• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기도 수축

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Effect of one time laughter therapy on job stress and job involvement of geriatric hospital workers (일회성 웃음치료가 노인요양병원 업무종사자의 직무스트레스와 직무몰입에 미치는 효과)

  • Han, Mi Ra;Kang, Ji Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • This study was intended to prepare a basis to apply one time laughter therapy in clinical circumstances as an intervention for reducing job stress and improve job involvement of geriatric hospital workers by identifying the effect of one time laughter therapy on their physiological stress responses, job stress, and job involvement. This study was a Non-Equivalent control group pre-post design to validate the effect of one time laughter therapy. The participants of this study included 80 staffs of 2 geriatric hospitals located in I city, including 40 persons in each experimental and control group. Consent was obtained from the participants, after explaining sufficiently study purpose, blood pressure and pulse rate measurement, serum cortisol level measurement, and a questionnaire on job stress and job involvement and data collection was performed 2 times each, before and after the experimental procedure. For the collected data, frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation, χ2 test, Fisher's exact test and t-test were conducted using SPSS Win 19.0. The results of this study were as follows. The systolic blood pressure and the serum cortisol level were reduced significantly. It was found that although there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in job stress and job involvement. Therefore, it was identified that the one time laughter therapy was an effective nursing intervention to reduce physiological stress response of geriatric hospital workers.

Analysis of Changes in Carotid Intima-media Thicknesses according to Metabolic Syndrome-inducing Factors (대사증후군 유발 인자에 따른 경동맥 내중막 두께의 변화 분석)

  • Nan-Hee An;Tae-Jeong Ji;Hyeon-Jin Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 2023
  • This study retrospectively analyzed the test results of 235 patients who visited a medical institution in Busan from May 2022 and February 2023 and conducted both carotid ultrasonography and blood tests. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect on intima-media thickness and blood flow velocity by measuring the intima-media thickness and blood flow velocity through carotid ultrasonography and analyzing the factors influencing the subject's body mass index and metabolic syndrome. Correlation analysis between carotid intima-media thickness and body mass showed (p=0.000) confirming that there is a correlation. As a result Correlation analysis between blood flow velocity and body mass index (p=0.015) was found, comfirming that there was a correlation. Age (p= 0.000), fasting blood glucose (p=0.002) and alcohol consumption (p=0.006) were found to be correlated with carotid intima-media thickness. An increase in Carotid intima-media thicknesses causes an increase in events caused by cardiovascular disease. Therefore, efforts must be made to exclude factors that increase Carotid intima-media thicknesses, and it will be most important to prevent cardiovascular disease through research on various prediction methods and regular checkups.

Correlation Analysis of Clinical Risk Factors and Atherosclerosis Diagnosed by Carotid Artery Ultrasonography (경동맥 초음파로 진단된 죽상동맥경화증과 위험인자의 관련성 분석)

  • Jee-Yeon Park;Sung-Hee Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.465-472
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    • 2023
  • In predicting vascular disease, this study attempted to identify changes in the carotid intima-media thickness in patients who underwent carotid artery ultrasonography and hematological tests and to find out the effect of risk factors on the expression of atherosclerotic plaque. A retrospective analysis was conducted on 469 healthy adults who visited the hospital for the purpose of medical examination and performed carotid artery ultrasonography. As a result, carotid intima-media thickness, age, body mass index, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and glucose were analyzed as significant predictors of atherosclerotic plaque (p<0.001). The risk ratio was calculated based on the cut off value of the risk factors of the atherosclerotic plaque determined through ROC curve analysis, followed by 8.06 times the carotid intima-media thickness, 7.53 times the age, 3.97 times the waist circumference and 2.02 times the glucose. Therefore, in this study it was possible to prepare a Korean standard for clinical risk factors that affect the presence of absence of atherosclerotic plaque and observation of carotid artery ultrasonography is thought to help diagnose or predict cardiovascular disease early.

Effects of different cardiorespiratory fitness response to exercise training on cardiovascular disease and adipocytokine in abdominal obesity women (운동 트레이닝을 통한 심폐체력 반응의 차이가 복부비만 여성의 심혈관계 위험요인과 아디포싸이토카인에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, S.H.
    • Exercise Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of different cardiorespiratory fitness response to exercise training on cardiovascular disease and adipocytokine release and gene expression in abdominal obesity women. forty eight middle-age women were divided to a exercise-responder (n=34) group (ERG) and a exercise-nonresponder (n=14) group (ENRG) based on cardiorespiratory fitness after exercise training (12weeks, 1200 kcal/week, moderate-vigorous intensity, walking and jogging). Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured using maximal oxygen uptake with metabolic gas analysis and body composition was determined by bioelectrical impedance. We measured lipid and glucose profiles, blood adipocytokines and adipocytokine genes expression in adipose tissue. Waist girth (p=0.040), and %body fat (p=0.031) were significantly decreased in ERG than ENRG. Triglyceride (p=0.023) and systolic blood pressure (0.046) were significantly decreased in ERG than ENRG. Blood leptin (p=0.022) was significantly decrease in ERG than ENRG but leptin gene expression was decreased both groups (p<0.001). These results show that exercise-responder group improved cardiovascular disease risk factors and adipocytokine more than exercise-nonresponder group after exercise training. Moreover, exercise-nonresponders group show that obese indices and blood leptin and leptin gene expression in adipose tissue were decreased despite the failure to improve fitness. Therefore, regular exercise training seems to give health benefits although the failure to improve fitness.

