• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기관지유발 검사

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The Effect of a Proton-pump Inhibitor in Unexplained Chronic Cough Patients (진단이 내려지지 않은 만성기침 환자에서 양자펌프억제제의 치료효과)

  • Yang, Joo Youn;Lee, Ho Youn;Kim, Nam Hee;Kim, Youn Seup
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2006
  • Background: Recent studies have suggested an association between chronic cough and gastroesophageal reflux. Our study aimed to assess the utility of a proton-pump inhibitor in unexplained chronic cough patients. Methods: Patients with chronic cough of unknown etiology were evaluated using a chest x-ray, methacholine challenge test, and an empirical trial of postnasal drip therapy. After excluding other potential causes of the cough, forty patients were included in the study and treated for 8 weeks with a proton-pump inhibitor. Results: Eleven and three patients in the first and second 4 weeks were lost to follow-up, leaving twenty-six patients finally included in the study. Of these patients, two were unimproved, eight partially responded to the proton-pump inhibitor and sixteen responded completely after the 8 week treatment. Conclusion: We suggest that empirical treatment with a proton pump inhibitor in all patients with persistent cough, which is not secondary to asthma or postnasal drip syndrome, represents a practical and simple approach to this ailment.

Polymorphisms of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Gene Associated in Patients with COPD with or without Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness (만성폐쇄성폐질환에서 ACE 유전자 다형성과 기관지 과민성의 연관성)

  • Kim, Seung Soo;Choi, Eu Gene;Park, Seoung Ju;Lee, Heung Bum;Lee, Yong Chul;Rhee, Yang Keun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2005
  • Background : An insertion-deletion polymorphism of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene has been shown to be associated with enzyme activity levels of ACE. Reported results that have been mutually contradictory about asthmatic hypersensitiveness and occurrence according to ACE gene insertion (I)/deletion (D) polymorphism. Also, the involvement of the ACE genes as the genetic basis of bronchial asthma is currently controversy. We investigated whether there was any association between polymorphisms of the ACE genes and airway hyper-responsiveness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods : A total of 100 patients with COPD were enrolled in this study. The ACE genotypes were determined in all subjects by polymerase chain reaction. Pulmonary function test including bronchodilator response (BDR), methacholine bronchial provocation test (MBPT) were done in those patients. Airway hyper-responsiveness include any findings of positive BDR or MBPT. Results : In COPD patients, the ACE genotype distribution did not differ significantly among groups of patients with severities of COPD, and with or without airway hyper-responsiveness. Conclusions : These results suggest that polymorphisms of the ACE gene may not be associated with airway hyper-responsiveness, development and severity of COPD.

Diagnostic Performance of Routine Objective Tests and Cost-Effective Approach for Chronic Cough (만성 기침의 진단 성적과 경제적 접근 모델)

