• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기록관리기구

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A Study on Open Source Transition Strategy of Record System (기록시스템의 오픈소스화 전략 연구)

  • An, Dae-jin;Yim, Jin-hee
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.52
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    • pp.119-170
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to analyze the environment for the open-source records system and to identify the risk and requirements for the success of the strategy in Korea. For this, Chapter 2 presented a review of the strategic benefits of open source to public organizations, developers, and users. It also discussed the process of cooperatively developing and releasing the source code and the technology infrastructure supporting open source. In Chapter 3, six representative open-source projects in the field of records management were selected, and case studies were conducted. To derive comprehensive implications, we have divided the main development body of open-source projects into international organizations, international cooperation systems, national archives, and software development companies. We also analyzed the background and purpose of each project, the agents of development and funding, the governance model, the development period and cost, the business model and software architecture, the community composition, and the licensing strategy. Through this, we have derived four critical success factors. In terms of technology, a component-based design was required; therefore, we proposed a microservice architecture and a model-view-controller design pattern. Next, it was necessary to reestablish system requirements of records center and archives. Moreover, we also proposed a dual licensing strategy to allow developers to easily participate in open-source projects. Lastly, we emphasized a strong governance structure and an effective cooperation framework to create a sustainable community. For a record system to be open-source successfully in an organization-centered market, the roles of software developers and end users should be exercised more in the community. To achieve this, it is important to build various collaborative tools and development infrastructure from a planning stage to a centralized one.

The Analysis of Interface Types and Characteristics of Web Archiving: With a Focus on the Web Archiving Project Initiated by the Nation (웹 아카이빙 인터페이스 유형 및 특성 분석 - 국가주도 웹 아카이빙 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Heejung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.147-170
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    • 2010
  • In this study, national web archiving cases were reviewed and interface types and characteristics were examined. Five interface categories and fourteen evaluation criteria were selected. As for the OASIS, Korean national web archiving project, functions of retrieval interface and user support interface were insufficient and need to be reinforced. Other recommended improvement plans were; diversifications of the subject area of web contents, sharing the web acquisition, make up the special collection, visualization of archiving time and trends, systematic performance of the archiving strategy, and active collaboration with international organization.

A Study of Local Government's Archives in Beijing, China (중국 북경지역의 구현당안관에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.411-430
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    • 2014
  • Quxian Archives is the institution collecting, managing and preserving archives and historical materials of each institution, group and individual of pertinent districts and prefectures. This study investigated 16 Quxian Archives in Beijing and surrounding areas in a bid to conduct overseas case study of archives of primary local governments or municipalities. Establishment status, function and organization of Quxian Archives were studied in terms of management. And collection range, method of collection and characteristics of archives in possession were studied in terms of archives of Quxian Archives. Through this study, the construction of informatization of resources of archives and establishment of integrated retrieval system on national level are expected. It is also expected that this will contribute to the establishment of archives of Korea's primary local governments and municipalities, working as one of overseas example of operation.

Difference of perception of the duties of dental hygienist between dentists and dental hygiene students in an area (일개 지역 치과의사와 치위생학과 학생 간 치과위생사의 업무에 대한 인식의 차이)

  • Hwang, Soo-Jeong;Koong, Hwa-Soo;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Administration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2017
  • Although dental hygienists have performed chair-side assisting and other dental cares as well as preventive dental cares in Korea, medical technician law confines duties of dental hygienists as closed narrative. The aim of this study was to investigate difference in perception of duties of dental hygienists in dental clinic between dentists and dental hygiene students. A total of 245 copies of questionnaires were distributed to dentists and students by post-mail. Only 42 dentists and 30 students in an area replied these questionnaires about the present and future duties of dental hygienists after providing written consent. Both groups agreed that intra and extra oral X-ray taking, education about oral health behavior, instruction after dental treatment, chair-side assisting, consulting for patients, scaling, initial impression taking, management of dental materials and equipment, sterilization of equipment, and receiving dental bills are duties of dental hygienists. However, they had different perceptions about various dental treatments as duties of dental hygienists even if they were under instructions of a dentist, including infiltration anesthesia, filling in cavity, intramuscular injection, FC change, canal irrigation, orthodontic treatment including separating, ligature bracket bonding and removing, setting crown and bridge, making individual, removing implant screw, and so on. These findings demonstrated that there were different perceptions about duties of dental hygienists between dentists and dental hygiene students, especially on dental treatment.

