toxoplasma gondii into MDCK cells (MDCK세포의 tight junction 형성이 Toxoplusmu gondii의 숙주세포 침투에 미치는 효과)

  • 남호우;윤지혜
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 1990
  • Various conditions of cultures were performed to investigate the role of tight junctions formed between adjacent MDCK cells on the entry of Toxoplasma. When MDCK cells were cocultured with excess number of Toxoplasma at the seeding density of 1×105, 3×105, and 5×105 cells/ml for 4 days, the number of intracellular parasites decreased rapidly as the host cells reached saturation density, i.e., the formation of tight junctions. When the concentration of calcium in the media (1.8 mM in general) was shifted to $5{\mu}M$ that resulted in the elimination of tight junction, the penetration of Toxoplasma increased about 2-fold(p<0.05) in the saturated culture, while that of non-saturated culture decreased by half. Trypsin-EDTA which was treated to conquer the tight junctions of saturated culture favored the entry of Toxoplasma about 2.5-fold(P<0.05) compared to the non-treated, while that of non- saturated culture decreased to about one fifth. It was suggested that the tight junctions of epithelial cells play a role as a barrier for the entry of Toxoplasma and Toxoplasma penetrate into hoot cells through membrane structure-specific, i.e., certain kind of receptors present on the basolateral rather than apical surface of MDCK cells.

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ELISA of rat sera infected with Paragonimus iloktsuenensis (이락촌폐흡충 감염 쥐의 혈청에 대한 효소면역 반응(ELISA))

  • Im, Byeong-Gil;Lee, Ok-Ran;Nam, Hae-Seon
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 1990
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) of paragonimiasis iloktsuenensis rat sera was performed using crude antigens of Paragonimus iloktsuenensis(PIA), P. westermani (PWA) and Clonorchis sinensis(CSA). Three crude antigens(PIA, PWA, CSA) were prepared to saline homogenated supernatants of whole adult worms. Infected rat sera were obtained biweekly from the albino rats fed 50∼.80 metacercariae of P. iloktsuenensis through gastric catheter. Experimental groups were divided into 4 groups: GI(controls), GII, GIII and GIV according to 1∼7 worms as GII, 10∼19 worms as GIII and 22∼40 worms as GIV, respectively, In ELISA, the mean OD values of each group for the homologous antigen(PIA) were increased significantly compared to the control sera at the 4th week of infection. With the progress of duration of infection, the mean OD values of infected sera of GII & GIV continuously increased up to the 12th week(last week), but in GIII the mean OD value increased until the loth week. No significance was noted among the infection dose groups (GII, GIII and GIV), after the 6th week of infection. Also, the OD values of all infected rats did not show any Proportional relytionships to the number of worms recovered. In brief, the antibody productivity of individual rats were strongly different. The rat sera infected with p. iloktsuenensis cross-reacted with those infected with P. westermani or C. sinensis, as identified by OD values.

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