  • Jeon, Gang;Jang, Seung Hun;Song, Hae Geun;Ha, Jun-Wook;Eom, Kwang-Seok;Bahn, Joon-Woo;Kim, Dong-Gyu;Shin, Tae Rim;Park, Sang Myon;Park, Yong Bum;Kim, Chul-Hong;Hyun, In-Gyu;Jung, Ki-Suck
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.535-542
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    • 2004
  • Background : Despite the clinical clues of bronchial asthma, some chronic coughers fail to be diagnosed due to negative test results. This study was aimed at evaluating the diagnostic performance of routine objective tests and identifying a cost-effective approach for asthmatics with a chronic cough. Methods : Patients with a chronic cough of more than 3 weeks duration, and showing normal chest radiograph and spirometry were enrolled. On the first visit, objective tests, composed of serum total IgE, peripheral blood eosinophil count, spontaneous sputum eosinophil count, methacholine bronchial provocation test (MBPT) and paranasal sinus radiograph, were performed, with the simultaneous administration of oral prednisolone (0.5mg/kg) for one week. The final diagnoses were made on the basis of the test results, and the patients grouped according to their steroid responsiveness. The role of the etiologic diagnosis tests was evaluated, and the medical costs of the final management plan simulated with respect to three assumed models. Results : Sixty chronic coughers were finally analyzed. The final diagnoses were as follows: bronchial asthma 21.7%, eosinophilic bronchitis 6.7%, paranasal sinusitis 18.3%, presumptive allergy 8.3% and non-diagnostic case 45.0%. Ninety percent were steroid responder. With the bronchial asthma cases, the positive rate of MBPT was 38.5%, with sputum eosinophil count in 84.6%, serum total IgE in 38.5%, and a peripheral blood eosinophil count rate of 30.8%. When the test results and steroid responsiveness data were applied to the 3 models, the chest radiograph, spirometry, sputum eosinophil count and paranasal sinus radiograph test results, and simultaneous short term steroid treatment seemed to have acceptable diagnostic performances, which could be used as a further guide to cost-effective planning. Conclusion : Objective tests, composed of chest radiograph, spirometry, paranasal sinus radiograph and sputum eosinophil count, with simultaneous short term steroid treatment, are suggested as cost-effective approaches for asthmatics with a chronic cough.

Echocardiographic Diagnosis of Intracardiac Masses in Yorkshire Terrier Dogs : 2 Cases (요크셔테리어 개에서 심장초음파를 이용하여 진단된 심장내 종괴 2 증례)

  • Han, Donghyun;Kim, Hyunji;Hyun, Changbaig
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.483-487
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    • 2012
  • Primary and metastatic tumors involving the heart are relatively uncommon in dogs. In this study, we provide the echocardiographic diagnosis of intracardiac masses in 2 Yorksire terrier dogs. In the first case, the mass was attached between ascending aorta and pulmonary artery and caused moderate aortic regurgitation and moderate left ventricular dilation. The case was graded into ISACHC II heart failure. The dog was treated with common cardiac medications (i.e. furosemide, enalapril, pimobendan) and oral chemotherapeutic agent (i.e. lomustine). In the second case, the mass was occupied 2/3 of the left atrium and caused marked dilation of left atrium and severe mitral regurgitation (~5 m/s), but not severe congestive heart failure (ISACHC Ib). Although the nature of progression of the mass was likely to cardiac myxoma, the biopsy was not performed due to the owner's refusal. The dog was currently treated with cardiac medications (i.e. ramipril, clopidogrel) and bronchodilator (i.e. aminophylline). Those two dogs are still survived and are currently regularly checked.

Clinical manifestation of human bocavirus infection in children (소아 human bocavirus의 임상적 고찰)

  • Choi, Chang Sun;Pak, Chan Hee;Jung, Kwan;Lee, Gun;Sun, Kyu Keun;Kim, Eun Young;Kim, Kyoung Sim;Kim, Yong Wook;Seo, Jin-Jong;Chung, Yoon-Seok
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Human bocavirus (HBoV) was recently identified world widely in clinical specimens from infants and children with respiratory tract illness, but the role of HBoV in respiratory tract illnesses is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and the clinical manifestation of HBoV in pediatric patients. Methods : We retrospectively investigated 1,777 throat swab obtained between 2005 and 2006 from pediatric in-patients with acute respiratory tract diseases at the Kwang-ju Christian Hospital. The medical records of patients with positive results were reviewed for demographic and clinical data of HBoV infections. Results : HBoV DNA was found in 84 (4.7%) of the 1,777 hospitalized children and the mean age was 19 months. The most common diagnosis were pneumonia (67.8%), bronchiolitis (35.7%). HBoV infections were found year-round, though most occurred in spring and winter months. Conclusion : HBoV is frequently found in hospitalized infants and children with acute respiratory tract diseases in Korea, but an association of HBoV with a distinct respiratory tract manifestation was not apparent. To clarify the clinical significance of HBoV, further evaluation of various age groups and clinical groups is needed.

