• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기록관리기관

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A Study on Web Records Management Process (웹기록물 관리 프로세스 연구)

  • Dohee Kim;Moonsoo Hyun;Seo Young Bai;Jihee Park;Jihyun Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.201-226
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to develop a web records management process for public institutions and define the roles of agents in task execution. First, web records' concept and management environment across 17 domestic and international institutions were examined, and web archiving professionals were interviewed to investigate the current status of the environment, policies, and systems related to web record management. Then, a web records life-cycle management process was formulated to create a web records management framework applicable to domestic institutions. This process was classified into short-term, medium-to-long-term, and medium-to-long-term, with additional consideration plans designed to strengthen the web records management capabilities of public institutions from a long-term perspective. Third, the roles of agents in web records management, including the processing department, archivist, and permanent records management organization, are presented to establish a working foundation for the web record management process. Finally, the study's result can be used to build a process that reflects the practice of web records management or establish policies and systems related to web records management.

A Study on Records Management of Local Public Enterprises in Busan Metropolitan City (지방공기업의 기록물 관리에 관한 연구 - 부산광역시를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Min-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.171-192
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the present conditions and to raise several points on the records management of the local public enterprise. On the basis of these finding we shall offer remedies to raise the efficiency of records management. Five local public enterprises under the umbrella of Busan Metropolitan City were selected. They supplied a general picture of the actual management status of public records. To improve the task of records management in local public enterprises, certain topics need to be addressed. Local Government should emphasize the importance and necessity of records management to all the staff of the local public enterprises. And the local autonomous entities and National Archives & Records Service should impose a duty on the records management of public enterprises and supervise it regularly.

A Study on the Extension of the Description Elements for Audio-visual Archives (시청각기록물의 기술요소 확장에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Young-Joon;Moon, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2010
  • The output and usage rate of audio-visual materials have sharply increased as the information industry advances and diverse archives became available. However, the awareness of the audio-visual archives are more of a separate record with collateral value. The organizations that hold these materials have very weak system of the various areas such as the categories and archiving methods. Moreover, the management system varies among the organizations, so the users face difficulty retrieving and utilizing the audio-visual materials. Thus, this study examined the feasibility of the synchronized management of audio-visual archives by comparing the descriptive elements of the audio-visual archives in internal key agencies. The study thereby examines the feasibility of the metadata element of the organizations and that of synchronized management to propose the effect of the use of management, retrieval and service of efficient AV materials. The study also proposes the improvement of descriptive element of metadata.

The Transition of Legislations on Management of Public Records in Korea (우리나라 공공기록물 관리에 관한 법규의 변천)

  • Kim, Sei-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.5-38
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the historical course of legislations on management of public records, analyse the transition process of records management systems on the basis of the life cycle of records, and eventually provide an effective measure reflecting the environment of public records management in Korea. It is significant that this study may provide better understanding of records management systems in Korea through the analysis of legislations with relation to public records management.

A Comparative Study on the Development Strategies of Cultural Institutions (문화유산기관의 발전 전략 비교 연구)

  • Kwak, Kun-Hong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.36
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    • pp.3-33
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    • 2013
  • The medium and long term plan is one of the most important factors for the cooperation between cultural institutions such as archives, libraries and museums. This paper tries to analyze comparatively the development strategies' backgrounds and tasks of the national representative cultural institutions, with their similarities and differences. Limitations of the development strategies caused by their low stature are also presented in the paper. Accordingly this paper put emphasis on the changeover from separate and individual development strategy to joint and collaborative one for the cooperation between cultural institutions.

A Study on Records Disclosure Management of Local Governments in Busan (부산 지방자치단체의 기록물 공개관리에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, YeonHwa;Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2021
  • This study seeks to grasp the current status of and suggest improvements on records disclosure management. Data were collected through a literature review, surveys, and in-depth interviews with 7 record managers and 40 office staff in local governments. Existing records disclosures were also used as references for the discussion. With this, self-reliance efforts within local governments and active roles in central records management institutions were proposed.

