• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기능 검증

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Characteristics of Lactate Dehydrogenase Produced from Lactobacillus sp. FFy111-1 as a Ruminant Probiotic (반추동물용 활성제로서 Lactobacillus sp. FFy111-1이 생산한 Lactate Dehydrogenase의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, H.G.;Kim, D.K.;Bae, H.D.;Shin, H.T
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.625-634
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this experiment is to study the possibility of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) enzyme to prevent lactate accumulation in the rumen, For understanding capacity of bacterial LDH in rumen environments, this study was conducted to explore the effects of temperature, pH, VFAs and metal ions on Lactobacillus sp. FFy111-1's LDH activity, and the LDH activation in rumen fluid accumulated lactate. The optimum pH and temperature of LDH were pH 7.5 and 40$^{\circ}C$, respectively. The LDH activity had a good thennostability at range from 30 to 50$^{\circ}C$. The highest pH stability of the enzyme was at ranges from pH 7.0 to 8.0 and the enzyme activities showed above 64% level of non-treated one at pH 6.0 and 6.5. The LDH was inactivated by VFAs treatments but was enhanced by metal ion treatments without NaCl and $CuSO_4$ Especially, the LDH activity was increased to 127% and 124% of its original activity by 2 mM of $BaCl_2$ and $MnSO_4$, addition, respectively. When the acidic rumen fluid was treated by LDH enzyme of Lactobacillus sp. FFy111-1, the lactate concentration in the rumen fluid was lower compared with non-treated rumen fluid(P<0.05). This lactate reduction was resulted from an action of LDH. It was proved by result of purified D,L-LDH addition that showed the lowest lactate concentration among the treatments(P<0.05). Although further investigation of microbial LDH and ruminal lactate is needed, these findings suggest that the bacterial LDH has the potential capability to decrease the lactate accumulated in an acidic rumen fluid. Also, screening of super LDH producing bacteria and technical development for improving enzyme activity in rumen environment are essential keys for practical application.

Studies on the Therapeutic Effect and Mechanism of Korean Red Ginseng Total Saponin on Infertility Caused by Polycystic Ovaries (홍삼사포닌 투여의 다낭성난소에 의한 불임 치료효과 및 기작연구)

  • Kim, Se-Eun;Oh, Dong-Min;Sim, Kyung-Mi;Jeong, Moon-Jin;Lim, Sung-Chul;Nah, Seung-Yeol;Lee, Yun-Lyul;Kang, Seong-Soo;Moon, Chang-Jong;Kim, Jong-Choon;Kim, Sung-Ho;Bae, Chun-Sik
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2009
  • Experimental induction of polycystic ovary (PCO) resembling some aspects of human PCO syndrome was produced using the long-acting compound estradiol valerate (EV). Our previous study on the role of Korean red ginseng total saponins (GTS) in a steroid-induced PCO rat model demonstrated that electro-acupuncture modulates nerve growth factor (NGF) concentration in the ovaries. In fact, the involvement of a neurogenic component in the pathology of PCO-related ovarian dysfunction is preceded by an increase in sympathetic outflow to the ovaries. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that therapeutic GTS administration modulates sympathetic nerve activity in rats with PCO. This was done by analyzing NGF protein and NGF mRNA expression involved in the pathophysiological process underlying steroid-induced PCO. EV injection resulted in significantly higher ovarian NGF mRNA expression in PCO rats compared to control rats, and PCO ovaries were counteracted by GTS administration with significantly lower expression of NGF mRNA compared to EV treated ovaries. However, NGF protein was unaffected in both EV and GTS treated ovaries compared to control rats. These results indicate that EV modulates the neurotrophic state of the ovaries, which may be a component of the pathological process by which EV induces cyst formation and anovulation in rodents.

