• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근적외

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Study for Snow Cover Characteristics Using Visible and SWIR channels from MODIS data (MODIS 적외 휘도 온도와 반사도를 이용한 적설역 특성 연구)

  • Yeom, Jong-Min;Han, Kyung-Soo;Park, Youn-Young;Lee, Chang-Suck;Kim, Young-Seup
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.03a
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    • pp.267-270
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    • 2007
  • 눈은 지표면의 물리과정에서 중요한 요소 중의 하나로 짧은 시간 동안에 많은 변화를 유도할 있다. 본 연구에 MODIS 채널자료를 이용하여 적설역에서 나타나는 단파적외 채널과 반사도 특성을 알아보았다 일반적으로 MODIS 위성자료를 이용한 적설연구는 근적외 채널을 활용한 NOSI (Normalized Difference of Snow Index)를 주로 사용한다. 하지만 본 연구는 정지기상 위성의 적셜 탐지 능력을 시험하기 위한 연구이다. 따라서 정지 기상 위성 탑재되어 있는 채널의 특성과 비슷한MODIS 가시 채널과 단파 적외 채널 자료를 이용하여 적설지역을 분석하였다단일 가시 채널을 이용하여 적설을 탐지 하는 것은 청천역일 경우 큰 어려움이 없으나 반면 구름과 적설이 혼재되어 있는 지역에서는 탐지 능력이 떨어진다.반면 BID 값을 활용한 적설지역 탐지는 단일 가시 채널을 활용한 방법보다 좋은 결과를 가지지만 하층운이 존재할 때는 여전히 적설과 구름을 명확히 구분하기는 어렵다.

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Rapid Evaluation of Chemical Components of Rice Grain Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (근적외분광분석법에 의한 미질관련 성분 측정)

  • 황흥구;조래광;손재근;이수관
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to establish the rapid evaluation method of chemical components of rice grain on the basis of non-destructive method. A near-infrared reflectance spectroscopic(NIRS) method was utilized, for the determination of amylose, protein, magnesium, and potassium content of rice. A multiple linear regression analysis for the data obtained by standard laboratory methods and NIRS method was carried out to make a calibration. The standard error of prediction for amylose, protein, magneisum and potassium content were 0.88%, 0.28%, 12.62mg and 10.79mg, respectively. It was concluded that the NlRS method can be useful the rapid determination of amylose, protein, magnesium and potassium content instead of the existing laboratory method.

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An Exploratory Study on the fNIRS-based Analysis of Business Problem Solving Creativity (기능적 근적외 분광법(fNIRS) 기반의 비즈니스 문제해결 창의성에 관한 탐색연구)

  • Ryu, Jae Kwan;Lee, Kun Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.167-168
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    • 2018
  • The importance of business problem-solving creativity (BPSC) becomes crucial much more as competitive situations go on in the market. However, how to assess the BPSC remains an unsolved research issue yet in the literature. In this sense, this study proposes an exploratory analysis of the BPSC from the view of neuro-science experiments called fNIRS. The fNIRS represents a functional near-infrared spectroscopy, a new type of neuro-science research paradigm. This study proposes an exploratory level of how to conduct the fNIRS-based experiments to analyze the BPSC.

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