The Effects of cultural values on the physical health of Korean American caregivers through caregiver burden and social support, applying to the socio-cultural stress and coping model (문화적 가치가 수발부담 및 사회적 지지를 통해 남가주 한인 가족수발자의 신체적 건강에 미치는 영향 - 사회문화적 스트레스 대처모델을 적용하여)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Knight, B.G.
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.377-394
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    • 2009
  • Using the Socio-cultural Stress and Coping model, this study proposed a path model to explore how cultural values affect the physical health of Korean American caregivers through caregiver burden, receipt of informal social support and utilization of formal care services. For physical health outcomes, three physical health indicators were employed: self-reported global physical health, self-reported blood pressure, and salivary cortisol. The path model was analyzed by using a sample of 87 Korean caregivers living in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California, USA. The major findings of this study included the following: 1) Stronger belief in cultural values was associated with more frequent utilization of formal care services, leading to lower levels of systolic boold pressure; 2) Cultural values did not affect the physical health of Korean American caregivers through caregiver burden. The demonstration of positive effects of cultural values on the physical health of Korean America caregivers through social support utilization call attention to the need of further research on the understudied group providing family care to frail older family members.

Effect of aquatic walking exercise on body composition, hs-CRP, insulin resistance and blood pressure in obese elderly women (12주간 수중걷기운동이 비만 노인 여성의 신체조성, hs-CRP, 인슐린 저항성 및 혈압에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo-Hyeon Son;Min-Seong Ha;Byeong Hwan Jeon;Hyun-Tae Park
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.906-915
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aquatic walking exercise on body composition, hs-CRP, HOMA-IR, and blood pressure in obese elderly women. Twenty, obese elderly women[percent body fat(%BF) < 30%] composed of aquatic walking exercise group(EX, n=10), the control group(CON, n=10). The variables of body composition, hs-CRP, HOMA-IR, and blood pressure were measured in all the subjects pre and post of 12 weeks aquatic walking exercise(RPE 11-14, 3 times per week, 50 mins). The test data were analyzed by paired t-test and repeated ANOVA, and the alpha level of p<.05 was set for all tests of significance. %BF (p<.05), insulin (p<.01), HOMA-IR (p<.01) and SBP (p<.05) were significantly decreased in EX group compared to CON group. These results suggest that 12 weeks of aquatic walking exercise improves %BF, HOMA-IR, and blood pressure. Thus, this proposed aquatic walking exercise modality can be a useful therapy to improve both obese and cardiovascular disease in obese elderly women.

Experimental study on ultra-high strength concrete(130 MPa) (초고강도 콘크리트(130MPa)에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Cho Choonhwan;Yang Dong-il
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Construction Safety
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2024
  • High-rise, large-scale, and diversification of buildings are possible, and the reduction of concrete cross-sections reduces the weight of the structure, thereby increasing or decreasing the height of the floor, securing a large number of floors at the same height, securing a large effective space, and reducing the amount of materials, rebar, and concrete used for designating the foundation floor. In terms of site construction and quality, a low water binder ratio can reduce the occurrence of dry shrinkage and minimize bleeding on the concrete surface. It has the advantage of securing self-fulfilling properties by improving fluidity by using high-performance sensitizers, making it easier to construct the site, and shortening the mold removal period by expressing early strength of concrete. In particular, with the rapid development of concrete-related construction technology in recent years, the application of ultra-high-strength concrete with a design standard strength of 100 MPa or higher is expanding in high-rise buildings. However, although high-rise buildings with more than 120 stories have recently been ordered or scheduled in Korea, the research results of developing ultra-high-strength concrete with more than 130 MPa class considering field applicability and testing and evaluating the actual applicability in the field are insufficient. In this study, in order to confirm the applicability of ultra-high-strength concrete in the field, a preliminary experiment for the member of a reduced simulation was conducted to find the optimal mixing ratio studied through various indoor basic experiments. After that, 130 MPa-class ultra-high-strength concrete was produced in a ready-mixed concrete factory in a mock member similar to the life size, and the flow characteristics, strength characteristics, and hydration heat of concrete were experimentally studied through on-site pump pressing.