A Study on the Oil Record Book Guide Line for the PSC Inspection (선박의 항만국검사대비 기름기록관리에 관한 실무적용 연구)

  • Kwon, K.S.
    • Journal of Korea Ship Safrty Technology Authority
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    • s.31
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2011
  • The transportation of oil has increased due to the growth of marine industries and oil refineries. Oil residues and waste discharged to the ocean has increased due to accidental and/or intentional discharges. The International Marine Organization(IMO) has made compulsory that every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross tonnages other than tankers and above should be provided with an oil record book. The entries in the oil record book should be made in accordance with the IMO guidelines. Specifically, engine room generated oil residues should be recorded in the oil record book from January 1, 2011. Also, the developed IMO guideline should be added for the prevention of dispute with the Port State Control Officers and(or) Tanker Vetting Inspectors. This oil record book will be in operation and of valued assistance to the marine officers, according to the IMO policy for the prevention of the waste oil and the oil mixtures from the machinery space. For the convenience, added Code & Item No. list, FAQs and reviewed and revised Examples.

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The Influence of factor on team nursing system (팀간호제에 영향을 미치는 요인분석)

  • Lee, J.R.;Ham, S.W.;Kim, E.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.05b
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    • pp.837-840
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 급변하는 의료환경에 대비하여 간호의 질 향상 및 증진을 통한 환자 만족도 증진을 위해 간호전달체계를 기능적 간호방법에서 팀간호제 방법으로 전환을 하면서 이에 따른 간호활동 및 직무 만족도를 조사하였다. 간접간호 수행률 조사를 살펴보면 기록간호, 확인업무, 물품관리, 간접소통, 전달 업무 등 모두에서 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 영양간호, 전적인 식사보조 등은 간호직무만족도가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 간호사 직무만족도는 어려움이 있을 때 동료나 상사에게 의논하는 것으로 나타났다. 안전간호, 화재예방 등이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 간호사 업무성과 병동의 시설과 기구를 적절히 관리한다. 간호사 업무성과, 환자에게 적절한 휴식 및 안정을 위한 간호를 제공하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과 간호사들이 역할을 명확히 규명하고 세분화하여 이를 수행하는 직무내용을 명확하게 파악하고 작업표준 지침서를 작성하여 활용한다면 간호사들의 자가 관리 증진은 물론 환자와 보호자에게도 만족감을 높여 줄 수 있는 계기가 될 것이며, 이를 통한 다양한 팀제 운영이 될 것이라 생각된다. 또한, 향후 다양한 업무 개선 활동이 가능할 것이라 생각된다.

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세계 도서관인의 큰잔치 IFLA를 다녀와서

  • Cheon, Yeong-Chun
    • KLA journal
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    • v.41 no.4 s.323
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2000
  • 제 66차 IFLA(The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) 총회가 2000년 8월 13일부터 8월 18일 까지 이스라엘의 예루살렘에서 개최되었다. IFLA는 1927년 창설된 비정부 기구로서 그 주요 목적은 정보관리, 유통, 정보서비스 및 사서의 교육을 포함한 도서관 활동과 문헌정보학 전반에 걸친 국제적인 상호 이해 증진과 협력, 토론, 연구 및 개발을 증진시키고 도서관인들의 국제적 관심사를 논하는 토론의 장을 제공하며, 전 세계에 문헌정보분야 및 사서들의 활동 그리고 현주소를 하나된 목소리로 대변하고 알리는 단일화된 창구역할을 담당하는 우리분야의 세계적인 대표단체이다. 현재 143개국의 1622개 도서관 및 관련단체들이 가입되어있으며 우리나라에서는 우리협회가 1955년 가입하였다. 이번 대회는 'Information for Cooperation: Creating the Global Library of the Future'라는 주제로 전 세계에서 90개국 1800여명의 도서관인들이 참가하여 성황을 이루었다. 우리나라에서는 한국도서관협회 이두영 회장을 비롯한 총 36명이 참가하여 세계 각 국의 도서관인을 만나고, 배우는 좋은 기회를 가졌다. 뜻밖의 참관기 의뢰를 받고 망설였으나, 여행 중에는 수시로 간단히 기록해 두는 습관에 의해 메모해 두었던 것과 출장계획이 미리 잡혀있어 준비해온 과정 그리고 나의 여행체험을 바탕으로 하여 기행문 형식으로 적어 봄으로 미흡하나마 독자들로 하여금 본 대화와 여행의 경험을 함께 나눌 수 있게 되기를 바라는 마음이다.