A Study on Developing a Model for the History Compilation of Public Institutions (공공기관의 기관사(機關史) 편찬 모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Chan Mi Koo;Yeon-Kyoung Chung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 2023
  • The history compilation of public institutions is a type of record compilation that can be very useful record content for users. The study aims to develop a model for the history compilation of public institutions that can be flexibly applied to the task while providing practical guidance for the actual work of institutional history compilation. To achieve this goal, literature reviews, task analyses, questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews, and expert evaluations were conducted. Based on these results, the 5 processes were organized into 20 work areas and 45 detailed work elements, which were divided into 31 essential tasks and 14 optional tasks to design the final version of an institutional history compilation model for public institutions. The model of this study can be used in public institutions to carry out tasks regarding history compilation and can also be used to establish schedules and plans by identifying overall tasks to be performed in the preparation stage for history compilation.

The Present Situation of Publication Service and Improvement Plans for Archives -Focused on National Archives of Korea- (기록물관리기관의 출판서비스 현황과 개선방안 -국가기록원을 중심으로-)

  • Sim, Se-Hyun;Lee, Sung-Sook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference
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    • 2010.08a
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2010
  • 기록물관리기관은 현행 이용자뿐만 아니라 잠재적 이용자에게도 기록물이 효과적으로 이용될 수 있도록 정책과 방안을 수립해야 한다. 효과적인 기록정보의 활용은 국가 정책수립과 행정, 집행에 필요한 정보를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 연구 학술에 필요한 정보를 제공하고, 더 나아가 국민의 알권리를 충족시켜 준다. 따라서 기록물관리기관은 잠재적인 이용자를 개발하여 미래의 지원과 자원을 확보할 수 있는 아웃리치 서비스가 필요하다. 본 연구는 아웃리치 서비스 중의 하나인 출판서비스의 현황과 개선방안을 알아보기 위해 국내외 출판서비스를 비교 분석하였고, 문헌 연구 및 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통해 출판서비스의 현실태와 수준, 인식도를 살펴보았다.

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An Experimental Study on Web Link Analysis of the Korean National Archives (국가기록원 웹사이트 링크정보 분석에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Zi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2008
  • In this study, web link analysis of the Korean National Archives has been Performed using LexiURL to show the dynamic web flow of the National Archives and to identify which closely related institutions the archives should seek to cooperate with for developing an institutional strategic plan. Inlink and co-inlink analysis were performed and, to identify related institutions of the Korean National Archives. a comparison was made with other countries such as Australia, England and the United Stats. Through web link analysis, several features can be detected and future directions are suggested. Most inlinks and co-inlink of the Korean National Archives were from public institutions, indicating that relationships with educational or research institutions are weak. Moreover, Korean National Archives involve fewer web links related to international activities than other countries. Proceeding from these results, educational function, research function and international activities should be fortified. Korean National Archives need to provide more materials for supporting educational and research activities and more cultural interchange among related institutions. Further research with different heritage institutions such as libraries or museums is needed.

Efficient Management and use of Records from the Truth Commissions (과거사위원회 기록의 효율적인 관리와 활용방안)

  • Lim, Hee Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.17
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    • pp.247-292
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    • 2008
  • Investigations have been started to set the modern history and national spirit to rights after Commissions were established. Those Commissions are established and operated with time limit to finish its own missions. They creates three kinds of records as acquired materials which acquired or are donated for investigation; investigation records as investigation reports; and administrative records that created while supporting organization's operation. The Commissions use more past records to do special tasks asnation's slate clean and uncovering the truth than other agencies. In other words, the commissions take the most advantages of well-managed records, however, their record management environment and operation systems are relatively loose than other permanent machineries. It has three reasons that; first, there is no record management regulations and criteria for machineries that have time limit. This affected each commissions 'systems and 6 Truth Commissions' record management systems are built separately and on the different level; Second, members lack responsibility from frequent sending, reinstatement, change, and restructuring and that makes troubles to produce and manage records; Third, central archives pay less attention to machineries that operated limited period as the truth commissions. The Commissions rather need more systematic control because its records have historical value. To solve these problems, record management regulations have to be prepared first with features of organizations running limited time and commissions' records as acquired materials or investigation records. Furthermore, building up standard record management system for the Commissions, standardizing transfer data, imposing professional record personnel, and setting limits frequent personnel changes would finish practical problems. Besides, those records created to reveal the truth should use for education and research because Truth Commissions are established to set unfortunate history right and not to repeat it again. The records would serve as steppingstone for establishment of the Truth Record Center that does education, information work, publication, and research with the records. The record center would help using the records efficiently and improving knowledge for its people. And, the center should devote people to recognize importance of the records.