Optimization Test of Plant-Mineral Composites to Control Nuisance Phytoplankton Aggregates in Eutrophic Reservoir (부영양 저수지의 조류제거를 위한 기능성 천연물질혼합제의 최적화 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Baik-Ho;Moon, Byeong-Cheon;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2011
  • To optimize the natural chemical agents against nuisance phytoplankton, we examined algal removal activity (ABA) of Plant-Mineral Composite (PMC), which already developed by our teams (Kim et al., 2010), on various conditions. The PMC are consisted of extracted-mixtures with indigenous plants (Camellia sinensis, Quercusacutissima and Castanea crenata) and minerals (Loess, Quartz porphyry, and natural zeolite), and characterized by coagulation and floating of low-density suspended solids. A simple extraction process was adopted, such as drying and grinding of raw material, water-extraction by high temperature-sonication and filtering. All tests were performed in 3 L plastic chambers varying conditions; six different concentrations ($0{\sim}1.0\;mL\;L^{-1}$), six light intensities ($8{\sim}1,400\;{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}s^{-1}$), three temperatures ($10{\sim}30^{\circ}C$), four pHs (7~10), five water depths (10~50 cm), and three different waters dominated by cyanobacteria, diatom, and green algae, respectively. Results indicate that the highest ABA of PMC was seen at $0.05\;mL\;L^{-1}$ in treatment concentrations, where showed a reduction of more than 80% of control phytoplankton biomass, while $1,400\;{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}s^{-1}$ in light intensity (>90%), $20{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ temperature (>60%), 7~9 in pH (>90%), below 50 cm in water depth (>90%), and cyanobacterial dominating waters (>80%), respectively. Over the test, ABA of PMC were more obvious on the algal biomass (chlorophyll-${\alpha}$) than suspended solids, suggesting a selectivity of PMC to particle size or natures. These results suggest that PMC agents can play an important role as natural agents to remove the nuisant algal aggregates or seston of eutrophic lake, where occur cyanobacterial bloom in a shallow shore of lake during warm season.

Study on the Characteristics of EEG in Resting State on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Performance (시공간 작업기억 수행능력에 따른 안정상태에서의 뇌파 특성 연구)

  • Jung, Chul-Woo;Lee, Hyeob-Eui;Wi, Hyun-Wook;Choi, Nam-Sook;Park, Pyong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to predict visual-spatial working memory performance through the characteristics of an electroencephalogram (EEG) in the resting state. The 31 study participants, middle school students with various to academic performance, were underwent visual-spatial working memory test in the Comprehensive Attention Test (CAT) on December in 2014. Each 7 and 6 participants were divided into an Excellent Working Memory (EWM) group and Poor Working Memory (PWM) group depending on the forward/backward working memory scores. The EEG measurements and analysis of the data from a Brain Function Tester were performed by the two groups. A Mann-Whitney Test was used to examine the statistical differences between them. The activation of high beta (${\beta}H$) at the Fp1 and Fp2 sites in the left and right hemisphere, and that of the low beta (${\beta}L$) in the right hemisphere in the EWM group was significantly higher than that in the PWM group. In conclusion, there is a correlation between the visual-spatial working memory performance and the activation of ${\beta}H$ and ${\beta}L$ in the resting state and a close correlation that of ${\beta}L$ in the right hemisphere in terms of mental activity and faculty. Therefore, the visual-spatial working memory performance can be predicted by the activation of ${\beta}H$ and ${\beta}L$ in the resting state. The activation of EEG can be applied as an assessment tool and provide basis data for visual-spatial working memory performance.

Conceptual framework for Emotions in Usability of Products (제품 사용성과 감성에 관한 개념적 연구)

  • Lee Kun-Pyo;Jeong Sang-Hoon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2005
  • With the advent of computer technology, the fundamental nature of products has shaped from physical forms towards product interactivity, The focus is now on usability of the product with ease and efficiency rather than conversing with just the looks of the product. However, most definitions of usability and contemporary usability-related researches, have focused on the performance-oriented functional aspects of usability (i.e., how well users perform tasks using a product). Today, user expectations are higher; products that bring not only functional benefits but also emotional satisfaction. So far, there have been many studies on human emotions and the emotional side of products in the field of emotional engineering. Contemporary emotion-related researches have focused mainly on the relationship between product aesthetics and the emotional responses elicited by the products, but little is known about emotions elicited from using the products. The main objective of our research is analyzing user's emotional changes while using a product, to reveal the influence of usability on human emotions. In this research, we suggested conceptual framework for the study on the relationship between usability of products, and human emotions with emphasis on mobile phones. We also extracted emotional words for measuring user's emotions expressed not from looking at the product's appearance, but from using the product. First, we assembled a set of emotions that is sufficiently extensive to represent a general overview of the full repertoire of Korean emotions from the literature study. Secondly, we found emotional words in the after note by the users on the websites. Finally, verbal protocols in which the user says out loud what he/she ks feeling while he/she ks carrying out a task were collected. And then, the appropriateness of extracted emotional words was verified by the members of the consumer panel of a company through web survey. It is expected that emotional words extracted in this research will be used to measure user's emotional changes while using a product. Based on the conceptual framework suggested in this research, basic guidelines on interface design methods that reflect user's emotions will be illustrated.

