Purpose :This study was performed to find out the prognostic factors affecting local control in early glottic cancer treated with radiation therapy alone. Materials and Methods :We analysed 37 patients of histologically confirmed early glottic cancer treated at Chonnam National University Hospital between July Im and December 1995, retrospectively. Age of patients ranged from 30 to 73 years (median; 59 years). Thirty-five (95$\%$) patients were male. Histological type was all squamous cell carcinoma. According to the staging system of 1997 American Joint Committee on Cancer, 37 patients were restaged as follows: Tla; U (73$\%$), Tlb; 3 (8$\%$), 72: 7 (19$\%$). Radiation therapy was done using 6 MV X-ray of linear accelerator The range of total radiation dose delivered to the glottic lesion was between 5,040 cGy and 7,020 cGy (median; 6,600 cGy). Median follow-up period was U months. local control rates were calculated by Kaplan-Meier method. Generalized Wilcoxon test was used to evaluate the difference of control rates between comparable groups. Multivariate analysis using Cox proportional hazard model was done to find out prognostic factors affecting local control. Results:5 year survival rate of 37 patients was 89$\%$. Local control rate of 37 patients was 74$\%$ in 5 years. We included age, 7-stage, anterior commissure involvement, fraction size, total radiation dose, treatment time of radiotherapy as potential prognostic factors in univariate and multivariate analysis. As a result, treatment time had statistical significance in local control rate in both univariate (p=0.026) and multivariate (p=0.017) analysis. Complication was not recorded except one patient with hypothyroidism. Conclusion :This study revealed that overall treatment time of radiation was a significant factor affecting local control rate.
Park, Kyung-Chul;Park, Chang-Ho;Chon, Kyung-Soo;Rhee, Sung-Mo
Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
Dynamic traffic assignment(DTA) has been a topic of substantial research during the past decade. While DTA is gradually maturing, many aspects of DTA still need improvement, especially regarding its formulation and solution algerian Recently, with its promise for In(Intelligent Transportation System) and GIS(Geographic Information System) applications, DTA have received increasing attention. This potential also implies higher requirement for DTA modeling, especially regarding its solution efficiency for real-time implementation. But DTA have many mathematical difficulties in searching process due to the complexity of spatial and temporal variables. Although many solution algorithms have been studied, conventional methods cannot iud the solution in case that objective function or constraints is not convex. In this paper, the genetic algorithm to find the solution of DTA is applied and the Merchant-Nemhauser model is used as DTA model because it has a nonconvex constraint set. To handle the nonconvex constraint set the GENOCOP III system which is a kind of the genetic algorithm is used in this study. Results for the sample network have been compared with the results of conventional method.
Animations characterize space as a strategy to effectively show the inner conflicts of characters and to highlight the theme. During the process of inner conflict, characters unconsciously use defense mechanism to protect their egos from the fear that came from deficiency, and because of the self-deceptive quality of self-defense mechanism, the reality is distorted and conflicts get intensified. This study focuses on the concept of anti-house, the space where conflicts get intensified, analyzes animations to find out the aspect of inner conflict, and interprets the characteristic of space that is used for metaphoric structure frame. Also, it aims to reveal how the defense mechanism, which intensifies the inner conflict of characters, is characterized as anti-house. The analysis in this study was mainly done with the TV series, , and the theater version of . It is because the characters have serious deficiency from broken home and have a psychological quality of closed boundary that is symbolized as 'A.T. field'. Especially, the core character, 'Shinji Ikari', shows how a character uses compulsive self-defense mechanism to deal with inner conflict and as a result, goes through ego-collapse and then introspection. This process of the character's experience is the core of the whole plot. Through analysis, the relationship between the character's self-defense mechanism and the space, anti-house(which expands to Anti-city), was inferred. The space is made up of three axes, x-axis of horizontal space, y-axis of vertical space, and in the sense that all the space has no exit, z-axis of deeper contradictory space. This thesis started with the decision that is the most suitable work in analyzing the metaphorical relationship between self-defense mechanism and anti-house. There was limitation, however, as the typical characteristics of Japanese animations, pedantic composition and the possibility of broad interpretation, hindered clear verification. Hopefully, this limitation will be overcome by following studies and this study is expected to show the importance of space in interpreting the text of animations, and to serve as database for other creative works.