Pulse wave velocity and ankle brachial index in obese adolescents (비만 청소년에서 맥파 속도와 발목 상완 동맥압 지수에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji Hye;Koo, Hee Sun;Hong, Young Mi
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.11
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    • pp.1078-1084
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : The prevalence of childhood obesity has doubled over the last 30 years. Obesity-associated sequelae in the vasculature begins in the early stages of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate how pulse wave velocity (PWV) and ankle brachial index (ABI) change with height, weight and body mass index (BMI) in obese adolescents. Methods : Seventy-nine obese adolescents (group 1: $85th{\leq}BMI<95th$ percentile, n=40; group 2 ($BMI{\geq}95th$ percentile, n=39) were included. The control group(group 3) included 99 healthy adolescents. Brachial- ankle (ba) PWV and ABI were estimated with blood pressure from four extremities. Heart rate (HR), and pre-ejection period/ejection time (PEP/ET) were also estimated. BMI was calculated from individual height and weight. Linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the correlations between BMI and PWV. Results : Blood pressure and baPWV were significantly higher in group 2, compared to either group 1 or group 3. However, there was no significant difference in ABI, HR and PEP/ET between the groups. PWV showed linear correlation with both BMI and body weight. Conclusion : Obesity was associated with higher arterial stiffness in adolescents, which was demonstrated by an increase in PWV. There was no significant correlation between obesity and ABI.

Effect of Glycopyrrolate on Cardiovascular System in Dogs Sedated with Medetomidine-Midazolam Combination (개에서 Medetomidine과 Midazolam 병용 투여 시 Glycopyrrolate가 심맥관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Dae-Kyung;Shin, Beom-Jun;Lee, Jae-Yeon;Jee, Hyun-Chul;Park, Ji-Young;Kim, Myung-Cheol;Jeong, Seong-Mok
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.317-323
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to evaluate the effect of intravenous administration of glycopyrrolate on cardiovascular and respiratory system in dogs given intravenous medetomidine (20 ${\mu}g$/kg) and intramuscular midazolam (0.3 mg/kg) (MM). Prior to administration of MM, glycopyrrolate was administered intravenously at doses of 5 ${\mu}g$/kg (Gly-5), 10 ${\mu}g$/kg (Gly-10) or 20 ${\mu}g$/kg (Gly-20), respectively. For the control group saline was administered intravenously. In the cardiovascular system, HR, BP, RAP, PAWP, CI, SI, SVR, and PVR were measured. RR, $V_T$, $P_{ETCO2}$, and arterial blood gas analysis were measured for respiratory system. Although rapid and satisfied depth of sedation was obtained by MM, life-threatening bradycardia, the outstanding side-effect on cardiovascular system in dogs were observed. This combination also decreased CO and increased SVR, RAP, and PAWP significantly. The bradycardia could be prevented in all the glycopyrrolate treated groups, but tachycardia was observed in Gly-10 and Gly-20 groups. Significant increases in blood pressure were shown in glycopyrrolate treated groups. Also, tachycardia depends on dose of glycopyrrolate, compensating the CO. However, these were not fully reserved. In conclusion, MM combination could induce rapid and satisfied depth of sedation but was not the suitable method for the deep sedation of dogs with cardiovascular or circulatory problems.

Evaluation of Plasma D-dimer Concentration in Cats with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (비대성 심근증이 있는 고양이에서 혈장 D-dimer 농도의 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-Young;Han, Suk-Hee;Choi, Ran;Hyun, Changbaig
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.85-89
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    • 2014
  • Arterial thromboembolism (ATE) is a common and fatal complication of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats. Therefore in this study, we evaluated the hypercoagulability (using plasma concentration of D-dimer) in HCM cats with different stage of heart failure and left atrial enlargement and also investigated the any correlation with echocardiographic indices (including left free wall thickness at diastole, interventricular septal thickness at diastole, LA to Ao ratio, heart failure stage, existence of systolic anterior motion of mitral valve). The median plasma D-dimer concentration in this study population was $0.51{\pm}0.70$ (range 0 to 2.50) ug/mL in the control group, $1.47{\pm}1.29$ (range 0.3 to 5.79) ug/mL in the HCM group, $1.48{\pm}1.65$ (range 0.3 to 5.79) ug/mL in the ISACHC I group, $1.62{\pm}0.4$ (range 1.31 to 2.07) ug/mL in the ISACHC II group, $1.36{\pm}0.91$ (range 0.3 to 2.31) ug/mL in the ISACHC III group, $1.90{\pm}1.60$ (range 0.3 to 5.79) ug/mL in the cat with LA dilation, $1.72{\pm}0.72$ (range 0.6 to 2.31) ug/mL in cats with SEC-T, $1.19{\pm}0.70$ (range 0.3 to 2.31) ug/mL in the cats with SAM, and $1.63{\pm}0.80$ (range 0.6 to 2.31) ug/mL in the cats with ATE. Our study found the median and mean concentration of plasma D-dimer was higher in cat with HCM, ATE, SECT and SAM and clearly provides evidence of hypercoagulability in cats with HCM, although the severity was not correlated to the dilation of LA and the presence of heart failure. This is the first study evaluating the hypercoagulability in cats with HCM in Korea.