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Antioxidant Activities of Ethanol Extracts from Different Parts of the Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) Obtained Using Ultra-sonication (초음파 처리에 의한 검정라즈베리 부위별 에탄올 추출물의 산화방지 활성)

  • Kim, Ki An;Kwon, Ji Wung;Kim, Yong-Suk;Park, Pill Jae;Chae, Kyu Seo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.504-510
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to investigate the antioxidant effects of different parts (stems, leaves, and seeds) of the black raspberry for utilization as food materials. Different parts of the black raspberry were subjected to extraction via ultra-sonication extraction methods using water and ethanol at various concentrations (25, 50, 75, and 100%). Antioxidant capability of the extracts were determined by amounts of phenolic compounds, with flavonoid contents, radical scavenging activity, and reducing power. Irrespectively of ethanol concentration, extracts of stem showed the highest total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities among different parts of black raspberry. The total phenolic compounds extracted from the black raspberry stem using 25 and 50% ethanol showed $348.21{\pm}5.40$ and $343.39{\pm}5.94mg/g$, respectively. Fifty percent ethanol extracts of the black raspberry stem showed the highest DPPH ($EC_{50}$ value: $60.89{\mu}g/mL$) and ABTS radical scavenging activities ($EC_{50}$ value: $82.57{\mu}g/mL$). Further, 25% ethanol extacts of the black raspberry stem ($0.263{\pm}0.004$) was found to have the highest reducing power. The highest antioxidant activity of black raspberry stem indicates that black raspberry stem may be useful source for functional food.

A Study on the Antigastritic Effects of Rheum Species Extracts and Their Active Components (대황 추출물의 항위염 작용과 유효성분에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, In Young;Jeong, Choon Sik
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2013
  • Rheum tanguticum has long been used in oriental medicine as antipyretics, analgesics, anti-inflammation, aperient, hypertension medicine and medicine for skin disease. This study has investigated the effectiveness of defense for gastritis making use of Rheum tanguticum and its similar plants, Rumex cripus, Rheum officinale, Rhem palmatum and Rheum undulatum. Chysophanol, chrysophanol-8-O-glc, Desoxyrhaponticin desoxyrhaponti-genin, emodin, isorhaponticin, 2-methoxy-4-hydroxyanthraquinone-5-O-glc, physcion, pirace-tannol-3'-O-glc, resveratrol, rhaponticin and rhapontigenin are used as the components of Rheum tanguticum. In HCl ethanol-induced gastritis in rat, the most effective extract was 70 percent ethanol which is of Rheum tanguticum, showing the inhibition of 91.8 percent to the gastric lesions. 70% ethanol extract of Rhem palmatum and Rumex cripus shown inhibition of 75.6 percent and 73.2 percent, respectively. This effectiveness is considered as acid-neutralizing capacity, anti-H.pylori and anti-oxidant activity. 70% ethanol extract of Rheum tanguticum and its component, piracetannol-3'-O-glc exhibited higher free radical scavenging activity than others. These results suggest that Rheum species extracts and their active components could be utilized for the treatment of gastritis. Furthermore, these results are expected to contribute the standardization with objectivity and reliability for Rheum species, medicinal herbs. In addition, it can contribute to the prevention of indiscriminate distribution of imitation, and the rising rate of dependence on imports of medicinal herbs, and mixing prevention of low-quality goods.