Platform is considered as an alternative strategy to the traditional linear pipeline based business. Moreover, in the 4th industrial revolution period, efficiency driven pipeline business model needs to be changed to platform business. We have such success stories about platform as Apple, Google, Amazon, Uber, and so on. However, for those smaller corporations, it is not easy to find out the transformation strategy. The essence of platform business is to leverage network effect in management. Thus platform based management can be rephrased as network management across the business functions. Research on platform business is popular and related to diverse facets. But few scholars cover what the research trend of the domain is. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the research trend on platform business in Korea. To do that we first propose the analytical model for platform architecture whose components are consumers, suppliers, artifacts, and IT platform system. We conjecture that mapping of the research work on platform to the components of the model will make us understand the hidden domain of platform research. We propose three hypotheses regarding the characteristics of research and one proposition for the transitional path from pipeline to platform business model. The mapping is based on the research articles filtered from the Korea Citation Index, using keyword search. Research papers are searched through the keywords provided by authors using the word of "platform". The filtered articles are summarized in terms of the attributes such as major component of platform considered, platform type, main purpose of the research, and research method. Using the filtered data, we test the hypotheses in exploratory ways. The contribution of our research is as follows: First, based on the findings, scholars can find the areas of research on the domain: areas where research has been matured and territory where future research is actively sought. Second, the proposition provided can give business practitioners the guideline for changing their strategy from pipeline to platform oriented. This research needs to be considered as exploratory not inferential since subjective judgments are involved in data collection, classification, and interpretation of research articles.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the priorities of oral health education contents for preschool children by targeting teachers and parents using the Borich priority formula and The Locus for Focus Model. The survey was conducted in 212 teachers and 215 parents from December 26, 2017 to January 21, 2018. The priorities of oral health education contents were based on a 3-step analysis method, including the paired sample t-test, Borich priority formula, and The Locus for Focus Model. As a result of this study, the number of items about oral health education for preschool children that were prioritized by teachers was 7, while that by parents was 9. The top priorities that teachers and parents had in common were the following 5 items; "The progression of dental caries," "Symptoms of dental caries," "How to prevent dental caries," "Eruption sequence of permanent teeth," and "Method for emergency management of avulsed teeth." The teachers' priorities of the oral health education contents were the same between teachers and parents; "Eruption sequence of deciduous teeth" and "The function of the permanent teeth" were added. The parents' priorities of the oral health education contents were the same between teachers and parents; "The effect of fluoride application," "The number of permanent teeth," "How to prevent malocclusion," and "The appropriate timing of malocclusion treatment" were added. Based on the results of this study, when developing oral health education programs for teachers and parents, oral health education for teachers should include 7 items and oral health education for parents should include 9 items.
This study was designed to investigate the effects of sports drink including the extract from Prunus mume on the changes of oxygen uptake, minute ventilaton, heart rate, and blood lactate concentration during 1 hour treadmill running exercise corresponding to 75%VO$_2$max. Subjects were 16 male athletes(long distance runners and tennis players). The changing patterns of oxygen uptake and minute ventilation showed no significnat difference among all types of sports drink, but the minute vetilation of the placebo group showed a higher value than type I group during submaximal exercise. Although the changing patterns of heart rate and blood lactate concentration showed no significnat difference among all types of sports drink, but type E group showed a lower heart rate compared to Placebo group. And blood lactate concentration of placebo group showed a higher value compared to the value corresponding to lactate threshold during submaimal exercise. but the other types of sports drink showed a lower value of blood lactate concentration. Especially blood lactate threshold of type D and E groups showed a lower value (range from 1.44 to 2.00mM) during submaximal exercise. In these results, the sports drink including the extract from Prunus mume showed no significant effects to the changes of oxygen uptake, minute ventilaton, heart rate, and blood lactate concentration during 1 hour treadmill runnuing exercise corresponding to 75%VO$_2$max. But it could be suggested the positive effects of the intake of sports drink including the extract from Prunus mume on the inhibition of exercise-induced fatigue during submaximal exercise, because of the lower changing Patterns of heart rate, blood lactate concentration, and ventilation efficiency in this results.
Background : Tumor necrosis factor(TNF) has been considered as an important candidate for cancer gene therapy based on its potent anti-tumor activity. However, since the efficiency of current techniques of gene transfer is not satisfactory, the majorities of current protocols is aiming the in vitro gene transfer to cancer cells and re-introducing genetically modified cancer cells to hoot. In previous study, it was shown that TNF-sensitive cancer cells transfected with TNF-$\alpha$ cDNA would become highly resistant to TNF. Understanding the mechanisms of TNF-resistance in TNF-$\alpha$ gene transfected cancer cells would be an important step for improving the efficacy of cancer gene therapy as well as for better understandings of tumor biology. This study was designed to evaluate the role of new protective protein synthesis in the acquired resistance to TNF of TNF-$\alpha$ gene transfected cancer cells. Method : We transfected TNF-$\alpha$ c-DNA to WEHI164, a murine fibrosarcoma cell line, using retroviral vector(pLT12SN(TNF)) and confirm the expression of TNF with PCR, ELISA, MIT assay. Then we determined the TNF resistance of TNF gene transfected cells(WEHI164-TNF) and the changes of TNF sensitivities after treatments with actinomycin D(transcription inhibitor) and cycloheximide ( translation inhibitor). Results : WEHI164 which was sensitive to TNF became resistant to TNF after being transfected with TNF-$\alpha$ gene and the resistance to TNF was partially reversed after treatment with actinomycin D, but not with cycloheximide. Conclusion : The acquired resistance to TNF after TNF-$\alpha$ gene transfection may be associated with synthesis of some protective proteins.