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Clinical Evaluation of Surgical Treatment for Hemoptysis Patients (객혈환자의 외과적 처치에 대한 임상적평가)

  • 이성주;문승철
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.11
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    • pp.1097-1104
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    • 1997
  • The expectoration of blood is always a fearful experience for the patient and a matter of grave concern to the attending physician, because it may be the warning sign of serious diseases. When such bleeding occurs, the possibility of its being due to pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis or carcinoma of the lung is promptly suggested. Nowadays, with the advance of modern diagnostic studies, differential diagnosis has become possible for the hemoptysis patients to have appropriate treatment. This evaluation is based on the review of 75 cases of patients whom we performed emergency open thoracotomies for 6 years from March 1992 to February 1997 in the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul Adventist Hospital. The mean age of the patients was 36.6 years old with a range from 19 to 68, and most prevalent age group was thirties. The most common underlying lung disease causin hemoptysis was tuberculosis(44%). Most accurate diagnostic study was bronchoscopy during hemoptysis(95 Vo) and right middle & lower lobe(17.3%) was the most common site of lesion. Lobectomy(50%) was the most frequent operative method and recurrent hemoptysis(31.6%) was the most common postoperative complication. But most of the patients(82.6%) were completely recovered by surgical treatment. Now we concluded that the proper management of hemoptysis was completed by surgical approach with definite diagnosis and supportive medication.

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  • 정광윤;최종욱;유홍균
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1991.06a
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    • pp.32-32
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    • 1991
  • 성대의 점막하 조직의 부종을 특징으로 하는 폴립양 성대는 음성의 남용 및 상기도에 대한 다양한 자극 요인들에 의하여 발생된다고 보고되어 있으며, 현재까지 부종의 기전 및 병태에 대하여도 혈괴의 유리화 현상(hyalinization), 또는 단순한 혈관의 투과력 증대 등의 논란이 많은 실정에 있어 치료방법 역시 학자에 따라 견해를 달리하고 있다. 이에 저자들은 폴립양 성대의 치료에 도움을 얻고자 최근 5년간 본 교실에서 경험한 폴립양 성대 34례(남자 18예, 여자 16예, 평균연령 53.7세)에 대한 임상 소견 및 저자들의 치료 성적을 분석 검토하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 측별로는 총 34예중 양측 23예(67.6%), 편측 11예(32.4%)이었다. 2. 동반질환으로 성대에 타 질환이 있었던 예가 9예(후두용 5예, 과각화증 3예, 성대마비 1예 ; 26.5%), 수면무호흡증 5예(14.7 %)이었으며 전신질환이 있었던 예가 4예(기관지 천식 2예, 폐결핵 2예 ; 11.8%)이었다. 3. 유발요인으로는 음성남용 7예(20.6%), 상기도감염 3예(8.8%), 흡연 26 예 (76.5%)이었다. 4. 공기역학검사 및 청각심리검사가 가능하였던 14예에서 최대발성지속시간이 정상이하이었던 예가 10예(71.4%), 발성율이 정상이상이었던 예가 9예 (64.3%)이었으며, 애성의 특징도 조호성(rough)이 10예(71.4%)로 가장 많았다. 5. 총 34예를 sucking technique를 적용하여 수술적 치료를 하였는데 음성이 호전된 경우는 32예(정상 15예, 호전 17예 : 94.1%)이었으며 호전되는데 걸린 평균 기간은 2.8개월이었다. 이상의 성적으로 보아 폴립양 성대는 국소 또는 전신적으로 동반질환이 많고 흡연 등의 만성 자극 요인이 있으며 술후 음성 호전에 걸리는 기간이 길어 보다 복합적인 측면에서 치료에 임하여야 할 것으로 사료된다. with such configuration.trap with 2.88[eV] deep of injected space charge from the chathode in the crystaline regions. The origin of ${\alpha}$$_2$ peak was regarded as the detrapping process of ions trapped with 0.9[eV] deep originated from impurity-ion remained in the specimen during production process of the material, in the crystalline regions. The origin of ${\beta}$ peak was concluded to be due to the depolarization process of "C=0"dipole with the activation energy of 0.75[eV] in the amorphous regions. The origin of ${\gamma}$ peak was responsible to the process combined with the depolarization of "CH$_3$", chain segment, with the activation energy of carriers from the shallow trap with 0.4[eV], in he amorphous regions.의 증발산율은 우기의 기상자료를 이용하여 구한 결과 0.05 - 0.10 mm/hr 의 범위로서 이로 인한 강우손실량은 큰 의미가 없음을 알았다.재발이 나타난 3례의 환자를 제외한 9례 (75%)에서는 현재까지 재발소견을 보이지 않고 있다. 이러한 결과는 다른 보고자들과 유사한 결과를