A Reliable Protocol for transfection of mature primary hippocampal neurons using a neuron-glia co-culture system (신경세포-신경교세포 공동배양을 이용한 성숙한 해마신경세포의 효율적인 형질전환 방법)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sook;Cho, Sun-Jung;Jung, Yong-Wook;Jin, Ing-Nyol;Moon, Il-Soo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.2 s.82
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2007
  • DNA transfection is a powerful tool for studying gene functions. The $Ca^{2+}$-phosphate precipitation remains one of the most popular and cost-effective transfection techniques. Mature neurons are more resistant to transfection than young ones and most other cell types, and easy to die if microenvironment changes. Here, we report a transfection protocol for mature neurons. The critical modifications are inclusion of glial cells in culture and careful control of $Ca^{2+}$-phosphate precipitation under microscope. Cerebral glial cells were grown until ${\sim}70-80%$ confluence in DMEM/10% horse serum, which was thereafter replaced with serum-free Neurobasal/Ara-C, and 319 hippocampal neurons were plated onto the glial layer Formation of fine $DNA/Ca^{2+}$-phosphate precipitates was induced using Clontech $CalPhos^{TM}$ Mammalian Transfection Kit, and the size ($0.5-1\;{\mu}m$ in diameter) and density(about 10 particles/$100\;{\mu}m^2$) were carefully controlled by the time of incubation in the medium. This modified protocol can be reliably applied for transfection of mature neurons that are maintained longer than two weeks in vitro, resulting in 10-15 healthy transfected neurons per a well of 24-well plates. The efficacy of the protocol was verified by punctate expression of $pEGFP-CaMKII{\alpha}$, a synaptic protein, and diffuse expression of pDsRed2. Our protocol provides a reliable method for transfection of mature neurons in vitro.

Antifatigue Effect of Eel and Plant Mix Extracts during Aerobic Running Training in Sprague Dawley Rats (붕장어와 식물류 추출 복합조성물의 투여가 유산소성 트레이드밀 운동에 의한 흰쥐의 피로회복 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Min-Jung;Hwang, Cho-Rong;Lee, Soo Jung;Shin, Jung-Hye
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.728-736
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to improve and strengthen the function of eel extract prepared with 5 brix eel extract (EE), 5 brix eel and plant mix (black garlic, ginseng, black jujube) 0.35 ml extracts prepared and treated with the extract (EIM-1), and 0.7 ml (EIM-2) divided group. The extracts were administered to rats for five weeks during running training, and the lipid profiles and antioxidant enzyme activities were tested. The lipid content in liver and serum were lower than the normal group difference was not significant between groups. Serum total cholesterol was lower in the experimental group than the control group the mixed extract significantly lower level. HDL-cholesterol levels in the eel extract and eel mixed extract significantly increased by feeding the EIM-1 is 2.0 times, EIM-2 is increased by 2.3 times. Liver glycogen content in the experimental group performed the exercise group compared with the normal control group was significantly lower than in EIM is significantly higher than the control group. The TBARS content in the liver and serum was significantly higher than the normal group was lower than the control group. GOT and GPT were significantly decreased compared to the control group. Hepatic catalase activity was significantly increased in the EIM-1 group, and SOD and GSH-px activities were increased in the EIM-1 and EIM-2 groups. Supplementation with the eel and plant mix extract increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Thus, intake of the eel and plant mix extract could improve the antioxidant status and combat different types of oxidative stress.

The Effect of Chinese Customer Coffee Benefit Sought on Korean Coffee Shop Satisfaction, Attachment, and Loyalty - Based on Mediating Effect of Korean Wave Attitude - (중국소비자의 커피제품 추구편익이 한국 커피전문점 만족도와 애착 및 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 한류태도 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyung-Ju;Suh, Ji-Youn
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.151-166
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of Chinese customer coffee sought benefits on satisfaction with, and attachment and loyalty to Korean coffee shops. Based on a total of 200 samples obtained for empirical research from 10 Mar. to 25 July, 2015, of self-administrated questionaries completed by patrons in Beijing, Shanghai, Haerbin in China, data were analyzed for frequency, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, it was found that Chinese customer sought pursuits (functional & experimental benefits, symbolic benefit) had an effect on satisfaction of Korea coffee shop. Second, satisfaction influenced Korean coffee shop attachment and loyalty. Third, Korean wave attitude had a mediating effect between satisfaction, attachment and loyalty. From the results, we can conclude following implications: First, by providing atmosphere of South Korea, menu, barista service, we can predict that Korean coffee brands can prevail in competition through active promotions of their brands. Second, Korean coffee brands can make a strategy that includes providing full service from trained South Korean baristas and hosting talk shows between baristas from South Korea. Third, providing the opportunity to visit South Korea for local cafe tours is a good social event. These results will help control marketing strategies in China. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.