Background : Tumor necrosis factor(TNF) has been considered as an important candidate for cancer gene therapy based on its potent anti-tumor activity. However, since the efficiency of current techniques of gene transfer is not satisfactory, the majority of current protocols is aiming the in vitro gene transfer to cancer cells and re-introducing genetically modified cancer cells to host. In the previous study, it was shown that TNF-sensitive cancer cells transfected with TNF-$\alpha$ cDNA would become highly resistant to TNF, and the probability was shown that the acquired resistance to TNF might be associated with synthesis of some protective protein. Understanding the mechanisms of TNF -resistance in TNF-$\alpha$ cDNA transfected cancer cells would be. an important step for improving the efficacy of cancer gene therapy as well as for better understandings of tumor biology. This study was designed to evaluate the role of MnSOD, an antioxidant enzyme, in the acquired resistance to TNF of TNF-$\alpha$ cDN A transfected cancer cells. Method : We transfected TNF-$\alpha$ c-DNA to WEHI164(murine fibrosarcoma cell line), NCI-H2058(human mesothelioma cell line), A549(human non-small cell lung cancer cell line), ME180(human cervix cancer cell line) cells using retroviral vector(pLT12SN(TNF)) and confirm the expression of TNF with PCR, ELISA, MIT assay. Then we determined the TNF resistance of TNF-$\alpha$ cDNA transfected cells(WEHI164-TNF, NCIH2058-TNF, A549-TNF, ME180-TNF) and the changes of MnSOD mRNA expressions with Northern blot analysis. Results : The MnSOD mRNA expressions of parental cells and genetically modified cells of WEHI164 and ME180 cells(both are naturally TNF sensitive) were not significantly different The MnSOD mRNA expressions of genetically modified cells of NCI-H2058 and A549(both are naturally TNF resistant) were higher than those of the parental cells, while those of parental cells with exogenous TNF were also elevated. Conclusion : The acquired resistance to TNF after TNF-$\alpha$ cDNA transfection may not be associated with the change in the MnSOD expression, but the difference in natural TNF sensitivity of each cell may be associated with the level of the MnSOD expression.
Baak, Young-Mann;Ahn, Byoung-Yong;Mun, Je-Hyeok;Jeong, Jin-Sook;Kim, Ji-Hong;Kim, Kyoung-Ah;Lim, Young
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Background: Pneumoconiosis, like other chronic respiratory diseases, is essentially incurable and, for many, progressive. While improved survival time is an important aim of treatment, there is growing recognition that for some people, improving the quality of life is more important than extending the length of life. Currently the measurement of the quality of life is used to assess the efficacy of therapeutic agents. Methods: Sixty-three pnemoconiotics who were admitted to St. Mary's Hospital between April and August 1999 were interviewed using COOP charts, Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire(CRQ) and Pneumoconiotic Respiratory Questionnaire(PRQ), a newly developed questionnaire concerning clinical and socioeconomic features of pneumoconiotics. Also, ILO classification of the chest film, pulmonary function test, and arterial blood gas analysis of the patients were evaluated. The scores between Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance(IACI) covered and uncovered patients and between clinically stable and unstable patients were compared. Results: Domains of CRQ and PRQ showed a high internal consistency reliability($\alpha$=0.86-0.89, 0.77-0.81) except the dyspnea domain($\alpha$=0.63) of CRQ. The scores on the CRQ and PRQ showed statistically significant correlations with the results of COOP charts, pulmonary function test and arterial blood gas analysis. The dyspnea domain and social activity domain of the PRQ showed significant difference between IACI covered and uncovered patients and between clinically stable and unstable patients. Conclusion : Korean translation of the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire and the newly developed Pneumoconiotic Respiratory Questionnaire are reliable and valid methods and are likely to be useful in measuring the quality of life in patients with the chronic respiratory disease including pneumoconiosis.
Jang, Won Hee;Jeong, Young Joo;Lee, Won Hee;Kim, Mooseong;Kim, Sang-Jin;Urm, Sang-Hwa;Moon, Il Soo;Seog, Dae-Hyun
Journal of Life Science
The intracellular transport of organelles and protein complexes is mediated by kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs). The first kinesin, kinesin 1, was identified as a molecular motor protein that moves various organelles and protein complexes along the microtubule rails in cells. Kinesin 1 is a tetramer of two heavy chains (KHCs, also called KIF5s) and two kinesin light chains (KLCs). KIF5s interact with many different proteins through their tail region, but their binding proteins have not yet been fully identified. To identify the interaction proteins for KIF5A, we performed yeast two-hybrid screening and found a specific interaction with ferritin heavy chain (Frt-h), which has a role in iron storage and detoxification. Frt-h bound to the amino acid residues between 800 and 940 of KIF5A and to other KIF5s in the yeast two-hybrid assay. The coiled-coil domain of Frt-h is essential for interaction with KIF5A. In addition, ferritin light chain (Frt-l) interacted with KIF5s in the yeast two-hybrid assay. In addition, these proteins showed specific interactions in the glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assay. An antibody to KHC specifically co-immunoprecipitated Frt-h and Frt-l from mouse brain extracts. These results suggest the kinesin 1 motor protein may transport the ferritin complex in cells.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.