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Short-Term Efficacy of Steroid and Immunosuppressive Drugs in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Pre-treatment Factors Associated with Favorable Response (특발성폐섬유화증에서 스테로이드와 면역억제제의 단기 치료효과 및 치료반응 예측인자)

  • Kang, Kyeong-Woo;Park, Sang-Joon;Koh, Young-Min;Lee, Sang-Pyo;Suh, Gee-Young;Chung, Man-Pyo;Han, Jung-Ho;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Rhee, Chong-H.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.685-696
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    • 1999
  • Background : Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a diffuse inflammatory and fibrosing process that occurs within the interstitium and alveolus of the lung with invariably poor prognosis. The major problem in management of IPF results from the variable rate of disease progression and the difficulties in predicting the response to therapy. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the short-term efficacy of steroid and immunosuppressive therapy for IPF and to identify the pre-treatment determinants of favorable response. Method : Twenty patients of IPF were included. Diagnosis of IPF was proven by thoracoscopic lung biopsy and they were presumed to have active progressive disease. The baseline evaluation in these patients included clinical history, pulmonary function test, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and chest high resolution computed tomography (HRCT). Fourteen patients received oral prednisolone treatment with initial dose of 1mg/kg/day for 8 to 12 weeks and then tapering to low-dose prednisolone (0.25mg/kg/day). Six patients who previously had experienced significant side effects to steroid received 2mg/kg/day of oral cyclophosphamide with or without low-dose prednisolone. Follow-up evaluation was performed after 6 months of therapy. If patients met more than one of followings, they were considered to be responders : (1) improvement of more than one grade in dyspnea index, (2) improvement in FVC or TLC more than 10% or improvement in DLco more than 20% (3) decreased extent of disease in chest HRCT findings. Result : One patient died of extrapulmonary cause after 3 month of therapy, and another patient gave up any further medical therapy due to side effect of steroid. Eventually medical records of 18 patients were analyzed. Nine of 18 patients were classified into responders and the other nine patients into nonresponders. The histopathologic diagnosis of the responders were all nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) and that of nonresponders were all usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) (p<0.001). The other significant differences between the two groups were female predominance (p<0.01), smoking history (p<0.001), severe grade of dyspnea (p<0.05), lymphocytosis in BAL fluid ($23.8{\pm}16.3%$ vs $7.8{\pm}3.6%$, p<0.05), and less honeycombing in chest HRCT findings (0% vs $9.2{\pm}2.3%$, p<0.001). Conclusion : Our results suggest that patients with histopathologic diagnosis of NSIP or lymphocytosis in BAL fluid are more likely to respond to steroid or immunosuppressive therapy. Clinical results in large numbers of IPF patients will be required to identify the independent variables.