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Fitness Centers Management System Using NFC (NFC를 이용한 헬스장 관리 시스템)

  • Jang, MoonSoo;Moon, Mikyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2012.07a
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    • pp.69-70
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    • 2012
  • NFC(Near Field Communication)는 전자태그의 하나로 13.56Mz 주파수 대역을 사용하는 비접촉식 근거리 무선통신 모듈로 10cm의 가까운 거리에서 단말기 간 데이터를 전송하는 기술을 말한다. 본 논문에서는 헬스장을 이용하는 사용자의 운동에 도움을 줄 수 있는 NFC기반 스마트폰 애플리케이션의 개발내용에 대해 기술한다. 본 애플리케이션을 통해 NFC 탑재 디바이스를 가진 사용자는 헬스장을 이용할 때 단순 태그인식만으로 출석을 확인할 수 있고, 운동기구의 자세한 사용방법을 멀티미디어의 형태로 제공받을 수 있다. 또한 운동일지와 식단일지를 기록하고 이를 트레이너와 공유하게 함으로써 보다 체계적으로 운동을 꾸준히 할 수 있게 도움을 준다.

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Analysis of Sanitation Management Practices through Field Assessment of Large Restaurants by Restaurant Style in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province (대구·경북지역 대형음식점 업종별 현장실사를 통한 위생관리실태 분석)

  • Park, You-Hwa;Lee, Yeon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.944-954
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    • 2007
  • The Purpose of this study was to investigate overall sanitation levels of restaurants in Korea by examining sanitation management. Sanitation inspections were carried out in 200 large Korean, Western, Chinese, and Japanese restaurants and in buffet-style restaurants of over 100 pyeong in size located in Daegu and Gyeongbuk province. This survey of sanitation management practices found that in large restaurants employing many workers, sanitation management was good in the areas of the kitchen environment, equipment and utensils, food handling, and worker's personal hygiene. Restaurants having relatively large kitchens showed significantly high scores in these sanitation areas. Furthermore, open-kitchen-type restaurants showed significantly higher scores in kitchen sanitation compared with closed-kitchen-type restaurants. Survey results of sanitation management show that, in all restaurants surveyed, sanitation management was good in dining hall sanitation and in providing a safe drinking water supply, but poor in food handling sanitation. Kitchen environment sanitation was poor in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese restaurants. Equipment and utensils sanitation was unsatisfactory in Western and buffet-style restaurants. In the food handling area, especially food sanitation and temperature, checks were rarely made, and pasteurization and temperature records were not kept. Therefore, it is recommended that, in planning a kitchen facility in the future, the floor area should be as large as Possible and open. In terms of management, more attention should be paid to food pasteurization, sanitation of cooking equipment and utensils, and checking of food temperature.

Analyzing the Importance and Performance of Sanitation Management within Childcare Center Foodservice Facilities in Gyeongbuk Province (경북 지역 보육 시설 급식소의 위생 관리에 대한 중요도-수행도 조사)

  • Jung, Hyeon-A;Kim, An-Na;Joo, Na-Mi;Paik, Jae-Eun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the importance and performance of sanitation management within childcare center foodservice facilities in Gyeongbuk province. The survey involved 248 people who participated in the food hygiene and safety education for childcare center managers in Gyeongbuk province from June to July 2010. A total of 236 survey papers were analyzed statistically by SPSS program. By the method, t-test and importance-performance analysis (IPA) was performed. Among the respondents, facility managers are 40s (41.9%) which accounted the most percentage, and for the type of facility, the largest amount was home (39.9%). The number of preschool children who are under 20 people accounted for 45.3% and food service staffs were accounted for 36.7%. No significant differences were observed for the four items on the IPA, except for the topics "the immediate deal with trash and leftover food" and "minimizing time (within 2 hours) for distribution after cooking" (p<0.001). The average score on the IPA was 4.14 points, and the average score for the importance of the evaluation was 4.49 points out of 5. Finally, childcare facility managers are aware of the importance that is lower than can be done. The results suggest that continuing education is necessary to administrators to manage the health care facility effectively.