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Relationship between exhaled nitric oxide and pulmonary function test in children with asthma (소아 천식에서 호기산화질소와 폐기능 검사의 관계)

  • Ko, Han-Seok;Chung, Sung-Hoon;Choi, Yong-Sung;Choi, Sun-Hee;Rha, Yeong-Ho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Asthma is characterized by reversible airway obstruction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness result from airway inflammation. Fraction of nitric oxide in expired air (FeNO) has recently been investigated as a noninvasive measure of airway inflammation. FeNO has been reported to correlate with induced sputum eosinophilia and methacholine challenge test that it is represent severity of asthma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of FeNO with pulmonary function tests in patients with intermittent asthma. Methods : Eighty children included in this study were diagnosed as asthma from April through August, 2005 in Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyunghee University. They aged from 4 to 15 years who were able to conduct spirometry and FeNO monitoring. They did not have upper respiratory tract infection and did not use an asthma controller which contain corticosteroids within 4 weeks. Pulmonary function test was done and FeNO was measured with online tidal breathing method using a chemiluminescence NO analyzer (CLD 88 sp, Eco Medics, Duernten, Switzerland). The correlations between pulmonary function test and FeNO were analyzed using Spearman correlation coefficient method. Results : The mean of FeNO of subject was 16.88 parts per billion (ppb). The mean of forced expiratory volume in 1 second ($FEV_1$) was $0.890{\pm}0.455L$ and forced vital capacity (FVC) was $1.071{\pm}0.630L$. The mean of predicted $FEV_1%$ ($FEV_1%pred$) was $98.39{\pm}34.27%$ and $FEV_1/FVC$ was $88.53{\pm}19.49$. FeNO was significantly correlate with $FEV_1$ (r=0.345, P<0.01) and FVC (r=0.244, P<0.05). FeNO did not correlate with $FEV_1%pred$ or $FEV_1/FVC$. Conclusion : The measurement of FeNO could be a useful marker in the management of childhood asthma and it is evolving to provide a complementary role alongside existing pulmonary function test. We propose that measuring technique and establishment of normal reference range are important area for future research.

The Role of Inhaled Corticosteroid in the Management of Chronic Cough (만성 기침에서 스테로이드 흡입제의 역할)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hun;Jang, Seung Hun;Lee, Jung-Hwa;Eom, Kwang-Seok;Bahn, Joon-Woo;Kim, Dong-Gyu;Shin, Tae Rim;Park, Sang Myon;Lee, Myung-Gu;Kim, Chul-Hong;Hyun, In-Gyu;Jung, Ki-Suck
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2006
  • Background : Cough may be a consequence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness or inflammation. Empirical treatment is important in this context because it difficult to verify the obvious cause of cough using laboratory tests, Corticosteroid has a nonspecific anti-inflammatory effect, and can be used for cough management. However, its response rate has not yet been fully elucidated. This study investigated the short- term effects of inhaled corticosteroid on chronic cough Methods : Patients with chronic cough with a normal chest radiograph and a pulmonary function test were enrolled. Cases with a prior respiratory infection within 8 weeks, a history of bronchial asthma, objective wheezing on examination, subjective symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux or taking an ACE inhibitor were excluded. On the first visit, a methacholine bronchial provocation test, spontaneous sputum eosinophil count performed twice and a paranasal sinus radiograph were checked, and the patients were treated with budesonide turbuhaler $800{\mu}g/day$ for ten days. The primary outcome measure was a decrease in the cough score after treatment. Results : Sixty nine chronic coughers were finally analyzed. The final diagnoses by the routine tests were as follows: bronchial asthma 13.0%, eosinophilic bronchitis 18.8%, paranasal sinusitis 23.2% and non-diagnostic cases 53.6%. The following responses to the inhaled corticosteroid were observed: definite responders, 76.8%, possible responders, 2.9% and non-responders, 20.3%. The response rate was not affected by the final diagnosis even in the non-diagnostic cases. There were minimal adverse drug related effects during the empirical treatment. Conclusion : Routine objective tests such as methacholine provocation, sputum eosinophil count and simple radiographs were notare not suitable for diagnosing chronic cough Therefore, empirical treatment is important. Short term inhaled corticosteroid is effective and can guide a further treatment plan for chronic cough.